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“Qin Little Brother is pretty good. How can this Young Master be a dignified Celestial powerhouse? How can I eat Little Brother for nothing?” Zi Kuang heard Qin Shaofeng’s words and thought he understood Qin Shaofeng’s meaning. .

Wouldn’t it be trivial to get some benefit from him?

At the same time, he already took action and took out more than a dozen Star Beast Origin Cores from the storage bag.

There are more than a dozen Origin Cores, none of which are below the Emperor Level.

Really a big deal.

The eyes of Chen Yuwan, who was responsible for cutting the meat for him, almost stared out.

As a direct descendant of the Chen Family, she can also get a lot of resources from the family, but the Origin Core of a dozen stars and beasts is enough to shock her.

If it weren’t for Qin Shaofeng making the decision, otherwise she would definitely not hold back.

However, she didn’t know that if it was changed to the general situation, Zi Kuang would only take out an Origin Core of an Emperor-level Star Beast at most.

After all, even if all the star beast meat he eats is not worth the price of a Star Beast Origin Core.

It’s just that Qin Shaofeng’s attitude is too weird.

He really couldn’t figure out what Qin Shaofeng wanted to do. He was too worried that the benefits would be less and would make Qin Shaofeng mess up.

Even if Qin Shaofeng is unique, he also believes that the dozen or so Imperial Emperor Origin Cores that he is hard to get, will surely make Qin Shaofeng be emotional.

As long as he can afford the meal, he no longer needs to worry.

It was this idea that drove him to dare not take out great generosity.

I have to say that he was right.

Even when Qin Shaofeng suddenly saw a dozen of the imperial star beasts Origin Core, his heart shook fiercely.

If it had been done before, he might have responded immediately.

After all, there are so many Origins of the Star Beast, but it can bring him a lot of benefits, and can also strengthen his body.

But now the situation is completely different.

The existence of 4 martial skills, and the cultivation of the sky map requires a full 10000 martial skills share. When replaced with the Star Beast Origin Core, it will be a full 1 million.

A dozen of them in 1 million, even one hair from nine oxen is not even considered!


Although Qin Shaofeng moved slightly, he shook his head and shoved his hand back, saying, “Brother Zi, if you do this, you just look down on me. How can we use this common thing to insult our relationship? “

With these words, Zi Kuang is not calm.

It doesn’t matter if Qin Shaofeng is too few.

He has good things and doesn’t mind giving them all to Qin Shaofeng. At least that way, he has an excuse for Qin Shaofeng.

However, Qin Shaofeng’s current behavior completely disrupted his thinking.

Brother relationship, look down on brother?

How did he say this?

Obviously, he made it clear that he wanted me to benefit. Why are a dozen emperor-level stars and beasts that even jealous of him far away, but can’t arouse his interest?

Who can tell me exactly what he wants to do?

He desperately wanted to know.

Unfortunately, no one can answer him at this time, or even if anyone knows, Qin Shaofeng will not give anyone a chance to answer.

“Brother Zi, if you still think I am brother, take back these vulgar things, we must focus on brotherhood.”

Everyone was messed in the wind.

Qin Shaofeng still says each minding their own business: “But Old Brother, if you care so much about it, then the right is to owe the little brother. If you have a chance to meet again in the future, Old Brother Just remember that this little brother is content. “

He patted him out of focus, shocked by his words.

Just need to write down your relationship?

Is this still doing brother?

People just ate your meal that’s all, and also willing to take out that many Star Beast Origin Core in exchange for it, you are not enough, even lion’s big mouth has reached such a level.

7th grade respects the Celestial powerhouse. Even if it ’s 100 meals, I ca n’t exchange 1000 meals, right?

Thanks to what you can say, and what you say is like how much wrong you have suffered.

Everyone in the Chen Family is already speechless.

And under the careful care of everyone in the Chen Family, the injury recovered a lot. When the dishes were discussed, the uncle Xiong who woke up again was shocked again in this shocking scene.

This scene is too much scary, right?

“Wait, wait, I don’t seem to say anything?”

Zi Kuang finally woke up in a state of extreme shock and a sudden change of Qin Shaofeng’s discourse, still feeling a little dizzy and asking: “How did it become humanity? Besides, you know what this Young Master is What kind of person? 10000 As soon as you say, what will I do if I don’t confess my account in the future? “

In a word, Qin Shaofeng almost burst out laughing.

If it was just the previous question, although Qin Shaofeng also had a wording, it was 100 loopholes.

but now……

The smile on Qin Shaofeng’s face became richer and said: “Brother Zi can say this, it proves that brother, I haven’t looked at the wrong person, but even if Brother Zi doesn’t confess in the future, I can only say that I blindly recognized the wrong person, oh ! “

“That’s all! That’s all! It’s not too early to say anything now, and you’ll naturally know later, it’s getting late, and we’re leaving.”

He raised his cup one fist in the other hand.

The barbecue, which is about the size of a person, is all cooked.

His original intention was for everyone to have a good meal.

But Chen Family’s previous performance has completely lost him.

Even if he had just arrived and needed an identity and understanding of it, he would even have thought of giving up this group of people.

But the head is already open.

Naturally, he will not give up this opportunity casually.

One order.

Those Chen Family people who have long lost the idea of ​​eating and drinking because of the purple madness naturally dare not complain.

Even when Qin Shaofeng was talking to them, they had the idea of ​​fleeing.

Now that Qin Shaofeng has spoken out, they will naturally not delay anymore.

In a short time, everyone left quickly under Qin Shaofeng’s leadership.

Until then, Zimang couldn’t fully understand things.

Just a simple meal, how could he owe Qin Shaofeng a favor?

And what’s the tone of Qin Shaofeng before leaving?

“Does he think he is the one who runs the bill?”

“But … fuck, why did I owe it to others?”

The food in front of him was clearly delicious, and even a moment ago, it was the food he was desperate for.

As Qin Shaofeng left, he felt as if eating hay.

No matter how you chew, you can’t find the original taste.

“Asshole! That asshole! Why did I owe it to others?” Zikang Yangtianxiao.

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