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The words of the Great Emperor Heitian and the Great Emperor also resonated with several other emperors present.

In fact, Gong Qingzi stopped the siege of the beasts during this period, which made the Emperor Heitian and the others think that something happened to Gong Qingzi.

Unfortunately, Gong Qingzi was dealing with more than a dozen 10 Star-level destroyers before that. When you think of this, you can’t help wondering whether Gong Qingzi has been affected by that battle. Injury.

If it wasn’t injured, why change to a coalition leader?

Prior to the Black Emperor and the others, although there was such a guess in his heart, he did not really do anything.

After all, Gong Qingzi’s strength is there, but they can’t handle it.

And this is just their suspicion. Isn’t this the case with 10000?

But now it’s okay. Yan Yang suddenly appeared, and he was about to replace the coalition commander. This made the Heitian Emperor and the others feel that this might be the case.

It must be Gong Qingzi injured, and then intend to have someone else replace her.

If Gong Qingzi is all right, the Heitian Emperor and the others will naturally say nothing more.

But now it is different. If you can become the coalition commander, then the benefits are many!

It would be very beneficial to kill at least 10 Star-level Destroyers.

Unlike other Destroyed Beasts, this killing of 10 Star Destroyed Beasts will not only destroy the Crystal Stone, but also the Superior Grade Destroy Crystal Stone.

The strength of a superior grade destroying the crystal stone, even for the Ruler Supreme of the Dao Foundation, has a great promotion effect.

Even if it is as powerful as Ruler Supreme such as Hei Tiandi and the others, the superior grade destroys the crystal stone.

With the cultivation base of Emperor Hei Tian and the others, if you rely on your own cultivating, then the promotion of Realm is extremely slow.

Therefore, they are naturally enthusiastic about destroying the existence of crystal stone this.

Before Gong Qingzi was there, the destruction of the beasts killed by the coalition forces resulted in the superior grade destruction of the crystal stone. Even if they had their share, this large number of people were allocated, and they could get very little.

Although it is only a small part of the superior grade destroying the crystal stone, it is also countless times faster for the Hei Tian Emperor and the others than his own cultivation.

But people will always be satisfied. Once they get what they want, they will only want more.

Suddenly, the scene was quiet.

But the Emperor Hei Tian and the others glanced at each other and the others, and there was a flash of strange light in their eyes.

Only this moment, they had a decision in their hearts.


“Asshole, asshole, those garbage are just too hateful!”

In a room, Qin Shaofeng, who was adapting to the incarnation of Yanyang Realm strength at this moment, suddenly opened his eyes, and then saw the appearance of Gong Qingzi flustered and exasperated in front of himself.

“What’s wrong?” Qin Shaofeng asked.

“Not yet the so-called emperors, they actually …”

Gong Qingzi said in anger, and soon told Qin Shaofeng the whole story.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng understood why Gong Qingzi was so angry.

Originally, after some discussion, the black emperor and the others found Gong Qingzi, and said that the position of the coalition leader is not a child’s play, and she ca n’t do whatever she says. You must wait for others. Approved.

In short, it means one thing. You Gong Qingzi can’t be the leader of this coalition, but whoever takes it will no longer be your Gong Qingzi.

Gong Qingzi naturally unwilling to do, but she wasn’t really injured or anything, she just wanted to give the coalition commander to Qin Shaofeng.

But what chills Gong Qingzi is that the opinion put forward by the Emperor Heitian and the others has been recognized by most influences.

Although the Jiang Family and Gu Family, the Spirit Family, and even the Demon Family still support Gong Qingzi.

But now the Antiquity Saint Domain already not in is the old one, the Antiquity Saint Domain with Antiquity Saint Race and the ancient Demon Race as its respect.

The appearance of the Destroyed Beasts led to a number of hidden world influences in the Antiquity Saint Domain, especially the influences outside the Antiquity Saint Domain, which were forced by the Destroyed Beasts to the Antiquity Saint Domain.

To know the influence that can stand in the area outside the Antiquity Saint Domain, it is naturally very powerful and not inferior to the original 7 great influence of Antiquity Saint Domain.

This is what led to the current Antiquity Saint Domain. The original 7 great influences came out of the Antiquity Saint Race, the ancient Demon Race, and the Colored Glass Palace. Even 2 influences in the 3 halls have been reduced to 2 influences.

And this is still in the presence of the powerful Ruler Supreme of Bai Di. If there is no Bai Di, I am afraid that the 2 territories and 3 territories of their own territories may have been occupied by influences outside the Antiquity Saint Domain.

The current Antiquity Saint Domain is very chaotic. Thanks to the existence of public enemies such as Destroyed Beasts, otherwise, the Antiquity Saint Domain would have been fighting.

Gong Qingzi has a strong strength, and her subordinates are not simple. Not counting the palace and the others, the strength of the Colored Glass Palace itself is not weak.

Because the real master behind Colored Glass Palace is Qin Shaofeng’s old lady Jiang Yuxi.

Colored Glass Palace is also an influence developed by an incarnation of Qin Shaofeng father Qin Feiyang. Under secret cultivation, Colored Glass Palace has many powerhouses.

After Jiang Yuxi took over, there was a considerable existence of not less than Celestial Emperor and the others.

Without this, Gong Qingzi would not be the owner of Colored Glass Palace.

