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“You are not chasing Qin Shaofeng, what are you making here ?!”

A loud scream came from behind the direction of the pursuit.

But everyone’s familiarity with the voice made them all move towards everyone and watched it.

Yes, it is everyone.

Because of the ram bottle, Yang Xingchan, who respects Celestial cultivation base, also does not raise.

This makes the top of the 5 Great Family follow them.

Celestial powerhouse is not Chinese cabbage.

Even if there are 5 Great Family, there are very few. At least these high-level families including Patriarch do not have a powerhouse that respects Celestial cultivation base.

Fortunately, the speed of the ram bottle 2 people is not fast, so that they can safely follow the 2 people behind.

Seeing the arguments and disputes of the crowd, they were all nervous.

Especially when the Family Old Ancestor cannot be added, the family Patriarch’s son sucking is even more worried.

“Reporting back to Ram Sir, Yang Sir, we are here to feel the aura of the fight, which is exactly Qin Shaofeng and the aura that became Family Old Ancestor, so we suspect they have fought here, it is likely that Family Old Ancestor has successfully caught Living in that brat, just for some reason, even escaped with that brat. “Chen Family Old Ancestor Chen Jun warned.

“Get married?”

Yang Xingchan expression suddenly became bad, turned his head abruptly, and moved towards Cheng Zi sucked in the past.

This look really scared Chengzi sucking and the others to death.

But before they could explain anything, the old voice sounded again.

“Don’t be impatient, the aura here is weird.”

In the skeptical eyes of everyone, the ram bottle took out something like a chessboard from his arms, and Not slow, Not fast said, “There are some faint blood-reeking qi near here, and it’s not like youngster’s Blood smell. “

“It doesn’t look like youngster’s blood?”

Everyone grew their mouths together, and they didn’t expect the blood to taste different.

They have insufficient cultivation base.

Naturally, I would not know that the cultivation base has reached the sacred position. After the cultivation bleeding, the eyes on the world have begun to change slightly.

For the Old Guy of the Holy Star.

Reaching the Holy Base is the beginning of some Martial Dao.

The ram bottle reached out and nodded in the air before moving towards chessboard and pointing.

Suddenly, 2 rays of light blend into the chessboard.

Chessboard reacted quickly.

But there is only one scarlet chess piece on the chessboard.

“It really is!”

The ram’s old face changed for the first time, and it was a very shocking expression.

Everyone’s heart was pounding.

They don’t know what happened, but they must know what a shocking thing, otherwise the star ram Sir will not have such a change in expression.

However, none of them dared to ask anything at this time.

“The eyes you have to pursue have penetrated the Tianlian Mountains, the direction is unchanged by 10%, and this direction is still the same, and the speed has slowed to a minimum. You can go 500 miles further and scatter in search.

“Although the old man’s chessboard can lock his approximate position, that position is within 300 li circumference.”

“Separate some of you, and bring them back to your respective families.”

“At the same time, if you can get that brat back to the old man, the old man can accept him as a discipline, if it can be a Honorary Disciple.”

Rams bottle this time but a lot of money.

The people of 5 Great Family were all shocked that Qin Shaofeng could be beheaded to become Family Old Ancestor.

However, this condition also made everyone instantly give up the life and death of Family Old Ancestor.

Become a disciple of ram bottles?

Do not!

The brat who can become a Family Old Ancestor can conspiracy to kill, and the ordinary person of their family cannot be killed.

But even just finding its place.

Even if they can only become the Honorary Disciple of the Ram Bottle, that will allow their family to fly directly to Heavens, Ah!

So thought.

Even if you lose your strongest family, each and everyone becomes red.

“Second Brother, you immediately returned to the family with 2 powerhouses and passed me an order. As long as it is my younger generation, whether he is a star powerhouse or a small star martial artist, he will quickly come to Tianlian Mountain! “Chengzi sucked and ordered as if crazy.

All little stars above disciple must come.

To know.

In the eyes of Martial Dao powerhouse like their cultivation base.

Even the big star cultivation base is like a baby just entering the Martial Dao world.

The cultivation base below the little star can hardly be called a martial artist.

Under such circumstances, his order is tantamount to letting the whole family come out of the nest.

It’s not just the family that gave the order.

Chengzi’s order was just over, and he didn’t wait for Chengzi to take the lead. The Old Ancestor of the 4 Great Family also issued the exact same command at the same time.

Even if the family benefits were previously collected, the Three Great Families that helped them in the game world are the same.

They only promised one thing, but it didn’t.

even more how.

Benefits of becoming a Ram Disc Honorary Disciple.

That’s not the same advantage that the Initial Accomplishment family gave.

5 The Great Family was immediately commanded.

Still not waiting for them to leave.

The ram bottle seems to be carrying the commanding people and can still see the thoughts in their hearts, saying with a voice full of vicissitudes: “At the same time, help the old man to give a command and arrest Qin Shaofeng. 5 Great Family Anyone take action, destroy their family! “

Such an order was issued, and the person who had just taken the lead immediately wondered whether he was on the road and killed the 4 Great Family.

After all, they saw the ability of the ram bottle, and no one dared to mess with the existence of this heaven defying level.

Everyone was led away.

The people who stayed here were quickly moved towards the place pointed by the ram bottle under the command of the ram bottle.

There are 2 heads.

Qin Shaofeng doesn’t know, his plan is fragile like a blank piece of paper in front of the Holy Powerhouse.

However, he has just advanced to Rank 4 stars, but he has full of confidence in his strength.

Even if this burst is just for everyone outside the celestial powerhouse ram bottle.

With this layer of confidence.

He doesn’t need to rush forward regardless of consumption.

I even found a clean stone and sat down, took a little bit of wine and food from the Chen Family and ate for a while, before I set a goal for myself and started on my way.

5 distance of 100 li For Celestial powerhouse, it is really very close.

It took only a cup of tea to arrive.

But Qin Shaofeng only used more the ten breaths to eat, and he had already left.

No chessboard lock for ram bottles.

These people can only choose to divide the area in a family way and start their own search.

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