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Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1441

“No, this is impossible!”

Sui Fei suddenly screamed and shouted, “We have roughly investigated. This time, the people in your Antiquity Saint Domain have invaded us into the brutal world just for the sake of a competition.”

Although Pan Fei’s tone was panic, it was extremely confident: “Then you will enter our brutal beast world. In this case, you will definitely be suppressed by the Supreme Savage God. It is impossible to have such strength. Who are you?” “

Yan Fei’s expression was full of panic, and when he finally roared subconsciously, he even receded.

This is flying, although it was only born to a small tribe such as the Dai tribe.

But he is also the Young Master of the Dai tribe. After birth, the innate talent is also good, and even before he is an adult, he condenses the first wild pattern on his body.

After adulthood, even a very few Barbarian Race fighters can cultivation out of the savage god battle skill, which has succeeded in cultivation.

This situation is enough to show that he is a genius of the Barbarian Race.

Although it is not the kind of Heaven’s Chosen Child in the Barbarian Race, with the flying innate talent, once he grows up, he can definitely bring the Dai tribe to a more powerful era.

At least when the time comes, his son doesn’t need to look at the complexion of the more than 30 Real Warriors of the Jaw Tribe merely.

Under such circumstances, the Young Master of the Dai tribe flew and developed an extremely confident character.

Even in the face of jaw warfare, Fei Fei only chose to tolerate temporarily, but he not at all did not take jaw warfare really.

Because in his future, jaw warfare is just an ordinary upper-level warrior of a jaw tribe.

But now!

Facing what is happening in front of me, in front of this alien invader who can completely crush him.

Hefei was panicked, afraid, and afraid.

He is the Young Master of the Dai tribe, the most talented person in the history of the Dai tribe, and the person who can bring the Dai tribe to glory!

Therefore, he cannot die, and he does not want to die!

He wanted to continue to live, enjoy all this glory, and enjoy the glorious days he brought.



In the strong fear, that very longing will to survive.

The fear in Wu Fei’s heart overcame his arrogance, and even after backing down, he didn’t wait for Qin Shaofeng to say anything, and he knelt directly to Qin Shaofeng.

“Let me! Please let me go!”

Wu Fei cried out: “I don’t want to die, let me be merciful! Let me ask, if you can mention it, as long as I can do it, I will definitely go through water and tread on fire. “

“By the way, you don’t know yet, do you know the situation in the brutal world?”

It seemed that I suddenly remembered something, and Fei Fei saw his hope of living, 2 eyes burst into a hope, and hurriedly said to Qin Shaofeng, “I can tell you all the things in the brutal world, as long as you let me go That is to say, let me betray the Jaws tribe!

In order to survive, this flight has completely set aside everything!

If the appearance of Fei Fei at this moment, let those Dai tribal warriors on the ground who have become a corpse see it, I will be extremely disappointed.

Is this the Young Master who keeps them loyal and willing to give their lives?

Fortunately, they can’t see it now, at least when they died, their views on their Young Master Yun Fei were extremely valued, and even looked forward to it.

Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt bored when he saw this unbearable performance.

You are also the Young Master of the Dai tribe!

Although the Qiang tribe can only be regarded as a three-class tribe in the wild beast world, the entire tribe also has many warriors, which is very powerful compared to some smaller tribes.

What kind of jaw tribe can a young person become like this?

What is this joke?

Momentally, Qin Shaofeng began to wonder. This person kneeling in front of himself is really the Young Master of the Dai tribe?

This is far more than those Dai tribe warriors who just killed.

Although the soldiers were afraid, they did not escape!

Compared with those people, it was the Young Master in their Dai tribe, but it was too boneless.

But Qin Shaofeng didn’t know. He just made a move, but he completely defeated Fei Fei in the Spiritual Plane. This defeat was not just the strength of Fei Fei. He was arrogant, superior, and confident in his heart. He was all hit by Qin Shaofeng. Got crushed.

Moreover, the strength shown by Qin Shaofeng is too much for Fei Fei.

Of course, these are all secondary, and the most important factor is that this fly is afraid of death!

He didn’t want to die, he didn’t want to!

“oh! ”

Shook the head gently, Qin Shaofeng sighed, and suddenly there was a hint of disappointment in his heart.

But Qin Shaofeng himself didn’t know, what was disappointing in his heart.

Disappointed with this cowardly cowardice?

Or is it such an unbearable performance for Fei Fei?

Maybe both!

But Qin Shaofeng didn’t pay attention to this either, because he had no time to spend with this uncle.

Grinding nonsense that many, why should I waste some time on a coward who is greedy for life and fears death?

Solve it early!

Suddenly Qin Shaofeng made up his mind and was ready to take an action against Fei Fei.

It seemed to be aware of the killing intent in Qin Shaofeng’s heart, and that momentarily flew into a panic and screamed in panic.

“Don’t kill me, I surrender, I admit defeat, I beg you!”


Admit defeat ?

Qin Shaofeng almost laughed, my sister, when this is a little child who has played every house, a sentence of surrender and admit defeat will make things easier?

If both parties change positions, can you fucking still allow me to surrender?

