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“Well, it’s okay!”

Looking at the lightning arc that flew back in his hand, Qin Shaofeng felt the strength of it, lightly nodded.

The Blackfire has 6 scars. Although not as powerful as the Gipps team, these absorbed strengths can also improve Qin Shaofeng’s physical body Realm.

Since the other party dared to take action against his people, and even killed himself some Innate Martial Master and Innate Grandmaster, Qin Shaofeng naturally could not let go of this black fire team.

In fact, the first reason Qin Shaofeng found this is the black fire team, which is learned from the 100 Yifan intelligence, this black fire team may escape.

Now it seems that this is the case. Scar really has the intention to take the people of the Black Fire team and run away.

However, Qin Shaofeng also knows that this black fire team still has the idea of 鈥嬧€媠olving the Xu Family before running away.

But now these are not important anymore, Qin Shaofeng has solved all the people of the Blackfire team.

After everyone in the Blackfire team died, it didn’t take long for the gate behind Qin Shaofeng to come in a lot of people, including the Scorpion, the Black Tiger, and the Black Panther 2 brothers.

After returning to Fengya Villa, Qin Shaofeng directly took out three Spirit Stones to help the Scorpion, Black Tiger and Black Panther to absorb them for 3 days, so that they not only recovered their previous injuries, but even improved.

So, at this time, the three scorpion old people came with a lot of martial artists and followed Qin Shaofeng.

Of course, at this time they were only responsible for cleaning the battlefield.

“Leave some people to handle the corpse of these people, you take the Black Tiger and Black Panther to solve the Xu Family!”

Instead of looking at the corpse of those who have scars on the Blackfire, Qin Shaofeng is instructed directly to the Scorpion.


The scorpion was nodded, then took the black tiger and the panther, and left directly.

As for Qin Shaofeng, he also started to act.

That Xu Family, He Family and Zhang Family, Qin Shaofeng, he did not intend to let go, Xu Family to the scorpion three people, then the remaining He Family and Zhang Family will be left to him.

Soon Qin Shaofeng set off.

Taking advantage of the night, when I came to a place without people, Qin Shaofeng rose into the air in an instant, flew up, jumped quickly, and ran straight to the place where He Family was without any delay.

Qin Shaofeng simply doesn’t want to be delayed because of such things, but just wants to quickly resolve He Family and Zhang Family. These ordinary person-level grievances are really worthless to him.

But he didn’t want to be targeted in this way, and remained indifferent, so he just resolved it quickly.

Qin Shaofeng’s speed is very fast, because of his current realm, he can fully spatial flight.

However, such consumption is fast and speed is limited, Qin Shaofeng finally resorted to continuous jumping directly.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng’s speed is surprisingly fast, and ordinary vehicles are not as fast as he is now.

Soon Qin Shaofeng came to a villa in a remote suburb.

This is the He Family villa, and Qin Shaofeng’s first choice.

“This is the He Family? It seems that this defense is doing a good job, and it looks like this He Family seems to be understood, but it is a bit guarded!”

Qin Shaofeng stood on a big tree, looking at the villa in the distance, eyes flash with a cold light.

He could feel what He Family seemed to be alerting, and the whole villa was filled with a different atmosphere.

Qin Shaofeng did not guess wrong. In fact, after the Blackfire team failed the attack from Fengya Villa, immediately asked He Family and Zhang Family, and asked them why Fengya Villa would have powerful martial artists and abilities.

Although He Family and Zhang Family are ordinary families, they are still ignorant of the existence of martial artist and abilities, but because of the existence of the Blackfire team, they still vaguely know the existence of some special strength people.

Upon hearing the scar, they said that their black fire team could not attack Fengya Villa, and they could not deal with Qin Shaofeng. He Family and Zhang Family immediately knew that they had provoked people who should not be provoked.

momentarily, the two families were anxious, and they couldn’t care less about blame and questioning the Xu Family, but immediately began preparing to strengthen their own security so as not to be caught by Qin Shaofeng.

After all, He Family and Zhang Family are factions. They have special channels and can use many firearms.

In fact, the firearms used by everyone in the Blackfire this time were provided by 2 companies.

Therefore, knowing that things were n鈥檛 immediate, He Family and Zhang Family immediately began to arm their own family’s armed strength.

At this moment, the He Family villa is guarded by each and everyone silhouette, and trained elite bodyguards are everywhere.

And these elite bodyguards, each of them is wearing a weapon, and the equipment is very sophisticated firearms, and even many people in the dark are the people holding machine guns.

This is exactly 5 steps and one post, ten steps and one whistle, the vigilance is very tight and strict!

“Oh, so alert, with such a defense strength, in the influence of ordinary person, this He Family is already very simple!” Qin Shaofeng laughed, but his face did not change at all.

“However, that’s all. It provokes people who shouldn’t, and this He Family is over!”

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Shaofeng had disappeared from the tree and his body flickered.

