“This should be it.”

Qin Shaofeng thought nodded, and said, “Let ’s do this! You and I have three palms, and you can leave after three palms.”

His opening immediately made the idea in the heart of Zhenshancheng City heavier.

If Qin Shaofeng doesn’t dare to fight with him, then he is really a ghost.

Three palms are not enough, but it is enough for him to judge many things.

What is the real strength of the person in front of us?

“Many thanks, Lao Zhang.”

The Lord of Zhenshan City will hold a fist and worship, when the power of qi and blood will be mobilized.

“I have a Saint Rank martial skill on my self flesh palm, Lao Zhang is careful.”

The Lord of the Zhenshan City loud shout and waved immediately.

As he said, his martial skills are really not weak.

But how can he be stronger?

If Qin Shaofeng casts full-strength, with no difficulty will block this move.

It seems that the first owner of the Zhenshan city did not use the true trump card, and really just wanted to try his strength.

“Yes, it ’s rare that you can practice your fists to such an extent!”

Qin Shaofeng took the action in no hurry and watched the earthquake carefully. The action of the Lord of the Mountain City was nodded with satisfaction.

Even in the mouth is still evaluating.

I don’t know, Power of Lightning has been exhibited by him.

His behavior like this once again shocked the Lord of Zhenshan City.

In his opinion, even if the cultivation base surpasses him, you should not see him take action when he is attacking his fists, and still evaluate it there?

What exactly is this Old Guy?

“Laozhang be careful!”

The Lord of Zhenshan City thought about it, but he didn’t forget the loud shout.

“Don’t remind the old man, since you haven’t issued a killing move to the old man, the old man will not take advantage of you, go!”

Qin Shaofeng slowly raised it palm.

Enter the Sun Family.

He soon started the same questioning again.

Even if the Sun Family’s style is already very different from other families, it’s a secret that can’t be considered to him.

Although he spent a lot of time in the Sun Family, he only had one hour.

What he did n’t expect is that the Sun Family is much more united and tougher than other families.

If some means are used, I am afraid that only killing can solve it.

For those old, weak women and children, even if they know they are enemies, it is difficult for him to succeed.

The mountain where the Sun Family is located.

His eyes moved towards the North and he forgot about the past.

“Five Great Family matters are resolved, and the next step is Tianyang Mountain.”

Qin Shaofeng’s eyes flashed a very ruthless color.

He is not a man who kills innocent people, but he is not a good man.

You can let go of the ordinary person of the Great Family, but it doesn’t mean Tianyang Mountain that really drove him to life and death. He also can’t let go.

“Since Tianyang Mountain is an influence similar to Sect, presumably there will not be too many old and weak women and children, except for a few others … kill without mercy!” There was a very ruthless expression in my eyes.

Immediately, he quickly moved towards the north.

Although Tian Yangshan is in charge of the Five Great Family competition, it is not close to where the Great Family is located.

He walked for more than half a day before he came to the city closest to Tianyang Mountain.

This city is also the most elegant one he has seen since he came to Dabeihuang.

The size is 3x of Zhenshan City.

When he came here, he was already very tired and hungry, so he simply found a restaurant and prepared to eat.

After capturing the wealth of the Five Great Family, he can also be regarded as a tyrant who is neither too big nor too small.

But he only found a can’t be considered luxurious restaurant.

I do n’t have any worries about ordering, and I order the best restaurant in restaurant.

Dian Xiaoer immediately laughed and told Hehe to go down.

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