In fact, it is precisely because of the strength of the Colored Glass Palace and the power of Gong Qingzi itself that this has not accounted for those influences that return from the Antiquity Saint Domain to the Antiquity Saint Domain. What are the exceptions for the original influences of the Antiquity Saint Domain? Things.

Those influences are jealous of Gong Qingzi’s strength.

Of course, there is also the influence of Qin Shaofeng mother Jiang Yuxi.

Because at the same time as Gong Qingzi appeared, Jiang Yuxi also occasionally appeared to shock many influence giants, which did not make Antiquity Saint Domain appear a mess.

Antiquity Saint Domain’s influences are still good, thanks to the Colored Glass Palace.

But Gong Qingzi couldn’t think of anything. After the request of the Emperor Hei Tian, ​​not only those outside influences, but even the original influence of the Antiquity Saint Domain, they actually compromised.

Gong Qingzi naturally didn’t care about the coalition leader, but the influence of those influences made her chill, and the whole person was very angry.

Qin Shaofeng didn’t have any ideas, and smiled faintly. “Well, you don’t need to be so angry. I didn’t intend to sit in any coalition commander.”

Qin Shaofeng This is the truth, in fact, he decided against this decision at first Gong Qingzi.

After all, he still needs to return to Earth. Once the subjective consciousness returns to Earth, then the immortal incarnation of Yan Yang will leave the cultivation consciousness.

After all, Qin Shaofeng is not the main body now, and the real incarnation Realm is too powerful. He has no way to rely on the soul of the main consciousness at this moment to leave Soul Power enough to affect the behavior of the incarnation.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng really didn’t care about this coalition leader.

Because once he solves the problem at hand, he will leave, and Qin Shaofeng probably doesn’t need much time.

In fact, Gong Qingzi asked him to come back, this can be considered a last resort.

According to the previous situation, there is Gong Qingzi, even if there are 10 Star-level destruction beasts, then you don’t need to care.

The 10 Star-level Destruction Beast is simply not a threat to the current Gong Qingzi.

As long as there are not a few 100 10 Star-level destroyers at the same time, Gong Qingzi can easily destroy these destroyers.

And even if it can’t be defeated, with the means and strength of Gong Qingzi, it is still very simple to escape the siege of a large number of 10 Star-level destroyers.

At least with her class of Sharingan, once the strength of Kamui Virtual Transformation is cast, those destroying beasts will not even touch her.

And no matter how bad it is, Qin Shaofeng mother Jiang Yuxi is there.

With Jiang Yuxi ’s strength, even if it ’s the incarnation of Yan Yang that is now Qin Shaofeng, it wo n’t be weaker. Compared to Gong Qingzi, strength is only stronger not weaker.

Originally, there was Qin Shaofeng mother Jiang Yuxi oversee, as long as Dao Realm-level destruction beasts did not appear, it was not necessary to worry too much.

But helplessly, because the situation of Qin Feng’s immortal incarnation of Qin Shaofeng, now the Antiquity Saint Domain has already integrated too much power of Dao World.

This has caused the extreme instability of the Antiquity Saint Domain. In that special fusion space, it is only Qin Feiyang who can’t stand it anymore.

In desperation, Jiang Yuxi just entered it and suppressed it with Qin Feiyang.

Although Jiang Yuxi did not reach Dao Realm, because of some special circumstances, once Qin Feiyang and Jiang Yuxi were combined, then Qin Feiyang could burst into a stronger strength.

Qin Feiyang controls many of Dao World’s powers, Earth Dao World’s, and Da Yuan World’s Dao World’s. These add up to more than 30 copies.

However, Qin Feiyang did not fully refine the power of this Dao World. One reason is that this is the power of Dao World of 2 Dao World, and it is not easy to refining in the state of fusion of 2 Dao World.

But it is precisely because of this, that although he can use the strength of these Dao World strengths, he has made a lot of things.

But once these Dao World forces become unstable, it will be a trouble for him.

Qin Feiyang’s innate talent was not very good at first, and it can even be said to be poor. His Bloodline innate talent was awakened because of Jiang Yuxi’s ability.

Therefore, Qin Feiyang can only be the strongest when Jiang Yuxi is beside him.

Under the efforts of Qin Shaofeng’s unforgettable incarnation, the power of Dao World that has led to the present Antiquity Saint Domain is increasing.

Fortunately, the power of Dao World refined on Qin Feng, not at all really invested in the integration of Antiquity Saint Domain, just because it belongs to one of the immortal incarnations of Qin Shaofeng main body. After integrating into the power of Dao World That has some impact.

Otherwise, it is not as simple as unstable. For this, I am afraid that even Qin Feng did not expect it.

Because of instability, Qin Feiyang finally couldn’t hold back, and let Jiang Yuxi go in.

But shortly after Jiang Yuxi went in, something unexpected happened on the Antiquity Saint Domain side.

That was the sudden emergence of a large number of 10 Star-level destroyers.

Gong Qingzi couldn’t resist it, because she suddenly found a very weird situation, that is, 10 Star-level destruction beasts that came out at this time, the number was at least 100,000.

Faced with this situation, Gong Qingzi had no choice but to return Qin Shaofeng.

But in the face of this later series of events, Gong Qingzi was in a bad mood.

For Qin Shaofeng, he didn’t care much.

Because from Qin Shaofeng’s point of view, the more 10 Star-level destroyers, the more it can represent more superior grade destruction crystal stones.

This is great for restoring the Grand Dao Soul Ring, but it is of great benefit.

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