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“Brat, we’re not afraid of you, you don’t mess around 10000000!”

2 people saw Qin Shaofeng look so decisive, and the fear in their hearts became more and more severe.

The loud voice continued.

But they didn’t know that Qin Shaofeng dared to take such an action, not because of Zi Tianying.

The Divine Grade martial skill he possesses is not a residue, nor is it his own perception.

Ghost 3 Slash is the real Divine Grade martial skill.

And the thunderbolt 1000 flash he learned earlier, it is the heaven defying existence that surpasses the Divine Grade martial skill.

These two martial skills are close to you, even outside the Forbidden Forest.

With his current cultivation base, he dares to touch the Celestial powerhouse of the 2nd order, even if he cannot defeat the opponent, I believe he will not lose too much.

In this day, even if you add 2 Celestial powerhouses, Qin Shaofeng will not have any fear.

“Ghost Slash!”

The sound of pop drinking is rising again.

The sword in his hand in this brief moment seemed to turn into a cold glow.

It’s fast, like lightning flint.

Even if it’s just a temptation, not at all enforcement is a thunderbolt 1000 flash.

But the formidable power of this blade is no less than the full-strength of the Peak powerhouse.

Even if it is not as good as Celestial, I believe there will not be too much difference.

“Fast knife, this brat, with the help of the Divine Grade martial skill, was able to exert the battle strength of the Celestial powerhouse.”

Chen Old Second’s face changed suddenly: “Old Third, since this brat has to be courting death, then take action together, first abolishing his situation of asking martial skill.”

“Okay, the Thunderbolt!”

Old Third is also the one with the knife.

His battle strength was suppressed too much.

Even if he is a powerhouse of the 2nd order Celestial cultivation base, and the treasure given by the ram bottle, he can only play a strength of 10% and a half.

Although this blade uses full-strength, it is just the same battle strength as Qin Shaofeng.

The blade light flickered, and the horror was already stimulated.

John Celestial powerhouse is truly worthy of John Celestial powerhouse.

Even if the power of his qi and blood is so severely suppressed, this is also a one-stop show, which also makes Qin Shaofeng feel a sense of shock.

Fortunately, he first tried to test the strength of the other party.

Otherwise, if the trump card is arbitrarily transferred, even if 2 people can be easily killed under the knife, I am afraid his condition will be exposed a lot.


It’s too late, it’s fast.

The attack by 2 people was like a lightning flint.

Almost at the same time as the shout exited, the two-handed swords had already struck up.

The sword is a weapon of hard war.

With such a hard collision between the two sides, the quality of the sword was immediately revealed.

Although Qin Shaofeng’s sword is good, it’s just Chen Family Old Ancestor. Chen Junzhan is inferior to Old Third Chen’s sword in order to coax him out.

Under this strikes, it suddenly cracked.

Old Third Chen has long been ready to go. Although the sword has already been used, he still continues to move away from the chest and abdomen of moved towards Qin Shaofeng.

at the same time.

Chen Old Second was not idle either.

His blade was a huge tomahawk.

The tomahawk is full-length, and the length of the axe is comparable to that of Qin Shaofeng.

Such a heavy soldier, formidable power far surpasses that of Old Third Chen.

“Ten Flashes, Flash Speed!”

Qin Shaofeng’s complexion also changed suddenly.

The Ghost 3 number One Blade Ghost Sword he casts, although it comes with the movement technique, can’t resist Chen Old Second, which is like an axe covering the surrounding two zhangs.

Not to mention that there is a knife from Old Third Chen.

If he is not careful, he will be injured in the hands of two people.

After Ghost Fire burns.

He had long had no defense treasure.

Several pieces from the Chen Family were obviously unable to withstand such attacks.

Rather than suffer.

He would rather expose something.

Fortunately, he was ready.

First give the 2 people a battle strength, but this way, then suddenly apply a thunderbolt 1000 flash force, and instantly kill one of the 2 people.

The martial skills he learned are more expensive than one.

Divine Grade martial skill is obviously not what he should have in this cultivation base.

The fight just now has cost him a lot.

As long as he can kill one of them, he will be able to break through the 5th star position at any time.

When the time comes qi and blood, it is instantly full.

It’s a lot easier to kill the last person.

He didn’t expect 2 people to take an action directly to full strength outbreak.

“Qin Eldest Brother, be careful, those two old bastards are going to kill you!” Ziyue could not help shouting.

They haven’t been on the road for long.

She is still young and has the least EXP in rivers and lakes. She has begun to trust Qin Shaofeng.

When I see a friend who will be beheaded by 2 people, why not worry?

Zi Xun was also moved towards Zi Tianying at this time, crying out in surprise: “aunt, aren’t we really helping him?”

“He shouldn’t need us to help.”

Zi Tianying had already made plans to see where Qin Shaofeng’s limits were.

You should know that the two men join forces, the battle strength can be far above a mule leopard.

Using these two people as the touchstone is the best way.

Not to mention Qin Shaofeng didn’t ask for help, she knew Qin Shaofeng was prepared.

In three people’s two worries, a curious look.

Qin Shaofeng’s silhouette seems to be gone.

By the time he reappeared, he had already gone several meters away.

The Chen Family is a two-man battle.

Even if he fled such a distance in an instant, the horrific energy tore his shirt apart.

Above his left arm, a trace of blood appeared.

“This is a broken knife. The Chen Family really doesn’t have a good thing. It gave me such rubbish!” Qin Shaofeng didn’t recognize it.

He just used the knife to resist Old Third Chen’s sword.

Can be imagined.

If facing Chen Old Second’s tomahawk, I am afraid he will be injured that time.

However, although there were many people in his Slaughter Chen Family before, he did not get a worthy sword.

There are a few long swords, but unfortunately they are not suitable for him.

“It seems I have to use my own stuff!”

Qin Shaofeng couldn’t help but sighed.

I only hate his storage bag, which can’t be opened yet, otherwise it is the right way to use Ghost 3 to cut the sword.

Although the Star Chaser Grade is also extremely high.

This thing was originally Divine Weapon with a burst of battle strength, and after being further sacrificial refining by Simone, it was even more unsuitable for frontal shock.


“Qin Eldest Brother doesn’t have any weapons. How can this be good?”

“That a blade is too bad. Otherwise, Brother Qin might beat 2 people, aunt, or would you please help him?”

siblings 2 people speak again.

Their words were different expressions for Qin Shaofeng and Zi Tianying, but they frightened the Chen Family 2 again.

2 People are afraid that Zi Tianying intervened!

“That brat hasn’t called for help yet.”

Zi Tianying’s complexion was still extremely ancient, but she spoke quietly.

Qin Shaofeng will naturally not ask for help.

Not to mention that his star chaser can easily kill anyone present.

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