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According to Qin Feng, sooner or later Dao World in Kunwu will face Dao World where Qi Yuanxing is located.

My main body Qin Shaofeng, sooner or later, will meet with Kunwu and other powerhouses.

Therefore, he must make all preparations in advance and cope with such situations.

Whether it is Kunwu or Kunwu Dao World, that is the existence of not simple.

There are some Dao Worlds, but there are very special situations, that is, some people use the power of Dao World of Dao World, even the power of Dao World that is one, and the power of 50 Dao World in great power. All in one World’s Grand Dao Law.

Such a World’s Grand Dao Law cannot be said to be a World’s Grand Dao Law.

Because it integrates the power of Dao World of Dao World, it is already the Grand Dao Law of Dao World.

It can even be said that this world is this Dao World.

Star Lord, as such a master of the world, can already be regarded as the master of Dao World.

As a Dao World, the strength of Dao World, its strength and realm, has completely surpassed Star Lord Realm, and even surpassed Dao Realm, a Realm.

After all, the power of merging all Dao World is equivalent to merging Dao World’s Grand Dao and becoming a Dao World’s Grand Dao.

Therefore, this Realm is also called Grand Dao Realm!

Kunwu is a Grand Dao Realm powerhouse of Genuine, and it is not an ordinary Grand Dao Realm powerhouse. After all, Dao World of Kunwu has been integrated into the power of Dao World of many other Dao Worlds.

This makes Kunwu Dao World already leveled to a very powerful Realm, and Kunwu, the master of its Dao World, has reached an unimaginable Realm.

In fact, among the 7 Dao Worlds in the 7 World Wars, there were actually Dao Worlds with 2 Grand Dao Realm powerhouses, and one of them was Kunwu Dao World.

And it is precisely because of the existence of these two Grand Dao Realm’s powerhouses that one of the Dao Worlds was completely destroyed, and all the power of Dao World was deprived of as much as possible.

This is one of the actions of Grand Dao Realm, who plundered Dao World inhuman, and this Grand Dao Realm powerhouse is Kunwu!

But unfortunately, in the end, Kunwu plundered the entire Dao World for a full 50 copies of Dao World’s power, the most important of which also included that one of Dao World’s power.

This made some Dao Realm powerhouses in other Dao World very jealous, and finally decided to besiege Kunwu.

Although Kunwu strength was strong, it was still seriously injured and retired. Many other Dao World powerhouses were robbed of the power of Dao World, and the power of the ‘one’ Dao World was also robbed.

If not, with the power of ‘One of One’ Dao World, it will definitely bring Kunwu Dao World to a higher level.

The power of integrating Dao World into many other Dao World is actually not as good as the power of directly integrating one of them.

If one Dao World merges into one of Dao World’s ‘one’ Dao World powers, that is the essence of integrating into that Dao World.

This can not only be greatly improved, but also produce some special changes.

Fortunately, however, this would otherwise make Qin Feng feel desperate.

Because Kunwu Dao World, which incorporates the power of many other Dao World’s Dao World, Headquarters incorporates a ‘one’ Dao World’s power.

Although Dao World of Qi Yuanxing has been plundered by many Dao World forces, even if all Dao World forces are collected, there is absolutely no resistance in front of Kunwu Dao World.

However, Qin Feng knows that his main body Qin Shaofeng not only possesses the power of Qiyuan Xing 鈥檚 鈥淥ne鈥?Dao World, but also owns half of Earth 鈥檚 Dao World 鈥檚 鈥淥ne鈥?Dao World. .

Although it is only half of the power of Dao World, it is fully integrated with the main body.

Qin Feng also knows that his main body plan, if it is really successful, even if his main body has a ‘one’ Dao World power of Dao World, and a half of Earth Dao World’s A ‘Dao World Power.

Incorporating the power of Dao World in this state, this can definitely shape the fleshhy body of the main body into a very exaggerated position.

Once this is integrated with the main body, it will not only be promoted to Dao Realm in an instant, but also absolutely very powerful Dao World.

After spending so much time with Dao World in Kunwu, Qin Feng knew exactly one thing.

That is, in Dao Realm’s cultivation, it’s not that we must rely on the world level to integrate into the power of Dao World.

In other places, there is no trust in the world, and the power of Dao World, relying solely on its own cultivating powerhouse.

Although this is very difficult, it is not without it.

Besides, my main body incorporates the power of ‘One’ Dao World. Compared to relying on your own cultivation, it is definitely different.

Qin Feng thought clearly that he didn’t need to care about that many now.

You don’t need to worry about how powerful Kunwu is. His purpose now is to refine the power of Dao World.

As long as he refines the power of Dao World, when the final moment is returned by the main body summon and integrated into the main body, he can bring back more power of Dao World for the main body.

In this case, in the face of Kunwu Dao World can have enough capital!

In Kunwu Dao World, the situation is that once someone is promoted to Star Lord, they will leave Kunwu Dao World and go out of the field to fight.

As for the target of the battle, it was some Dao World that had been damaged or looted.