Don’t you say you want to do it again?

Without hesitation, Qin Shaofeng lifted his right hand slightly, shook it slightly, and a gleam flashed on his fist. The aura radiating from it was extremely amazing.

This made Nao Fei even more panic.

“Stop! The invaders feel like you stop. I’m the Young Master of the Dai tribe. My father is the leader of the Jaws tribe. I’m also a higher fighter with more than 40 brutes! I am his most beloved and favorite son. You killed me, he won’t let you go! “

Begging for forgiveness, then Fei Fei began to threaten Qin Shaofeng.

At this time, he can only look forward to his father, which can deter the intruder in front of him.

But unfortunately, I am afraid that Fei Fei is going to die!

Because anyway, Qin Shaofeng will not let him go.

In fact, in this brief moment, Qin Shaofeng was even more disappointed with this flight.

Because it’s all this time, at this moment, the other party has no idea of ​​fighting with himself.

Qin Shaofeng came to think that the other party would struggle with either the fish dies or the net splits, knowing that he was killed.

But in the end, he actually threatened him?

Are you father?

More than 40 wild warriors?

But what about it?

I, Qin Shaofeng Why bother?

No longer staying, Qin Shaofeng’s right fist was directly punched at Pu Fei, who was still kneeling on the ground.



Punched out, a scream, a sudden blood mist!

Under punched, Qi Fei was directly bombarded by Qin Shaofeng in a state of serious injury and dying. The reason for this is that Qin Shaofeng wanted to interrogate it.

Because he also wants to know more about the Barbarian Race from this fly!


Thoughts shouted in his heart, Qin Shaofeng cast magic on the seriously dying Fei Fei.

After a while, Fei Fei was completely cut off.

However, after he lost his breath, Qin Shaofeng got a lot of information from him, the most important of which is still flying the cultivating battle skill.

“Interesting, this pretty god battle skill is really interesting!”

After learning the cultivation method of the pretty god battle skill, Qin Shaofeng was surprised, because this pretty god battle skill is quite special.

Speaking of which, Qin Shaofeng was a bit surprised when he got this pretty god battle skill. He almost didn’t get the cultivation method of this pretty god battle skill.

Because during the scraping of Fei Fei’s soul, Qin Shaofeng discovered that there is a seal in the depth of one’s soul of the opponent, and this seal is exactly the cultivating battle god’s battle skill.

This kind of seal is not someone who shows to Fei Fei, but it is a naturally appearing seal after Fei Fei battle skill.

In short, after the battle god cultivation, all Barbarian Race fighters will have such a seal in their memory, and the stronger the strength, the stronger the seal.

As for why this is the case, it is actually very simple. When he learned about the cultivation method of this pretty god battle skill at Qin Shaofeng, he had already seen it clearly.

Because speaking from a certain perspective, this savage god battle skill is all about the material of this savage beast’s Grand Dao Law, after careful dissection.

Because I know the information, I can obtain the method of Grand Dao Law enforcement in the brutal beast. As long as it is used, we can use the strength of the Grand Dao Law in the brutal beast.

As for why it is a pretty god battle skill, as Qin Shaofeng had guessed before, this is all because these Barbarian Races regard the Grand Dao Law of the brute beast as a god-like existence, and call it a pretty god .

“Putting it that way, this pretty god battle skill is actually a way to rely on the strength of the brutal beast world?”

Qin Shaofeng 2’s eyes lightened slightly, and his heart suddenly rejoiced.

“This kind of relationship is good. If I can cultivation this pretty god battle skill, then maybe there will be more and more Power of Laws that can break out in this brute beast world.”

Qin Shaofeng was excited and planned to start.

However, before that, Qin Shaofeng knew that those wild beasts that he had to kill himself had to be absorbed and refined.

I don’t know how much Law Core I can improve this time!

Thinking of these Barbarian Races that he killed, Qin Shaofeng had some expectations in his mind.

Qin Shaofeng didn’t know that when he seized cultivation to absorb the brute, something happened in a place in the deep part of the brutal beast world.

Because the jawcat was killed and the jaw battle was furious, he was anxious to find the killer who killed his younger brother. Not only has he released bounty, but also 4 cultivators looking for the Antiquity Saint Domain, and once found, it is a killer.

Then, due to jaw battles, these Barbarian Race fighters, who were just investigators, had already completely matched up with the contestants who came in the Antiquity Saint Domain.

Although the Barbarian Race warrior strength is strong, there are many cultivators on the Antiquity Saint Domain side, which has also led to the loss of many people on the Jaw tribe side.

Soon after the news was returned to the Jaw tribe, it caused a lot of high-level anger.

It’s just investigating the mission, didn’t expect to actually end up fighting!

But unlike most high-level leaders, the Leader Jaws of the Jaws tribe didn’t care, and even expected it.

If not for such a fight, why would he send 10000 soldiers on a mission that was just investigating?

Therefore, the jaw barbarian soon issued an order to allow more jaw warriors to go here.

I believe it won’t be long before the area where Qin Shaofeng is located will soon become the battlefield between Antiquity Saint Domain cultivator and the Jaw tribe!

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