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Lightning’s strength, Qin Shaofeng is naturally too familiar.

After all, his previous body was awakened by the Lightning Style Source and then had the power of the powerful Lightning Style.

Lightning Ball, Raikiri, Lightning Style Armour, and powerful Lightning Styles like Lightning Style: Kirin, Lightning Style: Thunder Dragon, and more.

Despite changing his body, Qin Shaofeng does not own Power of Thunder and Lightning.

But just now, absorbing those Spirit Stones and recovering from physical injuries, then Qin Shaofeng found that he seemed to be able to use Power of Thunder and Lightning.

Although it is not possible to use the Lightning Style as before, it is still very easy to use some lighting strength.

Qin Shaofeng guessed that it is estimated that his body has finally changed significantly. The King Piece in the ‘Super Tenjin chess piece’ has finally transformed his fleshhy body with some special strength.

Maybe it’s because he originally had Lightning Style Source, and then on this body, Qin Shaofeng also felt Power of Thunder and Lightning.

Although it’s impossible to show those Lightning Style Jutsu or anything, it’s easy to attack.

And Qin Shaofeng has a feeling in his heart. If he waits for his fleshhy body Realm breakthrough to Martial Sovereign Realm, and the cultivation base is also leveled to Martial Sovereign Realm, his ability to control Power of Thunder and Lightning can also be strengthened.

However, even the current Power of Thunder and Lightning control strength is enough.

lightning attack?

Hehe !

Qin Shaofeng smiled softly in his heart, then flicked again.

sī la ——!

A lightning flashes, and then a cracking arc appears!

Small but bright!

And formidable power is amazing!

Because the lightning arc is just a slight turn of though is Qin Shaofeng, and then twists it slightly, it is a lightning that breaks the Lightning Ball released by Gipps.


After smashing the Lightning Ball, the lightning arc returned to Qin Shaofeng again, shining continuously around Qin Shaofeng lightning.

That is……

Seeing such a scene, Gipps was shocked.

Power of Thunder and Lightning!

This Chinese person is also a Lightning Element power?

Gipps was very shocked, looking at the lightning arc around Qin Shaofeng, a flash of inexplicable light flashed in his eyes.

“You’re also a Lightning Element power?” Gipps groaned.

“Lightning Element?” Qin Shaofeng slightly smiled, “Oh!”

“Hmph, do you think you can ignore me as a Lightning Element power?” Gipps said coldy, “It’s stupid, don’t you know that the power between attributes will have absolute divided into high and low? “

Gipps is right in saying that at the same time, an attribute often exists divided into high and low, usually the high side will have absolute suppression on the low side.

This is just like the Lightning Element ability and the Electric ability. In front of the Lightning Element ability, the Electric ability cannot simply endanger the Lightning Element ability unless the Electric ability exceeds the Lightning Element ability. Capable 2 3 levels.

And even if they are also Lightning Element abilities, there are some deviations. Those with the same high level can often suppress the low level.

According to Gipps, although the Chinese in front of him has Lightning Element ability, it will definitely be suppressed by him, as long as he has a more powerful Lightning Element ability.

a thought flashed through the mind, lightning flashed on next moment Gipps, a thunderbolt condensed in his hand.

“Thunder Python!”

With a low drink, Gipps threw away the thunder python in his hand, and the thunder python instantly turned into a lightning and blasted directly to Qin Shaofeng.

In this brief moment, Gipps was full of confidence in his eyes. He moved Thunderbolt, but he could move into the top 3 moves. The formidable power that really broke out was comparable to the strength that the 8th-order King burst out.

In his eyes, the next moment, that hateful Chinese man, would definitely be forcibly shredded by his thunder python and turned into a pile of coke.

But what happened next surprised Gipps, and even made him completely dumbfounded.

I saw the lightning arc around Qin Shaofeng, flashed again, and then …

Nothing then, because after a flash, the imposing manner of thunderbolt released by Gipps was no different from the previous 2 Lightning Balls, which were instantly broken.


how come?

Seeing the lightning arc that came back to Qin Shaofeng this time, Gipps was completely dumbfounded, and his heart gave birth to a different kind of induction, because this time he came from that lightning arc, and he actually felt a threat. .

Most terribly, this threat comes from the danger of repression on Innate.


His thunderbolt was suppressed by the opponent’s lightning arc?

In this case, does this not mean that the opponent’s Lightning Element ability is stronger than him.

Gipps was in his heart for a while, but then he had another thought in his heart.

For the ability person, there are few ways to go further, and even if there are, it is very complicated, the process is difficult to achieve, and there are many unsafe factors.

Spirit Stone is the most stable and safest way to absorb the power stone.

However, it takes time to progress through this process, especially from the 7th grade to the 8th level.

