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Wang Tingting’s position was in line with Wang Shaowei’s identity.

There is nothing wrong with letting Wang Shaowei sit in that region.

And such a move won the praise of many people present. It seems that Hu Family, Eldest Young Master, is good!

Even Hu Old Master was very satisfied with his granddaughter.

Well, than Xiaochuan’s mixed child, this granddaughter is married right.

But at this time, then Wang Shaowei shook the head, saying: “No, this position is not suitable, you have to change another!”

With that said, Wang Shaowei’s eyes fell on the table of Hu Old Master and laughed: “Well, the location of that region is OK!”

At this moment, not only was Wang Tingting’s eyebrows embroidered slightly, but even Hu Old Master in the distance was angry.

Sit here?

What is your Wang Shaowei?

Do you qualify?

However, Hu Old Master was not Hu Xiaochuan. Although he was angry, he did not take action.

For a junior take action, his ID is not suitable, and Hu Old Master does not bother to take a merely a Wang Shaowei take action.

But not doing it does not mean that Hu Old Master just put up with it.

As an Innate Great Grandmaster, he has his own dignity.

“Wang Family junior, do you know what you are talking about?” Hu Old Master said.

The voice was calm, but with his words, a powerful aura spread throughout the hall.

Aura of Innate Great Grandmaster Realm!

For ordinary martial artists, the aura of Innate Great Grandmaster is very powerful.

Wang Shaowei, who bears the brunt of it, suddenly felt a strong pressure all over him hiding the sky and covering the earth. Facing this powerful aura, Wang Shaowei smelled aura of death.

Only a moment later, his back was wet with the sweat he was shocked by.

However, soon at the next moment, Wang Shaowei felt that he was light, and aura dispelled the pressure he received.

At the same time, outside the gate behind Wang Shaowei, there was a sudden laugh.

“Hahaha, Old Brother Hu, don’t be angry, why care about a little child, he just finds a malicious place for me!”

After this loud laugh appeared, and felt that he broke out directly with Aura Wang Shaowei, when he was directly dispelled, Hu Old Master brow was lightly frowned.

Because he felt it, he was not lost to his aura.

At this moment, a loud laugh came, and saw the person who suddenly appeared, Hu Old Master face slightly sink.

At this time, after laughing, everyone saw an old man full of energy and walked in from the outside.

And at the same time, an extremely powerful aura erupted from the old man.

Innate Great Grandmaster!

This old man is also an Innate Great Grandmaster, and from the point of view of aura, the opponent seems to be stronger than the aura of Hu Old Master.

“Great grandfather!”

The moment he saw this old man, Wang Shaowei shouted in surprise.

Suddenly, this is what people know, the identity of people coming.

Wang Zhen!

Wang Family Previous Patriarch, also known as Eldest Brother of Wang Shaowei’s grandfather!

Speaking of Wang Zhen, the other party is not simple.

From birth, he has excellent innate talents, 20 years old into the Innate Martial Master, and 30 years old to achieve the Innate Grandmaster.

By the age of 40, he had reached the Innate Grandmaster Peak Realm.

momentarily, many martial artist Aristocratic Family felt that Wang Zhen could break through to Innate Great Grandmaster Realm, and the Hu Family was still nervous for a while.

I don’t want to be until his 50s, there is no word that Wang Zhen was promoted to Innate Great Grandmaster.

Some people even said that Wang Zhen had already died because he was anxious to achieve breakthrough Innate Great Grandmaster, but in the end it was cultivation deviation.

But such news was not confirmed after all.

However, after playing it, Wang Zhen disappeared.

But now people are understood, Wang Zhen did not die at all, and even stepped into the Innate Great Grandmaster Realm.

And it seems that Wang Zhen is stronger than Hu Old Master.

“Wang Zhen?”

Hu Old Master also seemed to recognize the other person, and his eyes were horrified.

“Haha, didn’t expect Old Brother Hu remember me!” Wang Zhen laughed.

But his words were interesting.

With the connection between Hu Family and Wang Family, naturally the two people will not be matched by the name of Old Brother.

This Wang Zhen made it clear that it was cheap to take Hu Old Master.

“I didn’t expect it!” Hu Old Master slightly smiled, “So what are you talking about here this time?”

“No why, it’s seclusion for a long time, it’s breathable, it’s not exactly Old Brother Hu, your eldest grandson is engaged, I’ll come and take a look!” Wang Zhen said with disapproval.

But his remarks made many people disdain.

Huh, in terms of your Wang Family and Hu Family, how dare you say such a thing?

Who is the letter?

Most of the people at the scene believed that Wang Zhen had come to trouble.

Even Hu Old Master thought so, but he did not know momentarily, what Wang Zhen planned to do, and he planned to watch it change.

“That being the case, please sit down!” Hu Old Master opened the mouth and said.

But then Wang Zhen glanced at the table in front of Hu Old Master and smiled, “Ha, Old Brother Hu, do you think I should sit there?”

By the time he said this, Wang Zhen had come to the table in front of Hu Old Master. His meaning was already obvious. He wanted to sit at this table.

Hu Old Master’s face remained unchanged. He knew that the other party would be like this, and even had already made a meaningful glance with his son.

What Hu Old Master meant was to make Hu Hanyun stand up and give his place to Wang Zhen.

Although this will make Hu Family lose face, but Wang Zhen is an Innate Great Grandmaster after all, and this will not make Hu Family ugly.

