
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The Four Elephant Sect really deserves to be called the first influence in the land of the shining star.

A huge city was built in the place.

When Qin Shaofeng three people arrived, there were still countless powerhouses in this city.

Fortunately, their cultivation base is strong enough.

All the way to avoid the exploration of the patrol discipline and enter the core of the city.

Until the scorpion Old Ancestor said, they have entered the root of the Four Elephant Sects, and there is an array of defenses in the depths that are impossible.

Qin Shaofeng finally dared to detect Divine Consciousness.

This view.

Qin Shaofeng was shocked again.

The foundation of the Four Elephant Sects is like a huge Imperial Palace.

But everyone who can enter here is not an ordinary person.

Youngsters have it. Anyone is an innate talent super high. Most youngsters already have a Celestial cultivation base.

The rest is the entire heavenly ascension cultivation base, the number of which is so huge that there are even thousands of people.

Qin Shaofeng made a decision after observing.

“Although there are a lot of people here, the one with the highest cultivation base is just an Old Ancestor who enters the star position with one and a half feet, and the rest are heavenly ascension martial artists with a one- to three-step cultivation base,”

“Old Ancestor, go and abolish the Four Elephant Sect Old Ancestor.”

“Tianxin went to find the Teleportation Array linking the Four Elephant Sects and Cangming Realm, as well as the great array of defenses of the entire city, and destroy them all.”

He gave orders quickly.

They both gave him a shocked look.

So long contact.

They all know what Qin Shaofeng is.

Qin Shaofeng is obviously going to be singlehanded to slaughter.

“Then you are more careful.”

Tian Xinye just gave an order and moved towards a no-man’s land.

The Scorpion Old Ancestor is even more disappeared.

Qin Shaofeng waited until they all left before reaching out and rubbing the bracelet on his left wrist.

This bracelet is exactly what the Green Dragon King controlled by Heavenly Void Insect King.

“The invasion of ghosts and corpses is imminent, but these people in the Four Elephant Sect are also difficult for us to use, so there is no need to waste time on them.”

“Rather than let them fight against me in the future, it is better to remove all the troubles now and use the resources of the Four Elephant Sect to increase the life force of my people.”

“I am not a Saint, I only need to be responsible for the own person.”

“Go, kill without mercy!”

He took a deep breath.

After entering Martial Dao for so many years, he rarely kills Human Race like this.

It’s just the martial artist in this city, the number is more than 100,000?

After the slaughter this time, he was afraid that he would really become the First Person on the list of villains that no longer existed.

That many words are actually just to himself.

The Jade Dragon King left quickly.

He finally moved.

With his eight-step heavenly ascension cultivation base, to kill a group of martial arts with one step, two steps and three steps, really like killing a chicken and a dog.

It’s just that those people are too scattered and it’s not easy to kill.

This situation didn’t last long.

As the Scorpion Old Ancestor fought against the last Old Ancestor of the Four Elephant Sects, the powerhouses gathered at once.

Qin Shaofeng can save trouble.

Waving a butcher knife.

His killing and slaughter began immediately.

The beginning of the battle.

These heavenly ascension powerhouses were exactly as he expected, but after the tragic death of most of them in his hands, fugitives began to appear.

All he cares about are those loyal to the Four Elephants.

For those fugitives, it seems to be missing.

The slaughter lasted for one hour.

When there was only one heavenly ascension powerhouse by the Scorpion Old Ancestor in the entire battlefield, Qin Shaofeng found sadly that the brainwashing of the Four Elephants was really powerful.

Those young children of the Four Elephant Sect, the escapees are not more than 20%.

Qin Shaofeng does not want to leave these disasters.

But he couldn’t attack the child no matter what. After thinking about it, he still couldn’t pass the hurdle in his mind.

Just ignore all those children.

As soon as I turned my gaze, I moved towards the Old Ancestor from the Four Elephant Sect and looked over, and solemnly asked: “Old Guy, where did the people coming from the Cangming Realm come from?”

“Are you that Qin Shaofeng?”

The old man looked like an eagle, staring straight at Qin Shaofeng for a moment before chuckled and said: “Little Brat, the old man has to admit, you brat is very kind and capable, and he expected me a long time ago The Four Elephants came here to attack and kill in the open.”

“Unfortunately, when you sent out Divine Consciousness, the old man already felt that it had been sent to my Sect Master and the others.”

“Believe that in a short time, Sect Master will return with my Zong Shen star position Sir. When the time comes is your death date.”

He is still looking forward to bringing Bei Zicheng back to rescue.

Qin Shaofeng hearing this could not help but smile.

“You are afraid that you won’t be able to wait for them in this life. Either you will be honest, or this Eminence will let you taste the methods of this Eminence.” Qin Shaofeng said solemnly.

“Then you might as well try it.”

The old man laughed, but quickly changed his words: “The old man has now lived a hundred and ninety-seven years old. Although he is already half-footed in the position of the gods, he has never really moved in. The last two For more than a year, it’s the same if I’m afraid, do you guess the old man is afraid of death?”

“It seems that your Four Elephant Sects are really loyal to the Cangming Realm!”

Qin Shaofeng sighed, then moved towards Xiezi Old Ancestor and looked over.

Compared to the previous time when facing Bei Zicheng.

On the way here, the Scorpion Old Ancestor had already said that as long as they find someone, he will have a way to persecute people who are not so anxious to die like Bei Zicheng.

This look in his eyes is just using the scorpion Old Ancestor to start.

“Split Soul!”

Scorpion Old Ancestor suddenly started.

Using his cultivation base to deal with an old man who has also been suppressed by the cultivation base, really can’t be considered something great.

“no! You, you, you!”

The old man immediately felt the pain of splitting the soul.

Just a few words, I couldn’t help but scream in pain.

The scream of the cry made the children who always stood in place, staring at Qin Shaofeng with hatred, all trembled with fright.

Such painful suppression lasted for a long time.

The scorpion Old Ancestor’s face was slightly nodded before Qin Shaofeng was slightly nodded, and his voice was weak and authentic: “This Old Guy’s Soul Power cultivation is not weak, and the old man can only separate his thirty breaths at most.” /p>

Qin Shaofeng didn’t dare to waste any time, and asked loudly, “Where is the foundation stone of the Teleportation Array in your hands!”

“A hundred miles down the mountain…”

The old man seemed to want to contend very much, but he still asked in a weak voice.

“How to distinguish cornerstones?”

“Black…Spirit Qi…Crescent shape…”

“Where did the people from Cangming World teleport come from?”

“The main hall…teleport…”

“Where is the cultivating Sixiang Jue by Bei Zicheng?”

“No…that is, it is…from above… from…”

Under the division and suppression of the old man’s soul, every word he said was intermittent. Qin Shaofeng was always listening carefully to fully understand it.

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