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Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1467

With a positive complexion, his jaw-pumping body swarmed with powerful aura swarming, his fists clenched, and he shook suddenly.

“Very god possession-!”


At the moment when the four words were roared by his jaw, his turbulent Power of Laws was suddenly buzzing, as if it had been ignited by something, but it was burning.

The surging Power of Laws, in this brief moment, instantly burned and turned into the burning golden flame.

And at the moment when the golden flame appeared, it seemed to communicate with the existence of a certain strength in the void.

After that, the aura on the jaw pinch suddenly surged and banged, and directly passed 60 wild patterns of Realm, and began to explode madly.

But this is not over yet, as the golden flame is getting more and more, in the end, the entire jaw is directly covered and completely covered.

Immediately afterwards, a set of gold mighty battle armor was added on the jaw!

The aura of the mandible is slightly paused, and then skyrocketed again.

Obviously, after the advent of gold’s mighty battle armor, the jaw 夼 Realm gained another boost.

this is?

Qin Shaofeng was shocked when he heard the roar of the maxillofacial and then watched the changes in the aura on the maxillofacial.

Because the moment the gold mighty battle armor appeared on the jaw, his Realm had already promotes to 70 Wildweave Realm.

This jaw pinch was originally just 50 Wild Graven Realm, but now it has been leveled to 70 Wild Graven Realm.

These 50 lines of wild patterns seem to be only 70 lines of wild patterns, a difference of 20 lines of wild patterns, but the gap between them is very large.

Seventy Barbarian Realm, but the vast majority of the entire Barbarian Race are high-level fighters, it is impossible to cultivated to Realm.

And even if it’s only from 50 Wildweave Realm, cultivated to 70 Wildweave Realm, it also takes a lot of cultivation time.

For the Barbarian Race fighters who generally have the potential of cultivated to 70 Wildweave Realm, it takes at least a dozen or 20 years to cultivation to get this Realm.

Even if it is a genius like jaw, if you do n’t have 3 years, you ca n’t cultivated to this Realm.

And in the past 3 years, it is still in an extremely smooth sailing state. This can only be cultivated to 70 Wild Realm.

But the current situation, the jaw condyle has been leveled to this Realm.

Although this is only a temporary improvement, it is already amazing.

Just to distinguish according to Power of Laws, at this moment the Power of Laws of Jaw Crest compared with the Power of Laws before, I am afraid that it has increased by more than ten or twenty times.

These things are all information that Qin Shaofeng got from Barbarian Race fighters such as Jaw Crest and Fei Fei.

But because of this, Qin Shaofeng was surprised.

However, Qin Shaofeng’s shock and silence at this moment made the jaw concubine believe that Qin Shaofeng was feeling his strength at the moment, and was directly shocked by him and scared by him.

This made him couldn’t help laughing heartily, with a very proud and disdainful tone.

“Hahaha, Qin Shaofeng, didn’t you expect? Didn’t you have such a powerful trump card?”

Laughing, the golden flame on the jaw cymbals became more and more vigorous, the golden light was shining, and overflowing heaven was rolling, which made the golden armor on his body more and more solid.


With a slight shock, the golden flames on the jaw-collar suddenly dissipated, revealing the shape of the jaw-collar, and at the same time the golden mighty battle armor on the jaw-collar was also completely solidified.

At this moment, the jaw chin looks again towards Qin Shaofeng’s gaze, and there is no dignity anymore, some just despise and arrogant, as well as incomparable self-confidence, absolute self-confidence, that self-confidence over strong strength.

In this brief moment, Qin Shaofeng finally sensed it.

The so-called savage god possession displayed by the jawcat in front of him is actually a martial skill such as the battle skill of the savage god, but this sacrifice possession after using communicates with the Power of Grand Dao of the entire savage beast world.

Then, this savage god possession is to let the jaw-pump be able to use the strength of the Power of Grand Dao in the savage beast to obtain the enforcement, and finally own such a Realm.

Seeing this situation in the jaw condyle, this is what made Qin Shaofeng more determined to cultivation the battle skill.

“Qin Shaofeng do you know?”

It seems that Qin Shaofeng can no longer set off any storms, and has completely become like a turtle in a jar.

Jaw not at all immediately started to Qin Shaofeng, but suddenly asked gently.

Without waiting for Qin Shaofeng’s answer, the jaw is said with a sneer: “Since I successfully cultivated this possession cultivation, this is the first time I have performed it against the enemy. You can force me At this step, you are considered a terrific, and this is also your most dazzling glory in this life! “


Qin Shaofeng, who was opposite to the final jaw crest, heard helpless words again on his face.

“You call this my glory? I didn’t say that you said the jaw, you have no problem with your brain?”


As soon as Qin Shaofeng said this, not only did the jaws of his jaws change, but even those warriors of the jaws of the tribe were completely confused.

In their opinion, the battle has already come to fruition.

The jaw constriction after the possession of the wild god was exhibited, but temporarily possessed 70 realm strength of the wild grain!

Although it does not have a Leader-level powerhouse of 100 wild patterns, it is 70 Realm of wild patterns, which is already very terrifying.

And the warriors of these jaws tribe are very clear. Jaw cultivating the skill of the barbarian war, but how many lines of barbarian power can erupt as many lines of barbarian power.