However, there is also a very quick way to quickly advance among powers. Although it is dangerous, if used properly, it is not only dangerous, but it can also be promoted the fastest.

This way, it is the ability to devour the same power as the attribute.

In the current situation of Gipps, if he can give him a 7th grade Lightning Element ability and let him absorb the Lightning Element ability that has devoured the opponent, then I am afraid that he will be able to advance to level 8.

The Qin Shaofeng in front of him, the Lightning Element power that was exhibited, immediately filled Gipps’ longing.

Originally, he didn’t care what the Lightning Element power of this Chinese guy was.

But now that the other party has shown such ability, Gipps is completely certain that if the other person’s ability can be devoured by him, then his Lightning Element ability can definitely be promoted to level 8.

“Hahaha, didn’t expect, didn’t expect your Lightning Element power is so powerful, this is very good!”

Gipps suddenly laughed heartily, looking at Qin Shaofeng’s gaze even more fierce.

What the hell …

This person has a brain drain?

Qin Shaofeng eyebrows slightly frowned, saying: “What do you mean? Scared?”

“Frightened?” Gipps shook the head with a smirk, “Huaxia brat, I’m happy, in the words of your Huaxia people, this is’ travel far and wide looking for something only to return and find it easily ‘, I want your Lightning Element ability! “

As soon as the words came down, Gipps jumped to Qin Shaofeng with countless lightnings.

“Thunder possession!”

Loudly roared, Gipps was full of lightning, and he was just like a thunder god possession.

Even at this moment Gipps, after the outbreak of aura, has already approached the 8th order, and even the general 8th order King’s Aura is not as powerful as his aura.

Ray, the lunatic, this is a fierce king.

Once it breaks out, the formidable power is naturally amazing.

But it also depends on who!


Although I don’t know what this Gipps really meant, Qin Shaofeng didn’t intend to continue.

He has wasted too much time here and it is time to leave.


a thought flashed through the mind, next moment, the lightning arc around Qin Shaofeng, a flash of light, like a thunderbolt in the sky, a loud sound broke out, and it struck Gips with lightning.

“Do not!”

Originally, I was extremely happy and excited. I felt that I was going to be promoted to the 8th rank and become King’s general Gipps. In this brief moment, there was a hint of despair in my heart.

Because he felt it, the lightning arc that struck himself, simply was not a lightning arc, but an extremely amazing Power of Lightning!

That seems to be the strength of God!

Immediately, Gipps felt it. The Power of Thunder and Lightning on his body was suddenly dark, as if he saw the king’s acknowledgement allegiance.

Feeling this scene and feeling the powerful danger aura brought by the lightning arc that came on the face, Gipps immediately gave birth to a hint of despair.

He wants to hide, even more to escape!

But what made him feel extremely desperate was that under the aura of the lightning arc, he was in this brief moment and couldn’t move.


In the end, that lightning arc hit Gibbs in his desperate eyes, and even penetrated him instantly.

Just for a moment, Gipps shuddered, the lightning flashing on his body disappeared without a trace, and then a lightning arc flew out of him and flew back to Qin Shaofeng again.

At the moment the lightning arc flew out, Gipps became a coke-like corpse.

What is the situation?

Five people, such as Jimmy, not far away, saw this scene, but completely dumbfounded.

First Kim, was killed instantly by the opponent!

Now replaced with their captain Gipps! ?

How can this be?

In the eyes of Jimmy and the others, Gipps is very powerful. Once, their team encountered an 8th-order power.

But the last Tier 8 ability was still blasted into a pile of coke by their captain Gipps.

But now, their captain is the coke.

That Huaxia person is also a Lightning Element power, and the Lightning Element power possessed by the opponent is more powerful than their captain Gipps.


Without that many, when they realized that the other party was an extremely powerful Lightning Element power, Jimmy and the five of them did not hesitate. After Gipps had just turned into coke, the five of them fled madly backward.

Can’t escape!

The first and second experts of the team were both killed by the opponent, leaving them 2 people, it is certainly not the opponent of the opponent, this naturally has to escape.

But next moment, Qin Shaofeng waved his hand as soon as they set off, and then the lightning arc around him flew out instantly.

Pu! pu! pu! pu! pu!

Five through sounds sounded, the lightning arc returned to Qin Shaofeng again, and the Jimmy 5 has become 5 corpse.

For Jimmy and the others, Qin Shaofeng not at all, his attention at this moment is on the lightning arc in front of him.

“This … it really is!”

Eyes flashed, feeling the change on the lighting arc, Qin Shaofeng’s eyes flashed a pleasant surprise.

At the next moment, he retracted the lighting arc inside the body again, and felt his own change, Qin Shaofeng corner of the mouth slightly raised.

“Oh, didn’t expect unexpected harvest. The so-called power can actually enhance the fleshhy body Realm, which is an unexpected delight!”

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