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In a forest, on a large leafy tree, Qin Shaofeng sits normally and absorbs the Spirit Stone.

The tree was large enough for Qin Shaofeng to sit down easily.

At this moment, he is holding 2 Spirit Stones in his hand, and is running the Spirit Qi in Fiendgod Collection.

With Qin Shaofeng current realm, running “Fiendgod Collection” to absorb Spirit Qi among these Spirit Stones, that speed is very fast.

Basically, in 7 or 8 minutes, he can absorb Spirit Qi from 2 Spirit Stones.

In the place where Qin Shaofeng was sitting, there was a small pile of ashes. This was the state where the Spirit Stone was reduced to ashes after he had absorbed Spirit Qi.

By now Qin Shaofeng had absorbed more than 20 Spirit Stones, which made him Fiendgod Inner Qi within the body completely restored.

In fact, when absorbing 5 or 6 Spirit Stones, the Fiendgod Inner Qi of Qin Shaofeng within the body has completely recovered.

But Qin Shaofeng was surprised to find that this time he absorbed this Spirit Stone and let him get Spirit Qi to start repairing his physical injury. Qin Shaofeng was shocked to find that after his body recovered most, he actually became stronger. .

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng understood.

Stand up after breaking!

I am afraid that due to the forced outbreak of his own fleshhy body Realm, the Divine Consciousness that he can bear has changed his fleshhy body.

Although forcibly erupted, his body suffered a serious injury.

But his body was able to withstand the impact of the forced outbreak of Divine Consciousness. Since then, although his body has not become stronger, it has improved.

This is as if it was suddenly burst, but it maintains the state of the moment when it was burst. After repairing it, it is the point where it burst.

Well, it can also be said that forcing a powerful Divine Consciousness outburst has improved the flinhy body Realm of Qin Shaofeng.

The reason Qin Shaofeng didn’t notice it before was because he was injured. Now that he has recovered through Spirit Stone, he immediately noticed it.

Therefore, he continued to absorb the Spirit Stone and began to improve after recovering his body.

After absorbing the full 2 ​​10 Spirit Stone, Qin Shaofeng finally stopped.

“Hu, this feeling …”

After stopping to absorb the Spirit Stone, Qin Shaofeng felt his body at the moment and then punched it suddenly.


Qin Shaofeng this fist is just pure strength. There is no transfer of Fiendgod Inner Qi inside the body, but this fist is a powerful wind. It will be a tree surrounded by three people only ten meters away. Interrupted directly.

With a bang, the tree fell to the ground, but this caused a great movement in the quiet forest.

Many birds flew up in panic, and some animals behind monkeys and squirrels were immediately away from this side.

At 30 li, when Qin Shaofeng punched down the big tree in the air, a short man moved his ear slightly and stopped suddenly.

“Jimmy, what’s wrong?”

This short man was not alone, and six others were with him.

They all wear special battle uniforms, all of them exude some very special aura, the only thing that is the same is that they all have a very fierce aura, and aura also carries a very strong smell of blood!

They are not simple people!

After Jimmy stopped suddenly, someone in the team noticed something unusual about Jimmy and couldn’t help asking.

“I heard some movement over there!” Jimmy said, pointing his fingers behind.

Anything happening?

A few people’s faces moved slightly, were they the enemy?

They were sent here to say that there were some powerful enemies, but they have been here for a while. Except for a bunch of corpse and the messy battlefield, the enemy did not even see their hair.

Now listening to Jimmy’s words, a few people suddenly became excited.

Finally found the enemy!

Several people had great confidence in Jimmy’s words.

Because of Jimmy’s power, he has a powerful auxiliary ability for his ears, and can clearly capture Insect Cry several thousand meters away.

Even if it was far away, he could hear him if the noise could not stop.

Therefore, several people determined that Jimmy had found the enemy’s tracks.

“Let’s go and see. Even if it’s not the enemy, I’m afraid it’s not a good guy. Pack up together, so that we don’t have to go back empty-handed.”

Captain Gips, among the others, suddenly opened the mouth and said.

Then, a group of 7 people rushed in the direction that Jimmy pointed to, and that direction was exactly where Qin Shaofeng was.


“Tsk tsk, such improvement is really okay!”

Looking at the effect of her pure punch, Qin Shaofeng 2 eyes shined.

Because after this time ascension, his physical body Realm has now reached the Martial King Peak Realm.

From 1st-layer leveled to 10th Layer Peak, this is no small gain.

Of course, there is also the credit of this Spirit Stone in his hands, because the Spirit Qi of this Spirit Stone is very pure, and it can be directly improved without absorption.

And for fleshhy body realm, it can also play a lifting role.

Even Qin Shaofeng felt that as long as he was absorbing 3 or 5 Spirit Stones, his fleshy body Realm was a class that could break through Martial King, leveled to Martial Sovereign Realm.

As long as his fleshhy body can be leveled to Martial Sovereign Realm, even if it is only 1st Layer Realm, then Qin Shaofeng can rest assured that Bold is cultivation base leveled to Martial Sovereign Realm and leveled to Martial Sovereign 10th Layer Realm directly.

