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“That’s it!” Liu Ya began to explain.

It turned out that this time, it was Lian Yufeng who used the method of burning the body and the Divided Soul to contact the Earth.

Not only that, after contacting here, Lian Yufeng’s strength was more than enough. After finding Geng Qiutong, and talking with Geng Qiutong, the remaining strength was given to Geng Qiutong.

As for the reason why Geng Qiutong did the same, it was because the strength she burned out was to open up a channel for Qin Shaofeng to temporarily return to the Antiquity Saint Domain to contribute.

Therefore, after Geng Qiutong exhausted the burning strength of Lian Yufeng, he finally found Zhao Yun’er, which is Liu Ya.

Originally, she wanted to find Qin Shaofeng directly, but Qin Shaofeng just happened to be on the side of the rice country, which made Geng Qiutong burn the strength of Lian Yufeng, and she could not reach Qin Shaofeng by exhaustion.

The strength she burned out just happened to make a channel for Qin Shaofeng Main Soul to return to her consciousness, and she couldn’t consume it.

Therefore, after she found Liu Ya, she explained to Liu Ya a little bit, that is, the consciousness of Divided Soul was completely dissipated, leaving only a pure energy.

At this moment, the strength of this group is in Qin Shaofeng’s hands.

Looking at the group of strengths in his hands, Qin Shaofeng felt an emotion in his heart.

But Qin Shaofeng’s mind is now fully aware of the origin of this matter.

In this case, go back once.

As for how to get his subjective consciousness back, Qin Shaofeng had some confidence and didn’t care.

However, before setting off, Qin Shaofeng still needs to prepare.

The first is to refining enough Martial King Dan and True Martial King Dan!

To be honest, with Liu Ya’s current realm, even if there is another martial artist of Wu Saint Level, simply cannot be Liu Ya’s opponent, as long as it is not a powerful and boundless existence.

And Qin Shaofeng also left Liu Ya with enough 4 Star Nine Layer Spirit Pill. With Liu Ya here, there is no need to worry too much about Wang Family.

In this case, Qin Shaofeng felt that he could continue to maintain the business of Martial King Dan with Wang Family or other hidden Aristocratic Family.

But because I do n’t know how long to stay there at this time, Qin Shaofeng is ready to refining out some Martial King Dan and True Martial Wang Dan.

I hope that when his subjective consciousness returns, he can have enough spirit jade stones.

Qin Shaofeng had made up his mind. When he returned, he headed to the underground Headquarters of the Brig family and dug out the Spirit Stones inside.

Now Liu Ya is already Martial Saint, and when he comes back again, Liu Ya will definitely be stronger. In addition, Scorpion is waiting for his subordinates, and strength can definitely be improved.

Because he was refining enough Nine Layer Spirit Pill, enough for the Scorpion and the others to improve.

Not only that, but perhaps by then, the evil blood Taoist can also return to the strength of Wu Saint Realm.

In this case, Qin Shaofeng is not convinced that he cannot deal with those genetically modified organisms.

After everything was ready, Qin Shaofeng did not hesitate to choose, in the 9 spirit palace, the energy transformed by Geng Qiutong was completely inspired.


9 Somewhere in the Ling Palace shuddered slightly, and then did not notice that in a room, Qin Shaofeng had a space crack-like opening in front of him.

Without hesitation, when Qin Shaofeng, next moment, and Divine Consciousness prepared to sit cross-legged, the soul belonging to his subjective consciousness was transformed into a divine light and flew into the Space Crack.


Rice, a hidden military base.

At this moment, several researchers in the country that are very authoritative in genetic modification technology are conducting Dissection and analysis of a corpse.

And this corpse is exactly the 9th-order gene warrior released by Qin Shaofeng that day with the help of Jonathan.

Although there are no specific data and test reports, there is a finished product, which is almost the same for several researchers present.

“Perfect, this is really perfect. Didn’t expect the genetic modification technology of the Bragg family to be so perfect!”

An old man in a white coat said with excitement. Looking towards Dissection On the stage, the corpse, which has been almost completely dismembered, is full of … love and affection?

The eyes seemed to see rare treasure, as if seeing a peerless beauty, with endless longing and joy, and a kind of abnormal excitement!

Eric Bernard’s Court Academecian is one of the most outstanding Court Academecian in the field of genetic modification technology of the Rice Army.

Some of the Tier 8 and Tier 9 gene fighters in the United States are from the hands of Eric Court Academecian.

Even take action directly, the powerhouse that killed the genetic warrior on the Dissection is the 9th-level Peak genetic warrior created by Eric Court Academecian!

In the U.S. military, the status of Eric Bernard’s Court Academecian is extremely high. It is no exaggeration to say that sometimes, even if the president of the U.S. is black, Eric can ignore it without any influence.

