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In a bush, a silhouette leaned forward slowly, his movement was very slow, and the concealment was very good. It was difficult for an average person to find that there was another person in the bush.

But just in this brief moment, a sharp wind came, and Puchi slammed a bullet into his head.

Before losing his breath, this person was extremely confused.

I was found?

But how did the other party find him?

However, it is better to die in such a way than to die in pain.

In the distance, the corner of Qin Shaofeng’s mouth showed a slight disdain on a large tree more than 1000 meters away.

Oh, stupid ~ forced to hide in the grass?

If you fucking hide behind some big tree or rock, why can’t I help you, but your girl is hiding in the grass?

Are you courting death, courting death, or courting death?

After one hit, Qin Shaofeng didn’t pay attention to the other side, and then Qin Shaofeng’s eyes caught another strange situation in the grass in this gap.

Oh, fucking is a silly ~ force!

After glancing at the location, Qin Shaofeng pulled the trigger directly, and the sniper rifle in his hand shot a bullet again.

pu chi ——!

There was a slight sound in the distant grass. The average person simply couldn’t hear it, but after the sound appeared, it meant that someone was killed.

Solve one more and there are 5 left!

Qin Shaofeng corner of the mouth slightly raised, and then continue searching for other people’s locations.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng can already feel that the position of the other five people has already drawn a virtual map in his mind at this moment.

The remaining five people, the hidden place at this moment and the surrounding terrain, all appeared in his mind.

Qin Shaofeng used this to predict the next movement of the other 5 people, as well as the way forward, and how he can move forward to better solve the remaining 5 people.

This situation seems very complicated. Qin Shaofeng’s current ability, even without Divine Consciousness, can calculate these various prediction schemes and routes in his mind.

After finalizing a most stable solution route, Qin Shaofeng started to walk out and swayed forward, and simply didn’t care about the five people.

At this point, Qin Shaofeng was less than 5 meters away from the remaining Small Captain 500 people.

There are 5 people in Small Captain over there.

It seems that after the two in the grass were killed, they were a bit shocked, and they didn’t dare to hide at this moment.

Three of them are behind three big trees, one is hiding behind a rock, and the remaining Small Captain is just hiding in a pothole that was previously exploded.

The distance between the five people is not far, and you can even see the opposite expression.

At this moment, the five of them looked at each other, each and everyone were confused.

2 more dead?

The enemy didn’t even see it. Has the team of ten people on their side lost more than half?

Looking at the bodies of the five companions who died in the distance, the five were all cold and frightened.

How did the other party do it?

None of them saw it, but 5 people have died on their own side, and they are still 5 experienced masters!

Suddenly, a black man hiding behind a big tree shouted abruptly: “See, I see the enemy!”

The enemy appears?

Small Captain and other four people have a happy heart, not afraid of you appearing, afraid of you not appearing, as long as you appear, determine your location, we have not killed?

But next moment…


With a gunshot, the black man who had previously made a sound fell down!


Small Captain stunned and shivered.

He is very close to the black, so he can see very clearly that his little black partner is just a probe, and after finding the other person, he just yelled at that sentence and was exploded by the other person.

Is this a divine spear hand?

Ghost, this fucking is a Super Divine-level divide spear, too terrifying!

Did you just kill it as soon as you came up?

However, at this time, Small Captain also found that the other party was very close to them. I am afraid that it was just because of the voice of his little black partner that exposed the other party’s position.

Well, that’s it. I heard that some special divine spear hands have good ear strength.

Do not know if it is self-consolation, Small Captain murmured, and began to compare with the remaining three people.

Why do you use gestures, I see what else you can hear.

Small Captain is proud.

Others also came to understand instantly, thinking that it was the yelling of the little black partner, which made him kill himself.

“That man is here!”

The man who had been hiding behind a big tree now climbs onto the big tree, then the lush foliage conceals himself while observing the enemy.

Of course he also talked, and gesturing directly communicated with other people.

Seeing this, Small Captain nodded, then gestured with both hands.

“Our opponent this time is too powerful. It is the divide spear of the divide spear. It should not be careless. However, since the opponent appears actively, we will attack the other together and must kill it! Understood? ? “


The three people were nodded to Small Captain, and then Small Captain glanced at the companion in the big tree, and nodded made a meaningful glance.

What he meant was obvious, that was to let that companion attack the enemy, and then they left the three people, while firing along his attack.

The man in the big tree was clearly nodded, then took the machine gun in his hand, took a deep breath, and instantly pulled the trigger.

“Da da da!”

Suddenly, a blast of fire sprayed out of the lush foliage of the tree, and a series of bullets were fired madly, shooting directly at Qin Shaofeng’s location.

