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At the airport in San Francisco, United States, Qin Shaofeng was already flying and looked a short distance away. A glance of regret flashed in the direction of the Great Xia of the Brig family.

He originally wanted to go to the Brig family Headquarters after solving those abilities. Although he couldn’t get enough at this time, he was finally at a loss.

Naturally he couldn’t just let it go. He wanted to immediately go to the Brig family Headquarters and dispose of the Brig family.

After returning to the ground from this lake this time, Qin Shaofeng has been more than 2 distance of 100 li from the Breg family Headquarters.

But when Qin Shaofeng first set foot in San Francisco and was about to head to the Brig family’s Headquarters, he accidentally received a call from a Scorpion veteran.

Xie old phone told him that Fengya villa was attacked, and the situation was not good.

Upon hearing such news, Qin Shaofeng naturally couldn’t help but immediately returned.

Fengya villa was attacked?

Is it the Brig family, or is it another influence?

When I think of this, I can’t care less about the Brig family headquarters.

So he immediately did the plane back.

1 day later, Qin Shaofeng returned to Fengya Villa.

Upon returning to Fengya Villa, Qin Shaofeng learned from Scorpion’s mouth that who had attacked his Fengya Villa.

To be precise, it is from three influences, but it makes Qin Shaofeng speechless. The three influences are not very powerful, just ordinary strengths, but the influence of ordinary person.

It’s not a martial artist Aristocratic Family, nor is it a magic family, nor is it an influence of a family like Breg, it is really just an influence of an ordinary person.

“You mean, the person who attacked Fengya Villa was just an ordinary person?”

Qin Shaofeng looked at Scorpion Old, eyebrows slightly frowned.


Xie Lao’s heart was also disturbed. To be honest, he didn’t want to alarm Qin Shaofeng in this way, but the problem was that he didn’t alarm and dying!

“Back to Young Master, the people who attacked my Fengya Villa were 3 business families led by the Xu Family. Some of the illegal mercenaries they hired …”

Scorpion said, his face was not very embarrassed, but he still made things clear.

Xu Family, He Family and Zhang Family were the masterminds of this attack on Fengya Villa.

Qin Shaofeng soon understood. This Xu Family is actually Xu Dahai’s family, of course, the entire Xu Family is actually based on Xu Dahai’s Dahai Group.

But after the incident of Zhendong Gang, Dahai Group has been completely annexed by Qin Shaofeng, and even most of its industries have been sold.

But Qin Shaofeng didn’t know that after the development of this sea, Xu Dahai also had many places to find his loved ones.

He Dahai Group is a huge group with over 10 billion assets, and Xu Dahai has taken care of his loved ones for many years, and has also given his loved ones a lot of net worth.

Although far less than the sea, some people add up to 20-30 100000000 million net worth.

After the sea group changed hands, they were the most flustered.

Then, after many investigations, they finally found the mastermind that defeated the Dahai Group-Qin Shaofeng!

You need to know that the entire sea group is worth more than 10 billion, so it was taken by a stranger, and it is still baffling.

Most importantly, Xu Dahai and Xu Wentao are both dead.

This made the rest of the Xu Family feel that something was wrong, and they immediately wanted to take back the sea group.

However, people who can make Xu Dahai and Xu Wentao die unclearly and have not been affected in the slightest. Such people are naturally not ordinary, and I am afraid that their Xu Family can’t handle them.

Then, Xu Family was connected. The two families with better relations were He Family and Zhang Family.

He Family and Zhang Family are also families with more than 10 billion assets, and these two families are based on faction.

The Xu Family promised that if it would take back the Dahai Group, it would give one share of the Dahai Group to He Family and Zhang Family.

And then, whether it is the current Xu Family, or He Family and Zhang Family, it is just an ordinary person level, not at all touches the world of the martial artist.

The existence of a martial artist is, for most ordinary persons, just a legend. It only exists in movies, TV and novels, and reality does not exist.

Of course, they also found out that Qin Shaofeng has some connection with the Black Tiger Gang. It seems that the Black Tiger Gang is a subordinate of Qin Shaofeng.

And it is precisely for this reason that Xu Family determined that the death of Xu Dahai father and son must have been Qin Shaofeng’s help for the Black Tiger.

The black tiger gang is faction, so let other factions deal with Qin Shaofeng.

This was the idea of ​​Xu Family, and then they contacted He Family and Zhang Family.

After a little understanding of He Family and Zhang Family, they agreed to take action on Qin Shaofeng.

Of course, what really makes them the shares of the one third sea group promised by Xu Family is worth nearly 40 100000000 million.

However, considering that this is Huaxia after all, they are also Huaxia people. If they let them do it themselves, I am afraid there will be some trouble later.

But He Family and Zhang Family didn’t care, because they didn’t need to do it themselves.

Please mercenaries!

Taking the path of He Family and Zhang Family, as long as you have money, you can hire very powerful mercenaries.

In the end, they spent 1 billion and called on a very powerful mercenary team in the world-the Black Fire.

Although this team is only about 20 people, the success rate of their mission is very high.

