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From the mouth of the two raging black bears, Qin Shaofeng also smoothly entered the 2st floor.

However, after coming out of the passage, Qin Shaofeng had already noticed that there was no one else on the 21st floor.

Now there are only those two raging black bears, which are constantly destroyed on this floor.

Qin Shaofeng not at all for the 2 raging black bears that have been completely out of control.

Now that the elevator behind was useless, he could only rely on other means to continue.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng found the stairs that passed through the next floor and reached the minus 22 floor.

However, to Qin Shaofeng’s surprise, no one seemed to be on this level.

No one was even on the next few floors.

This is the suggestion of the blonde beauty to Jonathan, because the two raging black bears are out of control, and there is now an enemy Qin Shaofeng.

Therefore, it is not suitable to send someone to recycle the two Rage Black Bears in a short period of time, but the strength of the two Rage Black Bears, once destroyed, is only a negative 2 floor, which is not enough.

Therefore, all personnel on several floors have been evacuated based on the negative 21st floor.

And now, under Jonathan’s order, all floors below minus 21 have begun to be arranged.

However, out of fear that 2 raging black bears would suddenly enter the battle, causing unnecessary casualties.

Therefore, no strength is deployed on the negative 22nd to negative 30th floor. The destructive power of the raging black bear is too amazing. If there are too few empty floors, I am afraid it is not enough.

Beginning with the negative 31st floor, it was Jonathan’s floor.


All the way unimpeded, Qin Shaofeng went directly to the negative 31st floor.

But the moment Qin Shaofeng opened, the entrance to the negative 31-story stairs, mutation emerged!

The next moment, Qin Shaofeng did not give any reaction time at all. The moment he hit the door at the entrance of the stairway, it was da da da’s burst of machine gun fire.

Outside the stairway of the negative 31st floor, Jonathan has already been arranged. A dozen submachine gunmen aimed at the gate here. After the gate was opened by Qin Shaofeng, it was shot in an instant.

Although Jonathan doesn’t think that Qin Shaofeng has a strong strength that can do any harm to their Breg family Headquarters.

However, it was thought that Jack had brought 3 8th-level genetic fighters and 2 7th-grade genetic fighters before, all of which failed.

Then Qin Shaofeng’s strength is definitely very powerful.

However, because of the previous performance on the negative 21st floor, it made Jonathan’s mind clear. Even if Qin Shaofeng is strong, it is only better than an 8th-level gene warrior.

Because in front of the Rage Gene Black Bear, Qin Shaofeng can only avoid it, and dare not fight the Rage Gene Black Bear directly.

This is even the strength of Qin Shaofeng, that’s all. Jonathan still has absolute confidence in the confidence of his family strength, killing Qin Shaofeng.

And considering Qin Shaofeng’s strength, he has more than a dozen submachine gunners, although they are all Tier 5 fighters.

But the real killing move he arranged was not these genetic fighters, but all the submachine guns used by these genetic fighters were specially made.

These submachine guns have powerful impact, even ordinary bullets, can dent a thick steel plate, and only Level 5 genetic soldiers can resist the recoil of these submachine guns.

And this time, the bullets used by these Tier 5 fighters are also special armor-piercing bullets.

Just one shot of such a piercing piercing, the cost is already amazing.

It is now shooting like this, but it is really making money.

Under such circumstances, Jonathan is confident that even if he is a high-ranking 8th-level genetic fighter, it is estimated that he will soon be turned into a horse honeycomb.

Therefore, when Qin Shaofeng opened the gate of the negative 31st floor and heard the fierce gunfire, Jonathan decided that the matter was completely over.

But next moment, something that shocked him so much happened.

Because after the shooting, Jonathan was surprised to find that all the 5th-level gene fighters sent out by the submachine guns had all the bullets stopped in front of Qin Shaofeng invisible.

As if in that space, completely stopped.

Through the monitoring screen, Jonathan clearly saw that the troublesome special armor-piercing bullets had stopped in front of Qin Shaofeng, and simply did not hit a bullet on Qin Shaofeng.

It seemed something was noticed. Qin Shaofeng on the surveillance screen suddenly looked to this side and smiled slightly at Jonathan through the surveillance screen.

Suddenly, Jonathan was startled and thought he wouldn’t find it.

However, he soon remembered that he was in the monitoring room on the negative 100th floor, and Qin Shaofeng simply could not find him.

This gave him a little peace of mind, but soon, he had just put down his heart and raised it again.

Because he saw it, Qin Shaofeng on the surveillance screen just waved his hand gently, and then the countless bullets in front of him returned instantly.

Suddenly, a scream rang, and Jonathan saw it. The 5th-tier gene soldiers sent by him were sieved by these bullets.

After easily resolving these 5th-tier gene warriors in front of him, Qin Shaofeng looked up at the monitor not far away again, and once again showed a smile, and went directly to the next level.

Previously Jonathan determined that these 5th-tier gene warrior gunmen could completely solve Qin Shaofeng.

