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Hey, am I impulsive?

Alas, I should know more about it first!

Alas, don’t take out those 3 gems before you know it!

On the lobby sofa on the first floor of this elegant villa, Jeffrey was a little disturbed, and he couldn’t help sighing.

Because Qin Shaofeng’s move just made him feel too sloppy, Qin Shaofeng was also very pleasing.

So even if the refining comes out, can it improve the Spiritual Power?

Even if it can improve Spiritual Power, can it help the Peak 7th grade magician leveled to 8th-level magic king Realm?

Thinking of this, Jeffrey felt a little remorse again.

But that’s it, he can only wait now.

Jeffrey believes that even if Qin Shaofeng is a refining elixir, it will take at least a long time.

In his opinion, martial artist pill refining takes a long time like the alchemy of some western alchemists.

But soon Jeffrey knew he was thinking wrong.

Because it was less than ten minutes, Qin Shaofeng reappeared.

And Qin Shaofeng also had a medicine in his hand.

For Qin Shaofeng, refining an elixir that boosts Spiritual Power is completely a pediatric thing.

The reason is very simple. Among the many spirit medicines in the 9 Spirit Palace, there are actually many medicinal herbs that improve the Spirit Power.

The reason why Qin Shaofeng didn’t specifically refining the elixir of Spiritual Power, but put all the medicinal herbs into gu lu to refining Nine Layer Spirit Pill.

This is because for Qin Shaofeng, the Spiritual Power simply does not need to be improved.

And he refining the Nine Layer Spirit Pill, which can completely make up for the lack of Spiritual Power.

If the Spiritual Power Realm is inadequate, Nine Layer Spirit Pill can completely enhance its Spiritual Power, but the effect does not specifically enhance the strength of the Spiritual Power elixir that’s all.

It happened that there was a High Power spirit medicine of Spiritual Power in the 9th Spirit Palace. Qin Shaofeng had originally intended to refining some evil spirits to refining some elixir to restore Divine Consciousness.

After all, the stronger the evil blood Taoist is now, the better it is for him.

But for the sake of 3 Huo Lingyu stones, Qin Shaofeng used this High Grade spirit medicine for this time.

Anyway, there are still a lot of Middle Grade spirit medicines that Spiritual Power upgrades. If the evil blood Taoist really needs them, then use 9 Spirit Palace to strengthen those Middle Grade spirit medicine.

So, Qin Shaofeng used the High Grade spirit medicine and gave Jeffrey a refining elixir that improved Spiritual Power.

Just a panacea, Qin Shaofeng refining is naturally fast.

However, in order not to be too exaggerated, Qin Shaofeng deliberately froze for a few minutes before coming out of the 9 Ling Palace.

But even so, in Jeffrey’s view, it was very fast.

Well, too, he was crying.

Fancy the elixir in Qin Shaofeng’s hand, Jeffrey’s first thought was that his 3 gems had been wasted.

Refining so soon?

How effective is such an elixir?

If you change places, Jeffrey would have erupted long ago.

But after looking at the scorpion with a closed eye meditation that can not be seen far away, and then remembering the Qin Shaofeng that suddenly disappeared in front of him, Jeffrey’s heart could only be suppressed no matter how angry and dissatisfied.

With a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth, Jeffrey put on an expression more uncomfortable than crying, and asked, “Mr. Qin, is this your refining elixir?”

“Well, yes!” Qin Shaofeng nodded, thinking for a while, “Rest assured, this elixir completely meets your requirements, is to enhance Spiritual Power. It can help you to upgrade Spiritual Power Realm.”

Qin Shaofeng’s tone was positive, but Jeffrey was already crying.


No aura fluctuations!

This is Jeffrey’s view on the elixir in Qin Shaofeng’s hand, and for Qin Shaofeng that sentence, which can help him improve the Spiritual Power Realm, Jeffrey is even more powerless.

What he wants is a panacea that can help himself father breakthrough to become the magic king!

He ascended?

Oh, how can he improve a 7th grade magician in the middle, at most it is leveled to a 7th grade magician.

But merely a master 7th grade magician, simply does not work for the current crisis of his Glaston family!

In this brief moment, Jeffrey was desperate.

He now expects only the rest of his family to find a way to make his father breakthrough.

He has no hope here!

“Well, you better take this elixir now, because it is better to have me by my side!” Qin Shaofeng said seriously.

Because of thinking about this Huo Lingyu stone, Qin Shaofeng hasn’t noticed Jeffrey’s emotions. Even when he said these words, he only suddenly thought of something, which was exhorted to Jeffrey.

Jeffrey: “…”

What can he do?

Faced with this situation, he was helpless and desperate!

So, in the face of the elixir that Qin Shaofeng handed him, he took it directly, and stuffed it into his mouth without thinking.

At this moment Jeffrey, he has broken the jar and broke!

