
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 濡欑瑪闃?” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Ghost slave!?”

The man who had just stepped into the window of Rapid Speed 鈥嬧€媠aid his name frowning.

The restaurant all looked at him.

“Ghost slave? What is that stuff?”

“It seems that zombie is enough to make people incomprehensible, you can still say such a name?”

“This brat seems to be young, only in his thirties. Isn’t it a rant?”

“Fart, don’t you see that the people coming home’s cultivation base is tyrannical?”

“Yes, that’s right, this Sir cultivation base is powerful, and it can recognize the identity of a ghost slave at a glance. Obviously, you know what a ghost slave is and how to kill it.”

Many people quickly changed from unbelief to guarding.

A pudgy man, who looked like the goods of a nouveau riche, asked the man complimentarily: “This Sir, since you know this ghost slave, you should know how to deal with this thing, right? “

“I know there is a fart!”

The man immediately laughed at their words.

If you know what it is called, you should know how to deal with it?

What does this mean?

Furthermore, haven’t you seen how many ghosts and corpses come out suddenly, and every time they bit someone, how many people will be corpses with corpse poison?

This Young Master, even after several years of stimulation, the cultivation base has reached the Rank 3 holy star position, it seems that it can’t be killed?

even more how, even more how 鈥︹€?/p>

“Why is it useless?” The short fatty local rich asked puzzled.

“Why? Are you blind? Those ghost slaves, the weakest are comparable to the powerhouse battle strength of the holy star, and impervious to sword and spear, even if the cultivation base is three or four steps higher than them , You can’t kill one of them even if you try full-strength.”

“Those…those…fuck, are they the existence of Peak in the special sacred position, or the existence of fucking heavenly ascension?”

The men are almost crying.

This person is named Zi Kuang, and he is the person of Free and Unfettered Gate Zi Family bloodline, but at the same time, he is also a person from Beize Island and the first assassin of the Assassin Guild.

It used to have the title of World’s First assassin.

It’s just this name. After Ran Zun returned to Qin Shaofeng, and then Qin Shaofeng formed the Three Great Influences alliance, it made him faceless, who had just broken through to Celestial at that time.

For this reason, he has been desperately cultivating almost all these years.

It was only a few days ago that the breakthrough Rank 3 holy star.

Because he and Qin Shaofeng once had a little friendship, he received an invitation from the Island Lord of Beize Island, and the woman who was with him went to the Land of Shining Stars.

How could he imagine that he had encountered such a thing just after coming here?


“Holy star? Go to Celestial?”

“That…Sir, you didn’t want to take action, so you deliberately scared us like this?”

Everyone was full of expressions that couldn’t believe it.

There are too few powerhouses in the Great Northern Wilderness.

The incident that Qin Shaofeng brought with the Alliance was just a legend to them.

They didn’t see that many powerhouse with their own eyes, so naturally they would not really believe it.

Not to mention that it has been two years.

People are forgetful, they have already forgotten those 鈥榬umors鈥?

Suddenly hearing what Zi Kuang said, how could they believe it?

When these people were indignant, Zi Kuang鈥檚 female companion came over and said in a deep voice: “It should have been heavenly ascension, and the number of steps is not low. At least I didn鈥檛 feel it on Old Master鈥檚 body. Such a tyrannical aura.”

“The number of steps is not low? What’s a joke?”

Zi Kuang also shivered from the woman’s words.

Although the words are questions, his eyes are full of believing, but he is not willing to believe this fact.

If the woman is someone else, he can to disdain as beneath contempt.

But this person is the real Island Lord of Kitazawa Island, even if the old man from Free and Unfettered Gate Zi Family passed by, took the seat of the Island Lord.

If she disagrees with the purple Old Master, most of them will act in accordance with her opinion.

This shows her true identity.

With her status, how can she talk nonsense?

even more how.

In the past few years, Qin Shaofeng is not the only one who has been stimulated by him. It should be said that the battle strength of Beize Island has doubled several times.

The cultivation base of this female Island Lord has also reached the ninth-order holy star.

Although it has not yet reached Peak, it is also one of the Peak cultivation base powerhouses of the Great Northern Wilderness.

How could her words be false?

“Unexpectedly, even better than that Old Guy? That Old Guy is two-step heavenly ascension, si si hiss!” Zi Kuang finally spoke again.

“Don’t waste time. Although those ghosts and corpses are still taking action on ordinary persons, they will soon come to the restaurant. If we don’t hurriedly escape, I’m afraid we will all die here.” Female Island Lord worriedly said.

“Huh? This, this…we don’t go to the land of the shining star?” Zi Kuang went crazy immediately.

“Got a fart. You didn’t see that the ghost slaves came from the south. Obviously there is a problem with Tianlian Mountain. We only need to go over and die?” The female Island Lord was so angry that she wanted Laugh.

But the crisis is so great right now that she feels that her heart has been messed up.

“Yes, yes, hurry up.”

Zi Kuang finally woke up from shock and jumped Lao Gao abruptly.

They want to escape.

The others on the second floor are unwilling to do.

The people here are mostly ordinary persons, or people with a weak cultivation base.

Suddenly I heard that any ghost slave has a battle strength of the saint star position, how can they hold it?

Finally met two powerhouses, how can I not report on my thighs?

The short fatty came to Zi Kuang immediately, loudly said: “You two, don鈥檛 you guys do this very good?”

“Although you didn’t say much, but we can also hear that you should be the people of the Overlord influence of the Great Northern Wilderness. We are all your people. How can you turn a blind eye to our lives?”

“Not bad.”

“We didn’t give you less confession, how can you do this?”

“In the past, when we needed to pay taxes and other things, we could not be connected to us all the time. Now it is dangerous. How can you just run for your life?”

“Yes, if you don’t want to care about us, then you don’t want to leave!”

The words of the short fatty immediately attracted everyone in the restaurant to agree.

It happened that they had heard the two mention Purple Old Master before.

I don鈥檛 know whether the two belonged to Kitazawa Island, or before the Free and Unfettered Gate where most people had left, they were just called you.

Zi Kuang and the female Island Lord almost laughed with anger from these people.

“You rubbish group, even if we don’t know who we are, you even gave us offerings. Where did you put all the tributes?” Zi Kuang laughed heartily.

Everyone’s face changed suddenly.

They were really pricked for weakness.

Who knows which influence these two people are?

Where can I take care of that many now? It’s important to pull them into the water first!

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