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Chapter 1418: Battle Of The Long Ape King (1)

This made Qin Shaofeng’s heart secretly vigilant. As soon as he saw something wrong, Qin Shaofeng decided to use Shenjin to escape himself from this dangerous place.

Suddenly being stared at by White Ape, the 20 mid-level barbarian long arm, especially one of them is still a 10 Star-level long arm White Ape, isn’t it dangerous?

If it weren’t for the skill of Shen Shen, how could Qin Shaofeng stand here so calmly?

Estimated to flash people early!

“roar! roar! roar! ”

After the other long-arm White Ape calmed down, the long-arm White Ape king suddenly raised his chest and roared continuously at Qin Shaofeng, while at the same time it raised its long arms and banged his chest wildly.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

One punch after another, and one punch over the other, the long-armed White Ape Wang Yiquan banged on his chest, and a muffled boom exploded instantly.

This explosion sounded like a thundercloud, a dull thunderstorm. Although the sound was dull, the sound that erupted was extremely sensational.

Dong! dong! dong!

Bang! bang! bang!

Qin Shaofeng could feel that this sulky strikes even affected the ground and vibrated slightly.

The 20 long white arms around the White Ape, at this moment, were all so excited and excited that the hands dance and feet trip constantly, each and everyone barefoot.

This look made Qin Shaofeng headache, because he suddenly thought of the gorilla, and it seemed that he would do this.

Does the long arm White Ape of this brutal animal kingdom also have a gorilla’s bloodline?

Qin Shaofeng was curious.

But as the long-armed White Ape King continued to growl and his pair of constantly waving arms began to gradually increase and aggravate, the roaring sound and the throbbing of the chest suddenly met together, forming a Strong imposing manner, pressed against Qin Shaofeng.

this is?

Looking at the scene in front of me, and then feeling this powerful imposing manner, Qin Shaofeng suddenly understood what, but after understanding, there was a look of didn’t know whether to cry or laugh on Qin Shaofeng’s face.

Damn, is this long-armed White Ape king provocative to himself?

This action made by the long-arm White Ape King is a relatively common move in the long-arm White Ape, or in all ape.

That is to challenge each other!

It can be seen that most of his people were killed by Qin Shaofeng, which made the long-armed White Ape King extremely angry, and he could not wait to swallow Qin Shaofeng alive.

But when Qin Shaofeng was alone, the long-armed White Ape King belonged to King’s pride and made him choose one-on-one battle with Qin Shaofeng.

It wants to tell other people or beasts, understand the consequences of killing its people, and it wants to re-establish its King power among the long-armed White Ape group.

It wants to defend its King’s majesty with its strength and completely defeat Qin Shaofeng, the enemy!

Qin Shaofeng at first didn’t understand yet, but when I saw it, and the expression in my eyes at the moment, I immediately understood it.

After knowing this, Qin Shaofeng felt lightly smiled, and felt a little relaxed.

If this long-armed White Ape king and other mid-range wild beast Realm long-armed White Ape attacked him all together, then Qin Shaofeng would have to resort to God Flash and start to run away.

But now!

Looking at White Ape Wang, the long arm that still kept beating his chest, Qin Shaofeng 2 his eyes flashed a little, eyes flashed a bright light.

If the White Ape King with the long arm can be killed directly, then the remaining 20 or more mid-range beasts, Realm White Ape with the long arm, can handle it by themselves.

As long as he has solved the 20 long arms White Ape in front of him, then the remaining long arms White Ape can easily be opposite each other.

Although the number is still large, there are more than 5000, but without the long-arm White Ape king and the long-arm White Ape of these neutral wild animals Realm, the remaining more than 5000 long-arm White Ape is not to Qin Shaofeng. What threats are there.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng suddenly saw that there was a strange color in the eyes of the long-armed White Ape King.

A thought flashed through the mind, Qin Shaofeng suddenly remembered that the spiritual wisdom of this long-armed White Ape King was no different from that of an adult, and that strange look of color made Qin Shaofeng understand what was in his heart.

That was pride and contempt, and a very special look!

Pride in being King, and despise Qin Shaofeng.

This immediately made Qin Shaofeng slightly angry.

Damn, how dare you look at me like that?

Oh, you really are I, Qin Shaofeng isn’t you trifling a bastard opponent?

Coldly smiled in my heart, I thought for a moment. After having an idea, Qin Shaofeng could still beat his chest with whatever long White Ape king.


The next moment, Qin Shaofeng’s stature flashed, a direct flash, came to the long arm White Ape King Divine Artifact, and then waved the Black Tortoise battle armor great blade in his hand, directly to the long arm White Ape The king cut off.


Qin Shaofeng took an action suddenly, making the long-armed White Ape King roar with great dissatisfaction, and seemed dissatisfied that Qin Shaofeng interrupted its demonstration in this way.

But to Qin Shaofeng’s surprise, in the face of his sword, the long-armed White Ape King did not mean to dodge.

Even when Qin Shaofeng was approaching Divine Artifact, and he was about to cut the great blade in his hand, Qin Shaofeng saw a slight disdain and contempt from the eyes of that long arm White Ape.

Disdain the great blade in Qin Shaofeng’s hands, despise Qin Shaofeng’s strength!

I don’t know why, the disdain and contempt in the eyes of this long-arm White Ape King made Qin Shaofeng fully understand.

