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“Can he consume life essence take action?”

Qin Shaofeng suddenly held breath cold air.

He could understand why Zi Tianying had let him escape.

Such an overbearing existence.

Even in an urgent situation, he can take a strong action, which is really not the existence he can cope with.

Suddenly, another problem appeared in his mind.

“Isn’t it saying that the ram bottle is just the one who is Tianyang Mountain now? How could he have the great treasure you said?” Qin Shaofeng was curious.

Had it not been for the expectations of Zi Tianying, he would not have been so nervous now.

“He was unable to take action to fight now, so he was released to use Tianyang Mountain’s influence to find healing things. In real terms, he is still one of the Four Saints, a 2nd-level cultivation base, Free & Unfettered. Sect Peak. “Zi Tianying explained.

“Tianxiao Four Saints? What’s that?”

Qin Shaofeng felt like he wanted to learn the real secret of Dabeihuang.

“Although there are many powerhouses in Dabeihuang, the powerhouse that can truly become a holy star has only trifling dozens of people. Now there should be less than ten people regenerating.”

“Tianxiao Four Saints, Yaohua 3 is always the 7 Peak Powerhouse hidden by Free & Unfettered Sect.”

“I’ve told you so much, and there is no need to hide you now. Our three people are the people of Free & Unfettered Sect, and they are still under the old lineage of Yaohua 3.”

“Since Free & Unfettered Sect had dominated the Great Northern Depression not many years ago, Free & Unfettered Sect has divided and split.”

“After Xiaoyao 2’s strange disappearance a few years ago, Xiaoyao 2’s veins really launched the Life and Death Battle.”

“Our Yaohua 3 old lineage powerhouse has one less person, but this lineage is Gate Lord’s legitimacy, which makes the battle a little weird.”

“But in recent years, our Yaohua 3 old lineage has changed our lives by hurting our family Old Ancestor after being fooled by Sram by the ram bastard, making our lineage status even worse.”

“It’s just that the oldest of us in Yaohua 3 is approaching, and we have no choice but to venture out and try to find spirit medicine.”

Zi Tianying does not seem to regard him as an outsider.

Although the words spoken can’t be considered too much, but every word and every sentence, they are the most extreme secrets of the Great Northern Wasteland.

After these simple remarks, Qin Shaofeng also had a clear position on Dabeihuang.

Free & Unfettered Sect split.

Xiao and Yao even split into 2 factions.

But what he knows, can even be said to be some people who can be regarded as Zi Tianying three people, who is the weak side.

And the ram bottle that was going to kill him was one of the leaders of its hostile influence.

didn’t expect God can really make a joke.

When he could be chased by a ram bottle, he could meet his hostile influencer.


Is this plot for Mao feel so bloody?

Shouldn’t Zi Tianying know her battle strength, and ask herself to help them Yaohua lineage what?

“Since you have the Silver Moon Rabbit that can heal ram bottles, I hope you can escape to the starry land as soon as possible after you have separated from us.”

“His Ram Bottle can indeed perform full-strength, but he has absolutely no ability to kill it alone.”

“And if the controller of the Land of Stars finds that he dares to enter the Land of Stars, he will do everything to kill them, so you are the best choice to escape.

Zi Tianying spoke, but what she said completely exceeded Qin Shaofeng’s imagination.

It really is not because of their strong potential that they must be forced to protect him, while at the same time let him do something extremely dangerous.

Of course, that kind of thing only appears in the novel.

But he would prefer Zi Tianying to do that!

At least that may be dangerous, but since he can be asked for help, naturally it will not be a compulsory mission, at least not facing the heavenly defying existence of the Holy Star.

With the strength of the Star Chaser, he is confident to instantly kill all enemies.

Not only that can help Yaohua lineage to strengthen the strength, even he can also get a lot of benefits from Yaohua lineage, so that he can improve his cultivation base.

Even during the two-party decisive battle, he was able to find a way to kill Tianxiao Four Saints.

No matter how you think about it, he is countless times better than him.

“Aunt Ying’s wishes are really good, but now that I have this strength, it’s really not that ordinary as difficult to escape to the shining star!” Qin Shaofeng said bitterly.

“It seems to be true.”

Zi Tianying frowned and thought.

a long time.

She said a little reluctantly, and said, “Let’s do this! I see that some of your cultivation speed is too fast, causing your physical strength to keep up.”

“After we get Heaven and Earth Spirit Liquid, I will find a way to help you refining that Silvermoon Rabbit into Dan, so that it can help you improve the physique a lot, even if it ca n’t help you to cultivate base leveled to Nine Steps to Heaven. Position, at least in conjunction with Heaven and Earth Spirit Liquid, will also allow your physique to reach the 7th grade or even the 8th star position. “

“You need to rely on yourself for the next 3 months.”

“If you can live for 3 months with a ram bottle and find a way out, you can find a way to dive into the Free & Unfettered Sect to find me.”

“After March, the door to Heaven and Earth will be opened, and I can send you into a secret place.”

“As long as you can find a lotus of the blood yuan in that secret place and take it out to help me Gate Lord breakthrough to the Holy Star, we will have the ability to fight Tian Xiao Four Saints.”

“As long as that battle is won, not only can you continue to survive, I can also make the decision and make you a Guest Elder of our Free & Unfettered Sect. How about enjoying Elder treatment?”

When she was just talking, Qin Shaofeng thought she had come up with something.

Even when she said she was going to help him refining the Silvermoon Rabbit, he was full of excitement.

But didn’t expect anything, she would say something like that next.

Let yourself live for 3 months in the hands of a celestial powerhouse?

How about going out to sea?

Even after he found Free & Unfettered Sect, he needed to sneak in to find her?

In the end it wasn’t about protecting himself.

Want him to do things for them like in the novel?


Mo Yan will not appear in this novel.

That many years of Lao Tzu in the ethereal world, all kinds of means are commonplace, but I have never seen such a shameless way to ask for help?

Do you need me to help you, even if you don’t give me any benefits?

But after thinking about it, I no longer care about it.

Anyway, he didn’t know about Free & Unfettered Sect. If he really got into it, it might not be a good thing.

And she has to give herself first.

As long as your cultivation base can reach a certain level.

Even if he could barely cross Tianlian Mountain, he would not stay here.

She didn’t want to care about her life, didn’t she just care about their lives?

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