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Chapter 1408: Middle Grade Danger Zone

This map is exactly where the brutal world is, although it is only a limited area map.

But this is to give Qin Shaofeng a general understanding of this wild animal world.

The Brutal World was explored by Antiquity Saint Domain, but the current situation is that Antiquity Saint Domain divided this area into several stages!

Safety sector, danger zone!

Needless to say, the Safety Sector domain, Qin Shaofeng has already experienced it, and now it is in the peripheral zone of the Safety Sector domain.

The next place is the dangerous area Qin Shaofeng is about to go to.

This dangerous area is divided into several stages by Antiquity Saint Domain, low grade, middle grade, high grade, and extreme dangerous 4 stages.

At low grade, it’s almost like Qin Shaofeng’s place, but there is general danger. Even if the wild beasts appear in groups, there are more than 100 animals.

And most of them are 3 or 5 star-level middle-ranked wild beasts. Against such wild beasts, it would not pose any threat to the general team.

Of course, if a single person acts alone, it is dangerous to encounter such a wild beast.

However, if you find it early or have some means, you can avoid it and escape.

In the middle grade danger zone, that is to meet a number of 100 to 1000 wild beasts. If there are no high rank beasts in this number, the number of middle rank beasts in it is definitely more than ten. only.

Even if there are more than 100 median beasts, that’s normal.

If it is a barbaric herd in the high grade area, it is usually a large barbaric herd of 1000 to 10000. Among them, I am afraid that there are hundreds of barbarians in the middle, and even the barbarians in the higher ranks may have 100 2 Too!

But this is not the most dangerous. The real danger in the high grade danger zone is those solitary beasts.

The wild beasts that can walk alone in that area are basically very powerful upper beasts.

It is even said that there was once an influence. When exploring this brutal beast, in a high-grade danger zone, he encountered a cute white beast, and it was almost completely destroyed.

And this almost died out, and in the end it was just a powerhouse with a serious injury and barely escaped.

And the Supreme Ruler of the 100 cultivation Dafa with her counterparts have all fallen, and even this includes 2 Realm experts who have reached the title of Emperor Realm.

Although in the powerhouse of the the realm higher the realm, after entering it will also suffer greater and greater suppression.

But if you stay in the brutal world for a short period of time, the people who are higher the realm will eventually be able to burst into a stronger strength.

It seems that the longer you stay in this animal kingdom, to absorb the Power of Laws cultivation here, the more powerful the strength will be. This seems to be recognized by the animal kingdom.

The influence was to explore the brutal beast, that was to let the team stay in this brutal beast for ten years.

It is mentioned that the time array of the Antiquity Saint Domain in this brutal world, simply does not have any effect, and cannot even be completely arranged.

Therefore, if you want to adapt to the Power of Laws in the brutal beast world, simply can’t use Time Acceleration, you can only time normally.

After a decade of hard work, everyone in the team can burst into a stronger strength.

But in the end, it ended like this, and the influence also lost a lot of experts, which caused its position in the Antiquity Saint Domain to drop a lot. I am afraid that it will not be possible to recover without the number of 10000 years.

Therefore, in those high-grade dangerous areas of the brutal beast world, if you encounter a lone brutal beast, then it is really dangerous.

As for extremely dangerous areas, they are all unknown areas in the brutal world, that is, areas that have not been explored by Antiquity Saint Domain.

And this kind of area is probably the really dangerous place in the brutal beast world.

The unknown is the most dangerous!

Without exploration, no one knows what dangers exist in those unknown places in the brutal beast world.

And in this brutal beast world, the superior brute is not necessarily the strongest being.

No one can be sure, in this deepest area of ​​the brutal beast world, will there be some brutal beasts that surpass the superior ones!

Of course, these are all far away for Qin Shaofeng.

Not to mention the extremely dangerous unknown area, now Qin Shaofeng has no idea of ​​going to high grade dangerous area.

At this moment, looking at the amount of his points, Qin Shaofeng made a decision in his mind.

He wants to enter the middle grade danger zone!

Qin Shaofeng originally planned to wait, but the situation has made him unable to wait!

Too few points!

Others hunted wild animals as a team, allowing individuals to earn points. According to this situation, it was difficult for him to improve his ranking.

Unless he destroys the number of 100 Barbarian Beasts on the number 1000 at one time, in this way, he can catch up with others.

This can only be done in middle grade hazardous areas.

In addition, Qin Shaofeng can cope with the number of 100 Barbarian Beasts on the number 1000, but only a dozen or 20 median beasts.

At worst, the Black Tortoise battle armor was all strength-opened, and then it was boosted by 9 turns of brute force. Qin Shaofeng did not believe that in this state, he would not be able to destroy a 7 barbaric beast.

