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Although there was no hope in his heart, Aldes still maintained his style as a Glaston Patriarch.

Looking at all the magicians in the family in front of him, Olds exclaimed: “everyone, now is the crisis situation for our Gladstone family, are you afraid?”

“Not afraid!”

Everyone shouted in unison, even a few teenagers, now with a firm face.

The Gladstone family has no timid people. As noble magicians, they will not accept, and they will shame the family.

Even if it is dead!

Seeing the crowd, Olds was very happy.

The performance of many family members did not disappoint him.

“Very good, so let’s meet the enemy!”

Alders waved his hand and took everyone out.

After coming out of Rook, Olds was shouting into the distant open space: “Herman, don’t hide your head, please show me!”


Like a gust of wind, accompanied by the shout of Olds, a path of silhouette suddenly appeared in the open space in the distance.

The leader is the same age as Alders, and for convenience is Herman in Alders’s mouth.

Herman Gleitley is the current Patriarch of the Gleitley family, while the two families of Gladstone and Gleitley are regarded as the enemy of generations.

In fact, the founders of these two families are actually 2 brothers.

Ston Grae, Terry Grae!

The 2 brothers were born to the Glay family, but eventually became the enemy of death for some reason.

Big Brother Ston Grae created the Gladstone family, and younger brother Terry Grae created the Glytri family.

The descendants of 2 have also become their enemies for their 2 brothers.

Many families in the magic world cannot understand this situation.

In fact, only the Patriarchs of the two families have known the reason for this.

Because at first Ston and Terry 2 brothers, by accident, obtained a powerful magic.

If this magic cultivation is successful, even a magician such as the magic king will likely defeat the magic king.

However, Big Brother Ston thinks that this magic is dark magic and cannot be cultivated at will. He wants to destroy the magic book that records this magic.

But in the end, he failed.

Because the magic book seemed indestructible at all, and even the real magic king of Eston could not cause any damage to the magic book.

As for the younger brother Terry, he was interested in such black magic.

Eventually hiding from Big Brother Ston, Terry started trying to cultivate the magic on that magic book.

In the end, it goes without saying that Big Brother Ston discovered the behavior of the younger brother Terry, was very angry, and the two of them fought.

But the helper younger brother Terry was just the next magic king, far from being his own Big Brother opponent. He was defeated and the magic book was taken away.

Fortunately, Big Brother remembers that Terry is his own younger brother, not at all.

However, Terry hides his hatred, parting ways with the Big Brother, and finally creates the Gretley family, which contradicts his Big Brother.

In the end, it evolved into what it is today.

As a descendant of the younger brother Terry, for the ancestors described by Terry, the magic book with strong demon law, the people of the Gretley family, are extremely heart-warming.

I want to snatch back that magic book from the Gladstone family.

As for the magician placed in the Gladstone family, the Gretley family is also very relieved.

Because after the magician was snatched back by Big Brother Ston, the younger brother Terry did something to the magician.

Although he is only the magic on the cultivation magic book, not at all controls what powerful magic, but Terry has learned a powerful seal trick magic.

At that time, Terry had sealed the magic book. If there was no correct way, unless the magic book was destroyed, otherwise, even the most powerful magician came, and he could not lift the seal.

But that magic book is very hard, the magic king is difficult to destroy, it is naturally impossible for anyone to break the seal with force.

For the past 1000 years, the Gretley family has obeyed the ancestor’s will and wanted to take back that magic book from the Glyston family.

But for the last 1000 years, it was still unsuccessful.

However, it is now said that Herman saw hope.

Especially looking at Olds at this moment, and then not feeling the magic of the Old Demon King of Gladstone family, Herman was very happy.

As soon as I thought that I could finally fulfill the ancestor’s last wish, the most important thing was to get such a powerful magic book, Herman was excited.

Therefore, in the face of Alders’s loud shout, Herman not at all cares and directly brings people out.

Even after he glanced at Alders, he smiled proudly: “Oh, Alders, I advise you to surrender. In this case, I can still see our 2 races more than 1000 years ago, or An ancestor’s face gives you a way of life for the Gladstone family. “

“I bother!”

The gentleman, Glaston Patriarch Aldes, heard Herman’s words, but couldn’t help but spit at him.