For the Brig family, Eric has always been disdainful, because in his opinion, the so-called superior genetic technology optimized by Breg is completely a self-deceiving trick.

However, after seeing the corpse in front of him, he felt that his views on the Bragg family could be changed slightly.

Well, although it is a stupid family that deceives itself, but in terms of genetic modification technology, it has so little patience!

“Oh, are you? Now that you are so happy, Eric, is there something to be gained?”

At this moment, an old man who looks over 50 years old beside Eric, smiled and said something to Eric Court Academecian.

This old man doesn’t look eye-catching, but the epaulets on his shoulders are superficial, he is an extremely not simple mission.

On the shoulders of this old man uniform, on the shoulders of grass green, it is a symbol of a 5-point silver star

In the United States, the epaulets can have such a 5-point silver star logo, and at least it is a brigadier general. Brigadier General to 5 Star will have 1 to 5 such 5 Star class marks in order.

Although Naveo is also a general, he is incomparable to this one.

Since Viteo’s epaulettes are also just trifling two 2-point silver stars that’s all, he is just a major general.

But this old man’s five-point silver star has as many as five. He is not only on the shelf, but also a 5 Star general!

5 If Admiral Star is in wartime, it is equivalent to a marshal.

Generally speaking, this is already the highest level of the military rank system in the country.

Although there are also 6 Star Generals in the country, that 6 Star is only an honorary rank. Only a few people can get the 6 Star General’s rank under special circumstances!

For example, on the 1976th anniversary of the founding of the Confederate State in 200, the then President of the United States, George Washington, was awarded by the then President Gerald Ford. Admiral also known as 6 Star Admiral.

Under normal circumstances, Admiral 5 Star is already the highest.

The 5 Star general named Bertram Marshall, General Lu Jun 5 Star of the country, has great rights in the country, such as generals such as Viteo, but obey him.

Moreover, General Bertram controlled the Rice Army, the strongest phantom unit.

“Well, it’s a bit of a discovery!” Eric Nodded.

The Eric Court Academecian and General Bertram have a great relationship. They grew up together, and after joining the military, they played in the rice country together and had a strong relationship.

“How?” Bertram asked, eyes flashed a strange light.

Prior to this, those creatures that appeared in the Pacific Ocean, in fact, General Bertram had sent people to kill several Seventh-Eighth Rank.

And some research was done on those creatures, but the situation that can be studied is very strange.

Because according to Earth’s environment, even such deep underground rivers and deep seas, it is impossible to produce such creatures.

Those genetically modified organisms have been related to Spirit Stone and have evolved into very special species.

And this evolution, as if it was the natural evolution of living things, actually wiped out the traces of genetic modification.

This is also, after all, those genetically modified organisms are only the Bleg family, and the failure products produced during the experiment.

Once this survives, and if it evolves again, it is naturally easy to eliminate the traces of genetic modification.

at first Eric has also studied these genetically modified organisms, but after research, at most he discovered the weakness of the organism he was studying.

But helplessly, those powerful creatures appearing in the Pacific Ocean really seem to come from prehistoric times, and not even the species.

Because of the genetic modification test, even if it is the same organism, it will definitely become 2 ambiguities after failure. In the case of further evolution, it is really possible to say that it is not the same species.

At most, it can be said that it is a family relationship.

Therefore, even if Eric Court Academecian has researched a weakness, it is only for the researched one. For other creatures, simply has no effect.

Therefore, the corpse obtained by these hunters can be used as research at most.

However, Eric Court Academecian was excited after the Bragg family exposed the genetic warrior who perfectly integrated the beast gene.

This complete fusion of beast genes, but also allows fusion warriors to obtain the characteristics of beast genes and increase their strength.

He doesn’t have such technology.

Therefore, his heart moved, and a single thought was born in his heart.

That is the genes of those creatures hunted by the Pacific Ocean, which are integrated into some abilities, or genetic warriors within the body. Wouldn’t it be possible to give birth to more powerful abilities and genetic warriors?

Such an idea, after Dissection studied the genetic warrior created by the Brig family, Eric Court Academecian became more confident in his mind.

Because after Dissection and research, Eric Court Academecian discovered this particular genetic warrior, and the fusion gene was only the gorilla gene.

And this gene warrior is just an 8th-order gene warrior. After fully merging the gorilla genes, the strength characteristics of the gorilla genes are obtained, and the strength is greatly improved.

And he is directly promoted to a 9th level Sovereign fighter under this promotion!

Tier 8 level, fully fused with the genes of the beast, can you advance to level 9?

It’s easy to go from level 8 to level 9 instead of promoting to Rank 3 from Rank 4.

The reason why the 9th-order powerhouse is called Sovereign is because Sovereign exists in ten-thousand does not have one.

Only a few people can reach this step.

But now, as long as one gene is fused, this step can be reached, which is too simple!

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