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Qin Shaofeng, this incarnation of Yan Yang, is the strength that dominates the Fire Element attribute.

Of course, with the current Realm of this indestructible avatar and the degree of evolution of Sharingan, even if the strength of other attributes is used, it is simple and completely very easy.

However, in terms of formidable power, it is still better to perform Fire Element attacks and is better at it.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng took the Fire Element attack as soon as he took action, and a Fire Dragon attack also broke out.

This move formidable power is very powerful, which can be seen from the more than 100 at least 7 Star-level destroyers, and even several 8 Star-level destroyers.

But even if Qin Shaofeng broke out with such a powerful move, the Destroyed Beasts seemed to be irritated, each and everyone became even more roaring and fierce, and rushed to Qin Shaofeng madly.

That looks 狰狞 terrifying!

“Oh, truly fearless!”

Qin Shaofeng smiled softly, but his eyes flashed a little anger, and a circle of light purple appeared on the bottom of his eyes, of which 9 tomee appeared instantly.

“Super Divine Luo Tian Levy!”


A powerful impact erupted from Qin Shaofeng, and it instantly swept the entire site.

And under that impact, the one destroying beast instantly turned into a mass of blood mist, which was directly blasted by this impact.

With Qin Shaofeng’s immortal incarnation Realm, at the moment, the god Luo Tian’s sign is displayed. That formidable power is not only powerful, it can instantly blast 7 8 Star-level destruction beasts, and even the range is extremely powerful.

In just a moment, the circleference 10000 became bloody.

However, this beast of destruction is really weird. Although the blood from the injury is bright red, it looks normal.

But as soon as the destruction beast dies, within a few breaths, the bright red blood left by these destruction beasts will begin to transform into black.

And as long as a few hours, the blood that has become black will turn into a trace of black aura and eventually dissipate completely.

I am afraid that only that piece of crystal stone can be destroyed.

This made the Antiquity Saint Domain influence, and wanted to destroy the corpse of the beast destroyer, and researched some of the weaknesses of the beast destroyer, which is also impossible.

After the Super Divine Luo Tian campaign erupted, the beasts of destruction here were almost completely destroyed.

The reason why it is almost that is because there are still some Destroyed Beasts, which are basically 9 Star Destroyed Beasts.

Super Divine Luo Tian’s sign is a large-scale attack. Although the formidable power is good, the attack intensity is somewhat scattered because of too much range.

Therefore, in the face of some powerful beasts of destruction, this move can’t kill them.

For example, these 9 Star-level destroyers!

But even if the strength was not bombarded by the Super Divine Luo Tian, ​​these 9 Star-level destruction beasts still suffered some injuries.

But these surviving 9 Star-level Destroyed Beasts were wounded and did not care about them at all. They just yelled angry at Qin Shaofeng.

“Sure enough, the brains in these things are just destroyed, no fear at all!”

Qin Shaofeng eyebrows slightly frowned, he is not afraid of these 9 Star-level destroyers, but he feels a bit thorny about the appearance of destroyers without any fear.

Because any kind of creature, without the slightest fear, the outbreak of the attack is extremely crazy, and it is also terrifying.

“It seems that fighting with creatures such as Destroyed Beast can only be attacked with thunderbolt!”

Qin Shaofeng had a clear comprehension in his heart. With a slight bounce of the right hand, several white fireballs were ejected.

Don’t look at these fireball bombs are only the size of each and everyone marbles, but this is the result of Qin Shaofeng’s ultimate Fire Element Power.

Not only is formidable power amazing, the temperature is also extremely high.

Even just the temperature of this fireball, I am afraid that it can melt the defense of 9 Star-level destroyers.

It turned out to be true!

Bang bang bang!

On the sound of several hits, the blazing white fireballs passed through the heads of the 9 Star-level destroyers without any hindrance.

Even at the moment when they penetrated the heads of these 9 Star-level destroyers, the bodies of those 9 Star-level destroyers were instantly covered by a group of fiery flames, and they turned into piles of ash, leaving only a piece Destroy the crystal stone.

“It seems to be only 9 Star-level Destruction Beasts, and it is still easy for me to solve them!”

Seeing this situation, Qin Shaofeng had some sighed in relief in his mind.

Although this Destroyed Beast attacked madly without any fear, by his means, he did not need to be afraid.

Qin Shaofeng is now aware of this, and it seems that the Destroyed Beast has been newly born.

This is based on the original number of beasts of destruction, but a lot of beasts have been added again.

In this case, it is a bit troublesome.

Because of the 10 Star-level Destroyed Beasts, let alone the 7 8 Star-level Destroyed Beasts, the number is 1000000, and the number is abnormally huge.

Even the destruction beast Legion that Gong Qingzi encountered before had encountered a number of 10 7 Star destruction animals that appeared at 8 Million Level, and among them, 9 Star destruction animals also exceeded 1000000.

This is the huge Legion of Destruction.

Fortunately, at that time, a large number of influences were combined to form a powerful coalition Legion. Otherwise, the trouble would be great.

Qin Shaofeng is worried about those 8 Star and 9 Star Destroyed beasts, who have a certain strength. In this way, once the number is large, it will be a bit thorny for him.

But now …

From the reactions of the 9 Star-level destroyers just now, Qin Shaofeng has no worry at all.

So now look at the strength of the 10 Star Destroyed Beast.