Therefore, these gunners are only deployed on the negative 31st floor, and no other battle strength is deployed.

“Is that magic?”

Looking back at the weird picture before, Jonathan’s face was ugly.

“Should not be!”

The blonde secretary analyzed again.

“According to the energy information from the 32 layers of feedback, the strength used by Qin Shaofeng before was not magic, but a special strength!”

“Special strength?” Jonathan looked ugly. “What exactly is that strength, is there a way to solve it?”

“It should be Spiritual Power. Although it is not magic, it is estimated that the broken magic bullet should be effective for it. I recommend using the broken magic bullet!” Said the blonde.

Broken bullets?

Jonathan’s face changed again, because this kind of broken magic bullet in the mouth of the blonde beauty is more special. Compared with the special armor-piercing bullet just made, it is not only more precious, but even 100 times more expensive!

It is better to exaggerate, the value of a demon bullet is definitely more valuable than a 7th grade genetic warrior.

This is even the most basic value. It really makes a broken magic bullet, but it is much more complicated.

In addition, the effect of the demon bullet is amazing. If it is fully prepared, it will be enough to kill the Tier 8 genetic fighters.

Even in the face of a magician, even if a magic emperor is not careful, he may be injured by a broken magic bullet.

Jonathan didn’t expect that merely a Qin Shaofeng could reach the point where he could use the broken magic bullet.

But looking at it, Qin Shaofeng, who had taken the negative 32-layer genetic warrior gunman to the solution, Jonathan whispered angrily: “Notice, prepare me to break the magic bullet, and quickly kill this damn Chinese man!”


The blonde responded, and then began to command Jonathan’s order.


Really boring!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng in the negative 36th floor is helpless.

Because starting from the 31st layer, the next few layers are the same strength as the 31.

They are a bunch of Tier 5 fighters, each holding a submachine gun.

However, Qin Shaofeng also discovered that, starting from the negative 34th floor, it seems that the Gene Warriors sent by the Bragg family have begun to weaken.

Although some are Level 5 genetic fighters, Rank 4 genetic fighters have also appeared.

Even to the current negative 36 levels, there are only one or two rank 5 gene warriors, and there are very few Rank 2 gene warriors. Most of them are genetic warriors of Rank 4 or below.

Not only that, Qin Shaofeng also felt that the gunners before the negative 34th floor had some special bullets in their hands.

If you did not defend yourself with the Divine Consciousness and the Fiendgod Inner Qi of the ambassador within the body, even if he now has a large number of fleshhy body Realm, it will be a bit unbearable.

But from the negative 34th layer, those special bullets have disappeared and replaced by some ordinary bullets.

Qin Shaofeng will certainly not believe that such a powerful Brig family is just this strength, to the point where there is no powerful genetic warrior sent out.

In Qin Shaofeng’s mind, I was afraid that the other party must have planned a plan in advance.

Although confident in his strength, Qin Shaofeng was careful.

Sure enough, when he entered the negative 38th floor, Qin Shaofeng noticed something different.

After stepping into the negative 38th floor, Qin Shaofeng suffered from a group of Rank 6 genetic fighters who swept him with a machine gun.

Even among these Rank 6 genetic fighters, there are some 7th grade genetic fighters.

“Oh, is it true?”

Qin Shaofeng was coldly smiled in his heart, and then he didn’t care about it. He released Divine Consciousness directly, and operated Fiendgod Inner Qi inside the body, blocking the countless bullets.

“Well, it’s nothing like that. Even if I use these special bullets again, I can’t hurt me!”

Qin Shaofeng sneered, and suddenly felt that the person responsible for meeting him was not a idiot in the Breg family.

I know I can’t hurt myself this way, but I still continue to do this?

Isn’t this giving him a head?

The moment Qin Shaofeng had this idea in his mind, suddenly a sudden crisis broke out in his mind.

In the densely packed gun forest bullet rain, 3 special bullets were fired at Qin Shaofeng.

These 3 bullets are the magic bullets!

Jonathan was fierce, and it seemed that he really did not suppress the killing intent on Qin Shaofeng, and he wanted Qin Shaofeng to die as soon as possible.

Therefore, not only did he use broken magic bullets, he even used 3 directly!

3 broken magic bullets, one aimed at Qin Shaofeng’s brows, and two aimed at Qin Shaofeng’s heart.

The people who shot the three bullets were not only 3th grade genetic warriors, but also the Spear Art of the three genetic warriors, which were also affected by the genetic modification. All of them were 7-round 3-divine spear hands.

The most important thing is that these three magic bullets have really played a role, breaking through the anti-barrier combined by Qin Shaofeng’s Divine Consciousness and Fiendgod Inner Qi.

If it is an average person, I am afraid that even a 9th-order powerhouse, as long as it is not a very strong physical body, in the face of this situation, it will most likely become a corpse.

But is Qin Shaofeng an average person?

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