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Chapter 1422: Group Destroyed Apes

Seeing that long-armed White Ape King turned into a scarlet-red streamer and attacked himself again, this time it was Qin Shaofeng eyes flash with disdain.

Qin Shaofeng knows how powerful he is in the state of God’s recovery at this moment.

Although this long-armed White Ape King is powerful, he will never be his opponent.

Therefore, at this time, in the face of the furious punch of this long-armed White Ape King, he not at all chose to avoid it.

Instead, the right hand was slightly tightened and held firmly.

This time, he still chose to fight hard!


A pure punch, without any other martial skills and skills, just a punch that Qin Shaofeng blasted out at will.

But even with this punch, after Qin Shaofeng blasted it out, in the sky burst into a thunderous thunder, all because of the strongness of the strength to a certain extent, and a subtle explosion from space collision .

Here is Dao World, the god of the wild beasts. There is a strong suppression of the cultivator of the Antiquity Saint Domain. It is not a simple matter to cause space vibration or something in this.

But Qin Shaofeng’s fist at the moment can burst out of such formidable power. It can be seen that Qin Shaofeng’s current strength is already very powerful.

At this moment, the long-armed White Ape King seems to see that Qin Shaofeng this fist formidable power is not simple.

But in the face of such a situation, it actually aroused its fierceness within the body belonging to the wild beast family.


It was angry roar again. The long arm of King White Ape’s right arm suddenly slammed suddenly and doubled in an instant. The scarlet-red hair on his right arm also instantly stood up. The punch it punched, in this brief moment, aura also rose in vain, soaring even more powerful and amazing.

Apparently, the long-armed White Ape King, after noticing that the situation was not right, stole the strength and burst out fiercely.

But even so, when Qin Shaofeng and his fist pair exploded together.

Bang, the long-arm White Ape King revealed a horror that could not be masked, it seemed to horrify the strength of this Human Race, how suddenly it became so powerful.

shua sound, the long-armed White Ape King was bombarded directly by the strength of Qin Shaofeng this fist, and finally fiercely hit the ground.


A loud sound, the ground instantly burst into a giant pit, startling countless dust.

But Qin Shaofeng not at all stopped, there is a time limit on the state of God’s recovery, he only has 3 minutes!

But here is not only this long-arm White Ape king, but also the other 20 long-arm White Apes that are all at least 3 Star-level mid-range beasts, and more long-arm White Ape are catching up. Come here!

God flash!

Flashed, Qin Shaofeng flashed to the ground and came into the giant pit that the long-armed White Ape King dropped.


In the giant pit, even if he was struck by strikers such as Qin Shaofeng, the long-armed White Ape King was still not completely defeated.

However, from its somewhat unstable aura at the moment, it seems to be hurting.

But after seeing Qin Shaofeng’s appearance, it stood up fiercely, yelling at Qin Shaofeng.

Angry and testy!

What can respond to it is another punch punched by Qin Shaofeng.

And it’s still a fist without a gap.

Bang! bang! bang!

Roar! roar! roar!

There was a loud noise from time to time in the dust of the sky, and there was an angry roar in the loud noise.

The earth was shaking and King White Ape with his long arms was roaring.

But soon, from the roar of King White Ape’s long arm, there was a trace of grief and …


Obviously, in the face of Qin Shaofeng’s attack at this moment, the long-armed White Ape King could not hold on.

Because it seems to finally understand, the Human Race that he has always underestimated, the strength that it has is really powerful, so powerful that it scares it a little.

And it seems that this long-armed White Ape King has thoroughly understood the reality, and it is even clearer. If he continues to be passively attacked like this, it is likely to die!

will die!

Thinking of this, the long-armed White Ape King, who has not weak spiritual wisdom, was even more panicked.

Then, not long after it was about to escape, and it did so.

I was forced to take a 2 punch from Qin Shaofeng and ignored it, so that the long-armed White Ape King found a chance and planned to grab the giant pit.

Unfortunately, Qin Shaofeng seems to have been understood long ago. The idea of ​​running away from him, he slammed it back back back to the giant pit at the moment it looted.


The long arm, White Ape, who was taken captive, mourned, and there was no King style in his voice, nor was he half proud and despised.

In this brief moment, there was endless panic and fear in this long-armed White Ape King’s voice, and there was a hint of … despair!

“roar! roar! roar! ”


“Hey! Hey! Hey!”

As time passed, the roar of King White Ape’s long arm became smaller and weaker.

Bang -!

In the end, it seemed that the final victory was announced. An extra powerful loud noise suddenly burst out, far stronger than the loud noise, even the sound was several times stronger.

And this time, there was a loud noise, and there was no loud roar.

At the same time, in the giant pit, the life aura belonging to the long-arm White Ape king, in this brief moment, began to fade quickly, and soon died out completely.

In the distance, the 20 or so Realm White Ape with long arms watching the middle barbarian were already impatient at this time.

When King Long Ape was blasted to the ground by Qin Shaofeng, they became uneasy, because they also saw that their king fell into the wind.

