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Chapter 1413

Qin Shaofeng is now facing a large group of 15,000 White Ape with long arms. Among them, there are at least 1000 White Ape with long arms reaching the middle barbarian level.

Fortunately, the 1000-level mid-level long arm White Ape is not staying together. Otherwise, Qin Shaofeng simply would not choose such a wild beast to start.

Because even if he enters the state of resurrection and maximizes the Black Tortoise battle armor opened, it will not be able to deal with 1000 middle-ranked wild beasts, let alone other 10000 lower-ranked wild beasts!

Resurrection of God does allow Qin Shaofeng to have unlimited Divine Demon’s Power in 3 minutes, but now it is a brutal beast. Even if Qin Shaofeng has more Divine Demon’s Power, it will explode because of being suppressed. limited.

Many powerful skills and moves that can only break out because of Divine Demon’s Power, Qin Shaofeng cannot do it now.

Even Qin Shaofeng now suffers from great suppression even with Dojutsu Skills such as magic, although not at the time when at first entered the brutal world, he could not even cast them.

But even now, Qin Shaofeng can cast magic, that is, at most, he can successfully cast 5 6 Star-level barbarian beasts, and at the same time, it can be up to a maximum of 3, and dying can be done.

However, Qin Shaofeng also discovered that, in order to solve his current situation, in addition to spending some time in the brutal world, there was also an increase in his own Divine Demon’s Power.

God’s recovery will only bring continuously Divine Demon’s Power to Qin Shaofeng. In that state, Qin Shaofeng is actually a Divine Demon’s Power that maintains more than 1000 Law Cores. Not at all increases Divine Demon’s Power.

It’s just that under the state of God’s recovery, these Law Cores of his will continue to emerge new Divine Demon’s Power that’s all.

However, if Qin Shaofeng’s own Power of Laws is increased and he can have more Divine Demon’s Power, then he can completely consume the Divine Demon’s Power to exhibit the skills that are being suppressed in this brutal world.

As a matter of fact, Qin Shaofeng also understood this very early, so he began to quickly kill the barbarians, and then acquired barbarians to improve his own Law Core.

Of course, this is ultimately the Qin Shaofeng or for the cultivation base to improve itself, and perhaps this time strength Domain 1st place!

It is worth mentioning that the current situation still makes Qin Shaofeng depressed.

Because even after three days of hunting and killing wild beasts, he still hasn’t entered the list!

Yes, yes, even if Qin Shaofeng now has 10,000 points, he still doesn’t make it into the top 10000.

This made Qin Shaofeng speechless and understood. He entered the top 10000 and even won this time strength Domain competition 1st place. I am afraid it is not a simple matter.

Qin Shaofeng, who has over 10,000 points, has already completed the 3rd Star Level Mission of Infinite Kill at this time, and now Qin Shaofeng’s Infinite Kill mission has been unlocked to 4th Star level.

Infinite Kill: Special Mission. Special Mission will only be triggered in certain places after the player completes some Special Mission and gets special reward.

The current ‘Infinite Kill’ mission is a person triggered by the ‘All-Around Champion’ Mission Reward after entering the brutal world.

Mission content: This mission is a special trigger mission. There is no star completion evaluation. Based on the player’s completion progress, each star stage mission is unlocked. Every mission that completes a star stage can get a certain reward. The higher, the bigger the reward!

(Note: This ‘Infinite Killing’ mission unlocks unlimited star ratings, but there is a time limit. Once the time is reached, this mission ends. After the mission is over, players can complete all Star Level Missions and perform some evaluation. Get additional rewards again! The time for this ‘Infinite Kill’ mission is: 3 months!)

Progress: Unlock 4 Star Level!

1 Star: Completed!

2 Star: Completed!

3 Star: Completed!

4 Star (1689/100000): Kill 100,000 Barbarian Beast in the brutal world! Reward Skill Point 50, system Exchange Points 1 million!

This ‘Infinite Kill’ 4 Star level mission requirement, as Qin Shaofeng had expected, killed ten thousand Barbarian Beasts again, ten times more, reaching the number of 10000.

However, Qin Shaofeng feels that even a mission with a killing count of 100,000 brute beasts is nothing more than that.

Because at his speed, it may be completed in 7 or 8 days.

It is even very likely that it will get faster and faster, this is because his current realm has also changed.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Nirvana Realm Peak

Exp Points: 100%

Profession: Devil King

Law Core: 1320/1000 (converted to Divine Demon’s Power)

Innate Spirit Root: The Body of Fiendgod

Skills: King’s Blessing, Eye of Fiendgod, Fiendgod Pill Scripture, Fiendgod body refinement, Dafa, Fiendgod copy

special skill: Planting Technique

Familiar: Gong Qingzi, Leng Yaxuan

Equipment: Nine Profound Sacred Sword, Flying Feather Blade, Magic Cloud

Mission: Leveling Mission, Infinite Kill

Skill Point: 133

system Exchange Points: 4956600

Items: Infinite Resurrection (Card)

Peerage: Meng Xin’er, Qin Yue’er, Zhao Yun’er, Bai Xue, Geng Qiutong, Lian Yufeng, Tang Qijian, Du Meng, Hu Ye, Xiang Chengfeng, world avatar, Yan Yang (indestructible avatar), cold Relentless (Indestructible Incarnation)



That’s right, now Qin Shaofeng’s Power of Laws has reached 1320.

