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Chapter 1398: Not So Good


Because Fan Haitong, who cannot stand the attitude of Qin Shaofeng arrogant, immediately took action on Qin Shaofeng.

Although due to the suppression of the brutal beast, the strength that Fan Haitong can play now is limited.

However, in Fan Haitong’s view, Qin Shaofeng’s suppression will definitely be greater, and now they are both Nirvana Realm Peak Realm. Fan Haitong does not think Qin Shaofeng will be his opponent.

Fan Haitong’s speed is fast, but at this time someone is faster than him!

With a bang, just as Fan Haitong was about to attack Qin Shaofeng, Tang Qijian beside Qin Shaofeng moved.

white light flashed, Tang Qijian’s long sword flew up, straight to Fan Haitong!


Tang Qijian’s long sword was chopped on Fan Haitong’s right hand arm, but was blocked by Fan Haitong’s superior grade battle martial armor.

Although not injured, Fan Haitong was knocked back by Tang Qijian this slash.

This result made Fan Haitong furious!

Playing against Qin Shaofeng, Fan Haitong feels that he has already lowered his price. If it wasn’t for Qin Shaofeng’s popularity in the all-round competition, he would not look at Qin Shaofeng.

But now, Qin Shaofeng, an unknown little pawn beside him, dare to take action against him?

And most importantly, actually knocked him back?

This can’t stand it!

“Asshole, where are you bastard, how dare you stop me?” Fan Haitong said angrily.

However, even if she was angry, Fan Haitong did not mean to take action on Tang Qijian, but turned to the subordinates behind him: “You guys, bastard this act recklessly, give me a lesson fiercely!”

shua shua Oh!

Fan Haitong ordered, and a few silhouettes flashed around, encircling Tang Qijian.

Soon, Tang Qijian fought with Fan Haitong’s subordinates.

“Qin Shaofeng, no one can help you now!”

Seeing this, Fan Haitong laughed again at Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng didn’t speak because he had nothing to say.

He found that Fan Haitong felt too good about himself.

But at the next moment, a scream sounded, making Fan Haitong’s face slightly dark, and the whole person was instantly angry.

I saw a few fans who were fighting Tang Qijian not far away, and just started a two-stroke. One of them was a Sword Qi that was cut by Tang Qijian and was directly injured.

How long has it been!

Has one of his subordinates been injured by the other?

You need to know that the other party is a person, but you have just sent 5 or 6 subordinates!

Fan Haitong was angry, but he soon realized that his subordinate was injured by Sword Qi.

Then, Fan Haitong also found out that it seems that Sword Dao Realm has not been suppressed in this wild animal world.

that brat is a Sword Dao expert?

Fan Haitong’s eyes flashed a clear comprehension, and he randomly drank the remaining subordinates around him at random: “You all go to me together and force that brat out of the brutal beast world!”

Fan Haitong is ruthless!

Obviously, Tang Qijian repelled him before and after, and cut and wounded his subordinate, making him resentful, and forced Tang Qijian out of the brutal beast.

Forcing others out of the wild animal world?

Does this seem impossible?

Because it can’t really kill anyone, there is no chance of killer under the surveillance of this refined jade talisman.

And Fan Haitong also didn’t want to provoke, there are a lot of rules set for the Supreme Ruler.

But even if it is not to kill the other party, there are still many other means to torture the other party.

For example, directly hurting the opponent, causing the opponent to withdraw from the brutal beast.

Fan Haitong now intends to deal with Tang Qijian in this way.

Suddenly, all of Fan Haitong’s subordinates, except the middle-aged man, rushed past Tang Qijian.

Faced with this situation, Qin Shaofeng not at all went to worry about Tang Qijian.

Although the number of opponents is higher, Qin Shaofeng does not think Tang Qijian will suffer.

Not to mention Tang Qijian’s Sword Dao Realm, there is almost no suppression in this wild animal world, even if it is suppressed, but now Tang Qijian wears Black Tortoise battle armor.

Qin Shaofeng refining the Black Tortoise battle armor is very deceptive. It looks similar to the high grade battle martial battle armor, and even seems to be inferior. Fan Haitong and the others think so.

There is a Black Tortoise battle armor. If Tang Qijian really can’t stand it, directly open the Black Tortoise battle armor to improve the strength. Although Tang Qijian can’t persist for a long time, it is just to solve these fan ethnic disciples. enough.

It seems that Tang Qijian’s ending has already come to fruition, and Fan Haitong looked at Qin Shaofeng again with a sneer.

“Qin Shaofeng, it’s your turn now, let me kick you out of the wild animal world in the 1st place of this all-round contest!”

