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Damn, how could this be?

How could this lowly maid have such strength?

Zhang Yunsong was more and more shocked.

And he also discovered something that made him extremely unwilling to admit it.

That is to face a lowly maid in his mouth, an opponent who is not yet a Martial King Realm, and his Martial King can only be forced to defend now.


This is the case now, and Zhang Yunsong couldn’t find a chance to fight back.

He can only get tired of playing a path of Innate Inner Qi to defend!

Facing such a situation, Zhang Yunsong’s heart became increasingly angry.

Yes, apart from shock, Zhang Yunsong’s heart is more angry.

A Martial King was actually persecuted to such an extent by a little baby girl?

He was full of anger, but Zhang Yunsong was also calm.

He has seen it clearly, although he doesn’t know that the other is a trifling Innate Great Grandmaster, which has the attack strength equivalent to Martial King Realm.

But Zhang Yunsong can be sure that the opponent’s Innate Inner Qi is definitely not as many as him.

The attack power is already exaggerated. He believes that it is impossible for the opponent to have even more Innate Inner Qi than himself.

So, he was waiting, waiting for the other’s Innate Inner Qi to run out.

As long as the other party’s Innate Inner Qi is exhausted, then he’s fine.

But Zhang Yunsong didn’t know, Liu Ya seemed to see through his thoughts, and Zhu lips slightly tilted, showing a slight disdain.

Fight for consumption?

Oh, it’s stupid!

Although she is still only the Innate Great Grandmaster Peak Realm, she cultivating the “Fiendgod Collection” has enough Fiendgod Inner Qi.

Compared with some powerful Martial King, Liu Ya dare not compare.

But compared to the person who has not entered Martial King Realm for a long time now, Liu Ya is confident that he is crushing each other in terms of formidable power and quantity.

Fight hard, you can only lose the other party!

However, Liu Yake did not intend to continue to consume this way, she was already impatient.

Her world revolves around Qin Shaofeng. How can she deal with an old man again?

and so……

Eyes flashed, Liu Ya within the body’s Fiendgod Inner Qi for a while, jade hand raised, interrupting an attack again.

At this time, Liu Ya ’s Fiendgod Inner Qi consumption has increased exponentially.

But again, her Fiendgod Inner Qi attack at this time changed from one to two!

Starlight Combo’s Two Star Strike!

This Two Star Strike is not a simple two-stroke combo. Under the condition of consuming twice, this combo not only doubles the number, it even doubles on the formidable power.

Therefore, Zhang Yunsong is tragedy!

Facing the Two Star Strike that suddenly attacked again, Zhang Yunsong still thought that this was the same attack as before, with a shake of right hand, he also launched an Innate Inner Qi attack.

But next moment, bang, he just found his attack was broken.

Suddenly, Zhang Yunsong was dumbfounded.

formidable power increased?

But he was dumbfounded, but the attack of Two Star Strike didn’t stop at all.


First fiercely hit Zhang Yunsong.


Upon opening a mouthful of blood, Zhang Yunsong was injured, but the injuries were not serious.

Because at the last minute, he gathered some Innate Inner Qi in front of him, focusing on where Two Star Strike attacked his body.

Although Innate Inner Qi was finally broken up and the attack fell on him, he did not suffer a serious injury.

The problem is, this time Liu Ya broke out but Two Star Strike!

There was no interruption after one blow, and simply did not give Zhang Yunsong a chance to respond.


The second attack, fiercely bombed Zhang Yunsong’s body, and it was still in the same position.

At this time, Zhang Yunsong didn’t run the Innate Inner Qi of his own system to defend him, even he didn’t even notice this second attack in advance.

It wasn’t until the moment of the attack that he had a single thought in his head!

And second!


Just after the explosion, Zhang Yunsong’s chest opened a blood hole, exposing the organs inside.

Then, with a bang, Zhang Yunsong couldn’t hold it anymore, and took a few steps, pointing at what Liu Ya wanted to say.

But in the end, he didn’t say a word, but he died dead!

The internal organs are all hit. Can you not die?

Martial artist, there are a lot of cultivators, the internal organs are damaged, basically they are medicineless.

After Zhang Yun’s breathless death, Liu Ya just calmly said something to the old scorpion, and then turned back to Fengya Villa.

Scorpion: “…”

Black Tiger: “…”

Everyone: “…”

There was no speech at the scene. If it were not for the 2 corpse on the ground, they would all think they were dreaming.

When Zhang Yunsong fought with Liu Ya, Li Wuyi had already died.

However, at this time, Scorpion and the others seem to have completely forgotten.

There was only silence in their hearts, um, and shock!

“This … This Mrs. Liu Yashao is really amazing!”

In the end, the panther corner of mouth twitching uttered something extremely unhealthy.

Before he killed Li Wuyi’s subordinates, he was already in a critical situation, and he quickly killed the enemy with injury for injury.

But he was also seriously injured and did not continue fighting.

At this moment, seeing such a scene, he even forgot his injuries.

The Scorpion and the Black Tiger and the others did not speak, but in their hearts they agreed with the words of the Black Panther.

Soon, Scorpion and the others started cleaning the battlefield, and then took the injured back to heal.

