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Rank 1 one after another, and soon Qin Shaofeng killed 8 people silently.

These eight people were all hidden by themselves, and now they were sniped by Qin Shaofeng. The momentarily nobody noticed them.

However, the next situation can be slightly more difficult.

Because the remaining people are basically several people staying together, trying to snip the other side silently, I am afraid that it is a bit unrealistic.

In this case, let’s do it!

A thought flashed through the mind, Qin Shaofeng directly gave up the sniper rifle in his hand, and then stood up and moved forward. By the way, he also caught 2 machine guns.

Because of covering Fiendgod Inner Qi’s situation, Qin Shaofeng hides very well, and the big person and the others simply do not notice him.

They were unaware even when Qin Shaofeng came up to a distance of 20 meters from all of them.

Such a close distance, and the remaining 30 people in the other side were also very clearly probed by Qin Shaofeng with Divine Consciousness.

So let’s get started!

At the next moment, Qin Shaofeng jumped out suddenly, and then raised two machine guns with both hands, which was a crazy burst of fire at more than 2 people in front.

da da da 鈥斺€?

puff puff puff 鈥斺€?

The bullet whistled, and Qin Shaofeng pulled the trigger of the machine gun in his hand and swept away. The few people who were compared to him were instantly hit and directly killed.

Qin Shaofeng can actually probe with Divine Consciousness and then shoot these people with 100% precision.

But he didn’t. He just remembered the approximate location of these people, and then raised the cellphone in his hand.

In this way, even if there is no hit, but a few shots at once, simply no one can hold it.

Missing the point?

It doesn’t matter, just fire a few more shots.

So, just a few seconds, there were a lot of casualties. There were more than 30 people left. Immediately 20 people were killed by Qin Shaofeng again, and only fifteen-sixteen people were left.

“Fack, he’s here!”

At the moment the gunfire sounded, the big curly big person immediately responded, not to get up and fight back, but to hide the cat’s head.

Obviously he was right!

Because of the next moment, he saw that several people around him were killed.

This made him even more afraid to come forward.

There are better people like him. In fact, when Qin Shaofeng jumped out and fired with 2 machine guns, simply nobody counterattacked.

They were both scared and scared by Qin Shaofeng.

Therefore, an extremely weird scene appeared on the scene.

Qin Shaofeng alone, with two machine guns firing wildly, but there were more than 2 people in the other party, but no one came out of the other party Qin Shaofeng.

Yes, Qin Shaofeng didn’t meet a bullet. It’s as if those people have become a wooden target for each and everyone, so he let Qin Shaofeng conduct a fire.

Even Qin Shaofeng was momentarily speechless, and I was ready to use it. I have gathered Divine Consciousness, and I am ready to wait for all the bullets you shot.

But now he doesn’t have any stuff, no one is shooting him?

If I barely say that the 2 machine guns in my hand are so wildly fired, some firepower is too fierce and no one can resist.

However, when I changed bullets, why didn’t anyone even shoot myself?

Aren’t there more than a dozen people?

what’s going on?

Forget it, I still do n鈥檛 want that many, let me kill you.

Shook the head lightly in his heart, Qin Shaofeng changed his bullet and continued to hold 2 machine guns, firing wildly.

Damn, how could this be?

Regardless of other people, at the moment facing such a sweep, the big curly big person is also desperate in his heart.

He is not afraid of death, but his mission has not been completed, and now he cannot die!

Looking down at the suitcase in his hand, a flash of urgency flashed through the eyes of the big curly big person.

The support gunship is not ready yet?


Suddenly, the big, curled big person in my heart heard it suddenly, and there was a sound in the distance.

As an experienced warrior, he knew what was happening when he heard the sound.


Here comes the support!

In the distance, a helicopter was flying to this side, and the moment of seeing this helicopter, the big curly person was ecstatic.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng also saw the helicopter.

military helicopter?

When he saw that helicopter was different from ordinary helicopters and filled with weapons, Qin Shaofeng knew instantly that it was an armed helicopter.

And Qin Shaofeng also felt that almost at the moment when the armed helicopter appeared, he seemed to be locked.

Locked by that gunship!

da da da!

When Qin Shaofeng came up with such an idea, the machine gun on the gunship at next moment burst into flames, and the bullets poured down like rain.

Moreover, the bullets fired by these machine guns are absolutely not simple, with extremely strong penetrability, and the speed is very fast.

When Qin Shaofeng had just discovered that there were no other moves, dozens of bullets were fired into his Divine Consciousness range.

And after these bullets shot into his range of Divine Consciousness, it was as if it could tear his Divine Consciousness, which brought Qin Shaofeng a strong destructive power, making him Divine Consciousness actually unable to carry it.


