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Chapter 1489 10 Star-level Unlock

I have to say that this jaw is very crazy, and actually wants to create a Barbarian Race warrior that fuses the strength of Grand Dao.

You should know that not all Barbarian Races are the same as his jaws. Within the body, there are 2 Grand Dao Law time Bloodlines, which can be combined with the Grand Dao pattern and the strong pattern.

For other Barbarian Races, simply incorporating the strength of the Grand Dao’s pattern into its own wild pattern is simply impossible.

However, the jaw is actually going to do such a thing now. In fact, seriously, if it was put before, simply is an impractical idea.

But now the brutal beast world is different.

Today, the Grand Dao Law of the entire brutal beast has been eroded by the Grand Dao Law of the ancient continent.

Although it is not to say that it has been completely eroded, at least 3/4 of this part has been completely eroded.

And I’m afraid it won’t be long before half of it will be eroded.

According to the calculation of the oldest Leader of the Shun nationality, the Barbarian Race’s strongest wizard, Jaw speculates that if it was the Grand Dao Law of the brutal beast, the area eroded by the Grand Dao Law of the ancient continent is more than 90%, and it may even be only a tenth At 8th, the Ruler Supreme powerhouse of Antiquity Saint Domain can forcibly enter their brutal realm.

Because there is only 10-20% strength of the brutal beast world, Grand Dao Law, I am afraid I can’t stop such a powerhouse.

The Shun’s old Leader has noticed that this time Antiquity Saint Domain invaded the array tower at the entrance of the channel. He told Jabby that as long as the array was destroyed, or they were thrown out of their brutal beast, then they can keep The area that is not eroded remains.

And finally, relying on the strength of the eroded part, the Grand Dao Law strength of Antiquity Saint Domain is gradually repelled again.

However, the position of the array tower was guarded by Antiquity Saint Domain. It needs to have sufficient strength to break through that region and destroy the array tower.

It is precisely because of this situation that the jaw barbarian started to create a Barbarian Race warrior that fuses the pattern of Grand Dao.

Such thoughts would not work at all if it was a wild animal world.

But the Grand Dao Law of the Brute World has been eroded a lot, which makes this method feasible.

After all, the jade barbarian’s barbarian pattern is a strength fully integrated into the Grand Dao line, but he can’t be more clear about the changes in the barbaric world.

Soon, Jawman started the matter.

At first, he himself tried to blend the brute lines on the lower soldiers, from the Grand Dao strenght from Antiquity Saint Domain cultivator cultivation.

10000 things started hard, at first was not very smooth, for this reason many lower soldiers died because of jaw brute attempts.

However, after more and more attempts, the jaw was gradually mastered, and the technique of blending the wild pattern with the pattern of Grand Dao finally made him successful.

He succeeded in getting the brute lines on a lower soldier into Grand Dao lines from Antiquity Saint Domain cultivator cultivation.

momentarily the strength of the next fighter, but it skyrocketed.

Under normal circumstances, a Barbarian Race fighter with a wild pattern is definitely not an opponent of the Realm Supreme Ruler with a Grand Dao pattern created by Antiquity Saint Domain cultivation.

After incorporating the strength of Grand Dao’s pattern, this situation is completely changed.

Because at this moment, the Power of Laws of the lower fighter within the body is actually several times stronger than the Supreme Ruler with a pattern of Grand Dao.

If you fight alone, this lower soldier can easily kill a Supreme Ruler with a Realm with a Grand Dao pattern within a few strokes.

Compared with the strength before the fusion, the difference after fusion is too much.

This made the jaws quite excited, and continued to create more Barbarian Race fighters with the texture of Grand Dao.

However, it was soon discovered that the jaws were not, and not every Barbarian Race fighter fits the strength of the Grand Dao pattern.

Only those Barbarian Race fighters with good innate talent can blend into the Grand Dao pattern.

As long as there are enough innate talents, even the most extreme fighters with more than 100 lines in the Barbarian Race can integrate the pattern of Grand Dao.

It’s just that the higher the realm, the more wild patterns there are, the more time it takes to merge, and naturally more.

But it is undeniable that since the appearance of the first Barbarian Race warrior who integrated the pattern of Grand Dao, the strength of Barbarian Race will usher in a very exaggerated leap.

It seems that this war cannot be ended so easily.


“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng killed 100,000 Barbarian Race fighters and reached the ‘Infinite Kill’ 9 Star Level Mission requirements. The ‘Infinite Kill’ 9 Star Level Mission is complete!”

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng completed the 9th Star Level Mission in ‘Infinite Kills’ and successfully unlocked Ten Star Level Mission!”

With the appearance of 2 system prompts, Qin Shaofeng’s “Infinite Kill” mission 9 Star level indicator was completed.

The 8 Star level indicator of ‘Infinite Killing’ is killing 100,000 Barbarian Race fighters. With the help of the 100,000 superior beasts, Qin Shaofeng quickly completed it.

And not only that, Qin Shaofeng actually didn’t take much action during this time. His most time was refining the Royal Magic Pill and the refining rule.

Incidentally, during the refining, Qin Shaofeng continued to absorb the brutal patterns on the Barbarian Race, but even so, it did not take Qin Shaofeng much time to unlock the 10 Star with this ‘infinite killing’ mission.