Even if the barbaric herd has a lot of median barbarians, as long as the median barbarians appear to be not strong, when he thoroughly stimulates the Black Tortoise battle armor, it is just a defense comparable to the 6 Star level Ruler not a ordinary The brute can be broken.

Well, this is equivalent to Qin Shaofeng carrying a turtle shell on his back, so that those beasts could not help him, but could be killed by him one after another.

Besides, besides Black Tortoise battle armor and 9-turn brute force, he also has a lot of places.

The various skills awakened by Fiendgod’s eye can make Qin Shaofeng burst into a decent battle strength in this brutal beast.

Thinking about this, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt that it seemed that the middle grade dangerous area divided by the brutal animal kingdom was not too dangerous for him!

Well, go hunting wild animals in the middle grade danger zone!

Once a decision was made in his heart, Qin Shaofeng flashed, and the entire person turned into a black lightning, and began to run towards the middle grade danger zone.


One day later, Qin Shaofeng has not entered the middle grade danger zone, he is still in the low grade danger zone.

In this area, the wild beasts that Qin Shaofeng met were basically 50-60 in number, and there were barely 100 of them.

However, among these savage beasts, there are not many savage beasts that can reach the middle savage beast. At most, Qin Shaofeng only encountered a group of savage beasts and there were 4 median savage beasts.

In the face of such a wild beast, even if Qin Shaofeng is standing still, these wild beasts cannot break through the defense of his Black Tortoise battle armor.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng kills these wild beasts decisively quickly.

Under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng’s “Infinite Kill” mission has already completed the 2nd Star level and has unlocked the 3rd Star level mission.

Infinite Kill: Special Mission. Special Mission will only be triggered in certain places after the player completes some Special Mission and gets special reward.

The current ‘Infinite Kill’ mission is a person triggered by the ‘All-Around Champion’ Mission Reward after entering the brutal world.

Mission content: This mission is a special trigger mission. There is no star completion evaluation. Based on the player’s completion progress, each star stage mission is unlocked. Every mission that completes a star stage can get a certain reward. The higher, the bigger the reward!

(Note: This ‘Infinite Killing’ mission unlocks unlimited star ratings, but there is a time limit. Once the time is reached, this mission ends. After the mission is over, players can complete all Star Level Missions and perform some evaluation. Get additional rewards again! The time for this ‘Infinite Kill’ mission is: 3 months!)

Progress: Unlock 3 Star Level!

1 Star: Completed!

2 Star: Completed!

3 Star (137/10000): Kill 10000 Barbarian Beast in the brutal world! Reward Skill Point 30, system Exchange Points 300,000!


The completion of the “Infinite Kill” mission 2 Star level has increased Skill Point in Qin Shaofeng by 20 points. Now Qin Shaofeng’s Skill Point has exceeded 100 and reached 103 points!

As for system Exchange Points, it reached more than 46510000 points.

Qin Shaofeng is now absolute, Skill Point is saved first, and when this time Limit Leveling Mission is about to reach the maximum Stage Stage limit, then it is decided to raise those skill stars.

The 3rd Star level requirement for the ‘Infinite Kill’ mission increased the number of 2 Barbarian Beasts killed from the 1000 Star level by a factor of ten to 10000.

Although the number has increased tenfold, in the eyes of Qin Shaofeng, this mission is still very simple.

As long as he enters the middle grade dangerous area of ​​the brutal beast world, and wipe out more than a dozen brutal beasts, he can complete this mission.


Finally, after another 3 days, Qin Shaofeng of 7 800 Barbarian Beast was killed again, and finally entered the middle grade danger zone.

Entering the middle grade danger zone immediately, Qin Shaofeng is ready to start.

Because after entering this area, Qin Shaofeng quickly figured it out. With him as the circumcircle of several tens of thousands of li, it is worth mentioning that after entering this area, Qin Shaofeng did not meet anyone.

It seems that at this stage, even the middle grade danger zone is not intended for those teams.

If you think about it, despite the battle strength of those large teams, even if they enter this middle grade danger zone, they will not fall into the wind in the face of 1000 wild beasts.

But it will not be much worse, even fighting, there will be casualty, and it will definitely take a lot of time.

This will affect the speed at which their points increase.

Therefore, just want to stage, stay in the low grade danger zone, the other 300-500 herd of beasts, the points come faster.

Now Qin Shaofeng has discovered that one of the benefits of entering a middle grade danger zone is that no one is grabbing the beast.

This also saves Qin Shaofeng from having to avoid other people, and then spends a lot of time looking for wild beasts, he can kill them all the way.

So Qin Shaofeng has decided, in 3 days, he plans to kill all the wild beasts in the circleference 30,000 area, and then he will go to the next land.

This seems to be a bit arrogant. It can be Qin Shaofeng’s strength. This plan is still feasible.

Once there was a plan, Qin Shaofeng didn’t delay anything, so he started the hunting plan at this time.

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