The reason Qin Shaofeng owns so many Law Cores is because of the barbarian he will kill, and all the barbarian dans he obtained are refined and absorbed.

The large number of wild beasts obtained by hunting the wild beasts has brought more than 300 Law Core enhancements to Qin Shaofeng.

This also makes Qin Shaofeng feel that Law Core can be improved so easily!

At that time, if Baidi had that sentence, don’t worry about the promotion of Law Core, Qin Shaofeng now understands it.

With the savage beast, upgrading Law Core is exactly the same as playing!

“Well, after killing this group of long-arm White Ape, plus those wild beasts I obtained before, I am afraid that it will be able to impact 2 1000 Law Core Realm!”

eyes flashed, Qin Shaofeng was a little excited.

Although 320 Law Cores have been upgraded, in fact, these 320 Law Cores only use some of the wild beasts from Qin Shaofeng, and they are all lower beasts. More wild beasts, Qin Shaofeng, have not yet. Absorb it too!

Qin Shaofeng’s plan is to hunt the wild beast dans obtained after killing this group of long-arm White Ape, plus the previous wild beast dan, to make himself impact 2 1000 Law Core Realm.

When the time comes with 2 1000 Law Cores, he can arrange 2 1000 star arrays in the Inner World within the body.

Then, having 2 1000 Star Arrays is waiting for having 2 Grand Dao patterns.

In this way, Qin Shaofeng will have a stronger strength!

Of course, on this premise, this group of long arms White Ape is solved.

However, after observing it, Qin Shaofeng felt that this long-arm White Ape was not easy to solve.

Because the long-arm White Ape’s spiritual wisdom is far better than other wild beasts, ordinary wild beasts are just instinctual beasts, and there is no spiritual wisdom at all.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng is also very puzzled about this. The beasts of the brutal beast are obviously as powerful as they are, but in spiritual wisdom, they are just as bad as the ordinary wild beast in some small places in the Antiquity Saint Domain.

Qin Shaofeng has encountered such a situation many times, knowing that he is not an opponent, but he still has to fight with him, all in the rhythm of death.

Hunting so many wild beasts, Qin Shaofeng is also on the individual mid-range wild beasts and has seen the existence of some spiritual wisdom, but it is only a few. If it is a little stimulating, it will still only erupt the primitive beast nature.

Sometimes, Qin Shaofeng wondered, would it be impossible for him to develop the spiritual wisdom of this brutal beast because he was unable to conduct cultivation and absorbed directly into the whole body because he absorbed too much Power of Laws?

Hmm, is it just that the so-called four-limbed developed mind is simple?

Despite such thoughts, it’s a pity, but maybe that’s really the case!

However, after discovering the long arm White Ape, Qin Shaofeng felt that the long arm White Ape was different.

Because the spiritual wisdom of all the long-arm White Ape is very high, well, it’s already quite high for other wild animals.

Generally, the long-arm White Ape can have spiritual wisdom of 5-6 years old children. Qin Shaofeng is probably because of this, which makes the long-arm White Ape easier to promote to become a middle-ranked beast.

For example, the long-arm White Ape group with a population of 15,000 at present, among which the long-arm White Ape that has reached the middle barbarian level, has already exceeded 1000.

Among the 15,000, there can be 1000 mid-barbarian-level long-arm White Ape. On average, ten-five-finger long-arm White Ape can give birth to a mid-barbary-level long arm White Ape.

Qin Shaofeng does not know about other wild beasts, but it is the wild beasts that Qin Shaofeng has seen and the known wild beasts. Such a ratio is extremely rare among the wild beasts in the group.

And among the 1000 mid-level long-arm White Ape, although most of them are 1 Star mid-level wild beasts, there are also many long-arm White Ape that have reached 2 Star or even 3 Star mid-level wild beasts. Realm.

Even some very few powerful long-arm White Ape have reached 4 Star level 5 Star level mid-level wild animal Realm.

Among this group of long-arm White Ape, there is also the strongest long-arm White Ape king.

This guy Qin Shaofeng has seen it once, but he also saw it once from a distance, and then the understood opponent was a Realm who was at least 6 Star-level median beast.

This is only a middle grade danger zone. There is such a long-arm White Ape king, which Qin Shaofeng did not expect.

6 Star-level median beast!

This is equivalent to the existence of a 6th-layer Ruler realm in this brutal world.

Because of this situation and strength, this has made this group of long-arm White Ape the Overlord barbaric group of this circleference several tens of thousands of li.

After Qin Shaofeng increased to 1320 within the body Law Core, due to the increase of Divine Demon’s Power, more strengths can erupt, so he decided to hunt this group of long-arm White Ape.

For such a powerful herd of beasts, it is impossible to come by hard.

If he fights alone, Qin Shaofeng is confident that he can solve any long-arm White Ape, and that long-arm White Ape King will never be his opponent.

However, this long-armed White Ape is a gregarious beast. Once one side suffers an enemy, it is a situation where the eight sides support it.

Once the siege of the long arm White Ape is more, then it will be a difficult situation for Qin Shaofeng.

Although Qin Shaofeng has had an EXP against 3 5 middle-ranked wild beasts, he also hunted 300-500 wild beasts at one time.

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