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Chapter 1428 The Barbarian Race Appears (1)

Qin Shaofeng has just ended the seclusion of this time when he was weak in Yantai Yi’s heart, far from somewhere in the high-grade danger zone of the brutal beast world.

Although there are many wild beasts at this time, in fact, the time of this time Qin Shaofeng seclusion is only one day.

In one day, Qin Shaofeng absorbed 6 7 100,000 Wild Beasts.

The reason why it is so fast is because the barbarian Dan, the lower barbarian, accounts for 70-80% of the amount. For the current Qin Shaofeng, he owns a Divine Demon’s Power of the Realm of Grand Dao. The suppression of the brutal beast world, the savage beast Dan who absorbed its lower brute was able to absorb several pieces with almost one breath.

Although the barbarian Dan of the median barbarian will take some more time, but it is also very limited. In a word, Qin Shaofeng now absorbs barbara Dan, simply does not take much time.

After absorbing all these wild beasts, Qin Shaofeng within the body, the Inner World’s Law Core, has been improved a lot.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Nirvana Realm Peak

Exp Points: 100%

Profession: Devil King

Law Core: 8876/1000 (converted to Divine Demon’s Power)

Innate Spirit Root: The Body of Fiendgod

Skills: King’s Blessing, Eye of Fiendgod, Fiendgod Pill Scripture, Fiendgod body refinement, Dafa, Fiendgod copy

special skill: Planting Technique

Familiar: Gong Qingzi, Leng Yaxuan

Equipment: Nine Profound Sacred Sword, Flying Feather Blade, Magic Cloud

Mission: Leveling Mission, Infinite Kill

Skill Point: 183

system Exchange Points: 5956600

Items: Infinite Resurrection (Card)

Peerage: Meng Xin’er, Qin Yue’er, Zhao Yun’er, Bai Xue, Geng Qiutong, Lian Yufeng, Tang Qijian, Du Meng, Hu Ye, Xiang Chengfeng, world avatar, Yan Yang (indestructible avatar), cold Relentless (Indestructible Incarnation)



This is the Law Core currently owned by Qin Shaofeng. His within has thus formed 8 1000 Star Arrays. Now that there are only 124 Law Cores, he can arrange 9 1000 Star Arrays in his Inner World. Already.

In this way, he is equivalent to Realm with 9 Grand Dao patterns.

This is not far from the 2nd Layer Supreme Ruler Realm.

However, it is a pity that even if it is already equivalent to Divine Demon’s Power with 8 lines of Grand Dao.

But in this wild animal world, Divine Demon’s Power that Qin Shaofeng can use recklessly is just a little more that’s all.

Before the Qin Shaofeng hunted the mid-variant savage beast, after absorbing the variant savage dan, his Divine Demon’s Power did release some.

But this is a lot worse than Divine Demon’s Power of Realm, which is a Grand Dao print, at most, even if the 100 Law Core Divine Demon’s Power that’s all is released.

Although Qin Shaofeng is not very satisfied with this result, it is to make Qin Shaofeng understand that this variant of the wild beast can really let him release more Divine Demon’s Power in this wild beast world.

Besides, even if it just releases a Divine Demon’s Power with a bit more Grand Dao pattern, Qin Shaofeng within the body still has Divine Demon’s Power with 8 patterns of Grand Dao pattern.

This completely allows Qin Shaofeng to have more Divine Demon’s Power to consume the battle.

This is an absolute benefit to Qin Shaofeng’s ‘infinite killing’ mission.

Now Qin Shaofeng has only unlocked ‘Infinite Kills’ to 5 Star level. For the 4 Star Level Missions that were completed before, Qin Shaofeng can get a lot of rewards.

Skill Point 110, system Exchange Points is 160!

For the 5th Star award, Skill Point directly rewarded 100, and the System Exchange Points reached 3 million.

Now that Divine Demon’s Power has increased, Qin Shaofeng can continue to fight for a longer time, which means that Qin Shaofeng will hunt faster and faster animals.

Faced with this situation, Qin Shaofeng was naturally excited.

And now Qin Shaofeng has completely entered the high-grade danger zone of the brutal beast world. Perhaps there are more chances of the variant wild beast here.

If you encounter some variant Savage Beasts again, then once you kill them, and you get the Savage Savant Dan, then the strength that Qin Shaofeng can explode in this Savage Beast world will become stronger.

Thinking of this, Qin Shaofeng immediately after cultivation, once again plunged into the wild animal world, and began to hunt and kill the wild animal.


When Qin Shaofeng started hunting wild beasts, with more and more points, a tragedy occurred in a middle grade dangerous area in the wild beast world.

How could this be?

Why is there such a thing!

Fan Haitong, who was hiding in a jungle, was filled with horror and terror at the moment.

After escaping Qin Shaofeng’s attack, Fan Haitong and Fan Ming immediately began searching for other disciples of the Fan clan.

Then, after a few days of searching, Fan Haitong finally found his Eldest Brother Fan Haiyun.

When I saw his Eldest Brother Fan Haiyun’s immediateness, Fan Haitong vomited bitter water, and the jealous about the encounter with Qin Shaofeng, he told himself Eldest Brother.