I saw that blade facing Qin Shaofeng slashed down, and that long arm White Ape actually inadvertently extended his right arm, then slightly blocked it.


A sound as if a metal impact suddenly sounded, and then some sparks burst out.

The great blade was chopped on that long-arm White Ape’s arm, but it did not cause any slight damage to this long-arm White Ape king.

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng understood why the long-armed White Ape King had disdain and contempt in his eyes.

this is……?

Eyes flash with a trace of amazement, Qin Shaofeng took a look and sturdyly cut the great blade on the right arm of the long-armed White Ape King.

But after a flash of sparks, Qin Shaofeng saw it clearly. He didn’t say that his great blade cut the long-arm White Ape King. I am afraid that even the long-arm White Ape’s hair was not cut off by him. One.

Faced with such a result, Qin Shaofeng was naturally unacceptable.

This long-armed White Ape King’s defense is really amazing. It is a few times harder than the horn of Realm, the wild horn of the middle wild animal.

His full-strength was slashed down without even cutting off his hair!

However, this is secondary.

Because after resisting oneself this blade, Qin Shaofeng immediately suddenly retreat immediately, and at the same time he looked vigilantly towards the long-armed White Ape King.

But when Qin Shaofeng saw the long-armed White Ape King again, his face sank slightly, and it became difficult to look.

Because the long-armed White Ape King had no other moves at all, he let Qin Shaofeng back down and stayed in place without Chen Sheng’s pursuit.

Even when Qin Shaofeng stepped back towards it, the long-armed White Ape Wang actually had a cracked mouth, exposing long fangs in his mouth, as if laughing at Qin Shaofeng.

At the same time, the 20 or so long-armed White Ape who watched the battle at the same time also all howled and jumped up, as if cheering for the power of their king.

Such a scene made Qin Shaofeng’s heart anger!

Although I understand that this is the intention of those long-arm White Ape, the other party is not an ordinary monkey, but the long-arm White Ape of the mid-range beast Realm. The spiritual wisdom is definitely not low.

But when I think of it, I was laughed at by a group of monkeys?

This makes Qin Shaofeng intolerable.


In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng shook the right hand slightly and put away the great blade in his hand.

Faced with a situation mocked by a group of monkeys, Qin Shaofeng’s temper also rose.

Fucking, aren’t you laughing at me for not chopping you?

Okay, then I will punch you punchast after punch after punch.

Angered in his heart, Qin Shaofeng clenched his hands firmly into a fist.

Then, his body flickered, and he looked towards the long-armed King White Ape.

Fu Zhongquan!

My heart secretly shouted, above Qin Shaofeng’s fists, a faint black arc glowed slightly.

Fu Zhongquan, 3 Star-level fist technique martial skill, although the star rating is low, it is a fist technique of strength attribute.

After Qin Shaofeng successfully copied it with Fiendgod copy, he didn’t pay much attention to this heavy punch. After all, this heavy punch is at most a fist technique that can increase the fleshhy body strength by 2 times.

And after Realm reaches Supreme Ruler, it will lose the role of strength promotion, only adapted to the fist technique martial skill under Supreme Ruler Realm.

But in this wild animal world, this heavy punch can play an influential role.

Qin Shaofeng is only talking about pure physical strength, but it can also reach the Supreme Ruler 2nd-3rd Layer Realm.

However, because this brutal beast will be severely suppressed by Power of Laws, although Divine Demon’s Power owned by Qin Shaofeng will make him less severely suppressed.

In the end, the physical strength that Qin Shaofeng can explode in this wild animal world is still not very strong.

Even after adapting to so many Heavenly Queens, Qin Shaofeng was able to explode the strength equivalent to some 3-star star beast Realm.

However, if he adds a lot of methods, the strength that Qin Shaofeng can burst out will improve a lot.

And if Black Tortoise battle armor is added, the strength will be even more powerful, which is why Qin Shaofeng is not afraid of this long-armed White Ape King in a one-to-one situation.

Qin Shaofeng believes that it will definitely make this long-armed White Ape King look good even if he uses his punches.

Because of the martial skill fist technique of Fu Chongquan, it can ignore a certain defense force and transmit the attack to the target within the body, causing a certain amount of damage.

This long arm White Ape has good defense, but Fu Zhongquan is a very suitable attack method.

The long-armed White Ape King was extremely confident and even proud of his strength and strength.

But Qin Shaofeng intends to shatter its pride in this regard.

Dare to laugh at Ben Eldest Young Master, Ben Eldest Young Master won’t recognize your monkey parents and monkeys, Ben Eldest Young Master will never stop!

Although it seems that Qin Shaofeng was really angered by the behavior of Long-arm White Ape King, some gave up the weapon of Heavenly Cut regardless of the consequences, and chose to engage in hand-to-hand combat with Long-arm White Ape King.

But in fact, Qin Shaofeng is still quite sensible.

The attack of Fu Zhongquan, whether it is the attack method or the intensity of the attack, is more suitable for the situation at hand.

And Qin Shaofeng is not stupid, he understands that this long-armed White Ape tends to be a brutal beast with spiritual wisdom no less than ordinary Human Race.

This long-armed King White Ape seemed to be laughing at him before.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng could clearly see that the long-armed White Ape King was hiding a hint of wisdom under the mockery.

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