Qin Shaofeng a thought flashed through the mind, flew farther away in an instant.

Now it is still relatively close to Antiquity Saint Domain. Although there are destroyers, there are basically destroyers in a small group.

Qin Shaofeng just encountered the destruction of the beast, in fact, there are already nearly 10000.

But even such a herd of destruction can only be regarded as a small herd among them.

Under normal circumstances, a group of Destroyed Beasts will have a minimum of 9 Star Destroyed Beasts, and the number will exceed 1000.

This is already the minimum level.

A little more, is the kind of destruction that Qin Shaofeng just encountered.

If you have a 10 Star-level Destroyed Beast, this Destroyed Beast is at least 100,000 or more.

Qin Shaofeng is now looking for such a destroying herd, and wants to see, the strength of the 10 Star-level destroying beast.

But helplessly, I encountered several destroying herds in a row, basically only counting the number of 1000, or 2 30,000, but only the destroying herd with 9 Star-level destroying beasts.

This made Qin Shaofeng want to see it, and the strength of the 10 Star-level Destroyed Beasts could only be secretly suppressed.

In this case, Qin Shaofeng was not surprised.

In fact, all the beasts he encountered were the last coalition led by Gong Qingzi against the huge number of beasts of destruction, Legion. After the defeat, the remaining beasts of destruction formed a small group of beasts of destruction.

In that battle, Gong Qingzi fought the full-strength and killed the 10 Star-level Destroyed Beast in the Legion of Destroyed Beast.

However, the number of Legion that destroyed the beast was too large, and the Antiquity Saint Domain coalition side also paid a not a small price.

Therefore, in that case, it is impossible to kill all the destroyed beasts.

Qin Shaofeng now encounters the Destroyed Beasts, which are left over from that battle. Naturally, it is not easy to encounter 10 Stars.

As Qin Shaofeng continued to encounter small groups of destroyers, and continued to kill and destroy destroyers, entering more distant areas, the Antiquity Saint Domain coalition forces set off again.

After some preparation, King Emperor finally convened a large number of influences, integrated a huge 10 billion Legion, and began to fight against the beast destruction area.

However, although this time is a joint army of the Antiquity Saint Domain, it actually belongs to the Antiquity Saint Domain Top Level influence. For example, the influences of Colored Glass Palace and Antiquity Saint Race are not participating.

These 10 billion troops are all living in areas outside the Antiquity Saint Domain, and those influences are gathered together.

Of course, some of them originally belonged to the Antiquity Saint Domain, and now they have turned to the race influence of Jindi, the Foreign Domain influence.

Even if there is no powerhouse such as Gong Qingzi, Jindi and the others are still confident and convinced that this time can hunt and kill countless destroyers.

Yes, it’s hunting!

In the eyes of Jindi and other powerhouses, the destruction of the beast is no longer a crisis, but a great opportunity to confront the destruction of the beast, which is because of the destruction of the crystal stone.

So, this is exactly the battle of hunting!

But … is that true?


In an area far from the Antiquity Saint Domain, Qin Shaofeng finally encountered a 10 Star-level Destroyer.

Moreover, in this encounter, they actually encountered 7 10 Star-level destroyers at one time. Among them, 10 Star-level destroyers were more than 500,000, which is huge.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng is not afraid.

“Finally met!”

After seeing 7 10 Star-level Destruction Beasts among the Destruction Beasts, Qin Shaofeng’s eyes were purple light flashed, and they rushed up instantly.

roar! roar! roar! roar! roar! roar! roar!

Almost at the moment Qin Shaofeng started, the 7 10 Star-level Destroyed Beasts were aware of his existence and screamed.

However, Qin Shaofeng is very fast.

At the moment when those 7 beasts roared, Qin Shaofeng came to this group of beasts of destruction, and then without any hesitation, Qin Shaofeng took the action directly.

Super Divine Luo Tian Contest!

Super Divine Luo Tian Contest!

Super Divine Luo Tian Contest!

Qin Shaofeng’s take action was a series of 3 moves. The Super Divine Luo Tian expedition broke out. In an instant, it destroyed 10000% of the more than 500,000 destroyers in the circumference 99, leaving only more than 100 9 Stars. With those 7 10 Star-level destroyers.

Killing more than 500,000 Destroyed Beasts in an instant, I am afraid that only Qin Shaofeng can do it.

But this is what angered all the remaining Destroyed Beasts, especially the 7 10 Star-level Destroyed Beasts, and it was extremely angry.


One of the 10 Star-level destruction beasts, angry roar, looked up suddenly, facing Qin Shaofeng.

Almost instantly, the 10 Star-level Destroyed Beast was full of fangs and a huge mouth, and a black light ball condensed.

“Yo, this is quite like a tail beast!”

Seeing that light ball, Qin Shaofeng couldn’t help but smile slightly, watching the light ball blast at himself.

But next moment, Qin Shaofeng’s face changed slightly.

At the moment when the light ball condensed, Qin Shaofeng felt it. The aura of the black light ball, but can’t threaten him, he didn’t care much.

Such a thing, I can break it with a wave of my hand.

But the moment the light ball came, Qin Shaofeng felt a strange aura from the light ball.

“Power of Dao World ????”

Feeling the aura emanating from the light ball, there was a wave of power in Dao World, Qin Shaofeng’s eyes widened instantly.

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