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Chapter 1416: Still Found

The more than 600 long-arm White Ape groups just solved are already the limits that Qin Shaofeng can do without affecting most of the long-arm White Ape groups in the center.

The territory of this long-arm White Ape has 3 areas from the inside to the outside.

The first area is the Outer Circle Area where Qin Shaofeng used to live. The long arm White Ape that lives here is usually one to 300.

Qin Shaofeng is at the moment the Inner Circle Area. The long-arm White Ape group living here is usually more than 500, and even three of them have more than 3 long-arm White Ape groups.

As for the core area in the depths of the forest, there are more than 3000 long-arm White Ape living in the forest, and the long-arm White Ape of the real animal in the forest is mostly concentrated in that region.

Now Qin Shaofeng has finished hunting the outer circle periphery zone and most of the long arm White Ape group in the inner ring.

Except for the three long-arm White Ape groups with more than 3 numbers in the inner circle, that is, the more than 1000 long-arm White Ape groups in the core area of ​​Linhai, Qin Shaofeng did not go hunting.

But because of this, Qin Shaofeng is a little bit embarrassed.

In the face of 1000 long-arm White Ape groups, Qin Shaofeng cannot guarantee that when hunting, it will attract the attention of other long-arm White Ape groups.

In fact, just now that group of more than 600 long-arm White Ape groups, when Qin Shaofeng killed, he almost let a few long-arm White Ape escape.

If they were escaped by those long-arm White Ape, then I am afraid that Qin Shaofeng has been hunted down by more than 7000 long-arm White Ape.

To be honest, up to now, Qin Shaofeng has hunted more than half of the long arm White Ape, and the other long arm White Ape did not notice it. This has surprised Qin Shaofeng.

The plan of Qin Shaofeng at first was actually discovered when killing 3 5000 Barbarian Beast, but I do n’t want to know if this group of long-arm White Ape is in the circleference several tens of thousands of li when Overlord When used to it, feel like no one will provoke their status.

Or any other situation, anyway, this group of long-arm White Ape 没有 did not find out that his own race was hunted by him more than half of Qin Shaofeng.

Sure enough, that sentence was verified …

Born from sorrow and died from peace!

After careful thinking, Qin Shaofeng finally chose the remaining 4 long-arm White Ape groups, one with the least number of long-arm White Ape groups.

But this small number is only relatively speaking, because the number of long arm White Ape in this group, but more than 1,000 taels 100 long arm White Ape!

This time, the number of long-arm White Ape groups selected was relatively large, and Qin Shaofeng decided to do it once.

and so……

“Black Tortoise battle armor!”

Shouted in a low voice, Qin Shaofeng directly opened the Black Tortoise battle armor to a 50x strength increase. Although the highest increase of the Black Tortoise battle armor is 100 times, but after that, the Divine Demon’s Power consumed by Qin Shaofeng is too much. Already.

With the ascension of the Black Tortoise battle armor, there is no way to keep Qin Shaofeng fighting for long.

And the enforcement of the Black Tortoise battle armor is just the beginning.

Soon, the skills of Qin Shaofeng each and everyone enforcement were constantly being exhibited by him.

“Fiendgod huge strength!”

“Fiendgod status!”

“Pill Fire of God!”



Soon, Qin Shaofeng became a state covered by flames, and at this moment his strength had already been leveled to a very exaggerated state.

Even though Qin Shaofeng is being suppressed by the brutal beast now, it is still very powerful, but Qin Shaofeng has already felt it.

If at this moment there is a 9 Star-level 10 Star-level mid-level wild animal that appears in front of him, he can blow it with a punch!

After many states are enforced, Qin Shaofeng next moment lightly shakes his body and disappears instantly.

However, at this time, Qin Shaofeng, not at all, performed magic flashes.

The reason why his silhouette disappeared was because he had cast a god.

The space of the brutal beast also has a strong suppression of Qin Shaofeng. Even if he is at this moment, he can only maintain it for a second at most.

But even though it was only one second, it was enough for Qin Shaofeng.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

In the state of Shenyin, Qin Shaofeng repeatedly performed several Shenjins, and directly came to the area where this group of long arms White Ape concentrated.

Then Qin Shaofeng took action instantly.

“Cover the Heavens Hand !”

Qin Shaofeng is another copy of the martial skill that was copied to Fiendgod at the all-round competition, and this Cover the Heavens Hand is still a 7 Star-level martial skill, but it is just a burst of strength. Although the formidable power is far less than the holy slaughter, it is also extremely Amazing.

The most important thing is that the Divine Demon’s Power consumed by Qin Shaofeng during the Cover the Heavens Hand is still within his range.

At the moment when Cover the Heavens Hand was exhibited, Qin Shaofeng retreated from the state of being hidden, and then appeared in front of a large number of long-armed White Ape.

The sudden appearance of Qin Shaofeng made these long-arm White Ape a little dazed, and momentarily hadn’t figured it out yet.

But just when the long-arm White Ape was cyanotic, Qin Shaofeng shot with both hands, and he shot the Cover the Heavens Hand again and again.

Hong long long !

Bang bang bang!

There was a blast, and the huge Cover the Heavens Hand imprinted on each and everyone, and then a large number of long-arm White Ape was bombed by Qin Shaofeng.

