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Chapter 1406: Shadow In The Darkness

On a plain somewhere in the wild beast world, at this moment is a scene of a group of wild beasts running wild.

There are a lot of these wild beasts, more than 100.

Most of these more than 100 barbarians are lower barbarians below 5 Star level, and their middle grade level is the highest, which is only 9 Star level, and there is a considerable distance from the real barbarium Realm.

But because the number exceeds 130, such gregarious beasts are very terrifying.

The strongest is even if Tang Qijian and Du Meng are tied together without the Black Tortoise battle armor of Qin Shaofeng refining, it is probably dangerous.

But now it is these more than 130 wild beasts, who are running away in panic.

They are all escaping!

The reason for this is the 2 3 100-Man Team behind them.

This is a good strength team, all of them are wearing high grade battle armor, and everyone can burst into a good strength.

So, even in the face of more than 100 lower beasts, it was a slaughter.

However, in fact, these 200-300 people did not really kill any Barbarian Beast, they just seriously injured each Barbarian Beast, completely disabled them, and then left them alone.

As for these brutal beasts that were maimed, they were all left to be killed alone.

Obviously, this team is entirely for one person.

At the moment, at the back of the team, a youngster holding a superior grade battle armor long sword is holding the long sword in his hand and beheading a savage beast on the ground, a sword, a sword Already.




A Barbarian Beast was so easily beheaded, and the youngster’s points also increased rapidly.

And looking at his points, more and more, the youngster couldn’t help laughing loudly.

“Hahaha, it really increases the points!”

There are several guard average people around this youngster, who are protecting them.

At this moment, I was in a good mood to see youngster. One of the men who had a bit of an eyebrow and a smirk smiled at the youngster and said, “Congratulations to the Young Master, and congratulations to the Young Master. Going at this speed, it will not take long for the slaves to enter the top. 100 and then top 10, finally receive 1st place! “


The words of the flattering man made the young Young Master laughed, his expression more excited.

“Very well, at this time, I will let those young Masters, Qilin Young Masters, and those of Demon Sovereign look at Heaven’s Chosen. Who is the 1st day of Antiquity Saint Domain?”

1st day Pride?

This young Young Master is really arrogant!

However, with a team like him, it can be considered a bit of confidence.

But then again, many contestants who can enter this brutal beast are not simple.

Perhaps at this stage, this young Young Master’s team is one of the more powerful teams in the current brutal world.

But this is only the current situation, because now it is just entered into the wild animal world, many people have not joined with their own people, grouped together.

Once someone starts to merge their influencers, I am afraid that the next is the each and everyone team to go and hunt the brutal beast as a whole.

That’s right, in this wild animal world, if you fight alone, the cultivator of the same realm is not an opponent of the wild animal at all.

Even the Antiquity Saint Race and the ancient Demon Race, the bloodline’s powerful cultivator, the same realm, can barely cope with 2 3 Barbarian Beast at most.

What can really kill can only be dealt with a single same realm barbarian.

Of course, if Realm is low, it will be an ordinary cultivator, and there is a chance to kill it, and it still takes some time.

But if it is collective action, it will be different.

Although it is difficult to use divide runes and formation marks in this brutal beast world, if you form a battle formation with humans, it can burst into a stronger strength.

The young 2 Master’s 3 100 1-Man Team is actually hunting wild animals in a battle formation.

Despite the strong repression of the brutal beast world, the brutal strength of the brutal beast world is very powerful.

But for the influences of Antiquity Saint Domain, they still have many ways to kill these wild beasts.

But in this environment, no one knows that something happened in a corner of the brutal beast world.


A scream sounded, and a teenager with a face of up to ten and nine could not fall to the ground, aura was absent.


Moreover, the death of this boy is still extremely miserable. Seven Orifices bleeds without a word. The whole person’s face is even more terrified. Obviously, he suffered terrible things before his death.

And not far away from him, he was lying horizontally, vertically, and vertically on the same corpse that died like a teenager, except that these corpse had a paler complexion than the young corpse.

The number of these corpse is up to 50!

The death of these people was not caused by the brute, but was caused by a silhouette covering the black qi mist in front of the young corpse.

“Ji茅 ji茅! This corpse Bloodline should be good!”

The laughter of send cold shivers down one’s spine came from the black mist of qi mist, and then the black mist trembled slightly, as if a long line of black mist like a tentacle was sticking out.

As soon as the long black fog line appeared, it extended directly to the young corpse on the ground, and then fell on the young corpse, which actually penetrated into the young man’s body.

The next moment, the long line of dark fog suddenly changed color.

A touch of red blood color slowly extended from the contact position of the black mist and the young corpse, directly into the silhouette wrapped in the black mist.

“Ji茅 ji茅, this taste is really delicious!”

this person, he is actually absorbing the blood of this young boy within the body!

Gradually, the skin color of the young corpse seemed to gradually lose ruddy with the absorption of blood, and eventually turned to a pale gray color.

This is the same as those corpse around!

