
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Ximen Tianyun used to be just a nobody that everyone looked down on.

But who can think of it.

In the face of the catastrophe, the only one who found himself and threatened to use his life to win a line of life force for himself, turned out to be the once nobody.

Qin Shaofeng is accustomed to seeing good people but not paying well.

In all his past, he never regarded himself as a good person, but he didn’t expect that his unintentional actions would cause such results?

a nobody is often the most grateful and seeking to repay the kindness.

His eyes were fixed on Simon Tianyun for a long time.

“Tianyun, I understand your kindness, but I am confident that I will not fall here. If you want to repay me, you will save your life to me, and you will do more for me in the future. Do things.” Qin Shaofeng said solemnly in his heart.


There were tears in Ximen Tianyun’s eyes.

Qin Shaofeng didn’t want to look anymore, and with a flick of his hand, a pill bottle was sent into his hand.

“many thanks Sir for giving medicine.”

Ximen Tianyun turned and left.

Until his silhouette disappeared from his eyes, Qin Shaofeng took a deep breath.

“It seems that what I have done in recent years is not necessarily so meaningless.”

He said to himself with a smile on his face: “Ximen Tianyun, you treat me like this, how can I, Qin Shaofeng hurt you?”

His cultivation base is much higher than Ximen Tianyun.

This sentence was obviously impossible to be heard by Ximen Tianyun.

But he didn’t know it.

After Ximen Tianyun left quickly, he gave him the medicine pill and took him out. Fiercely gritted his teeth: “Sir, the old man knew that the medicine pill you sent was not the Poison Pill, but even if it didn’t. Then Poison Pill, can we do nothing?”

The same muttering to himself, he quickly moved towards the forest behind Baihua Valley.

In this mountain forest, a hundred people are waiting here.

The headed several people are all heavenly ascension cultivation base.

These people are all diehards cultivated by Ximen Tianyun.

Learning that Simon Tianyun was going to stay to die, they all stayed.

Let Ximen Tianyun go to ask for Poison Pill, which is also the result of their discussion.

Seeing the arrival of Simon Tianyun, one of them hurriedly stepped forward and asked: “Tian Sir Yun, how about it? Alliance Lord Sir can grant Poison Pill?”


Ximen Tianyun’s eyes flashed with determination, and said: “Sir doesn’t want us to do that.”


The face of Old Zhang suddenly collapsed.

“You don’t need this expression.”

Ximen Tianyun patted him on the shoulder, and said, “We can live to this day, and we can have today, all thanks to Sir. Although Sir does not want us to die, we can’t do nothing.” /p>

“What if Sir refused to reward Poison Pill?”

“Old Zheng, I know that you have a lot of contacts with Dantang people. You also have at least three Poison Pills in your hand. Give me all of them.” He shouted to another old man.


The old man walked out ugly complexion.

In the eyes of Ximen Tianyun, he took out a pill bottle.

Among them are the four Poison Pills he has worked so hard to obtain over the years.

“Four, not bad, not bad!”

Ximen Tianyun opened the pill bottle, and his eyes suddenly appeared happy.

“This medicine pill is not as overbearing as the Poison Pill of Hyun Yin Sect, but it can also turn our life force into battle strength, and its magical effects are endless!”

As he said, he left one medicine pill, and the other three were given to his three faithful loyalists.

“You are all heavenly ascension powerhouses, and only we can bring out the most huge might of this Poison Pill.”

Immediately, he moved towards the others and said, “Brothers, I, Simon Tianyun, can’t help you, and I couldn’t ask you for the Poison Pill, but Sir’s kindness must be reported. At that time, the old man gave us an order. Everyone goes together and can hold each other for as long as possible.”


Everyone’s voice is low, but they speak with a decisive tone.

Time slowly passed, and soon it was Late in the morning.

The person Qin Shaofeng was waiting for finally appeared in the eyes of Baihuagu’s Gukou Disciple.

That is a team of only a hundred people.

For the first influence Cloud Sea Sect in the land of shining stars, such a team of messengers can’t be considered too large.

Before this team came to the front, one of them shouted: “We are the messengers of Cloud Sea Sect. Let Qin Shaofeng come to greet you immediately!”

As soon as that person shouted out, many people’s faces appeared astonished.

Anyone whose complexion changes is from 7 Star.

They have already recognized the identity of people coming only by their voices.

“It looks like… Jiang Xuan’s voice?”

“I used to open Yang lineage, the head of Jiang Family?”

“Cloud Sea Sect sent messengers over, why did we send such a guy over? Isn’t this intentional to disgust us?”

“You are waiting here, I will report to the Alliance Lord Sir.”

Several people discussed a few times, and one of them quickly moved towards Baihua Valley and ran back.

Not long after, the man’s report sounded outside the meeting room.

“Alliance Lord Sir, the messenger of Cloud Sea Sect is here, but among their people coming, there is Jiang Xuan the thief.” The report sounded from outside the door.

“Jiang Xuan?”

A sneer flashed in Qin Shaofeng’s eyes.

Compared to the person who reported the news outside the door, he did not see the slightest anger on his face, and said softly, “Didn’t expect Cloud Sea Sect to be so unhappy with us? Hahaha, let them come in and see me by themselves! “

“Yes, Sir.”

The reporter was obviously also very angry at Jiang Xuan’s appearance.

Getting the order of Qin Shaofeng, without any explanation, he turned around and moved towards Baihuagu Valley.

When he returned, the 100-Man Team had already come to the gate of Baihuagu Mountain.

The person who spread the news immediately saw Jiang Xuan with the small man intoxicated by success at the front of the waiter team, and the expression in his eyes suddenly became cloudy.

“My Alliance Lord, let you go in by yourself.” The reporter said in a strong voice.

“What did you say?”

Jiang Xuan was furious: “brat, my Sir is in Cloud Sea Sect, that is also a person of high status, Qin Shaofeng’s little bastard dare not come to meet him in person?”

“Where did the mad dog dare to bark like this in front of our Alliance Mountain?”

The voice of the disciple was even colder, and his eyes were full of angrily and glanced at the carriage gathered by a hundred people, and said: “I have already heard the words of Alliance Lord Sir. If you don’t want to enter, if you don’t want to enter. , Then please!”

His attitude is more domineering than Zhi Jiang Xuan.

No one who can follow Qin Shaofeng to fight until now is a fool.

In the battle to destroy the Four Elephant Sects a few days ago, Cloud Sea Sect’s attitude was very weird. Now that Jiang Xuan, a traitor, is specifically asked to come over, it is obvious that he has never thought of a proper solution.

If this is the case, there is no need for them to give these people a good face.

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