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Because it is the real Headquarters of the Brig family, even ordinary employees of the Breg Group may not know the situation under the building.

However, Qin Shaofeng came to an entrance to the west gate of the building according to Jack’s memory, and after passing the security check, walked towards an elevator.

This first security check is very ordinary and only requires a secret to pass.

Qin Shaofeng has long understood this secret from Jack’s memory.

Then, after entering the elevator, Qin Shaofeng Divine Consciousness was released, and the 2 3 people who were originally in the elevator suddenly came out unconsciously.

When Qin Shaofeng was alone in the elevator, Qin Shaofeng entered the password again into the elevator.


The elevator beeps, and then a special display appears.

This is a switch for fingerprint recognition and eyeball recognition. Qin Shaofeng seems to know this display for a long time, a thought flashed through the mind. A glass bottle filled with eyeballs has already appeared a broken palm.

This is Jack’s eyeballs with palm!

“Di! Di!”

2 beeps, verification passed, next moment, after this display shows again, floors after negative 5-Layer have appeared.

It would be very surprising if Brig employees were present at the moment.

Because this high-rise building only has a negative 5-Layer, but now it is not only a negative 5-Layer, but even a negative 6-Layer and a negative 7-Layer all the way up to the negative 100 floors.

Qin Shaofeng didn’t look too much, directly pressing the number of negative 108 layers.

According to Jack’s memory, the lower level of the Bragg building, starting from the negative 100th floor, is where the Bragg family lives.

On the 108th floor, that’s where Jack Father is.

In the Brig family, unlike ordinary influences, they do not respect strength but respect genes.

The more perfect a person is, the higher his status in the Bragg family.

Jack father Ludwig Bragg is the most genetically perfect person in the Bragg family, and the true owner of the Bragg family.

to catch brigands, first catch their king, Qin Shaofeng is naturally clear, so his first goal is naturally Ludwig.

At the same time, after Qin Shaofeng used Jack’s eyeballs and palm to pass the verification of that special elevator, Jonathan immediately knew it.

Because Jonathan thought in advance that Jack had delayed the mission time and planned to educate him, it was to notify him. If Jack came back, he would be informed immediately.

But to Jonathan’s surprise, the news that Jack was returned came from the section under the building.

“How could it be? Jack came back without contacting me, why did he go straight down?”

Jonathan eyebrows slightly frowned, and suddenly felt something strange.

Unfortunately, Ximen’s special elevator was not monitored at all, which made him unable to view it.

However, it was not difficult for Jonathan. He immediately made an investigation. When Jack entered the elevator, he was on the outside surveillance video.

As a result, Jonathan’s face soon became gloomy.

Because he didn’t see Jack at all, he saw Qin Shaofeng, the target of Jack this time.

The opponent actually approached their Breg Group building in such a big way, and even went directly to their real Headquarters.

It was only a moment when Jonathan knew that his younger brother Jack was already bode ill rather than well.

Not only that, he also made the enemy aware of some secrets of the Breg family.

Actually entered the real Headquarters of Breg?

There was a flash of cold light in Jonathan’s eyes, and his voice was very cold: “Qin Shaofeng, you are really an act recklessly Chinese, so dare to break into our real headquarters of Breg?”

“Hmph, no matter what strength you have, you are finished at this time.”

Looking at the computer, the pause was at the scene where Qin Shaofeng finally stepped into the elevator, and Jonathan was killing intent in his heart.

Someone dare singlehanded to break into their Breg family Headquarters alone?

And I’m afraid the other party still knows that this is not a courting death?

Soon, Jonathan started setting it up.

However, Jonathan did not startle his father, not even some senior members of the Bragg family, he did not inform.

The other is merely a Qin Shaofeng, don’t need that sensation!



The elevator shook slightly, and Qin Shaofeng’s eyes fell on the elevator’s display. The minus 21 floors displayed, his frown couldn’t help.

“Oh, was it found?”

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, but still relaxed.


Suddenly, the elevator opened.

Then, in front of Qin Shaofeng, was an empty walkway.

The aisle all around seemed to have been closed, only a few small holes were exposed at this moment.

And now those little holes are constantly emerging, one after another smoke.

Poison Qi !

The smoke is naturally Poison Qi.

There is no monitoring inside the elevator, but there is monitoring on the negative 21st floor.

At this point, Jonathan is no longer on the top floor of the building. He is now in a monitoring room in the Headquarters and is watching Qin Shaofeng in the Poison Qi.

Qin Shaofeng has the manufacturing method of martial artist Spirit Pill, of course, Jonathan will not directly put Qin Shaofeng to death.

His younger brother Jack and those genetic warriors are dead, which is also a big loss for the Brig family.

So now he can only recover those losses from Qin Shaofeng.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng must catch it alive.

But … Poison Qi?


In this regard, Qin Shaofeng is very disdainful.

Trifling Poison Qi, let’s not talk about his current fleshhy body Realm, can he really suffer any harm to him? First of all, this Poison Qi can really enter his within the body and talk about poisonous things!