Obviously, the reason why these corpse are all the same ash-gray is probably because of the existence of the black qi mist, which absorbed all the blood of the corpse.


Soon, the blood of the young corpse seemed to be absorbed, and it had become the long foggy tentacles of scarlet, which immediately fell off the young corpse.

After absorbing the blood of the young corpse, the entire black ink mist seemed to expand a little bit.

“Ji茅 ji茅, has been promoted again, although it has been improved very little, but it is much faster than cultivation yourself!”

There was a cold, weird smile again in the qi mist of Mo black, and then the qi mist of Mo black slightly shocked, revealing a person.

If Qin Shaofeng is here, he will certainly exclaim if he sees this person.

Xuan Changfeng!

This Xuan Changfeng was made by the ancient continent, and after the extermination of the entire Illusion Clan tragedy, it disappeared.

No one expected that Xuan Changfeng returned to Antiquity Saint Domain quietly, and then did not know what method was used, and also entered this wild animal kingdom.

In fact, after shaping his third eye and owning 3 pupils of Divine Eyes, Xuan Changfeng immediately returned to the Antiquity Saint Domain, and then planned to find the disciple of Saint Illusion Clan and devour the bloodline so that his 3 pupils Divine Eyes Become more powerful.

But after learning about the existence of the brutal beast, Xuan Changfeng changed his plan.

Coincidentally, after returning to Antiquity Saint Domain, Xuan Changfeng, with his knowledge of Saint Illusion Clan, sneaked into a city of Saint Illusion Clan.

I don’t want to, when he was going to directly consume the bloodline of the youngest son of the City City Lord, he knew by accident from the other side, the upcoming all-round competition, and the real purpose of holding the all-round competition.

Then, Xuan Changfeng knew that the existence of the brutal animal kingdom.

Although having 3 pupils of Divine Eyes, Xuan Changfeng is confident that even if he killed the disciple of Saint Illusion Clan himself, he can escape the pursuit of Saint Illusion Clan.

Because of his 3 pupil Divine Eyes’ ability, although he has not yet fully awakened to become strong, it is the strength and ability that are currently displayed, which are very special.

One of these abilities is the ability to completely hide his own aura, almost completely eliminating his traces.

Of course, if there is a Supreme Ruler with the strong title of Emperor, it is still easy to detect the existence of Xuan Changfeng.

Therefore, even if Xuan Changfeng chose to devour the bloodline, he could only set his sights on some remote small cities and cities in St. Illusion Clan.

However, due to the information of the all-round competition and the brutal beast world, Xuan Changfeng suddenly changed his original plan.

Because according to the results of his investigation, the brutal beast world seems to belong to another completely independent world.

The most direct point is that the Brutal Realm and Grand Dao Law of Antiquity Saint Domain seem to be different. The cultivator of Antiquity Saint Domain will be suppressed after entering the Brutal Realm.

And it seems that because of this situation, what happened to Antiquity Saint Domain about the brute within the realm is difficult to know.

Unlike other people, although Xuan Changfeng was just an inaccessible existence before, in fact, the other party is very old. Can they all be in the same age as the emperor, can they be young?

Therefore, Xuan Changfeng also knew something about the hidden things about Antiquity Saint Domain and even the entire ancient continent.

Xuan Changfeng knows nothing about the brutal beast world, but he is sure of the existence of the brutal beast world.

Therefore, Xuan Changfeng intends to mix into the brutal beast world, and then devour sufficient bloodline strength in the brutal beast world.

After entering the Antiquity Saint Domain, Xuan Changfeng found that his 3 pupil Divine Eyes seemed to be able to enhance eyes power in addition to engulfing the Holy Illusion Clan bloodline. Even if he consumed other Antiquity Saint Races, his eyes power could also be improved.

Not only that, as long as it consumes the powerful cultivator of Bloodline or the powerhouse in Ruler, Xuan Changfeng can feel it, his Power of Laws can be increased, and Law Core can be gathered faster and faster.

In the time of entering the Antiquity Saint Domain, Xuan Changfeng has already leveled to 4th-layer Supreme Ruler Realm from 6th-layer Supreme Ruler Peak Realm, and the Grand Dao pattern within the body has reached 54. .

No, it should be 56 now!

Because just now, after Xuan Changfeng swallowed and absorbed more than 50 people including that boy, not only did his 3 pupils Divine Eyes improve, but his Realm also promoted 2 Grand Dao lines Realm.

“Ji茅 ji茅! Looks like I’m here for the brutal beast, this is really my paradise!”

It seems that because of swallowing Bloodline and life force, Xuan Changfeng is becoming more and more gloomy.

“It’s okay, after I’ve devoured enough Bloodline and fully awakened my 3 pupils, Divine Eyes, then this time is my era of proclaiming the wind! Hahaha!”

In the laugh, the black qi mist of Xuan Changfeng’s body swarmed again, completely covering it.

Then, flashed, the black qi mist flew away with the Xuanchang wind.

It’s time to kill the stamp!


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