Although wounded, fighting at this time is also a good fighting experience for Scorpion and the others. For them, this time is not a small gain.

However, while dealing with Zhang Yunsong and Li Wuyi and the others corpse, everyone discovered another situation.

It seems they don’t know yet. Who are these people?

Looks like from beginning to end, that is, Zhang Yunsong, said his name once when fighting Liu Ya.

Well, Zhang Yunsong!

Then, then nothing!

Poor Zhang Yunsong might as well break through and become a Martial King, but his first battle in Martial King will show himself to death.

And Scorpion and the others simply don’t know him!

A Martial King died in obscurity like this!

However, anyway, he also left a name. He didn’t want Li Wuyi and the others to die without even leaving his name.

You know that Li Wuyi is the Patriarch of the Dignified Li Family, and now he died silently!

If it spreads, it can cause a lot of sensation!


2 days later, Qin Shaofeng finally leaving seclusion.

This time seclusion, Qin Shaofeng finally upgraded his fleshhy body Realm.

And not only has it been improved, it is now synchronized with his Realm.

As for Qin Shaofeng current realm, as early as 3 days ago, with the help of 1 Star Nine Layer Spirit Pill, he reached the same level as Liu Ya and was leveled to Innate Great Grandmaster Peak Realm.

Then, Qin Shaofeng took 3 days to break through to the Sixth Layer Realm in the Fiendgod Collection, and even fleshy body Realm was leveled to Martial King Realm.

It can be said that even if Qin Shaofeng is based on the physical body, he will not be afraid of bullets, and even a bomb like a grenade, with his current physical body strength, can resist.

This is much stronger than the physical body of Qin Shaofeng compared to the ordinary Martial King!

Let’s put it this way, if Qin Shaofeng is standing there, the martial artist under Martial King will not hurt him under normal circumstances.

Even if Zhang Yunsong appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng, most of his attacks would hardly cause any powerful damage to Qin Shaofeng.

However, after this realm, Qin Shaofeng stopped temporarily.

Although it has been transplanted to the Low Grade Spirit Medicine in the 9th Spirit Palace, many Spirit Qis of the 9th Spirit Palace have been graded to the Middle Grade Spirit Medicine.

This means that Qin Shaofeng can start refining the 2 Star Nine Layer Spirit Pill. In this case, he can continue to improve.

However, Qin Shaofeng did not want to continue to improve Realm in this way, because he can only increase the Realm of cultivation base, but it is very difficult to improve the fleshhy body Realm.

If you want to promote fleshhy body realm promotion, Qin Shaofeng must start with a powerful cultivation technique such as cultivation body refinement.

To be honest, Qin Shaofeng has previously designed some Body Refining Cultivation Techniques for himself, but helplessly, this simply won’t work.

Because the Body Refining Cultivation Technique he created, although it is also cultivated on Earth, can improve the physical body Realm, but it can only play a subtle role.

Although Qin Shaofeng has a very powerful body refinement Dafa, that is the Fiendgod body refinement Dafa.

But helplessly, the Fiendgod body refinement Dafa is completely a powerful skill produced by the system, and Qin Shaofeng’s main body has only achieved the improvement of the physical body Realm through the promotion of the skill star.

How to cultivate specifically, Qin Shaofeng not at all to go deeper.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng is extremely skilled at the Yoga 108 Styles after the evolution of the Fiendgod body refinement.

And Yoga 108 Styles is actually 100 zero-eight styles action, Qin Shaofeng found that on Earth, his specific body can still cultivate Yoga 108 Styles.

As long as you pose Yoga 108 Styles and maintain it for a while, Qin Shaofeng can feel the improvement of her physical body Realm.

The problem is that Yoga 108 Styles cultivation is too time-consuming.

It’s just to deal with the current realm, but that’s okay, but if you want to use the Yoga 108 Styles body refinement Dafa to level the physical body to a very strong Realm, then you can dying.

Because in his current condition, if there isn’t a few hundred years, I’m afraid I can’t make this Yoga 108 Styles Great Accomplishment.

And even if Yoga 108 Styles cultivated to Great Accomplishment Realm can successfully perform all 100 zero-eight styles actions, it can at most be the physical body leveled to Nirvana Realm Peak Realm.

This is some distance from Ruler’s realm, let alone Dao Realm.

So, Qin Shaofeng’s first decision now is to find a cultivation speed that is faster, and also very suitable for him, and has a very strong Body Refining Cultivation Technique.

However, Qin Shaofeng was not in a hurry, because he copied the seal ten times with Fiendgod in his left eye, but it was not used yet.

In addition, Grand Dao Soul Ring has ten Middle Level Skill Point cards and 5 High Level Skill Point cards.

If he waits for the complete evolution of system this time, he will have a way to get a powerful Body Refining Cultivation Technique.

There is a system, with Fiendgod replication and Skill Point, he can cultivate a variety of powerful body refinement methods, and even when the time comes, he can use the strength of the system to create a powerful body refinement method!

In the current situation, it is better to cultivate Yoga 108 Styles first.

However, Qin Shaofeng also seems to remember it, and there seems to be some Body Refining Cultivation Technique in the inheritance of the 9 Spirit True Master.

Although not very strong, it seems to be very useful for his current realm.

Find some time to study cultivation!

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