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“Ah? Come back tonight?”

Chen Yuwan thought she would give him money.

Even if Qin Shaofeng doesn’t catch a cold, at least she should be slightly better towards her.

But didn’t expect, he just got the money, and before he turned around, he started to slap people.

Is it really that disgusting?

Qin Shaofeng doesn’t care what she thinks.

Taking it away, the very ruthless color was revealed in his eyes: “Chen Junzhan, since you have prepared everything, I will not just wait like this, I just hope that you will not regret when the time comes.”

Qin Shaofeng murmured silently, raised his right hand and pats on his left arm.

25 full days.

His physical strength increased to Rank 4 celestial positions only second.

For him, the biggest natural change was the 20 ordinary imaginary worms that he brought with him.

In these more than 20 days, all of them have become scorpion-shaped.

Although it might not be as good as the scorpion-shaped celestial worm he planted for the Chen Family’s direct descendants, it was enough to be another means for him.

He wanted to stop, and he ordered 20 Skyworms to move.

On the way from Tianlian Mountain to the Chen Family, he has let the Tianxun insects invade the Chen Family First Young Master Chen Yulu, Chen Family Third Young Master Chen Yuxin, and Chen Yuwan within the body.

According to his understanding, the direct descendant of the Chen Family also has a Second Young Master and a fourth young Master.

Get rid of these 2 people.

The rest are 3 children and a daughter under Great Elder’s lap, Second Elder has a son and 2 daughters, and 3 old Fifth sons.

The number of Aspergillus he can use now is too small, which makes him choose very carefully when choosing a candidate.

Although those Elders are all astronomical, there are a few people who can resist his Celestial Worm, but they are not sure.

And these teenagers are the lifeblood of those people.

Although he is not killing innocent people.

It is believed that the contradictions on the two sides are on the bright side. Some of the backhands he has left on these people can always play a role. At worst, the other celestial worms are only recovered after the war.

Wanting to stop, he went out personally and turned around.

As the days of competition for qualifications get closer, Qin Shaofeng becomes more important to the Chen Family, and it’s not just about combat.

His actions at this time immediately caught the attention of all Chen Family executives.

Although there are no frontal appearances, all kinds of spy are continuous.

Qin Shaofeng seems to know nothing.

He seemed to just want to cruise around the family for two laps, and immediately returned to the Chen Family Patriarch’s courtyard.

Since he has been to the Chen Family for almost a month.

Most of the Chen Family have already understood what happened when he first arrived, but it does not include the 2 young people who have just moved into the Chen Family VIP room.

These two people are only in their early 2s, but the cultivation base aura is all ground star Peak.

Looking at the aura emanating from them, these two people are both true experts, at least they have seen blood people many times.


Even if they have not shot at all, they can let people know that the Playboy Young Masters of Chen Family are by no means comparable.

Qin Shaofeng’s work in the Chen Family can be said to be a big stain on the Chen Family. They will not let outsiders know about it.

Even if the two are going to help the Chen Family fight, they are still on the list to be hidden.


Qin Shaofeng’s tour of this circle immediately caused 2 people to be curious.

As soon as they walked out of the living room, they heard very few voices.

Whenever anyone in the discussion finds their presence, they close their mouths obediently.

Even if it’s just words.

They have also learned from this short conversation that the youngster who has just passed by, called Qin Shaofeng, has the same status as them, and they only want to help the Chen Family to participate in the competition for qualifications 5 days later.

With this knowledge, 2 young people were suddenly violent!

“That brat is like us, why is he to be awed by that many Chen Family, and he still lives in the courtyard belonging to the Chen Family Patriarch, but we can only live in the guest room?”

“What is the difference? Go and find them Chen Family Patriarch. They must be asked by their Chen Family to give us an explanation!”

2 people were furious and immediately moved towards Chen Family away from the main living room.

I wonder if they came very well.

When they walked outside the living room door, they just heard Chen Yuwan’s mouth.

“Father, I’ve given him the 5000 wild coins, but he just kicked me out after taking the wild coins, and then I don’t know what he suddenly ran out of.” Chen Yuwan was apparently called to question.

After all, Qin Shaofeng hasn’t left the house for a while.

Even if you need to buy something on the street, you just said to Chen Yuwan, and let Chen Yuwan tell.

Although they were all in the Chen Family, they were shocked.

“Received? Just accept, when the time comes, you accompany him to the auction house to play.”


“How many heavenly materials earthly treasures does that brat use? How much Body Tempering is there? Will it run out and remind us?” Chen Family Patriarch asked again.

“No, when I gave him a medicated bath yesterday, I also saw the spirit medicine room and half of the room’s spirit medicine. I believe that it will not be a problem even if he spends more than ten days.”

“A dozen days, it is enough to qualify for the start of the fight. You go back and wait, 10000, if there is any change in him, you will be notified immediately. Before the start of the fight, you must not let him run away.”


Chen Yuwan turned back.

When she ran out of the room quickly, she just saw 2 young people who were almost dead in front of the door.

No matter what happened to the two, she went directly to where the moved towards Qin Shaofeng lived.

But the two youths were already stunned.

Anger was almost unstoppable.

2 people rushed in almost without explanation.

At this time, the Chen Family Patriarch had not yet eased his emotions. The people he met were 2 people, not at all with a good attitude on his face, and asked directly: “You don’t rest in your guest room, what do you come here for? “

at all costs Hold on to Qin Shaofeng.

This is the order of Chen Family Old Ancestor. Except for Qin Shaofeng, other people in the star position, even the two who want to help their Chen Family to fight, are not worth his care.

Not to mention that two people broke in without permission, naturally he was annoying him.

“Why did we run over?”

A young man jumped up and asked in a loud voice: “Chen Family Lord, we are here to fight for ten years of city sovereignty for your Chen Family. Even if you don’t care about our tiny battle strength, don’t you need to humiliate?”

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