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“Damn, that’s what happened!”

Qin Shaofeng whispered a cry of helplessness in his heart.

No, I have to go back!


Qin Shaofeng gaze went cold, looked towards Jonathan around, bursting with infinite killing intent in his eyes.

“I didn’t want to do this, but now the situation is beyond me. Then I can only do this!”

With a decision in mind, Qin Shaofeng no longer hesitated and took Jonathan to the elevator directly to the minus 27th floor.

After Qin Shaofeng’s last time, after some discussions with the Brig executives, Jonathan Father finally decided to set a room on the negative 27th floor as a special command room.

The command room is the Brig family. The experiment that till now has not attempted is a test product that is still in an experimental state.

A genetic warrior fully fused with beast genes!

Although this gene warrior is only a level 8th level, after fully fused with special beast genes, he was promoted to a level 9th ​​level, and even reached a level 9th ​​Middle Stage level.

And because of its uncontrolled wildness, the battle strength that made it burst out is already comparable to some 9-stage Late Stage and even Peak Realm’s Sovereign.

This genetic warrior has become the strongest weapon of the Brig family.

However, it is extremely difficult to control this particular 9th-tier gene warrior.

The Brig family also believes that when the Brig family encounters an invasion of an enemy such as Qin Shaofeng, this fighter can be started.

And in case something happened that caused huge losses in time, a room on the 27th floor was selected as the deputy control room for this special genetic warrior.

As for the main control room, that was naturally the negative 108th floor of Breg Patriarch Ludwig.

Now Qin Shaofeng is controlling Jonathan, letting out that special genetic warrior, and still directly putting the opponent into a violent state!

Soon, the entire Headquarters of the Brig family sounded a harsh alarm.

momentarily, the entire headquarters of Breg’s underground, startled.

“What? The sirens only sounded?”

“Alert? Has another enemy invaded?”

“Not good, someone killed you!”

“The enemy is here, everyone pays attention!”


As soon as the alarm sounded, the entire Headquarters under Bragg was completely chaotic.

After the last Qin Shaofeng trouble, the underground Headquarters of the entire Breg family are now all soldiers. When they heard the alarm, they were extremely nervous.

On the negative 108th floor, after hearing such an alarm sound, Bragg’s value Ludwig was also startled.

Then, after an inspection, he discovered that the alarm sounded not because of the enemy, but because of a riot in the subject.

Qin Shaofeng’s control of Jonathan sent a message to Ludwig, directly explaining that the special 9th-order genetic warrior had a riot because of genetic disorder.

Therefore, ‘he’ applied to Ludwig, the other Tier 9 fighters of the Bragg family.

Seeing such news, Ludwig had no doubt about him, and whispered in his heart, “It’s a goddamn thing, didn’t expect such a thing.”

Ludwig was not skeptical about this, because he didn’t think his son would cheat him.

And the most important thing is that the 9th-order gene warrior who fully fused the mammalian genes is indeed in a very unstable state and is prone to riots.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to start the emergency measures directly, sending out all three of the Brig family’s 3th-tier gene fighters.

However, just as Ludwig pressed the three activated button of the 3th-tier gene warrior, at this moment somewhere on the negative 9 floor, Qin Shaofeng had already waited again.

The Brig family has three 3th-order gene warriors, but the Breg family paid a huge price for the three powerful genetic warriors they had cultivated.

The other 9th-order Sovereign can have a long lifespan, which basically has no problem living for 200-300 years.

But the 9th-tier fighters of the Brig family are genetically modified genetic fighters, and they have a very short version on lifespan.

Since the end of the transformation and become a 9th-order gene warrior, the lifespan of these 3 9th-order gene warriors is at most an eleven-twelve year.

Therefore, in order to make these three 3th-tier gene fighters play a bigger and longer-lasting value, until now, the Brig family put the three 9th-tier gene fighters in a dormant cabin.

In the dormant state, extend the lifespan of the 3 genetic warriors.

Qin Shaofeng also learned a bit from Jonathan’s memory, and if he wanted to completely solve the Bragg family, these three 3th-tier gene warriors were one of the biggest obstacles.

This 9th-tier gene warrior is completely a humanoid weapon. Once fighting, it can completely give up all emotions and be in an absolutely calm state.

Even in the middle of a battle, an arm was cut off by the enemy. The three 3th-tier gene fighters will not frown, and still calmly attack the enemy.

Although Qin Shaofeng is not afraid of these three 3th-order gene fighters, if he can easily solve these three 9th-order gene fighters, Qin Shaofeng will naturally choose an easy way.

So he was ambush here.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng rushed in immediately when three 3th-tier gene fighters began to release dormancy, and the dorm room on the negative 9 floor was also opened.

