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Chapter 1425 Loose?

Is this so?

Looking at the barbarian Dan who had turned into a small pile of dust in his hands, Qin Shaofeng froze.

Qin Shaofeng was very careful because it was the first savage beast dan that absorbed the higher savage beast, and it was still very slow.

But I didn’t want to, Qin Shaofeng just started to absorb, but it was just an instant that he directly absorbed the long-armed White Ape King Beast Dan.

Just left some dust!

To be precise, it wasn’t Qin Shaofeng himself who absorbed it, but his within the body, the 1000 cores that had already formed the 1000 Star Array, absorbed the long-arm White Ape’s variant Savage Dan in one instant. Already.

As a result of this absorption, Qin Shaofeng simply did not add even one Law Core.

This is a far cry from Qin Shaofeng’s expectation of at least 600-700 additional Law Cores.

It must be known that this wild beast Dan is the wild beast of the higher Realm, and it is still variant. The Power of Laws contained in it is very rich and very essence.

Qin Shaofeng previously conservatively estimated that even if it was just this wild beast King of the long-arm White Ape King, that would allow him to reach 2 1000 Law Core Realm.

But who knows, this happened in the end, which was something Qin Shaofeng had never expected.

However, what shocks Qin Shaofeng even more is yet to come!

After getting the Power of Laws of the long-armed White Ape king Variant Savage Dan, the Qin Shaofeng within the body formed a 1000 star array with 1000 Law Cores, but at this brief moment, they all emit a burst of white light.

Later, more and more such white lights covered the entire 1000 Core Star Array of Law Core.

Under the package of this white light, the 1000 Law Cores of the 1000 Star Array at this moment seem to have truly become one.

If you consider Qin Shaofeng’s Inner World as a small universe, then his 1000 star array is a galaxy.

But now because of the white light envelope, the entire ‘galaxy’ seems to be a huge light ball star.

In this brief moment, Qin Shaofeng felt it violently, and his 1000 star array was stronger, and the 1000 Law Core in it seemed to be completely integrated.

Previously, Qin Shaofeng reached 1000 equivalent to a Grand Dao pattern Realm with a 1000 star array.

But that’s just the equivalent. At most, Qin Shaofeng has the Grand Dao pattern temporarily under the strength of the 1000 star array.

But now?

Qin Shaofeng has a feeling, as if this 1000 star array has completely become the pattern of Grand Dao.

This kind of feeling had appeared before, only when Qin Shaofeng excited 1000 star arrays, but now it just appears naturally.

The next moment, Qin Shaofeng a thought flashed through the mind, subconsciously carried out the strength that stimulated the 1000 star array.



Qin Shaofeng within the body heard a bang, a powerful aura rising from his body.

this is?

Qin Shaofeng eyes flashed, a little shock and surprise in his eyes.


In this brief moment, the moment Qin Shaofeng excited the 1000 Star Dominion, he suddenly felt the repression he had suffered since he entered the brutal beast, in this brief moment, actually disappeared without a trace.

Although the long-armed White Ape King’s variant was a wild beast, although he didn’t bring a Law Core to Qin Shaofeng, he completely liberated the Law Core of Qin Shaofeng 1000 and formed a 1000 star array. 1000 Law Core.

From this moment, Qin Shaofeng has completely reached the 1st-layer Supreme Ruler Realm, and it is still the 1st-layer Supreme Ruler in this brutal world.

It can be said that this long-armed White Ape King’s wild beast Dan has given Qin Shaofeng a pattern of Grand Dao in this wild beast world.

This is the real Grand Dao pattern, not the strength equivalent to having a Grand Dao pattern Realm.

That’s right, Qin Shaofeng’s situation now is equivalent to his state in Antiquity Saint Domain with a Grand Dao pattern.


does not exist!

Qin Shaofeng can fully use Divine Demon’s Power to release a powerful skill. This situation is the same as Qin Shaofeng’s situation in the Nirvana world.

Of course, this is not absolutely non-existent. If Qin Shaofeng uses Divine Demon’s Power that is a Realm beyond Grand Dao, he will still be suppressed.

But even so, this is already amazing.

Because it is just a Realm of Grand Dao, enough for Qin Shaofeng to do a lot of things.

The most direct point is that if Qin Shaofeng now meets the long-armed White Ape King, Qin Shaofeng immediately glances over, and that long-armed White Ape King is likely to kneel directly.

A pattern of Grand Dao Realm, that is 1st-layer Supreme Ruler Realm, and that long-arm White Ape King is equivalent to this Realm that’s all.

Within the same realm, even if the long-armed White Ape King is a variant barbarian, it is difficult to resist the magic of Qin Shaofeng.

However, it was with this in mind that Qin Shaofeng was excited.

Because he found that with his current realm, let alone the 10000 1000 lower barbarians, even the 3 50,000 media barbarians, he can continue to completely solve it with magic.

