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Chapter 1491

Jaws are moving!

The Barbarian Race fighters before him are not actually the true strength of their Barbarian Race.

Only these Barbarian Race fighters who have integrated the pattern of Grand Dao are their Barbarian Race’s truly powerful strength now.

Jaguar believes that as long as these Barbarian Race fighters are dispatched, it will only be a matter of time before the invaders of the Antiquity Saint Domain will expel the brutal beast.

At this time, 3 of the Barbarian Race fighters embracing the Grand Dao’s pattern were dispatched. And among these 3 fighters, one of them is the eldest son of the jaw barbarian–Ji Kui!

Jikui inherited the Spirit Race strength of jawbrother mother. Although it is only a small part of strength, the jaw condyle is deeply loved by jawbrider.

As for eldest son’s words, it is the strength of the law of thunder that has inherited the jaws.

On the strength, the strength of the jaw queen surpasses the jaw, and it has already reached 90 wild patterns Realm long ago.

The reason why this jaw queen has such a Realm is because he also inherited the innate talent of jaw barbarian, and the cultivation speed is very fast.

The only thing that made the jaw quite unsatisfactory was that the strength of the jaw kui couldn’t blend into the Grand Dao pattern.

However, after the Grand Dao Law of the brutal beast was eroded, Jaw Mane found himself as an eldest son, and was barely able to start merging the strength of the Grand Dao pattern.

Even he can improve his wild pattern Realm when he integrates the pattern of Grand Dao.

Therefore, after the fusion is over, the wild patterns on Ji Kui’s body have reached 100 Realm, and they are all strengths with the pattern of Grand Dao.

This makes the strength of Ji Kui far more than the Supreme Ruler with the title of Emperor with 100 lines of Grand Dao.

The Fusion Barbarian Race warrior team dispatched at this time is led by this jaw kui.

However, after setting off, Ji Kui also accepted a mission from his father’s jaw, that is, the murderer who would kill his little brother’s jaw, that is, the invader named Qin Shaofeng.

In fact, for Ji Kui himself, his death of the jaw condyle was not very sad, and he was rarely happy in his heart.

As a jawbuckling son, he naturally knew his father’s preference for little brother’s palate, which made him very uncomfortable.

Because no matter is innate talent or others, as the eldest son, he inherits the well-known figure of his father position. According to normal development, he must be a successor.

Ke Piansheng finally appeared jaw crest, this little brother that won his father’s favorite.

And the most important thing is that his little brother, innate talent is not only good, even more than his eldest son, which makes the jaw concubine feel crisis.

However, now that the jaws are killed, he has also become the ultimate warrior with 100 wild patterns, and the crisis is no longer there.

Therefore, in Ji Kui’s heart, he thanked the intruder named Qin Shaofeng, many thanks for killing his little brother, which helped him solve the trusted aide problem.

But thanks is thanks, he still wants to bring the other person’s live catch to his father’s jaw, because it absolutely enhances his status in his father’s heart.


Somewhere on the battlefield in the beast world, the beast Legion led by Qin Shaofeng has already hunted the Barbarian Race fighters here.

This time Qin Shaofeng met a Barbarian Race with a good strength. Although there were many lower fighters, there were also many middle fighters.

Realm has reached the rank of Realm’s fighter, and even has seven-eighty, even one of the highest realm has 93 wild patterns.

The most important thing is that this clan team is actually a jaw tribe.

This makes Qin Shaofeng feel a little enemies on a narrow road, because Qin Shaofeng has nothing to do with the Jaws.

This happened, simply didn’t need to say anything, just hit the fight.

So far, this battle is actually coming to an end. Except for a few high-ranking fighters of the jaw tribe, the rest of the jaw tribe fighters have been resolved.

This time, Qin Shaofeng also started.

In order to adapt to his current strength, Qin Shaofeng naturally wanted to fight some Barbarian Race fighters.

Of course, this choice of combat targets, naturally, can not be too much.

So, in the end, the upper fighters of this jaw tribe clan were followed by Qin Shaofeng.

And Qin Shaofeng followed more than one. Qin Shaofeng picked up more than a dozen high-level fighters.

Qin Shaofeng now has 91 1000 star arrays, although Realm is just the Supreme Ruler Realm equivalent to 91 Grand Dao patterns.

However, the strength of Qin Shaofeng is comparable to the powerhouse of Realm, which is the title of the first emperor, but he has not yet used his strength that’s all.

Therefore, there are only a few high-level Realm soldiers in the battle until now.


Another punch, heavy punch, a jaw tribe warrior with 81 wild patterns Realm was directly bombed by Qin Shaofeng’s punch.

Then, with a backhand wave, Qin Shaofeng right hand reached directly with the Black Tortoise battle armor, and chopped out a golden light Blade Qi, splitting a 78 Jaw tribe upper-level warrior of the Realm with a wild pattern, split it directly into two and a half.

This is not over yet. Next moment Qin Shaofeng shook his left hand slightly, shaking out Flying Feather Blade in his hand, and then a silver light blade glow flashed, and the 3 higher fighters fell directly to the ground. Life force disappeared instantly.

At this point, the group of jaw tribe warriors who are still alive is the only strongest soldier with 93 strong patterns.