After fleshy body Realm is strong, some defense means can appear invisible.

For example, at the moment Qin Shaofeng’s body surface, there is an invisible layer of invisible strength. This layer of strength is like an anti-barrier at a glance, protecting Qin Shaofeng as a whole.

It is impossible for those Poison Qi simply to enter Qin Shaofeng’s body and even connect to the surface of Qin Shaofeng’s body.

Soon, Jonathan also seemed to have discovered this.

“Damn, how could this be?”

He whispered secretly, Jonathan’s face was very ugly.

At this time, the blonde dressed as a secretary by his side seemed to remember something, and calmly analyzed: “Jonathan Sir, this Chinese person should have the so-called Innate Inner Qi Body Protection, which is like the formation of a magician, which makes Poison Qi cannot reach him! “

This blonde is obviously a technician and her analysis is in place.

Even Jonathan fully understood the words of Innate Inner Qi Body Protection, but in the following sentence, Realm, the magician immediately made Jonathan understand.

“Damn, I didn’t expect this Chinese person to have such a means!” Jonathan was unwilling.

But he knew too well that most of Poison Qi’s plans would not work.

“Stop Poison Qi and put in the poisonous beast!” Jonathan said.

Although Poison Qi’s plan to overturn Qin Shaofeng has failed, Jonathan has not given up and plans to poison Qin Shaofeng.

He is about to release poisonous beasts!

This so-called poisonous beast is an animal with extreme poisonous.

Of course, these beasts are genetic beasts that have been genetically modified by the Bragg family.

Even the toxins of some genetic animals can cause an 8th-order genetic warrior to be poisoned to death.

Jonathan’s plan is simple: send a genetic beast with a strong toxin to besiege Qin Shaofeng. As long as Qin Shaofeng is bitten, he will definitely be poisoned.

As long as Qin Shaofeng is poisoned, things will be easy.

Before Qin Shaofeng completely poisoned, he could send someone to arrest Qin Shaofeng, then completely control Qin Shaofeng and detoxify Qin Shaofeng.

For such operations, Jonathan is already very skilled.

Because of this method, he has used it many times and even caught several 8th-order powerhouses alive.

In the passage on the 21st floor, Qin Shaofeng quickly felt that the surrounding Poison Qi not only stopped, but even the released Poison Qi had been retracted.

“Oh, know that Poison Qi is useless to me?” Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly.


And at this time, one of the walls of the passage suddenly cracked.

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng felt it, one after another was a bit savage aura.

Is this … the beast?

After seeing a wolf-like animal appear, Qin Shaofeng’s eyes flashed with curiosity.

He was also automatic from Jack’s memory, and there was something like the genetic beast in the Breg family.

Just to Qin Shaofeng’s surprise, these genetic beasts are only 5th grade.

Can a Level 5 beast cause damage to him?

However, Qin Shaofeng soon saw that this wild beast-like genetic beast had clear green teeth in his mouth.


Qin Shaofeng immediately understood that the other party sent out this gene beast’s purpose.

“Are you still planning to attack me?”

Qin Shaofeng coldly smiled, his face became very disdainful.

“However, just a genetic beast of this level is not enough!”

All in all, Qin Shaofeng was a Fiendgod Inner Qi sweeping out, welcoming to the wild wolf gene beast that only flung at him.

boom! boom! boom!

A series of explosions, just 20-30 wild wolf gene beasts, burst into a body.

Seeing this scene, Jonathan was stunned, but then his anger grew even more.

“Damn, hurry up, shoot me all the wolf beasts!”

The blonde beauty on the side looked restless. She Genxiang told Jonathan that with the strength shown by Qin Shaofeng, the poisonous wolf simply couldn’t get close to each other.

No matter how much it was, she didn’t dare to say anything when she saw Jonathan’s anger at the moment.

Even though she is a High Level researcher at Brig Headquarters, she is not from the Brig family.

At best, she also gained a good right and status from Jonathan by virtue of her genetic technology and appearance.

But this is only for others, and for Jonathan, she simply has no room for resistance.

Therefore, she knew in her mind that it was not appropriate to speak with Jonathan now, because it would irritate each other.

Ka! ka! ka!

On the 21st floor, more and more walls in the passage cracked, and then more and more wolves appeared.

But no matter how many, this poisonous wolf beast or poisonous wolf beast. Trifling’s fifth-order gene beast, no matter how many, there is no threat to Qin Shaofeng.

boom! boom! boom!

A path of surging Fiendgod Inner Qi attacked and swept through the groups of poisonous wolf beasts, and the entire channel was filled with the sound of being blasted by poison wolf beasts.

Within a short while, the entire channel was the corpse of the poisonous wolf beast, and the whole body was flooded with corpses and blood.

Even these corpses and blood are just poison wolf beasts.

But it still looks extremely bloody, and the whole passage looks like a bloody hell, which makes people feel terrible!

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