But with Fan Haitong adding fuel and vinegar, the whole thing is completely upside down.

What happened to Qin Shaofeng inadvertently, then was ridiculed by Qin Shaofeng, and then he was too angry with his theory.

And then, the other party theory, but directly to him.

In short, a lot of Qin Shaofeng’s bad, all errors are caused by Qin Shaofeng.

Facing such a statement by Fan Haitong, Fan Haiyun naturally did not believe it. He knew what kind of faith the little brother was.

But these things, Fan Haiyun did not care.

He learned from Fan Ming that Qin Shaofeng forced them to disciple some Fans and directly withdrew from the wild animal kingdom.

This is the only thing that Fan Haiyun cannot tolerate.

Therefore, immediately Fan Haiyun took the person and followed Fan Haitong’s instructions to find Qin Shaofeng.

But unfortunately, Qin Shaofeng had already entered the middle grade danger zone at that time. Naturally, they could not find Qin Shaofeng.

After a few days of searching, Fan Haiyun gave up.

After all, this time they came to the wild beast world, the biggest purpose was to hunt and kill the wild beasts. Although Qin Shaofeng was hateful, but now people can’t find it, it’s better to put it aside.

However, just a few days ago, when Qin Shaofeng’s points started to rise wildly, Fan Haiyun used his mind.

Fan Haitong guarantees that Qin Shaofeng is a person. At most, there is a master with a sword. Apart from this, there is no third person.

In this case, Fan Haiyun couldn’t help but guess what Qin Shaofeng might have, which is a powerful Ruler that can be used in this wild animal world.

Otherwise, how could he hunt so many wild beasts and increase his points so quickly?

And in the previous battle, Fan Ming felt that the reason why Qin Shaofeng had such a battle strength was definitely the use of some powerful elixir.

Otherwise, how could the other party have a stronger strength than he had just entered the wild animal world?

Combining these factors, Fan Haiyun started looking for Qin Shaofeng’s trace again.

In fact, during this period, Qin Shaofeng also encountered a lot of contestants by accident, which is naturally prone to exposure.

Of course, if you really rely on these factors to find Qin Shaofeng, it is estimated that it is difficult to find Qin Shaofeng.

After all, Qin Shaofeng is not stupid. He does not know the problem of whereabouts, but he also has a strategy to cope with it.

Then, because of these strategies, the results were very obvious. Until they went into the middle grade danger zone of the brutal beast, Fan Haiyun did not find Qin Shaofeng.

However, Fan Haiyun did not quit, but started hunting wild animals here.

But just 15 minutes ago, an accident happened.

Because 15 minutes ago, Fan Haiyun, who was hunting a group of wild beasts, suddenly encountered a group of other people.

These do not know what race, everyone has a mysterious veined pattern on it, which looks very strange.

But whoever of these is a burly body, and each and everyone aura are very different.

at first Fan Haiyun thought that the other party was a race in some remote areas of the Antiquity Saint Domain, so he didn’t care too much.

But what made Fan Haiyun 10000 points angry was that a group of people from the other side appeared, or to be more precise, they found that they were immediate and started to do something to them.

This made Fan Haiyun very angry, how dare to act on them?

They are Fans of Antiquity Saint Domain, one of the top ten Saint Races in the top ten!

Someone dare to rob them?

In Fan Haiyun’s thoughts, this group of people who suddenly appeared and then took action directly on them was nothing more than robbing them.

In the brutal beast world, no, correctly, in this strength domain competition, all contestant points are not transferable.

The wild beasts that can be hunted in the wild beast world, those wild beasts, the corpse of the wild beasts, these are all precious items.

Not everyone is the same as Qin Shaofeng. The average barbarian corpse simply doesn’t look at it. It just takes away the barbarian dan, and only the high-level barbarian, and the corpse of the special barbarian, or some body The parts will be taken away by Qin Shaofeng.

Even Heaven’s Chosen, such as Fan Haiyun, will take away the corpse of all the wild animals once they are hunted.

Perhaps most of the corpse of wild animals, for Fan Haiyun, simply use a lot.

But he could n’t use it, and many others could use it!

The Fan family has a great career, even the weakest corpse of the barbaric beast, in front of many Fan ethnic disciples, are difficult to obtain. These cannot be missed.

In fact, in order to strengthen his own race and gain from his trip, Fan Haiyun also robbed many others.

Therefore, at the moment when this group of people started to work, Fan Haiyun felt that the other party was here to rob.

This makes Fan Haiyun funny again.

Because the other party is only a dozen people, not even 20 people, and their side is a large team of more than 500 people.

Fan Haiyun dare not say that everyone on his side is a good hand.

But with the aid of the mad battle armor, he also absorbed many of the subordinates of the wild beast dan. The weakest person in a single battle strength can at least compete with a 2 3 star-level median beast. .

Now that there are fewer than 20 people, how dare you do anything to them?

Isn’t this funny?

But soon, what happened to Fan Haiyun’s great surprise.

Because when he started, Fan Haiyun discovered that the fighting situation was completely one-sided.

However, this is not the other side, but their side.

And this fall is still the kind that can no longer be lifted.

Because the other party directly killed!

Actually killed! ?

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