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Chapter 1480: The Death of Xuan Changfeng

Qin Shaofeng didn’t know about Xuan Changfeng. In this wild animal world, compared with Xuan Changfeng, Xuan Yunfei made Qin Shaofeng even more oblivious.

One was that Xuan Yunfei’s idea of ​​hitting his own woman made Qin Shaofeng not want to let the other side go.

2 is the eyes of Xuan Yunfei, which is a supplement to Qin Shaofeng’s eyes of Fiendgod.

Qin Shaofeng believes that if he can absorb the eyes power of Xuan Yunfei’s pupils, it will be more beneficial to the eyes of Fiendgod.

As for Xuan Changfeng’s own words, it just made Qin Shaofeng feel that the other party was more hateful and wanted to kill one of his enemies that’s all.

If you meet, you can kill the other person to take revenge, that’s fine.

But when he saw Xuan Changfeng again, Qin Shaofeng felt something very unusual from the other side.

Because the moment I saw Xuan Changfeng, Qin Shaofeng felt it, and his own Fiendgod’s eyes were revealed when he was autonomous.

The normal state of Qin Shaofeng’s Fiendgod eyes is just like ordinary eyes. Once exposed, it is the pattern state of the one gold one purple Supreme Ultimate Yin-Yang Diagram.

This is not only the case. After being fully revealed, Qin Shaofeng’s mind actually had a thought to swallow Xuan Changfeng.

This made Qin Shaofeng extremely miserable, and the whole person was a little puzzled.

However, Qin Shaofeng soon found out that this is only his own Fiendgod’s eyes and Xuan Changfeng’s eyes, which has an urgent absorption feeling.

And this absorption only absorbs the eyes power of the other person’s eyes.

This made Qin Shaofeng feel wrong right away, because the urgent race of Fiendgod’s eyes was more urgent than Xuan Yunfei’s pupils.

But know that the last time I met this Xuan Changfeng, Qin Shaofeng didn’t remember the feeling.

And most importantly, Qin Shaofeng actually felt the strength of Xuan Yunfei’s pupils from the eyes of Xuan Changfeng.

This made Qin Shaofeng feel wrong, and contacted Xuanjia to predict the situation of the entire Illusion Clan, Qin Shaofeng had a guess in his mind.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng intends to demonize Xuan Changfeng once.

But considering that Xuan Changfeng has some eyes that make his Fiendgod’s eyes urgent, and wants to absorb the eyes power, this must be extraordinary.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng wanted to understand thoroughly before he started to work on Xuan Changfeng’s eyes.

Then came the previous scene.

Qin Shaofeng needs a thorough understanding of Xuan Changfeng’s eyes. Will Xuan Changfeng cooperate so well?

In this regard, even Qin Shaofeng himself is absolutely impossible.

Therefore, he intends to use magic to proclaim the wind of the other side. Magic is an upgraded version of Tsukuyomi. Once it is hit, the goal is no secret to Qin Shaofeng.

However, Qin Shaofeng also knew in his mind that the magic of Xuan Changfeng was not high at the moment.

Although in terms of Realm, he is a lot higher than Xuan Changfeng.

But when I think of it, I don’t know what happened to Xuan Changfeng’s eyes.

Qin Shaofeng intends to proceed cautiously, first distracting Xuan Changfeng’s attention, then deliberately meeting Xuan Changfeng’s requirements, and finally, in the event of Xuan Changfeng’s accident, he completely broke his aura.

Then, taking advantage of the moment when Xuan Changfeng ravages God, he performs Demonization again.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng only thrilled to succeed that’s all.

After successfully declaring Xuan Changfeng’s soul and capturing his Demonized Space, Qin Shaofeng exhaled.

“Hu, fortunately, fortunately, before I performed Demonization, I entered the state of God’s recovery because of caution. Otherwise, I’m afraid it will not succeed!”

Originally Qin Shaofeng entered the state of God’s recovery, but it was only a subconscious cautious reason.

But if at this time he did not irritate the recovery state of man and god, I am afraid it is impossible to completely capture Xuan Changfeng’s soul into his magical space.

At the moment when Demonization succeeded in demonstrating Xuan Changfeng, Qin Shaofeng immediately felt his Power of Laws within the body, and countless moments passed.

How much Power of Laws is Qin Shaofeng’s unclear.

But Qin Shaofeng can be sure that if there is no resurrection of God, all Power of Laws within the body will be consumed.

Suddenly, this is what made Qin Shaofeng curious.

Curious about what kind of eyes Xuan Changfeng has, he commanded Hu Ye immediately. Qin Shaofeng, compared with his eyes, consciously hides the fantasy space, and begins to sweep Xuan Changfeng’s soul.

Soon after, Qin Shaofeng opened his eyes again.

And at this time, Qin Shaofeng finally knew the origins of Xuan Changfeng and the pair of special eyes he had at the moment-3 pupils Divine Eyes!

At this time, Qin Shaofeng only knew that Xuan Changfeng was actually born in the Antiquity Saint Domain, who was the Saint Illusion Clan of the Antiquity Saint Race, and was once considered to be the next patriarch of Saint Illusion Clan.

At that time, it was a long time ago.

In the end, after some setbacks and things happened, it was mainly Xuan Changfeng who was greedy and wanted to awaken the strongest Divine Eyes of Saint Illusion Clan.

To this end, he actually brutally killed his fellows and absorbed their eyes power.

Speaking of which, I have to mention Baidi.

Although Baidi can’t get used to the style of Antiquity Saint Domain, he is also some friends in Antiquity Saint Domain, and one of the Life and Death Friends is the person of Saint Illusion Clan.