What’s more, the brute beasts that the magic has solved just obliterate the soul and spirit, which can completely maintain the integrity of the physical body, and it can also perfectly protect each wild beast.

The more he thought about it, the more excited Qin Shaofeng was, and he immediately launched an action to kill those wild beasts.

However, the thought of Qin Shaofeng holding back the excitement when he thought that he still had nearly 2 wild beasts.

“No hurry, even Divine Demon’s Power with a pattern of Grand Dao will not be suppressed, but there are still some restrictions in this brutal world. The Divine Demon’s Power used by Skill requires extra. In my current realm, Divine Demon’s Power is a little bit less. Let’s improve some Law Core before we talk. “

Although no more than one Realm’s Divine Demon’s Power burst out, it will not be suppressed by the brutal beast.

But after experimenting, Qin Shaofeng also noticed clearly that the suppression of the brutal beast still exists for him.

It’s just that these repressions no longer apply to his Divine Demon’s Power, unless it is the Divine Demon’s Power he uses that surpasses the Realm of Grand Dao.

Although these suppressions no longer exist in Qin Shaofeng itself, once Qin Shaofeng exhibits the huge huge might skill that broke out with Divine Demon’s Power, then in order to achieve the formidable power effect of his in the Antiquity Saint Domain, it will require additional consumption Some Divine Demon’s Power.

In this respect, with Qin Shaofeng’s more than 1300 Law Cores now, it seems that the Divine Demon’s Power it owns is not enough.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng intends to improve some Law Cores.

As long as there are more Law Cores, he will naturally have more Divine Demon’s Power.

Qin Shaofeng’s Fiendgod Pill Scripture is now Level 7, and it is able to cultivate Divine Demon’s Power with 100 Grand Dao patterns.

And Qin Shaofeng is also looking forward to how many Law Cores he can get for that many quantity of Savage Beast Dan obtained this time.


And just as Qin Shaofeng began to absorb the Beast Dan and began to improve his Law Core, there was a major event in the Nirvana world in the outside world.

Because after Qin Shaofeng absorbed the long-arm White Ape’s wild beast dan, the change that occurred within the body was the time when he liberated a line of Grand Dao Realm Divine Demon’s Power. The 10000 array of emperors of Special Small Space immediately noticed a slight abnormality.


That is?

Suddenly, it seemed to feel the slightest movement from his own ruler, and then 10000 arrays of emperors felt the slightest invasion of the continent Grand Dao Law from ancient times.

at first 10000 The emperor thought he felt wrong, and then began to implement their plan. How could it be loose?

This is too fast!

But after repeated induction several times, the 10000 Emperors still did not notice any abnormalities, and they really became loose.

In the end, the 10000-thousand Emperor did not have any more tangles, and directly informed other Ruler Supreme about this strange situation.

It also made other Ruler Supreme feel strange, because it was too fast.

In the end, after many Ruler Supreme’s repeated inductions, it was found that the loosening really occurred, and there was still no problem.

In the end, they can only think that the plan is still smooth, but that the progress is faster than they thought that’s all.

But, overall, this is a good thing!

But these Ruler Supremes are afraid that it is impossible to think of it, which caused such a situation, but Qin Shaofeng absorbed a long-armed White Ape King of Beast Dan that’s all.

This is actually for a reason!

That long-armed White Ape King takes the wild Divine Fruit, which can only appear in the Wild Beast Realm. This is because the Wild Divine Fruit is a special fruit that evolved from the original laws of the Wild Beast Realm.

In this case, the Antiquity Saint Domain also happened by chance, and not only the medicinal herb, but other methods also existed.

This proves that it is the perfect Holy Spirit that the Young Master has.

This is the strength rule of a world!

This is a special ability that evolved from the ancient Grand Dao Law.

The long-armed White Ape King takes that wild divine fruit, which is equivalent to being given a trace of the basic rules of the wild beast world.

This King White Ape in the long arm was given a destiny by the origin of the brutal beast. Without Qin Shaofeng’s appearance, the white Ape king in the long arm could grow up and eventually become one of the Overlord of the beast.

Unfortunately, don’t wait for it, the appearance of Qin Shaofeng makes it body dies and Dao disappears.

That trace of origin is naturally cut off by Qin Shaofeng.

The brutal beast world is not an ancient continent, it is just a special little world. Although it is independent of the ancient continent, it is a real world with its original laws that can fight the ancient continent.

But that’s all. The laws of origin in the brutal beast world are absolutely limited.

Therefore, a trace of loss is a trace, and it will not recover naturally like the Grand Dao Law of the ancient continental.

After getting this Qin Shaofeng, it was directly absorbed and refined.

This is equivalent to absorbing and refining the brutal beast world. Although it is only a tiny bit, it is still refining.

This is why, it will be sensed by the 10000 array of emperors. There is a slight looseness in the strength of the brutal beast to resist the Grand Dao Law of the ancient continent.

But 10000 battles of the Emperor and other Ruler Supremes, they would never think of it, all because of Qin Shaofeng.

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