The subsequent sound of strikes made them even more restless.

After the last a loud sound sounded, I felt that there was a sudden quietness in the giant pit, and I could no longer feel the king’s aura, and the 20 long-armed White Ape roared uneasily.


Suddenly, when those long-armed White Ape roared, a black shadow flew out, and then, a loud shout suddenly shocked in their ears.

“Cover the Heavens Hand !”

Bang! bang! bang!

After suddenly shouted, a huge palm palm flew out and blasted at the long white arms of the group.

Needless to say, the black shadow that suddenly flew out is naturally Qin Shaofeng.

As for the long arm King White Ape …

Well, that doesn’t need to be said anymore.

That must have been solved by Qin Shaofeng.

Under uninterrupted strikes, this long-armed White Ape King simply couldn’t withstand Qin Shaofeng’s fist, and finally he was forcibly killed by Qin Shaofeng’s fist.

From entering the state of God’s recovery, until Qin Shaofeng killed the long-arm White Ape King, this process seemed long, but it was actually only eleven-twelve breathing time.

Of course, if Qin Shaofeng wanted it, he would be able to kill the White Ape King, who had already been promoted to the upper barbarian, in two breaths.

However, because this is the first time that Qin Shaofeng has entered the state of resurrection in this wild animal kingdom, and maintains the full functionality of the Black Tortoise battle armor, he wants to try this state, and he probably has strength.

This allows Qin Shaofeng to have a general understanding of the strength he now has.

So, unfortunately, that long-armed White Ape King was beloved by Qin Shaofeng and became a little white mouse who tested his strength.

Now Qin Shaofeng has fully understood the strength he has at the moment from the ‘little white mouse’ of the long-arm White Ape King.

Then Qin Shaofeng immediately killed the long-armed White Ape King, and then came to this group of long-armed White Ape.

At this moment, the strength that Qin Shaofeng now owns is just a purely random fist. The strengths from the strikes are all that long-armed White Ape King can’t handle.

And the 10000 Cover the Heavens Hand exhibited at this show, formidable power, needless to say, it must be not simple, and it is more powerful.

What’s terrible is that Qin Shaofeng’s opponent is still far worse than the long-armed White Ape King’s 20 long-armed White Ape.

Although these 20 long-armed White Ape are all mid-range beasts, and at least 3 Star-level mid-range beast Realm.

But unfortunately, as soon as Qin Shaofeng took action, he was already doomed.

“Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!”

Feeling the palm of the hand that Qin Shaofeng blasted down, that kind of intense oppression, the 20 or so long-armed White Ape also immediately exclaimed, and then shouted zhi zhi, like all ordinary monkeys, in panic, and tried to avoid Come.

But how can they escape?

Bang -!

There was a loud noise, a huge palm collapsed, and these 20 long-armed White Ape were directly bombarded and killed, and it was the kind that was completely bombarded into a meat paste.

“Damn, start again!”

Looking at the 20 white Ape corpse with long arms like meat paste on the ground, Qin Shaofeng’s face twitched fiercely, and his heart was aching.

Oh my beast Dan!

The wild beasts have a very special situation, that is, their wild beasts within the body are not as hard as their bodies, and even very fragile.

These 20 long-arm White Apes have been blasted into meat paste, so naturally there is no wild beast Dan.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng is lost, and there are more than 20 barbarian dans at the middle barbarian level!

And it’s a barbarian dan with at least 3 Star-level median barbarian level!

But Qin Shaofeng not at all how long the pain is, because at this time the army of the long arm White Ape has finally been killed.

“come yet?”

There was a bright light in Qin Shaofeng’s eyes, and his body flashed next moment, killing the group of long arms White Ape in an instant.

One person for 5000!

This seems to be a very different number, but in fact, this battle, from the very beginning, is already doomed.

It seems that because of staying in this brutal world for a while, Qin Shaofeng’s Divine Demon’s Power has adapted to the suppression here, although Qin Shaofeng cannot yet be in the brutal world, just like in the Antiquity Saint Domain, a strong strength has erupted.

But this compared with before, Qin Shaofeng’s strength that can burst out is even more powerful.

This can be seen from his decisive kill of the long-armed White Ape King.

After rushing into this long-arm White Ape group, the great blade of the Black Tortoise battle armor in Qin Shaofeng’s hands flashed cold light again.

Then, Qin Shaofeng was so fierce that the blade light broke out.

Then, there were countless blood dripping, and there was an incomplete corpse on the ground.

Just this slash, at least 100 long-armed White Ape killed Qin Shaofeng.

And this is just the beginning. After the sword was cut, the Black Tortoise battle armor great blade in Qin Shaofeng’s hands began to slash wildly.

Blade light, blood light, and each other!

Before long, there was no longer a long White Ape standing on the ground.

At this point, the number of the group exceeded 15,000, and the Overlord-level long-arm White Ape group in the circle 30,000 area was killed by Qin Shaofeng.

More than 15,000 powerful wild beasts were killed by Qin Shaofeng!

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