But at this moment, the superior warrior of the Jaws tribe is already extremely trembling.

7.5 minutes!

It was only within 7.5 minutes that he was the only one killed by their 3000 Legion team.

And now he is also in crisis, even according to the strength of the other party, I’m afraid it won’t be long before he will be killed by the other party.

hateful, how this Qin Shaofeng’s strength has become so powerful.

As a 93-barb pattern that solved the higher warrior, this person is naturally one of the loyal subordinates of Jaw Barb, and the other party naturally knew the existence of the golden armor ladybug.

He had known about Qin Shaofeng, the invader who had killed his jaw.

But when he knew Qin Shaofeng, he never put Qin Shaofeng in his eyes, because even the opponent killed the jaw condyle.

But for his superior fighter with 93 wild patterns Realm, simply is nothing, strength is too weak and he can be killed at any time.

Even before at first, when he met Qin Shaofeng, he thought he was going to make a great contribution.

But after fighting at first, it took him less than 7.5 minutes to realize that he was wrong, and he was still very wrong.

Now that he understands, he is the only one left alive.

So he was scared.

He wants to escape!

Qin Shaofeng has seen the other party’s thoughts, but he will not let the other party do the same.

This is a high-level Barbarian Race fighter with 93 wild patterns. The wild patterns on the opponent’s body can also give him at least 100 Law Core improvements.

For such an opportunity, Qin Shaofeng will not miss it, and naturally he will not let the other side go.

And with Qin Shaofeng’s current strength, if he wanted to, it would be considered that the opponent is a higher-level fighter with 93 Realms, and he could kill immediately.

But when Qin Shaofeng was about to start and kill the opponent directly, suddenly what Qin Shaofeng sensed, the action that was about to take the action stopped immediately.

this is?

eyebrows slightly frowned, Qin Shaofeng looked up and looked far away.

really strong aura!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng clearly sensed that there was a very powerful aura in the distance ahead, approaching here.

And this aura feels to Qin Shaofeng, as if it had the same aura as the jaw-crest that he encountered before.

This is aura that has the same origin, which made Qin Shaofeng instantly affirm that the master of this aura mostly has a blood relationship with the maxilla.

However, compared to the aura of the jaw crest, this aura is dozens of times stronger, even 100 times stronger.

This shows that the strength of the other side is definitely much stronger than the maxillary condyle.

Extreme Warrior!

From the point of view of this aura, Qin Shaofeng knew that the other party was a Barbarian Race warrior with 100 wild patterns of Realm, that is, the ultimate warrior in the Barbarian Race.

And Qin Shaofeng also felt a stand to from the masses Power of Laws aura from the other side’s aura.

This feeling does not seem to be the aura of the Grand Dao Law of the Brute World, but the Grand Dao Law aura of the Antiquity Saint Domain.

But the opponent’s aura is clearly the aura of the Barbarian Race warrior in the brutal world!

This puzzles Qin Shaofeng. What the hell is going on.

At the same time, the upper jaw tribe warrior with 93 wild patterns resolved also seemed to notice this aura.

Unlike Qin Shaofeng, at the moment of feeling this aura, a surprise erupted in the eyes of this jaw tribe warrior, which was an unexpected surprise.

“Ji Kui Young Master, save me!”

Feeling this familiar aura, the warrior of the jaw tribe raised his head fiercely, and then saw the tall silhouette of the familiar aura far away, and couldn’t help shouting aloud.

Jaw Kui?

The shouting of this higher soldier instantly made Qin Shaofeng understand who the people are coming from.

Jaw Kui, the Eldest Brother of the Jaw, the eldest son of the Jader tribe Leader.

However, according to Qin Shaofeng’s information, it seems that Jai Kui has not yet reached the extreme warrior Realm!

The opponent ’s brutal pattern is more than 90, and it is 100 meters away from Realm, but there is still some distance!

But now, not only did this jaw-kun unexpectedly have 100 wild lines, but the aura of the other side also seems to have some very special places.


Now is not the time to take care of these things. Listening to the shouting of the upper jade tribe warrior, the kind of excited joy, Qin Shaofeng’s disdain coldly shouted.

Huh, what about Jai Kui, do you think the other party can save you?

After that, Qin Shaofeng eyes flashed a cold light, and the whole figure flickered lightly.


With a flash, the silhouette of Qin Shaofeng disappeared instantly.

“Stop it for me! ~”

At the moment Qin Shaofeng silhouette disappeared, the distant jaw kui seemed to sense yes, a violent burst of a shouting roar, the whole person instantly shook, and the aura on his body burst out even stronger, which made him The speed soared several times in an instant!

But unfortunately, even if Ji Kui broke out at an incredible speed, it could not keep up.

The upper fighter of the jaw tribe saw what Kui Kui looked like, and seemed to sense something. The surprise that had appeared in his eyes instantly transformed the terror. Immediately, he wanted to escape.

But the moment he came up with this idea, he felt the darkness before him, and then he saw a somewhat familiar face.


The moment he saw this face, the desperate warrior of this jaw tribe burst into a desperate shout.


A violent fist burst out, engulfing the desperate shout of the higher fighter.

Even under that punch, the head of the higher fighter was directly blasted.

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