Then, Qin Shaofeng took action directly while the three 3th-level gene fighters had not completely left the dormant state.

Bang! bang! bang!

In front of the three huge dorm bays, Qin Shaofeng directly exploded three thunderbolts, and directly sent the entire dorm bay together with the three 3th-tier gene fighters to explodes into waste.

Three powerful 3th-tier gene warriors were bombarded and killed like this.

If they are awake, it will cause some trouble for Qin Shaofeng.

But in this contact dormant state, for Qin Shaofeng, simply weak chicken exists.

The biggest obstacle has been resolved, and now the entire Bragg family does not pose any threat to Qin Shaofeng.

In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng rushed to the negative 107th floor because he knew that Brig ’s Patriarch Ludwig would be out of the negative 108th floor.

Sure enough, as Qin Shaofeng guessed, after Ludwig started the 3rd and 9th-tier gene warriors, he felt that there was no danger, and others came out of the negative 108th level of absolute safety.

But what made Ludwig absolutely absent was that the moment he stepped out of the negative 108th floor, the whole person fell into a dizziness, and then knew nothing.

Although he is still standing, if at this moment there is a strong Great Cultivator here, he can immediately discover that Ludwig’s soul has been completely wiped away.

Qin Shaofeng take action!

His take action not only wiped Ludwig’s soul directly, but even divided a Divine Consciousness to control Ludwig’s body.

“Let’s go up and take a look!”

Under Qin Shaofeng’s control, he whispered to the two 2th grade genetic fighters around him.

The two genetic fighters left without doubt.

After the two of them left, Qin Shaofeng stepped out of the dark side.

‘Ludwig’ stepped aside, very honestly.

Qin Shaofeng didn’t care about it anymore, because he was very excited now.

Sure enough, it really is as he guessed!

Looking at the entire floor of the negative 108th floor, Qin Shaofeng was surprised.

He had previously suspected that the negative 108 floors in the Brig family that only Patrarch could access were refining from a special material.

At first glance, it really looks the same as him.

Stars Iron!

A very special material, but also an extremely rare and precious artifact refining material.

Even some weapons that are not very powerful, if you can add a Stars Iron with a big thumb, then you can level it to Ruler.

If Stars Iron completely refining an equipment, it is definitely a way to surpass the Ruler!

The existence of middleware in equipment is equivalent to Dao Realm powerhouse in cultivator.

But Stars Iron is extremely difficult and too few, only a little bit will be born under extremely harsh conditions.

For example, is the star of the sun big?

1.3 million times Earth, and the sun is the easiest place to give birth to Stars Iron.

But this still has a certain chance, which does not mean that Stars Iron must exist in every star like the sun.

And the most important thing is that even if there is Stars Iron in the sun, there may only be a thumb-sized Stars Iron in that huge sun.

This shows how rare Stars Iron is.

But in front of Qin Shaofeng’s eyes, it was a huge Stars Iron building.

Yes, just fucking is a building!

Building a house with Stars Iron is too exaggerated.

Stars Iron has a very peculiar feature. Generally speaking, Stars Iron is very hard. Even the powerful Ruler can hardly cause destructive damage to Stars Iron.

However, once Stars Iron is tempered to a state where it has no impurities, Stars Iron can be shaped by heating to a certain high temperature.

The Brig family didn’t know what kind of destiny, they could get such a huge piece of Stars Iron, and it was still tempering to the perfect Stars Iron.

When I wiped Slaughter Path Devig’s soul before, Qin Shaofeng also searched for it, and then understood the origin of Stars Iron.

The Brig family didn’t know Stars Iron. This Stars Iron was actually found deep in the Pacific Ocean when the Brig family salvaged the ship.

After the most research, the Brig family found that this iron block has extremely strong hardness, and it can only slowly melt under extremely high temperature.

To this end, the Brig family deliberately developed a high-temperature device, and finally reluctantly shaped this iron block into a floor frame.

But it is because of this that this gave the Brig family an earthly safe house.

This is not exaggerated!

Because this negative 108 floor can survive even if it is attacked by a nuclear bomb.

And most importantly, there is no array or formation mark on it.

If Qin Shaofeng is a little bit above and depicts some arrays, then it is no exaggeration to say that even if the entire 108th floor is thrown on the sun, there is no mortal danger.

This is another powerful ability of Stars Iron. Once an array or an array is portrayed, it can fully fuse the portrayed array with the formation mark and directly absorb it as its own strength.

That is to say, a piece of Stars Iron itself is not at all special, at most it is a little harder.

But if you describe a powerful Fire Element array, then this Stars Iron has Fire Element Power.

Absorb diversity!

This strength is simply a strong explosion.

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