After covering the Heavens Hand for ten shots in a row, Qin Shaofeng stopped, because his Divine Demon’s Power within the body has already consumed most of it, and he can no longer perform Cover the Heavens Hand. Otherwise, he will continue to maintain Black Tortoise battle armor’s Divine Demon’s Power is not enough.

Even if it was only ten palms, but that bombardment came down, Qin Shaofeng’s long arm Whitecircum 1000 meters of circleference was no longer alive.

Qin Shaofeng has long mastered the habits of these long-arm White Ape, and they are often easy to gather together to eat, play, etc.

And at this moment, this group of 1000 long-arm White Ape groups is that most of the long-arm White Ape are gathered together … sunbathing!

As a result, this sun was instantly killed by Qin Shaofeng by 600-700, including a dozen long-arm White Ape from the mid-range beast Realm.

Even the leader of this group of long-arm White Ape, the long-arm White Ape of the 3 Star-level mid-range beast Realm, was directly bombarded by Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng didn’t know about these situations. He just felt that there were many White Ape long arms here, and he was more concentrated and easier to get started.

Therefore, the situation now is that the leader of this group of long-arm White Ape is gone, and then suddenly suffered such a horrible attack, and the entire long-arm White Ape group suddenly fell into a state of panic without a head.

Although there are also many long-arm White Apes, Qin Shaofeng, a sneak attacker, was all snarled and rushed to Qin Shaofeng.

But at this moment Qin Shaofeng is in the enhanced state of Black Tortoise battle armor 50x strength, and there is also this Fiendgod huge strength and Fiendgod state enforcement.

Not to mention the lower barbarian, even the long arm White Ape of the 2 Star-level mid-range barbarian Realm who rushed to Qin Shaofeng was cut into half by Qin Shaofeng.

2 The long arm White Ape of the Star-level mid-range beast Realm is so. How can the other long arm White Ape withstand the great blade in Qin Shaofeng’s hand?

Huh! Huh! Huh!

It was another general battle of chopping melon and vegetables. In the face of a deadly long arm White Ape, Qin Shaofeng was all about chopping one by one, chopping a pair by one pair, and chopping a group by a group.

Finally, after 25 6 breaths, the last long arm here, White Ape, was also killed by Qin Shaofeng.

Then Qin Shaofeng got a little embarrassed.

1,000 taels White Ape with more than 100 long arms, was he killed?

This … why is it so smooth!

Smooth to simple, simple to Qin Shaofeng, I dare not imagine.

However, Qin Shaofeng soon came back.

Because when hunting this group of long-arm White Ape, he did not seem to see the leader of this group of long-arm White Ape.

Although it was only a little induction, before Qin Shaofeng felt it, there was a 3 Star Peak mid-range barbarian aura. Obviously, this group of long-arm White Ape leader is not only a mid-range barbarian. Realm, and also 3 Star Peak Realm.

But until he slashed his last long arm, White Ape, Qin Shaofeng didn’t notice any of the 3 Star Peak Realm’s median beast aura.

at first Qin Shaofeng didn’t feel anything yet, but the situation now made him understand.

I am afraid that the hunting at this time is so smooth and simple. This is because the leader of the long-arm White Ape was killed by him.

“In the beginning, when I bombarded a large number of long-arm White Ape with Cover the Heavens Hand, did I solve the group of long-arm White Ape leaders together?”

In the end, Qin Shaofeng could only think so.

Because there isn’t much time right now, let him think about it.

Immediately Qin Shaofeng just collected these long-armed White Ape within the body of the brutal beast, even the long-armed White Ape canine teeth of those mid-range beast Realm, Qin Shaofeng ran to the next goal without removing it.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng’s goal was a more than 1300 long-arm White Ape group.

Similarly, it is exactly a copy of the previous group. After Qin Shaofeng added many states to himself, he came to this group of long arms White Ape with Shenyin.

Then, it’s Ten Palms Cover the Heavens Hand!

Hong long long !

Bang bang bang!

Another bombardment took the lives of 600-700 long-arm White Ape.

It was just a bombing attack at this time, not at all took the lives of this group of long-arm White Ape Leaders, which led to the bombing of Cover the Heavens Hand. Qin Shaofeng was immediately found by this group of long-arm White Ape Leaders.

4 Star-level median beast!

To Qin Shaofeng’s surprise, this group of long-arm White Ape Leaders actually reached 4 Star-level median Realm.

But that’s all, even for a 4 Star mid-level beast, Qin Shaofeng solved it with just a few knives.

After solving the leader, the next time, Qin Shaofeng slaughtered the long arm White Ape.

But when Qin Shaofeng couldn’t find the slaughter of these long-arm White Ape, suddenly there was a sudden cry of ape from far away, making his complexion slightly changed.

“ao ——!”

This ape cries, ringing a forest of thousands of miles in a circleference, like the roar of a tiger king.

But even more of this ape cry is anger, incomparable anger, like a overflowing heaven from a volcanic eruption!

Such an amazing ape cries, and there is an unusual aura in the sound. Just by crying from this ape, you can feel that its Master is a not simple character.

Long Arm White Ape King!

Still found!

Qin Shaofeng frowned, his face a little bitter.

“My sister, what one fears is what comes to pass!”


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