Qin Feng and their Star Lord-level powerhouses in Kunwu Dao World, the goal of entering those Dao World is also very clear, that is to plunder all the resources of that Dao World.

Of course, the main thing is to plunder the power of Dao World.

The 7 World Wars affected 7 Dao Worlds, causing one Dao World to be completely broken up. Even 2 Dao Worlds were fragmented, and even the self-proclaimed Dao World could not be done.

Now those Dao World have become a lot of fat in the eyes of Dao World, and a lot of powerhouses go to plunder.

Although at the time such as Kunwu this powerhouse, the power of Dao World of Dao World had been plundered.

But because of the powerhouse battles, it’s beyond imagination is so powerful that even the power of Dao World will be dispelled.

Although the power of Dao World will be dispelled, it will never disappear.

Even if the Dao World is born, it is broken up by absolute strength, but for the power of Dao World, even if it is dispersed, it will be restored in Dao World.

If Dao World no longer exists, those who have lost the power of Dao World that Dao World relies on will condense again in any part of the out-of-bounds area.

Qin Feng has helped Kunwu Dao World to fight for many years. At first, he was given the power of Dao World by Kunwu clone, which is 3 copies.

The remaining three were all Qin Feng’s battles over the years.

For Kunwu, letting the subordinate generals fight to plunder other Dao World resources, even the power of Dao World, is a great way to improve Kunwu Dao World with its own strength.

Because the world of Star Lord like Qin Feng has been fully integrated into the Grand Dao Law of Kunwu Dao World.

Under such circumstances, the Star Lord-level Dao Realm powerhouse of Dao World in Kunwu has been strengthened, which is equivalent to strengthening the Dao World in Kunwu.

Kunwu did not have any worries about this, because Qin Feng and other Star Lord’s worlds are completely pinned on Kun Dao Dao World 鈥檚 Grand Dao Law. Once there is a rebellion, Kunwu can pass Kun Dao 鈥檚 Grand Dao Law. , To digest all the world of Kunwu Dao World Star Lord, and digest it into the Grand Dao Law of Kunwu Dao World.

Under such circumstances, betraying him Kunwu is completely courting death.

Because for a Star Lord, after the success of Star Lord, Star Lord world is a fatal weakness.

Unless it is the initiative to leave the Grand Dao Law of Kunwu Dao World, but such a separation needs to be separated from the world that already belongs to it.

A Star Lord-level Dao Realm powerhouse, separated from its own world, would be equivalent to giving up the power of refining and integrating into its own Dao World, which is equivalent to giving up its star position.

Once so, even the superstar Star Lord, it will instantly fall to the starless Realm.

Such a price is probably not what any Star Lord with a star position would like to see.

Kunwu is aware of this, and naturally rest assured that those Star Lords of Dao World in Kunwu will go to battle and plunder the power of Dao World in other Dao Worlds.

Because for him this can only improve the strength of Kunwu Dao World itself, simply need not worry about accidents.

However, Qin Feng’s situation is somewhat special. He also does not need to worry about the world that he has refined and the power of those Dao Worlds that are integrated into the world will be swallowed up by Kunwu Dao World.

Under the influence of the strength of God 鈥檚 law, Qin Feng now has a very Dao World power, which seems to belong to Kunwu Dao World and belong to Kunwu, the Grand Dao Realm powerhouse.

But in fact, as long as Qin Feng’s single thought head, he can take the power of these Dao World, even the world that belongs to him, and instantly return to his main body Qin Shaofeng.

There is no need to worry, the power of Dao World obtained in the battle will serve as the wedding dress of Dao World in Kunwu.

Therefore, Qin Feng is very enthusiastic about conquering and plundering other Dao World resources, and even Dao World’s power.

As for Qin Feng’s performance, Kunwu clone saw her, and she was only relieved.

In his opinion, Qin Feng belongs to Kunwu Dao World and is a powerful general who belongs to his main body. The more resources he fights and the power of Dao World, it is only good for Kunwu Dao World, and not harmful.

At this moment, Qin Feng already not in Dao World of Kunwu, but left Dao World of Kunwu and went to a broken Dao World, because according to some information, it seems that the broken Dao World, the power of the previously broken Dao World, has been Cohesion has occurred.

That’s the power of Dao World, and Qin Feng doesn’t want to miss it.

Over the years, Qin Feng has also cultivated a lot of subordinates. These subordinates are souls who are entrusted to his world. It is impossible to betray him.

A master of the world is especially the master of the power of refining Dao World. If the power of refining Dao World is more, there are some special circumstances for the souls who entrust their world.

If it is not used to breed living creatures, but only to incorporate a very small number of souls, then this has a great advantage for the souls who integrate the soul into this world.

Because this can, the entire World’s Grand Dao Law is dedicated to these creatures, so that these creatures have a strong strength.

For example, Qin Feng’s current world has refined ten Dao World powers, which not only allows him to reach the Upper Star Lord Realm.

Even those subordinates of his subduing can reach Dao Realm, and even have Real Realm.

With ten copies of the power of Dao World, World’s Grand Dao Law, but there are only a few souls, that can completely allow very few souls, cultivated to Middle Star Lord Realm.

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