As for the high price of 1 billion, He Family and Zhang Family don’t care. Anyway, they don’t pay for it.

Then, after some preparations, the Blackfire team attacked Fengya Villa after coming to Huaxia.

But what’s so good is that at this time, Scorpion and the others happened to be injured because of Zhang Yunsong’s relationship with Li Wuyi, and he hasn’t recovered yet.

They haven’t recovered, naturally they can’t do it.

And what makes Scorpion and the others feel tricky is that the teams that attacked Fengya Villa are not only fighters proficient in firearms, but also have an extremely rich combat experience.

The most important thing is that the opponent team has power!

Andrew’s situation was discovered by this power.

After all, Andrew is a Rank 3 genetic warrior, and was originally a member of the Bragg family. He knows many things and naturally knows the existence of powers.

After Andrew’s detection, the opponent has at least 5 abilities.

Although not all powerful abilities, their abilities can increase the formidable power of firearms.

momentarily Fengya Villa actually lost a lot of people.

He was attacked in Fengya Villa. Although Scorpion waited for him to take action, there are still many Innate Martial Master and Innate Grandmaster in Fengya Villa.

But because I don’t know the strength of the Blackfire team, Fengya Villa suffered a big loss in the end, and a dozen Innate Martial Master and Innate Grandmaster died.

The scorpion old found that it was not good in time, and immediately let everyone withdraw the Fengya villa.

Because Fengya Villa is guarded by 9 spirit palaces, the Blackfire team can’t help it.

But momentarily, the Scorpion and the others couldn’t help the Blackfire team, just at this time, Liu Ya was in seclusion cultivation again, and didn’t notice the situation outside.

In fact, if Fengya Villa really suffered a fatal attack, Liu Ya in the 9th Ling Palace could still notice it.

But the black fire team simply couldn’t help it. The outer circle of Fengya Villa’s outer barrier was naturally impossible to alarm Liu Ya.

This is what makes Scorpion and the others helpless.

Although after a few attacks, the Black Fire team saw that they could not help the defense, but they took the initiative to retreat.

But Scorpion can’t guarantee that they will attack here again.

They are now injured again, plus they do n’t know much about the psionicist. Just listening to Andrew ’s words, the psionicist has a mysterious and powerful power, which is difficult to deal with, so they contact Qin Shaofeng.

After learning these things from Scorpion’s mouth, Qin Shaofeng was speechless.

what the hell is this

However, Qin Shaofeng did not blame the scorpion olds. Even in this case, even if Qin Shaofeng does not return, let the black fire team attack the Fengya villa, the Fengya villa will be fine.

But helpless is the old scorpion not at all confronted with the power, and Andrew is only a Rank 3 gene warrior, he just heard about the power, and then felt that the power is very powerful.

In fact, for Andrew’s Rank 3 genetic warrior level strength, he can’t beat even the previous Level 2 ability.

I don’t know, it’s normal.

In this case, Qin Shaofeng will naturally not blame them.

But for the other …

Qin Shaofeng eyes flashed, but there was a killing intent in my heart.

Oh, Xu Family, He Family, Zhang Family?

What other fire team?

Someone was courting death?

Then I will give them a good trip!


When Qin Shaofeng returned to Fengya Villa, more than 20 people were waiting in a dilapidated factory.

These 20 or more people are naturally the members of the Black Fire Clan.

Scar is the captain of the Blackfire. Just as Andrew has detected, there are abilities in the Blackfire, and Captain Scar is one of them.

Captain Scar is an ability with a gravity ability. His power level is Rank 6. He can give him 2x double gravity for any target or area in his sight.

Ten times the gravity, which is already terrifying.

Under this gravity, no bullet can get close to the captain’s scar, which made him sit firmly on the Captain of the Black Fire.

But at this moment, Scar’s complexion was ugly.

This time, through the influence of a previous transaction, he got a 1 billion Hua Xia commission, which made him think that he had gotten a big fish and could get a big ticket.

1 billion Chinese currency, they can enjoy them for a long time, and it is still only half of the employment, after the completion of the other half of the 1 billion!

For such a mission, neither Scar nor other members of the Blackfire clan have any burden.

Isn’t it just someone who solves a small faction. Although the goal is to live in a country like Huaxia, the only difficult point is this.

As long as they can come to Huaxia and prepare their weapons, the mission can be completed.

In fact, when at first attacked Fengya Villa, Scar and the others thought the same way.

Seeing that each and everyone strength is a good martial artist, I fell in front of myself and waited, the scar and the others felt this mission-stable!

The existence of martial artist, scars, etc. are also clearer.

But Scar and the others are even more convinced that the martial artist is inferior to the ability and cannot hold the bullet.

But what happened next can surprise the scar and the others.

Because after the other person’s turtle shrank, they couldn’t actually attack Fengya Villa, even near Fengya Villa.

Because in the outer circle of Fengya Villa, there seems to be an invisible barrier, blocking them all.

No matter how many bullets they hit, how many grenades they threw, or even a few rocket launchers, there was no such barrier.

Suddenly, Scar scar knew something.

The mission goal of this time is not simple!

It is even possible that the other party is very dangerous!

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