Anyway, no hope, this elixir is eaten by himself, and he no longer expects how much the elixir will help his father.

Even in Jeffrey’s mind, this so-called elixir for improving Spiritual Power is probably difficult for him to improve his rank by improving his 7th grade magician.

For such a situation, Luke by Jeffrey also had similar views.

This Luke is a follower beside Jeffrey, but he is also a magic follower. Although Realm is not as good as Jeffrey, he is also a Tier 5 magician.

And as Jeffrey’s most loyal servant, Luke knew his Master very well.

He naturally felt how bad his Master was at the moment.

But like Jeffrey, Luke also felt the power of Scorpion, and Qin Shaofeng, who was very skillful, and naturally dared not act rashly.

But what happened next, Luke was dumbfounded.

Because after taking the elixir, it was only two breaths, and Jeffrey’s Aura rioted.

To be precise, his magic wave became very weird.

But Luke felt it, and the magic wave of his Master seemed to be getting stronger again.

Yes, it is indeed becoming stronger.

At this moment, Jeffrey was shocked.

Because he absolutely didn’t expect, the elixir that was not valued by him not only melted instantly after he was taken, but even more incredible, after the elixir melted, a strong strength burst out.

Under this burst of strength, Jeffrey immediately felt it, and his Spiritual Power was improving madly.


Jeffrey just felt a trembling sound in his brain. At the next moment, he seemed to break through some bottleneck. The Spiritual Power of the whole person was released instantly and became more powerful.


He’s gone from the middle 7th grade magician to the upper 7th grade magician!

Suddenly, feeling his change, Jeffrey stared at Boss.

Is this a breakthrough?

Isn’t this too ridiculous ?

And what made Jeffrey most incredible was that the medicinal power of that elixir seemed to be over.

His Spiritual Power is still improving, and the magic is rising rapidly, Peak 7th grade magician Realm is approaching.

Even at this rate of increase, I am afraid that I will soon be able to break through to Peak 7th grade magician Realm.

This situation shocked Jeffrey’s heart.

“Don’t be distracted, focus on breakthrough!”

At this time, Jeffrey was so shocked in his heart that he suddenly heard Qin Shaofeng’s voice in his mind, and he suddenly came to his senses.

Indeed, this is not the time to be distracted, no matter what, what happened, he cannot miss such an opportunity for promotion.

Soon, Jeffrey calmed down and began to meditate.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng also gave up a share of Divine Consciousness and started helping Jeffrey break through.

This elixir that promotes Spiritual Power is Qin Shaofeng’s casual refining, but after all, it is a High Grade spirit medicine that promotes Spiritual Power, and because of the relationship of 3 Huo Lingyu stones, Qin Shaofeng also deliberately puts his own trace of Divine Consciousness As a nutrient, it is incorporated into the elixir.

Although this trace of Divine Consciousness, to Qin Shaofeng, is a very small part of the subtle Divine Consciousness, for him, it can be recovered soon without any adverse effects at all.

But even this trace of Divine Consciousness, for Jeffrey, is extremely rich.


With an invisible shock, soon after being promoted to become a 7th grade magician, Jeffrey went further and broke through to Peak 7th grade magician Realm.

Luke on the side was completely confused.

How long does it take?

Well, is there 3 minutes?

Should there be?

But how is this possible?

In just 3 minutes, my Master is leveled to Peak 7th grade Realm?

This is incredible!

Even Master Father, it took more than ten years to level up from the 7th grade magician Realm to Realm.

But now … I only used the Master for 3 minutes?

And still not look!

This is incredible!

Luke no longer knew what to say, and now even if he wanted to say anything, it was definitely better than hold back.

Because the magic fluctuation of his Master seems to continue to rise!

Now my Master is already the Peak 7th grade magician Realm, and this is the 8th level Realm.

The 8th-level magician is the Realm the Magic King!

Is he about to become a follower of a magic king?

Thinking of such a possibility, Luke was immediately excited.

But compared to him, Jeffrey was the most excited person at the moment.

Although he has been concentrating on meditation in accordance with Qin Shaofeng’s branch office, but felt that he has practiced breakthrough and has been promoted to the Peak 7th grade magician, Jeffrey is extremely excited.

And what excites him the most is this promotion, just the beginning.

Because Jeffrey felt that the strength of the elixir within the body seemed to consume only a small part, and a large part was not absorbed by him.

If this is the case, it seems that he can really be promoted to become the magic king of the 8th-level magician!

How could Jeffrey not be excited when he thought of such a thing?

That’s the magic king!

However, at this time, Jeffrey thought of another thing.

Although in meditation, Jeffrey also felt outside the world of ebbing of time.

He also knows that in just 3 minutes, he has been leveled to Peak 7th grade magician from his 7th grade magician.

At such a speed, I can hardly imagine it.

This also gave Jeffrey the confidence in magic, the first special idea.

It turns out that Magic Realm can also be improved like this!

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