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Dabeihuang, Xiaoyao City!

This is a large but not gorgeous city.

Even for many people, this place can be regarded as shabby. If it is not the word “Happy” in Xiaoyao City, like the heaven defying influence, no one really cares about this area.

On the day when Qin Shaofeng entered the mountain world, a group of black clothed persons stained with Little Feng dust appeared outside the gate of the city.

“This Tianlian Mountain is indeed the cemetery. It is so large that we have walked for more than ten days, but unfortunately we cannot enter, otherwise we must take the time to explore it.” A black clothed person with emotion.

“Even if you can get in, we don’t have time to go in and explore.”

The other person interrupted him and asked the headed man: “Eldest Brother, where do we start now, or do we have to spy somewhere and explore it?”

“No, this is the boundary of Free & Unfettered Sect. Only the entire Free & Unfettered Sect controls such a place. There must be a lot of spy in them. If you ask anything openly, it will definitely cause Free & Unfettered Sect’s attention.” That Eldest Brother Shake his head immediately.

“What then? Let’s explore separately?” Another asked.

“It’s also good, scattered, old 9 you go here, old 8 you go … I went to Free & Unfettered Sect to check it out myself.”

That Eldest Brother was quickly assigned, and in his arrangement, the one to explore was the one that Qin Shaofeng was in before entering Tianlian Mountain.

After allocating, Eldest Brother immediately took out 8 Heaven and Earth Bags respectively.

“Here are the various hidden equipments I have prepared. If it is not necessary, 10000000 don’t use these things, and our industry is just a precious resource.” That Eldest Brother instructed.

“Eldest Brother rest assured, unless it is a critical moment, we will never use it.” Old 9 smiled and hehe said.

But he didn’t know that he would soon be the only one who would use up the entire bag.



Qin Shaofeng didn’t know that those people who were looking for Thunderbolt 1000 Flash had already come to the world of Dabeihuang.

One of them has already begun to rush to Zhenshan City.

Now he has begun to explore the mountains.

Since everyone has a mission in, everyone comes in immediately, and everyone is scattered.

In just a short time, only Qin Shaofeng and the others remain.

Qin Shaofeng knew that even if some of them wanted to do something to him, it would not be possible at this time.

Gaze casually in the mountains and forests, and immediately moved towards the depths of the forest and searched for the past.

Even when he was moving, he did not say hello to the 2 people behind him.

Since this is a secret place, there must be some good things, and he doesn’t want to bring 2 people who are obviously hostile to him.

He didn’t want to take the two people, but the two people hurried to follow up when they found out he had action.

In just a short time, the traces of others have disappeared.

One of them quickly caught up and shouted, “Brother Qin is slightly slower. Since we are all helping Chen Family to do things, we still go well together to avoid being conspired by people from other families.”


Qin Shaofeng had no plans to talk to the two.

Maybe if he finds a chance, he will directly dump 2 people.

But he didn’t expect everything, and this person unexpectedly ran over to tell him such a thing.

Who would conspiracy to insult him, don’t these two really know?

“Who is helping the Chen Family? Besides, do I know you?”

Qin Shaofeng sneered, throwing out such a sentence casually, he immediately gave back all the words prepared by the two of them.

Not helping Chen Family?


The two of them were suddenly shocked.

The man who spoke was really puzzled and asked, “Did we know each other if we knew it? Besides, even if we are few, you are not a bad thing to Brother Qin, but we feel something that is not good for you!”


Qin Shaofeng also didn’t expect him to speak in this way.

“Although the two of us are not great characters, we still know a little about some of the uninvitable influences, and none of them seem to be your Brother Qin.”

“A while ago, we found that Chen Family’s attitude towards you was strange, and I also heard that no one in the Chen Family can mention your name, but anyone who dares to raise it, kill without mercy.”

“Even if we are warned, we can only call you Brother Qin or something, but we must never call it by name, otherwise the Chen Family will kill us after the ends of the earth.”

This person reports 3 messages in a row, one message is more explosive than the other.

Even though Qin Shaofeng had already guessed that the Chen Family was going to start a slaughter fight against him after this line, didn’t expect to be so prepared.

“I’m just a little Rank 6 cultivation base person. Is Chen Jun so serious?” Qin Shaofeng said to himself.

He didn’t bother to cover up in front of the two.

The man who spoke said that when he heard him, he was immediately overjoyed and said, “This is not understood. Anyway, I feel that the Chen Family will definitely be against you. With such a message, can we be considered to be recognized?

“carry on.”

Qin Shaofeng looked back.

He knew a lot about Dabeihuang during this time, but it was more in the eyes of the Chen Family.

Although he doesn’t like these two people, it is not difficult to hear from the previous words of that person. From these people’s mouth, he should be able to hear some different voices.

“My name is Zheng Shuo, he is Zhou Fei, and he is a star cultivation base. What about Brother Qin?” Zheng Shuo asked curiously.

He seemed to be casual, but in fact, he knew that Qin Shaofeng had a lot of secrets when he knew the actions of Chen Family.

The two of them are both star cultivation bases. In his opinion, as long as they are willing to do something, it should not be difficult to get some benefits from Qin Shaofeng.

Not really, he can also contact Jiang Family and several others.

In short, he was not prepared to let Qin Shaofeng leave safely.

“I’m me. If you don’t have anything else, you can leave. If you want to stay, you might as well talk to me about this great north shortage.” Qin Shaofeng could not see it, Zheng Shuo said At that time, although I was laughing, how could the killing intent in my eyes be hidden?

For them, the only role he had was to question that’s all.

He simply didn’t talk nonsense with 2 people, straight into the topic.

And his attitude is very clear. If the two of Zheng Shuo are willing to say, then let them talk. If they are not willing to say it, either directly or let them go to find someone.

Zheng Shuoke didn’t expect, and he got such a sentence from his mouth, and immediately hesitated.

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