
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Before Qin Shaofeng came in, he had already thought that the number of ghost slaves here might be very scary.

But the previous three days, except for the first two hours.

Other times, ghost slaves rarely appear.

He thought there were not many ghost slaves here.

But he didn’t expect anyhow, there will be such a scene unexpectedly.

At a glance, I saw that the mountains and plains were crowded with people.

In any one meter square, there are at least five or six ghost slaves standing, which is totally a feeling of squeezing the life of the companions.

“It seems that he already knows that I am coming.”

Qin Shaofeng laughed in a low voice and moved towards the mountain with a knife and killed him.

Ghost slaves are not Human Race.

Although they have the command of the wise creature, the Ghost King, they are also impossible to distinguish between friends and enemies.

Qin Shaofeng also does not expect anything casually.

Faced with such a large number of ghost slaves, he wanted to move forward, and all he had to do was to kill.

Full one hour.

He finally reached a hillside a few thousand meters away.

Finally there is a place to let go.

He immediately moved towards the gate entrance behind and forgot to pass.

At this glance, the corner of his mouth was fiercely twitched.

I saw that at the entrance where he came in, there were unexpectedly how many ghosts and corpses slaves moved towards the crowded outside.

The scene comes alive like a fight for the only one reincarnation quota.

“These ghost and corpse slaves are quite cooperative. Their actions should make the three Old Guy headaches?” Qin Shaofeng gave a low laugh, turned and moved towards the mountain again and rushed towards the mountain.

And when he turned around again, three bloody silhouettes had already been killed.

“Qin Shaofeng, where are you going to run?”

A loud shout came from Lu Yang’s mouth.

Qin Shaofeng subconsciously glanced back.

The scene caught his eye, but he opened his mouth again in astonishment.

Because the three people now look like they are really bloody.

The problem is that they bathe in their own blood.

“The lowest of the three Old Guy cultivation bases is also the 7th grade god star. How could some ghost slaves be injured like this?” Qin Shaofeng couldn’t help being stunned.

With his current cultivation base, even if it is just the body protection astral qi condensed by the silk of qi and blood, it is not a ghost slave who can easily break through.

But the three people are full of scars, which really makes him unable to think about the reason.

But he couldn’t think of anything.

When he first arrived, it was when the order of the corpse slaves boarded the giant stone of the starry sky abyss.

At the entrance platform of the Four Mountains world, although the number of ghosts and corpses slaves is also very scary, it is not enough to say that they can’t get off their feet.

When three people arrived, it was a different scene.

The ghost and corpse slaves of the Four Mountains world were detained for three days.

You can imagine how much the number has increased in these three days.

Especially when the four doors are open.

Under the full strength outbreak, those people turned out to be sad. It would be nice not to be squeezed off the platform by the ghost slaves. Simply don’t think about going forward.

Seeing that the platform has started to leave.

They had no choice but to open all the trump cards.

It is a full-strength rush without defense to be able to come here.

The price is that all three people are injured, at least as many as hundreds of injuries.

Especially the consequences of the outbreak.

Three people have serious internal injuries.

The Land of Shining Stars.

They came here to die, where else would they bring any other high-level healing medicine pill?

Only those mediocre medicine pills in the land of the shining star really don’t have much effect.

All emotions are superimposed.

The three people almost burst their lungs.

So when I saw Qin Shaofeng, no one could suppress the anger in his heart anymore.

“Have you finally caught up?”

Qin Shaofeng put away his surprise and laughed: “But what if you catch up, do you really think you have the ability to chase and kill? Hahaha…”

He continued to accelerate amidst his laughter.

Feiheng mountain range is indeed the land of burial he prepared for three people.

Even the ghoul slave here is one of his preparations.

But if three people can be consumed more, it will bring him much convenience.

He is very clear about this calculation.

The mountains and plains are full of ghosts and corpses slaves, and Feiheng Mountain Range has long been invisible.

He also relies on his familiarity with here.

After a full day of rushing and killing, I finally found the crack in the past.

I don’t know what happened here in the crack.

The Feiheng mountain range has clearly been squeezed out of the head by the ghost slave, but it is empty here.

“Are there restrictions on ghost slaves?”

Qin Shaofeng gave a startled suspicion, but got into the crack.

The long-lost peace finally arrived.

Make sure that the ghost slave has no intention of chasing and killing him, he is immediately sit cross-legged, one after another medicine pill quickly thrown into the mouth.

For most of the killing, his cultivation base and mental consumption were extremely serious.

Divine Consciousness expands.

Determining the speed of the three people’s rush, it was too much slower than him. There was no at least two hours, and it was impossible to chase them.

He closed his eyes immediately and took a nap.

Take a nap in this dangerous place.

Probably only he who is carrying the Heavenly Void Insect King has the courage.

Two hours.

His qi and blood power has already regained Peak, even when his mental state has recovered to at least 80%.

The call in a path of consciousness finally sounded.

“Is it finally here?”

Qin Shaofeng opened his eyes suddenly and saw the three people who had come to several hundred meters.

Compared to the last time I saw it.

The state of the three people is already full of malaise.

Looking at it, it seems that even if you don’t take action yourself, you may not be able to resist it for long.

“The three Old Guys are really persevering. They are so exhausted that they are still chasing after them.” Qin Shaofeng laughed in a low voice.

“They have absolute confidence.”

Heavenly Void Insect King seems to be triggered by Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng some didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

Really just determination and confidence?

He left the words to the three Old Guys time and time again, not just to keep the three people from quitting.

The three people at this moment are probably filled with anger long ago.

Don’t say he is right in front of you.

Even if you can’t even find your own shadow, I believe that the three people are impossible to retreat like this.

It can only be said that the arrival of the three people is all because of his arrangement.

It is clear in his heart, but he will not say this to Heavenly Void Insect King.

Get up slowly.

Moving his muscles a little bit, he took the sword out again.

“I have been working with Yi for so long, I want to see how much battle strength the three Old Guys have left.” Qin Shaofeng chuckled.

Power of Lightning wraps around him.

Faced with the three High Level powerhouses, he would not continue to hide anything.

Not to mention that Ximen Lingzhong is paying attention to the movement here. Even if Jun Zhan’s nephew really dared to come over, Ximen Lingzhong would not let them see anything.

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