“Herman, put away your face that the other devil hates, my Gladstone family has no fear of death!” Aldes said disdainfully.

As soon as Olds had finished speaking, there was a echo around him.

“Yes, our Gladstone family is not afraid of death!”

“Damn Gretley, who share an ancestor with you! It’s bullshit, and if you have one, you’re going to fight!”

“Yes, hit!”

“Come on! Who is afraid of who!”


The magicians of the Gladstone family, each and everyone roared.

Is nobody really afraid of death?

No, this is impossible!

Even in a family like Gladstone, in the face of this situation, there are still a lot of people afraid of death.

But compared to the glory of being a magician, even if they were afraid of death, they chose the latter!

As a noble magician, many times, something is terrifying than death!

Especially under such circumstances, the atmosphere of the Gladstone family has been ignited.

Just die!

But even if I die, I have to pull your Gretley people to hell!

This is what the Gladstone family of magicians think.

In this regard, Olders is very satisfied.

But Hermann’s face on the other side was gloomy, and her face was even more angry.

“Fuck the Gladstone family, since that’s the case, let our Gretley family send you to hell!”


With an order, Herman took the Gretley magician to take the lead.

But the magicians of the Gladstone family are also each and everyone Ling Ran are not afraid, they rushed up to meet their enemies.

momentarily, fierce battle erupted between the magicians of Two Great Families.

Both sides are the idea of ​​your life, the battle is not only fierce or very fierce.

Soon the magician died.

There are Gladstones and Gladleys, but in contrast, there are still more magicians who die in the Gladstones.

Seeing this situation, Olds was also very anxious, and even many times he wanted to take action to help other clansman.

But helplessly, his opponent Herman had seen his thoughts and kept entangled him.

And it seemed to worry that Aldes was desperately fighting for himself. Herman was very cautious for a while, and did not fight with Aldes.

This made Olds very helpless. Whenever he started preparing for the strong demon method to attack Herman, the opponent seemed to feel a strong magic wave, and immediately retreated.

But when he was about to attack others, Herman rushed straight up.

Aldous also wants several powerful magics in succession, fiercely goes to the other side Herman.

But he can’t!

Herman ’s strength is not as good as him. If he really explodes like this, he can defeat Herman and even kill the opponent.

But in this way, he will consume great magic power.

If only he and Herman were two, Aldous did just that.

But Alders not at all forget that the magic king of the Gretley family has not yet taken action!

Under such circumstances, the magician of the Gladstone family is the only one who can fight with each other, and the other simply cannot!

But the more so, the more the Gladstone family fell into crisis.

More and more magicians are dead.

This does not mean that the strength of the Gladstone family is weaker than the Gladley family.

This is all due to the original imposing manner gap between the two parties, which is caused by the situation.

The most important thing is that even if the pressure from the Gladley family of magic kings does not appear, the magic king is the magic king. The impact on the Gladstone family is very significant.

hateful, can’t go on like this.

Seeing this, Olds was very angry.

He could accept the destruction of the Gladstone family, but he could not accept that each and everyone of the family was killed.

He wants to take action!

He wanted to work hard for his strength and open a way for the remaining family members. Even if there was little hope, but he could escape, try to escape.

But at this time, a surge of powerful magic wave erupted, and Alders felt it instantly, and a powerful magic attacked him.

Gretley’s magic king seemed to notice that Olds’s thoughts no longer hesitated to take action directly against him.

Because of the take action suddenly, plus Aldous’s concern for clansman, this is the vigilance of the magic king in his heart, and there is a slackness.

It was this slackness that made Olds finally reach the strikes.


Aldes was blown up, and he was vomiting blood.

This caused the Gladstone family, which was already in a disadvantage, to immediately fall into a more powerful crisis.

Patriarch was defeated, and they had nowhere to go.


In this brief moment, the magicians of the Gladstone family suffered a despair in their hearts.

Even some magicians have no plans to fight back under such despair.

With a splash, Olds, who was bombed off, finally landed.

But because of his serious injuries, he was momentarily unable to stand up again.

Looking at that silhouette in the distance, feeling the powerful magic wave, Aldes was also desperate in his heart.

The magic king is the magic king, he simply is not an opponent!

It seems that my Glaston family has finally perished in the hands of my Patriarch!

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