For such a situation, Qin Shaofeng didn’t hesitate to make a quick jump, he just avoided it.

And after a few jumps, Qin Shaofeng was directly hidden.

After losing the target of Qin Shaofeng, the gunship not at all stopped firing, and it started firing in the vicinity, and even launched several missiles to bomb the area near Qin Shaofeng.

On the gunship, it seems that the position of the gold curl big person and the others is known, so no matter whether it is crazy shooting or missile bombing, the gold curl big person is not affected.

But this caused some trouble for Qin Shaofeng.

This also allowed Qin Shaofeng to be slightly frowned. In this case, if he only relies on firearms, I am afraid it will be difficult for the other party to be armed with a helicopter gunship.

However, next moment, Qin Shaofeng corner of the mouth slightly raised, showing a hint of sneer.

Oh, actually come to your door?

At this time, the gunship had flown into the Divine Consciousness range of Qin Shaofeng, and it was less than 100 meter away from where Qin Shaofeng was.

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng seized the opportunity.


With a jump, Qin Shaofeng swooped out of a treetop, and then held the machine gun in his hand, which was a burst of fire on the gunship in the air.

At the same time, the big curly big person who hides from myself saw this scene and laughed in his heart.

haha, this white ~ idiot wants to use a machine gun to destroy the gunship?

He didn’t believe it, if it was an ordinary helicopter, it would be possible, but this is a gunship, and ordinary bullets simply cannot cause any harm to it.

In the eyes of the big curly person, Qin Shaofeng is already a dead person.

How dare you jump out like this, this is simply courting death!

But at this moment, the big person with gold curls seems to have forgotten that Qin Shaofeng is jumping out of the treetop, which is a dozen meters above the ground.

It is impossible for an average person to jump so high. If it is normal, he will be extremely shocked.

But he didn’t notice such a difference now!

However, even if he didn’t notice it, it didn’t matter, because what happened at the next moment was more than he imagined.

I saw Qin Shaofeng jumping up in the air, holding a 2-handed machine gun, firing wildly at the gunship.

With the help of Divine Consciousness, the bullets fired by Qin Shaofeng were all concentrated in one place, the position of the propeller of the armed helicopter.

This gunship is indeed not simple. Not to mention a 2 bullet, I am afraid that even if it is a seventeen-eighteen bullet, the propeller of this gunship will not cause any problems.

But don’t forget, Qin Shaofeng now has a machine gun in his hand, and there are still two.

There are dozens of bullets fired at this instant!

So the gunship soon became a tragedy.


With a crisp, intermittent sound, the propeller on the gunship was completely separated from the gunship.

Then, the gunship did not have the second result, and it crashed and exploded. The pilot inside was immediately killed, and the explosion immediately followed, letting them skeleton doesn’t exist!



What’s happening here?

Seeing such a scene, the gold curl big person big person momentarily is a little confused.

Our support for a gunship was killed?

Fack, that’s a gunship!

After reacting, the big, curly big person was suddenly cold, and he had no idea that the enemy could resist a gunship, and it was still so simple and easy.

momentarily he couldn’t accept it!

“Fack, what the hell is this monster, and how can there be such a monster at this time, why didn’t it say that?” Gold curly big person felt despair for a while.

Such powerful support has been killed by the other party, so they must have finished playing.

After falling to the ground, Qin Shaofeng Divine Consciousness swept away, and it was speechless.

Originally, there were eleven-twelve people alive, but it was so dead. The place where the helicopter gunship finally fell and exploded was the place where several people hid.

Then the explosion was self-evident.

Then there are only four people left!

In the end, Qin Shaofeng’s eyes fell on a giant stone not far away, and then he shouted coldly.

“Hey, come out, don’t hide, I’ve found 4 of you, and be honest, get out of me, or I’ll shoot.”

The other party is from the United States, Qin Shaofeng said in English when he spoke.

be found?

Gold curly big person complexion stiffened, but before he said it again, the 3 people around him immediately ran out.

“Don’t, don’t, 10000000 don’t shoot!”

“No, we are out!”

“Please don’t kill us, I surrender!”

Suddenly, the three people ran out and surrendered.

Seeing this scene, the big curly big person turned black, and his eyes were even more desperate.


didn’t expect he would surrender someday?

But if he doesn’t surrender now, he will only be left with dead end.

In fact, the previous big curly big person did not shoot, not because he was really scared by Qin Shaofeng.

The reason he didn’t start was because there were no more bullets in his hands.

Originally when the gunship was killed, he still wanted to take some ammunition from the three people for a final blow.

But now, his three subordinates surrendered directly.

Faced with no ammunition, he could only choose to surrender.

Alas, forget it, in the end the mission was not completed, it is better to save your life.

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