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“Mr. Fang meant… Regardless of whether this matter is related to the alliance, in short, this matter can be related to the alliance, then use this to please Sect?” The city lord immediately cleared the comprehension.

The counselor, Mr. Fang, laughed and said nothing.

It seems that these all are what the lord himself thinks, has nothing to do with him.

The city lord and the others have long been accustomed to the attitude of Fang Mage, and no one cares too much about this matter.

But they all started thinking about the feasibility of this.

As long as you say this, you can immediately push them to the cusp of the storm.

But the benefits are definitely coming.

Sect has already taken action on the alliance.

If they can use ignorant people to suppress the alliance, they will definitely be appreciated by Sect.

When the disaster brought by the real ghost and corpse slaves comes, they may also be protected by Sect.

“Well, that’s it!”

The city lord immediately applauded and ordered loudly: “Immediately send people to walk around the news. The 7 Star Gate and the Star Chasing Gate Alliance are extremely vicious. Starland perish together.”

The city lord of Yongling is indeed inferior to many people in plot against some plots.

But he is not a brainless person.

After thinking a little bit, I immediately decided on such a partly detailed and partly vague rhetoric.

The general situation is clear.

It can be fuzzy in many ways, at least the phrase 鈥減erish together with the land of the shining star鈥?is a joke in the eyes of discerning people.

People have clearly fled to the Great Northern Wilderness to live in, how can they specifically seek death?

But they simply don’t need to think about that many.

It is enough for some people to believe this kind of lie.

Immediately, under the arrangement of the city lord of Yongling, the people below moved towards all directions for a walk.

However, due to the disappearance of Heaven’s Mystery Building, the disappearance of various great influences, and the surrender of surrender, where else is there someone specializing in investigating news from various places?

They simply didn鈥檛 know that the Four Elephant Sect they still wanted to climb was destroyed by Qin Shaofeng three days ago.

Even Qin Shaofeng is now ready to start with Cloud Sea Sect.

Hundred Flowers Valley.

Qin Shaofeng did defeat the Four Elephant Sect.

But because there was originally the Lair of the Four Elephant Sects, and the entire mountain peak had been overturned by them because he wanted to get the foundation stone of the Teleportation Array.

Even if Qin Shaofeng feels distressed about the great array of the Four Elephant Sects, it is impossible to take people there.

Return to Baihua Valley.

When he told the news about the complete destruction of the Four Elephant Sects and the destruction of the Teleportation Array of the Four Elephant Sects, the ghosts of Chen Old Xing, Hua Shiyue and the others in Baihua Valley almost stared out Up.

A few days have they just returned?

Furthermore, didn’t you go to test the situation today?

Why did you go out and wipe out the entire influence?

Qin Shaofeng’s explanation made everyone mess in the wind again.

They have long known that Qin Shaofeng is very capable of seizing opportunities.

But it was as strong as this, but it was something they couldn’t even imagine.

Qin Shaofeng did not give them much time for shock.

“Although I led people to destroy the Four Elephant Sects, the Four Elephant Sects have a powerhouse overseeing the 7th grade powerhouse. Presumably Cloud Sea Sect will not be much worse, and they have one-way Teleportation. Array, unless a surprise attack, Cloud Sea Sect will definitely have a powerhouse coming.”

“Furthermore, I killed the powerhouse of the powerhouse of the four elephants, it was a coincidence.”

“If he hadn’t been so big, he would use his neck to pick up my blade, let alone kill him, I don’t even have the ability to injure a single hair on him.”

“So, our real crisis has just begun.”

When he said this, he immediately pulled everyone back from the thousands of thoughts.

although is they did not see the original battle.

They have been in contact with Qin Shaofeng for so long, they can also imagine.

The powerhouse of the god star is definitely a scene where Qin Shaofeng鈥檚 cultivation base is too weak, and he does not dodge, letting Qin Shaofeng chop.

As Qin Shaofeng said.

There is only one chance like that.

“So…what are you going to do?”

The joy on the faces of several people suddenly disappeared, and Qi Qi looked at him.

“We seem to have no chance to think now.”

Qin Shaofeng took a deep breath and said: “The Four Elephant Sects joined forces with Cloud Sea Sect to prepare to eat the people we sent in the past. Then they must know about the Four Elephant Sects. Next…” /p>

“It should be said that Cloud Sea Sect wants to do it.”

“What do you want to do with Cloud Sea Sect?”

Everyone Qi Qisi set off his words and couldn’t help but be nodded.

“Three Old Ancestors, Uncle Tian, 鈥嬧€媜ld ghost, Zhou Qing, I need some suggestions from you.” Qin Shaofeng moved towards everyone started.

Since he took power, he has rarely asked other people for their opinions.

When everyone heard his inquiry, they immediately thought about it.

Various suggestions kept coming out.

Qin Shaofeng really adopted only three or four.

The people of Heaven’s Mystery Building are best at all kinds of intelligence matters, and Qin Shaofeng immediately dispersed them all.

Be sure to clarify the situation of Cloud Sea Sect.

Except for this.

Almost all other aspects were raised by Zhou Qing.

Those are not major events, and Qin Shaofeng directly delegates the authority.

Available that night.

Cloud Sea Sect sent news, blaming them for not doing what they originally negotiated, which led to the death of many people in Cloud Sea Sect.

Qin Shaofeng and the others hearing this almost burst out laughing.

Fortunately, Cloud Sea Sect dared to say such a thing.

Nothing but.

The last sentence that Cloud Sea Sect said, because of the Four Elephant Sect, is really worth noting, but the powerhouse behind Cloud Sea Sect.

Cloud Sea Sect will dispatch a messenger, which will arrive 3 days later.

Everyone present immediately understood.

Cloud Sea Sect must have learned about the Four Elephant Sects. These three days are a delay.

But they also need to know about Cloud Sea Sect now.

As a result, with the arrival of the news, both parties became silent.

“Little Feng, something is wrong.”

Today’s night is approaching gradually.

Tian Xinye, who specializes in intelligence, hurried to the welcome room of the Hundred Flowers Pavilion.

Since they all arrived, this place has gradually become a temporary meeting room for the Alliance.

At this time, dinner has just passed.

Qin Shaofeng and several Alliance Lords are still summarizing the information obtained in the past few days.

hearing this, several people all looked up.

“What’s the situation?” Qin Shaofeng asked.

“There are two things in total. The information is almost transmitted from the same time.”

Tian Xinye took a few breaths and said: “The first information came before one hour. A large number of ghost and corpse slaves appeared in Tianlian Mountain to invade the land of Yaoxing.”

“The second thing is that the true information of Cloud Sea Sect was found out by our people.”

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