But at this time, Wang Zhen suddenly spoke, and he turned his eyes all over and finally fell on Qin Shaofeng.

Wang Zhen already knew something before he came. To be honest, Li Family and 100 families arrived, which surprised him.

However, he didn’t care, because according to his knowledge, Hu Family had little relationship with these two simply.

Coming to Hu Family at this time is not to support Hu Family, so whether it is Li Kuan or 100, it is impossible for Hu Family to take the lead.

His previous actions led Wang Shaowei to come out first. After making trouble for the Hu Family there, Li Kuan and 100 Yifan did not react, which further confirmed the guess in his heart.

However, Wang Zhen also had a self-knowledge. He knew that even if it was the case, he could not let Li Kuan and 100 Yifan give way to him.

This is unrealistic!

And the other three person in charge are good with Hu Family, and the influence is not weak, at most, there is no Innate Great Grandmaster.

If he gave way to any of them, it would probably make the other party angry, and even cause the other party’s emotions to make it stand against the Wang Family.

The martial artist community does not have absolute strength, it can act wilfully, especially now.

Wang Zhen knew this very well, so he followed Qin Shaofeng.

Wang Zhen actually knew that under such circumstances, Hu Jingshan would give up his son to him.

But he didn’t want to do that, because his purpose would not be achieved.

What he really cares about is Qin Shaofeng’s position. This is not because he is incompatible with Qin Shaofeng. In this way, he can completely lose the face of Hu Family.

Wang Zhen also knows about Qin Shaofeng, but from Wang Zhen’s point of view, Qin Shaofeng only knows some medical skills and he has cured Hu Xiaochuan.

No one knows, not even Huantong who poisoned Hu Xiaochuan. The poison he gave Hu Xiaochuan came from the Wang Family and was arranged by Wang Zhen secretly.

If it weren’t for Wang Zhen, merely a Huantong could get that poison.

The idea of ​​Wang Family is to completely sever the hope of Hu Family, even the future.

Hu Family this generation is just Hu Xiaochuan. As long as Hu Xiaochuan is gone, then the future of Hu Family is basically over.

But I didn’t want to. In the end, this Hu Xiaochuan was actually healed.

This person is actually Hu Xiaochuan’s classmate, a person named Qin Shaofeng.

Therefore, Wang Zhen also understands that Qin Shaofeng can appear in this position. After all, Qin Shaofeng treats Hu Family’s future and hope, and is a great kindness of Hu Family.

Therefore, Wang Zhen followed Qin Shaofeng and wanted Qin Shaofeng to give way to him, because in this way, the Hu Family elaborately planned banquet could be completely destroyed.

Even if nothing is happening now, as long as he waits for him to pass on, Hu Family treats his great kindness person enough, which is enough to wipe out Hu Family’s reputation.

Therefore, Wang Zhen said something that made him extremely regretful in his life.

“Brat, let me go, your position, I want it!”

Wang Zhen said to Qin Shaofeng with a smile, and even when he said this, he could release his aura.

Suddenly, Hu Old Master and Hu Hanyun became angry.

Qin Shaofeng is indeed the benefactor of Hu Family, but in fact, only Hu Family knows how much Qin Shaofeng has for their Hu Family.

So, at the first sight of Wang Zhen pointing at Qin Shaofeng, Hu Old Master couldn’t help it.

However, before Hu Old Master spoke, he heard Qin Shaofeng’s voice.

“Don’t move, Old Master, I’ll take care of it myself!”

This sound appeared directly in the head of Hu Old Master ~, which surprised Hu Old Master.

However, it was clear to Hu Old Master that Qin Shaofeng was not simpler than he thought.

At least this means of sound transmission to his mind, this Innate Great Grandmaster is far from doing it.

Seeing this, Hu Old Master was silent.

Like Hu Old Master, Hu Hanyun who also heard Qin Shaofeng sound transmission was also quiet.

At the same time, there is another person who is also angry at the moment. If it was not for Qin Shaofeng’s order, I am afraid he has already taken action.

This person is Li Kuan.

You should know that the evil blood Taoist is the servant of Qin Shaofeng, and Li Kuan is the servant of the evil blood Taoist. In this way, naturally, other people cannot tolerate Qin Shaofeng.

But Qin Shaofeng was immediate and ordered to keep it quiet and do n’t do it.

Although Li Kuan was angry, he did so.

After stopping Hu Old Master and their three people, Qin Shaofeng didn’t get up, just raised his head and glanced at Wang Zhen.

“Are you talking to me?” Qin Shaofeng indifferently said.


Wang Zhen was a bit surprised. He did n’t expect this brat called Qin Shaofeng. He could actually hold on to his aura and even speak normally.

This surprised him!

But… that’s it!

Looking again towards Qin Shaofeng’s eyes, Wang Zhen was already a little cold.

“Surnamed Qin, my grandfather gave you way, you gave me a good way. Where’s that nonsense?”

Waiting for Wang Zhen again, Wang Shaowei shouted.

On the Neptune, he had eaten Qin Shaofeng’s losses, and he felt a grudge in his heart.

But because of the jealous Qin Shaofeng’s strength, he did not take action.

But now it’s different. With him and his grandfather, what else should he worry about?

What makes Wang Shaowei absolutely didn’t expect is that Qin Shaofeng’s response to him is only a simple word!


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