And after this time, Qin Shaofeng also found a shortcut that seems to improve the fleshhy body Realm.

“If I continue to forcibly erupt the powerful Divine Consciousness, injure the fleshhy body, then absorb the Spirit Stone to recover, and finally achieve the effect of improving the fleshhy body Realm, this should be OK!” Qin Shaofeng murmured to himself.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng also knew that his thoughts would definitely work.

Because this is all about the Divine Consciousness tempering physical body, as long as his Divine Consciousness Realm is stronger than the fleshhy body Realm, this special tempering method can still enhance the fleshhy body realm for him.


“Damn, why do I have this idea? Although this method can quickly improve the fleshhy body Realm, this fucking is masochistic!”

Qin Shaofeng’s mouth twitched slightly, especially when he thought of the explosion-like pain in his body when he forced to perform Divine Consciousness.

“Forget it, don’t use this masochistic method!” Qin Shaofeng shook the head.

He is not really afraid of pain, because there is another factor in this, that is, the improvement of this Divine Consciousness tempering physical body, I am afraid there is no small burden on his body.

Even this method, which squeezes his physical potential, is not feasible.

“Well, don’t think about that many now, now that it’s restored, it’s time to get back where it is!”

Qin Shaofeng eyes flashed, looking into the distance, he already knew from the big curly person’s mind, where he is now.

So, the direction he looked at was naturally where San Francisco was.

The Bragg family made him suffer like this, even though he got more than 120 Spirit Stones.

But Qin Shaofeng didn’t want to let it go.

Only a Bragg family, so secretly conceived him, if he did nothing, how could he be worthy of himself?

This revenge must!

a thought flashed through the mind, Qin Shaofeng intends to leave.

But at the next moment, it seemed to be aware of something, Qin Shaofeng eyes slightly narrowed, and there was a severe light in his eyes.


And not yet ordinary person!

This feeling……

Is it a power?

Now that Qin Shaofeng’s Divine Consciousness has completely recovered, in fact, after his Qin Shaofeng’s body recovered, his Divine Consciousness has been used again.

Even this time, due to the improvement of the fleshhy body Realm, the Divine Consciousness released by Qin Shaofeng has also been improved, and it has now exceeded 3000 meters.

Before cultivation absorbed Spirit Stone, Qin Shaofeng released his Divine Consciousness, covering the area of ​​circumference of 3000 meters as a vigilance.

Qin Shaofeng just felt it, and 7 people broke into their Divine Consciousness investigation.

And Qin Shaofeng also felt at the same time, the aura on those 7 people is a bit special, it seems like the extremely 100 Yifan who ever mentioned to him.

Qin Shaofeng is also more interested in abilities, because the presence of the other person makes Qin Shaofeng feel special.

Obviously just ordinary person, but it has special abilities, which can release a series of strange abilities such as Water Element strength, Fire Element Power and so on.

But they are not magicians, they do n’t need cultivation, and they do n’t need a specific way to release magic.

This is the strength of the power person, and what makes Qin Shaofeng even more curious is that the power of the power person is not cultivation, but directly obtained by awakening.

Once awakened, each power can directly gain a certain strength, strong or weak, the situation is not necessarily.

Even some abilities have a strength equivalent to 7th grade after the awakening ability.

It can be said that once awakened, it is easy to appear ascending to the skies with a single leap.

However, as long as there are strengths, there are shortnesses. Compared to before, the ability abilities can ascending to the skies with a single leap to obtain powerful abilities, but the abilities they possess cannot be cultivated.

In other words, powers cannot be cultivating.

After knowing the existence of the power, Qin Shaofeng was also curious.

Now that I have encountered it, and there are still 7 in a row, then Qin Shaofeng naturally does not want to miss it. He wants to take the opportunity of this time to see what the so-called power man is.

The seven powers that Qin Shaofeng felt were naturally a team of 7 people such as Jimmy brought by Gipps.

They are also the team sent by General Viterio.

Soon, seven people appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng.

When he saw Qin Shaofeng, Captain Gipps eyebrows slightly frowned, with a hint of doubt: “Huaxia people?”

Qin Shaofeng’s eyes flashed a bit wrong, because the other party actually used pure Chinese.

To know this pure Chinese language, Qin Shaofeng just heard it in Jack’s mouth.

But Jack can learn Huaxia only after genetic modification, and speaks fluently.

But how does this young man with aquiline nose speak such fluent Chinese?

Is the other person genetically modified and the brain strengthened?

However, Qin Shaofeng quickly dispelled this idea because he not at all felt the genetically modified aura from the other person.

For Qin Shaofeng, even if it was Jack who did a small amount of genetic modification, he could feel some awkward aura on the other side.

After the transformation, Aura seems very awkward to Qin Shaofeng.

However, in the young man in front of him, there is no such aura.

On the contrary, there is a kind of violent aura in the other party within the body, as if there is a thunderstorm.

Lightning Element?

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng knew that the youth in front of him should be a Lightning Element power.

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