However, Qin Shaofeng is eyebrows slightly frowned when he sees the 10 Star level indicator of the unlocked ‘Infinite Killing’ mission.

Infinite Kill: Special Mission. Special Mission will only be triggered in certain places after the player completes some Special Mission and gets special reward.

The current ‘Infinite Kill’ mission is a person triggered by the ‘All-Around Champion’ Mission Reward after entering the brutal world.

Mission content: This mission is a special trigger mission. There is no star completion evaluation. Based on the player’s completion progress, each star stage mission is unlocked. Every mission that completes a star stage can get a certain reward. The higher, the bigger the reward!

(Note: This ‘Infinite Killing’ mission unlocks unlimited star ratings, but there is a time limit. Once the time is reached, this mission ends. After the mission is over, players can complete all Star Level Missions and perform some evaluation. Get additional rewards again! The time for this ‘Infinite Kill’ mission is: 3 months!)

Progress: Unlock 10 Star Level!

1 Star: Completed!

2 Star: Completed!

3 Star: Completed!

4 Star: Completed!

5 Star level: Already done!

6 Star: Completed!

7 Star: Completed!

8 Star level: Already done!

9 Star Level: It’s Over!

10 Star: (0/10): Kill the best of the ten Barbarian Races in the brutal world! Reward Skill Point 350, system Exchange Points 510 million!

The 10 Star level indicator unlocked at this time is not the same as Qin Shaofeng originally guessed. The number of 100,000 Barbarian Races killed has become 1 million.

Not only did this number not increase, but it also greatly decreased, from 100,000 to 10!


“Extreme warrior?”

2 With a moment’s glance in his eyes, Qin Shaofeng’s eyes flashed helplessly.

This Barbarian Race warrior, Qin Shaofeng naturally knows that it refers to those Barbarian Race warriors with at least 100 or more lines.

Such a Barbarian Race warrior is very powerful in terms of strength.

However, what makes Qin Shaofeng helpless is not the strength of these extreme fighters. The extreme fighters in these Barbarian Races, strength is indeed very powerful.

But for Qin Shaofeng now, it doesn’t make him feel tricky.

After refining and refining a large number of wild lines, Qin Shaofeng within the body has more than 90000 Lawrence Law cores!

This means that Qin Shaofeng Inner World has more than 1000 star arrays.

91 1000 star arrays, this is Qin Shaofeng current realm.

Well, it’s the equivalent of 91 Grand Dao’s lines Realm!

In addition, Qin Shaofeng’s 1000 star array still owns Divine Demon’s Power, which allows his strength to basically compete with some of the powerhouses of Realm who have just entered the emperor’s title.

Although the barbarian race’s top fighters are very powerful, because of the Power of Laws, unless they have more than 110 wild patterns, otherwise they have a strength that exceeds most Supreme Ruler.

Compared with Emperor’s title Realm’s powerhouse, it is a little less.

During this time, not long ago, because of the brutal beast Legion brought by Hu Ye, there were too many Barbarian Race fighters killed.

In the end, one of the top fighters in the Barbarian Race became angry and came straight to the door.

At that time, Qin Shaofeng happened to have successfully deployed Inner World’s 91st 1000 star array, and it was not long before that.

Then, after seeing that extreme warrior, Qin Shaofeng was a little bit impatient and wanted to try his current strength.

As a result, it goes without saying that Qin Shaofeng did not enter into the state of God’s recovery, and even the skills such as Fiendgod’s Eye did not use much.

Just by virtue of some martial skills copied by Fiendgod, he killed the ultimate fighter.

Of course, this may also be related to that extreme warrior, who just broke through to the current Realm, and the body’s bruises just happened to be 100. The strength is slightly inadequate, which was bombed by Qin Shaofeng.

But despite this relationship, it can’t be denied that Qin Shaofeng strength is already very strong.

Therefore, it is not difficult for Qin Shaofeng to just kill the top fighters among the ten Barbarian Races.

But what made Qin Shaofeng very helpless is that this extreme soldier is not Chinese cabbage, he can meet if he wants to meet.

Now Qin Shaofeng has made some connections with other contestants in order to control the movement of the Barbarian Race.

It is worth mentioning that when I learned that Qin Shaofeng had such a strong and powerful brute force, all contestants were envious, even the Spirit Young Master and Demon Sovereign.

And at this time, even the Demon Sovereign son did not compete with Qin Shaofeng for the throne of 1st place.

Still fighting?

How to fight?

Looking at a bunch of wild beasts, Demon Sovereign soon laughed at the thought in his heart.

Unless he summoned all the Supreme Rulers in the ancient Demon Race, hunting wild beasts for him, in this case, he can win Qin Shaofeng.

The problem is, this simply is not possible!

Because for those Expert Ruler Realm experts, it is the most important thing to deal with the main force of the Barbarian Race, even more how this is from the Order of the Ruler Supreme in the Antiquity Saint Domain and their ancient Demon Race.

Compared to that powerhouse command, the command of the Demon Sovereign child is nothing at all.

Of course, in this case, Demon Sovereign did not have the courage to command those Supreme Ruler.

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