Bai Di, the Holy and Illusion Clan of Life and Death Friends, is Xuan Changfeng’s 2 grandfather. Because he did not marry a wife and have a son, and Xuan Changfeng had a relationship with him, he treated Xuan Changfeng like a grandson.

But it was Xuan Changfeng, his ‘pro-grandson’, who took advantage of his trust, and was eventually miserable by Xuan Changfeng.

And just that time, Baidi came to this old friend to talk about his old life, and finally managed to save the other’s life.

But even if he saved the other person, the other person’s cultivation base and eyes were gone.

And with the power of Baidi, in the end, it only extended the lifespan that’s all for decades.

Eventually, Xuan Changfeng’s incident was revealed.

But even if his 2 grandfather encountered this, he finally pleaded with Baidi to declare the wind.

Baidi was helpless, but he knew his old friend’s character, and finally came to negotiate with St. Illusion Clan’s patriarch, which did not let St. Illusion Clan execute Xuan Changfeng’s execution.

However, even if it was not executed, Xuan Changfeng’s would feel good.

Not only was the cultivation base completely abolished, even his eyes and the Holy Illusion Clan Bloodline were destroyed by the Holy Illusion Clan.

But this Xuan Changfeng not only did not repent, but instead he hated Baidi.

He wants revenge, revenge on the entire Holy Illusion Clan, and the White Emperor!

Then there was Xuanjia later.

Although bloodline and the ability of both eyes were abolished, in fact everyone else simply did not know, unless it was Xuan Changfeng’s eyes that were completely destroyed.

Otherwise, his pair of silver pupils can still recover.

By absorbing lineage’s eyes power!

In order to recover, and even why his pupils evolved to be more powerful, Xuan Changfeng began breeding his offspring.

It is impossible for him to absorb the eyes power of his family.

Then he made up his mind to get everything he wanted from his descendants.

Then, after a long period of time, Bai Lao became Bai Di, and when Saint Illusion Clan completely forgot him, his eyes finally recovered.

After recovering his eyes, Xuan Changfeng started to wait. If he wanted to take his eyes one step further, he had to devour a pair of very special and powerful eyes.

And this class is to let Xuan Changfeng wait for a long time, until Xuan Yunfei’s birth.

Xuan Yunfei was born with a pair of bizarre pupils, and there seems to be some returning ancestors in him. As a result, the pupils he owns are much stronger than some direct descendant Saint Illusion Clan disciple.

But this is only in terms of ability. On bloodline, Xuan Yunfei ’s Holy Illusion Clan bloodline is already very thin, and the phenomenon of returning to ancestors only appears in his eyes.

However, this is Xuan Changfeng’s hope.

In the end, he worked hard to cultivate Xuan Yunfei and let his pupils begin to develop magical abilities.

Gold, dark, green, red!

The color of Xuan Yunfei’s eyes and 4 pupils is quite clear to Qin Shaofeng, and to be honest, if it wasn’t for Xuan Yunfei’s death, I’m afraid he could shine when he entered Antiquity Saint Domain.

After all, at that time Xuan Yunfei, his pupils still did not fully grow up. The four-color glory ability of the pupils also exerted some fur-like strength that’s all.

Xuan Changfeng also wanted to wait for Xuan Yunfei to evolve his pupils to a certain Realm, and then Xuan Yunfei would start.

Now Qin Shaofeng finally understands why Xuan Yunfei would like Meng Xin’er.

Because Meng Xin’er, whether it is a spirit root or an Illusion Clan Meng Family Bloodline, is very attractive to him, and it is a strength that can promote the evolution of his pupils, he naturally hopes to get Meng Xin’er.

Xuan Changfeng was also conscious of this, which was why he supported Xuan Yunfei full-strength.

However, unfortunately, Qin Shaofeng stepped in at the end, and then there was a cricket game, which eventually caused Xuan Yunfei to fail.

Xuan Yunfei failed, but Xuan Changfeng did not want to fail, and because of the emergence of Yitaiyi, he once thought that Baidi intended to deal with him.

It is also ridiculous. This Xuan Changfeng really thought he was a person, and he didn’t want to think about it. If Baidi really had to deal with him, could he live to this day?

What is his identity and can it be worth a mission like Baidi to deal with him?

And if Baidi really had that idea, at first he would not have been able to survive with Xuan Changfeng.

However, Xuan Changfeng didn’t know that he thought he was in danger, and then he fell savagely and directly fell after killing the entire Xuanjia, gathered all the bloodline strength of Xuanjia’s disciple, and let Xuan Yunfei’s pupils evolve.

In the end, he even killed the entire Illusion Clan, and finally achieved his purpose.

Thinking of Xuan Changfeng’s behavior, Qin Shaofeng was also shocked.

Sure enough, the more vengeful people are, the more crazy things are done, and it looks like it should be by rights.

Xuan Changfeng also didn’t want to think about it. If he hadn’t done the things that people and gods were angry with at the beginning, would he be able to fall into this field now?

With his good genius, even if he can’t finally become the family member of Saint Illusion Clan, but after so many years, he must be at least a powerhouse with the title of Realm.

What is it like now?

“Well, it’s so speechless!”

Qin Shaofeng shook the head lightly, glanced again, and fell into a completely sleeping Xuan Changfeng.

At this moment, Xuan Changfeng speaking from a certain perspective, he was dead.

Because after getting all the things he wanted to know from Xuan Changfeng’s soul, Qin Shaofeng completely wiped out Xuan Changfeng’s will.

Therefore, in this brief moment, Xuan Changfeng no longer exists.

At most, there is a living body that’s all.

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