At the next moment, Qin Shaofeng appeared at the gate of He Family Villa. With a relaxed face, as if traveling, it was the gate of moved towards He Family.

“What people? Stop!”

At the gate, an elite bodyguard who guarded the He Family, immediately discovered Qin Shaofeng, which was fiercely shouted.

There are also 4 elite bodyguards at the door of this He Family. Although they are only ordinary persons, each and everyone is burly and powerful. After a lot of training, they already have the strength equivalent to some junior martial artist.

Well, that’s the strength of Rank 1!

But trifling Rank 1 is an ordinary person who is not even a martial artist. How could Qin Shaofeng put it in his eyes and immediately ignore the other party and move on.

“Stop! Stop for me!” The bodyguard yelled, and the other three people were alert.

Then, four people saw that Qin Shaofeng didn’t stop at all, didn’t hesitate too much, just yelled at the gun.


“Stop, this is private territory, if you move on, we’ll shoot!”

“Stop, or shoot!”

“Give me a stop!”

The four people yelled, but Qin Shaofeng didn’t hear them, and people continued to move forward, and soon came to the four people, 5 meters away from the He Family gate.

At this time, the four bodyguards finally felt that something was wrong. Four people looked at each other, and without hesitation, everyone pulled the trigger of the pistol in their hands.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

4 shots, the 4 bodyguards fired.

At this moment, it is already more than 10 at night, and He Family is in this kind of suburban area. There are some mountains and forests all around, which can be said to be very quiet.

The four gunshots that suddenly sounded completely broke this tranquility and cut the whole night sky.

At the moment when four bodyguards fired, Qin Shaofeng took action, and he flashed directly, which was dodged the four bullets.

Then, before the four bodyguards could not see clearly, they came to their four people and palm slap out.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The next moment, the four elite bodyguards at the gate of the He Family were all smacked flying by Qin Shaofeng.

And these 4 elite bodyguards, before they understood what was going on, they felt beaten and lost consciousness, and they didn’t even see how Qin Shaofeng arrived in front of them.

If it were not for Qin Shaofeng not holding back, these four people would have died.

After slapped flying the 4 bodyguards guarding the gate of He Family, Qin Shaofeng stepped in, with a very relaxed expression on his face, as if only 4 flies had just been shot.

When Qin Shaofeng walked into the He Family villa, a large group of elite bodyguards appeared. They all rushed over to Qin Shaofeng, all of them were guards with guns, personal skills.

Of course, this is just for ordinary person.

In all fairness, the strength of the He Family is already very powerful in terms of ordinary person influence.

In fact, the influence of He Family is really huge. Although we cannot say anything about the wind and summon the rain, average person simply dare not provoke He Family.

It 鈥檚 just a pity that they faced Qin Shaofeng, a powerful Martial Dao player at this time. Do n鈥檛 say such a team, it 鈥檚 just facing a country army, I 鈥檓 afraid it 鈥檚 the Qin Shaofeng single thought. Things up!

Because these are not the ordinary person of the martial artist, even if the martial artist, magician, and psionicist exist, as long as the level does not exceed 5 Rank 6, there is nothing special in the soul. I am afraid that it is in Divine of Qin Shaofeng In front of Consciousness, there are single thought heads that can instantly kill.

This simply is not quantitative and can make up for it.

However, for this He Family, Qin Shaofeng did not intend to kill everyone with Divine Consciousness at once.

After all, it is within the scope of Huaxia. With the status of He Family, if a large number of people die, it will definitely cause a lot of problems.

Bombing Realm Low with Divine Consciousness is too obvious, and it is extremely easy to cause panic afterwards.

It is with these circumstances in mind that Qin Shaofeng does not intend to use Divine Consciousness.

But even if you do n鈥檛 use Divine Consciousness, Qin Shaofeng 鈥檚 current strength, and He Family, it 鈥檚 exactly like an elephant stepping on an ant, no suspense.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The gunfire rang, and the He Family’s bodyguards shot and saw Qin Shaofeng.

Suddenly, a burst of gunfire burst out, and the bullets flew 4 places. The original quiet atmosphere of the entire He Family was instantly broken, and it was completely lively.

However, after these people fired, no matter how many bullets were fired, they did not hit Qin Shaofeng.

At the moment of the escape shot, Qin Shaofeng turned into an afterimage, and then quickly shuttled among these bodyguards.

Twinkle! Twinkle!

Then, people kept flying, being Zhenfei, being photographed, being blown away …

Someone fell to the ground, someone hit the wall, the screams kept ringing, and more and more people fell to the ground.

In less than half a minute, in the square where the gate of the entire He Family came in, there was only one person who could still stand, and it was only Qin Shaofeng!

As for the other 100 bodyguards from He Family, each and everyone fell to the ground.

Although none of them died, their current situation was very miserable, with broken hands and broken bones, rolling around, and none of them could stand up.

Qin Shaofeng glanced at those elite bodyguards who fell to the ground mourning constantly, shrugged, yawned, and then continued moving towards the front.

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