At the same time, Small Captain and other three people also immediately shot out from the hidden place, and the machine gun in their hands fired wildly in that direction!

“da da da !”

“bang bang bang!”

“咚dong dong! ”

Bullets whistled, momentarily fired by gunfire, bark exploded, the ground blasted away, sawdust flew, and dust was flying.

“Oh, you’re smart, you know I’ve been suppressed by fire.”

In the face of such a volley, Qin Shaofeng was not nervous at all, and even a corner of his mouth showed a slight disdain.

“It’s a pity that such a fire is not useful to me! And I had thought about it for a long time.”

Eyes flashed, and Qin Shaofeng Divine Consciousness was shocked. Suddenly, the space in his circleference area of ​​3 meters was frozen and seemed to be restrained.

Qin Shaofeng does not use Divine Consciousness that is too strong now, but if he gathers all the Divine Consciousness that he can use now, it still has a strong strength.

Like now!

After condensing a circumference 3m area, Qin Shaofeng’s Divine Consciousness has been able to burst into a strong formidable power.

The most direct proof of this is that at this moment, all the bullets fired by the Small Captain four people were blocked from him within 3 meters.

“Oh buy Karma, the bullets stopped!”

Seeing the scene in the distance, the Small Captain four people suddenly opened their eyes wide, and looked like God.

This is not to blame them, because they are in contact with the area of ​​normal people, and they do not know about the existence of martial artist, magician and genetic warrior.

So, seeing Qin Shaofeng hitting a bullet in neutral, they were naturally shocked.

However, they were shocked, Qin Shaofeng was not.

Although the remaining four people are not at all showing the silhouette, Qin Shaofeng has judged their position of four people from the sound of gunfire.

Since the position of the other party is understood, the rest is easy to handle!

The sniper rifle is up!

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Shocked in my heart, even though it quickly came to pass, Small Captain four people took a moment to hold back.

However, in such a moment, four bullets whistled and directly took away the lives of their four people.

Then the gunfire stopped and the world was quiet.

Four people squad, all out!

“Well, ten more!”

Blowing down the muzzle, Qin Shaofeng walked directly to it.

All ten experienced fighters were killed, and each of them was shot in the eyebrow, and could not die anymore.

“what happened?”

When Small Captain was killed and the gunfire stopped, the big curly big person complexion sank asked.

Because he did not at all received a report from Small Captain, this was obviously abnormal.

Because if the opponent is killed, Small Captain will report mission completed to the press immediately.

But not now!

This gave him a bad hunch.

Sure enough, next moment, a person holding the detector said to him: “Captain, the situation is not good. The last ten of us seem to have been dropped by the other Realm!”

“Fack, it was resolved by the other party.” Gold curled big person with a stare in his eyes, and the anger suddenly burst out.

“Rice bucket, ten people can’t even handle one person, and they are all killed by the other. Is that ten people stupid? Have all the training in these years been trained on dogs?”

The face of the gold curl big person was as dark as the bottom of the pot. When the original contact was made, the communicator was damaged and could not be contacted.

He was already very angry at this point in his heart, and now this incident is happening again, he is even more unhappy.

“What about the other person? Don’t tell me I haven’t found it yet.” Gold curly big person asked angrily.

“I found it, no, it should not be found, the other party appeared actively, or it was more than 2 1000 meters away!”


Actively appear?

Is this provoking them?

“Damn, I really think I’m far away, can’t I take you?” The big curly big person was angry.

“People coming, give me a bazooka, I’ll blast that damn bastard into residue!” The big curly big person exasperated.

“Yes, Captain!”

Someone answered, then turned and started to prepare the bazooka.

In the distance, more than 2 1000 meters away, Qin Shaofeng, who was heading this way, suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart.

in danger!

Qin Shaofeng looked up, and suddenly saw that he was flying towards himself with fire light stuff.

Damn, really using a rocket launcher?

Qin Shaofeng heart startled, but immediately smiled.

“Oh, you guys are cruel enough, but it doesn’t work for me!”


Holding up his sniper rifle, Qin Shaofeng fired an instant shot.


The rocket launcher in the distance exploded instantly, and Qin Shaofeng hit the rocket launcher with a bullet to explode the rocket launcher in advance.

The rocket exploded in a volley, with four shrapnel shots, but it was more than two hundred meters away from Qin Shaofeng, which had no effect on Qin Shaofeng at all.

“Fack, Damn your yellow-skinned monkey still has such a means?”

In the distance, when I saw this scene of the big curly big person, heart startled, but then shouted to the people around him: “Continue, continue to bomber me, I can’t do it. He can continue the rocket launcher like this, and give I blast him! “

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