With 70 wild realm jaws, in the eyes of these jaw tribe warriors, I am afraid that even ten Qin Shaofeng are not necessarily opponents of jaws.

But why did Qin Shaofeng say such things?

Could this brat be stunned by the powerful strength at the moment, which completely stimulated the mind to be unclear and stimulated silly?

momentarily, those jaw tribe warriors seemed to forget that Qin Shaofeng horrified the massacre of their group, and Qin Shaofeng shouted at Qin Shaofeng in the distance.

“Qin Shaofeng, are you mentally okay? Under such circumstances, how dare you say this to our Young Master, dislike having a long life?”

“Hmph, I’m afraid this brat doesn’t know it at all, is the formidable power of my Barbarian Race’s strongest martial skill, possession?”

“Ha, Qin Shaofeng, you can tell me clearly, this savage god possession is the strongest martial skill of my tribe, non-peerless innate talent cannot be cultivation, and our jaw 夼 Young Master can cultivation successfully, that is to say, our jaw 夼 Young Master It’s an absolute genius, so you’re dead! “

“Hey! This Qin Shaofeng is better than a small invader. I don’t know that our Barbarian Race’s strongest martial skill is normal!”

“Yeah, Young Master, do n’t be one of the invaders like this hunk, lower oneself to somebody’s level, kill him directly, and take revenge for our dead soldiers!”

“Yes, take revenge for our dead soldiers!”



Originally listening to Qin Shaofeng’s words, the ugly jaw-pumping face finally recovered its calm amidst the shouts of the fighters of the jaws tribe.

“hmph! ”

Coldly snorted, the maxillofacial surface relentlessly said to Qin Shaofeng: “Qin Shaofeng, you don’t need to say anymore, you can make me so strenuous in a full-strength battle, and even at the end of this savage possession. You can feel so accomplished I’m proud, but that’s the most, you go to hell now! “

The words fell, and the golden flame of the mighty battle armor on the jaw cymbal rose sharply. With only a bang, the jaw cymbal was like an arrow off the string, and Rapid Speed ​​shot at Qin Shaofeng.

The speed of this jaw is at least 3x faster than his previous speed, and it also carries the rolling golden flame, just like the amazing meteorites, with an extremely violent aura, fiercely crushing towards Qin Shaofeng and go with.

sī la!

Countless sī la sounded, the space seemed to be ripped open, leaving a faint golden brilliance rays of light where the jaw was passing.

And the golden flame on the jaw cymbals is not a real flame, what burning aura does not at all bring, but it can burn the slightest Power of Laws in the space!

As for the mandible, the aura is rolling, and the momentum is amazing.

At this moment, the purple light strength that belonged to his father’s jaw was completely dispersed.

But compared to having purple light, the jaw-stroke strength at this time is afraid to be several times stronger.


Just between the breaths, the jaw crest came to Qin Shaofeng, his hands trembled, and the golden flame blasted to Qin Shaofeng violently.

So fast!

Facing the blast of the absolute imposing manner of the jaw, Qin Shaofeng heart startled, the speed of the opponent was so fast that he could not escape.

Because in this brief moment, Qin Shaofeng’s speed can no longer keep up with the maxillary condyle.

However, speed is not good, Qin Shaofeng has other means.

God flash!

Thoughts shouted in my heart, and the moment I walked, Qin Shaofeng silhouette disappeared in vain.

instant movement!

With such a powerful and rapid attack from the jaw concubine, Qin Shaofeng did not even think about it, but he just cast Shenjin directly and let himself leave.

“hmph! ”

A very disdainful coldly snorted, it seems that Qin Shaofeng had this hand long ago, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the jaw, and then the golden flame of the mighty battle armor on the body exploded.


Golden light flashed, the vibration of the void, and at this moment, the jaw-pump turned out to have a more terrifying speed by virtue of the burning golden flame on this body.


As if piercing through the space of the brutal beast, the silhouette of the jawcat twitched slightly.


It was just a sudden flash, and the silhouette of the jaw pinch disappeared with Qin Shaofeng.

This jaw crest is naturally not an instant movement. This is just that his speed is extremely fast. It is almost the same as the short-distance instant movement, which makes people look completely like the instant movement.


After a flash of using, before waiting for his body in the instant movement to completely stabilize, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt something, subconsciously moved forward, and then he was shocked in his heart.

So fast!

The peripheral vision suddenly flashed a gold ray of light, and Qin Shaofeng felt a powerful aura and came to him instantly.

Needless to think, Qin Shaofeng almost knew that powerful aura at the same time, he knew in his heart that this golden iris must be the jaw condyle.

However, Qin Shaofeng is not at all panic. Although this jaw is strong and terrifying, Qin Shaofeng already has a solution.


It was a sudden flash again, Qin Shaofeng once again performed the magic flash, and the instant movement again.

Than instant movement?

Qin Shaofeng is not afraid. He now has 4 resurrections of God, for a total of 20 minutes.

And I don’t believe that, under the circumstances that he has been performing Shenjin, this jawcat can still catch up with him!

Faced with the jaw-pump that was exhibiting the possession of the wild god at this moment, Qin Shaofeng knew that the gap between him and the other party was very large.

Playing against each other now, Qin Shaofeng knows he will definitely suffer.

If you improve it some more, the situation may be different!

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