Having said that, Fan Haitong moved instantly.


The powerful aura suddenly erupted from Fan Haitong, setting off a powerful qi energy.

The next moment, Fan Haitong swept across Qin Shaofeng.

This is not Power of Laws. Even Fan Haitong can’t explode Power of Laws outside the body at this moment.

This is his own pure strength, which instantly breaks the surrounding air, resulting in a powerful qi energy.

Even Qin Shaofeng has to admit that although Fan Haitong is arrogant and conceited, he is very arrogant.

But it is undeniable that Fan Haitong still has some strength.


Qin Shaofeng eyes flash with disdain, although this strength is good, it’s far from me!


With a shock, Qin Shaofeng kicked it out and easily blocked Fan Haitong’s sweep.


this is?

Seeing Qin Shaofeng actually took one of his sweeps, Fan Haitong’s eyes flashed a surprise.

Because in his opinion, this leg should be able to sweep Qin Shaofeng out.

But now it is blocked by Qin Shaofeng!

“Hmph, you still have a bit of patience!” Fan Haitong coldly snorted, “I will see how many tricks you can block!”

At the next moment, Fan Haitong’s legs instantly turned into countless afterimages, one leg after another swept away from Qin Shaofeng.

But no matter how fast Fan Haitong’s attack speed was, and how fierce he was, he was followed by Qin Shaofeng one after another.

In a blink of an eye, Fan Haitong had already kicked a few hundred kicks, but he did not attack Qin Shaofeng once, and they were all taken safely by Qin Shaofeng.

This made Fan Haitong feel a little irritable. He looked down on Qin Shaofeng and thought that Qin Shaofeng simply had no ability.

But it is one such person that he thinks, but he has received so many attacks.

This made him a little difficult to accept!


After being swept away again, the anger in Fan Haitong’s heart has reached its limit, and a fierce rage was heard.


After roared, Fan Haitong growled at Qin Shaofeng with an angry expression: “Qin Shaofeng, you bastard, you have successfully irritated me. I must make myself regret me and make you regret coming to this world.”

“Remorse?” Qin Shaofeng smiled gently. “Then you suddenly see me, how do I regret it !!!”


Qin Shaofeng’s attitude was undoubtedly fueling the fire, which made the anger in Fan Haitong’s heart completely surging.

Then, it broke out!

“Qin Shaofeng, you go to hell!”


Fan Haitong was roared, and the whole body was surging and burning a flame.

this is?

Qin Shaofeng figure stopped. Seeing Fan Haitong’s look at this moment, a strange light appeared in his eyes.

This is the innate fire of the Fans-Fan Huo?

Seeing Qin Shaofeng stunned, Fan Haitong began to be proud again.

“Hmph, Qin Shaofeng, you can let me use my family’s bloodline flame, this is your honor!” Fan Haitong coldly smiled, “I am not as gentle as before, you go to hell!”

As soon as the words came down, Fan Haitong was both a hand move. The burning fire in his body instantly condensed, turned into a fire snake, and bombarded Qin Shaofeng.

But this scene fell into Qin Shaofeng’s eyes, but Qin Shaofeng’s heart was very disdainful, and even looked towards Fan Haitong’s eyes, as if looking at a fool.

That ’s right, Qin Shaofeng also has to admit that the Fanline Bloodline Holy Fire Fanfire is indeed a powerful alien fire, very powerful and violent, born with powerful attacking alien fire.

Even because of the fierce degree of fan fire, so far Alchemist and Artificer have rarely appeared in the entire Fan family.

Because they can control Fan Huo to attack, they cannot control Fan Huo to artifact refining and pill refining.

This can be considered a drawback of Fan Huo.

But such a disadvantage, in the eyes of many people, simply is not a disadvantage.

What if you ca n’t pill refining or artifact refining? Having this powerful means of attack is the True King.

However, this is not the case now.

Fan Huo is really powerful, but here is the brute beast, which has the brute beast that suppresses most of the strength of the Antiquity Saint Domain.

Different fire?

Hehe !

Qin Shaofeng sneered, would he not have tried his own god, Pill Fire, the formidable power in this brutal beast?

Qin Shaofeng not only tried it, but also knew very well that even his own god, Pill Fire, was suppressed in this brutal world, barely equivalent to 20% of the formidable power of the flourishing period.

His God’s Pill Fire is all the same, so is Fan Haitong’s fan fire still okay?

Qin Shaofeng does not believe that the fan fire owned by Fan Haitong can be compared with his god Pill Fire.

Sure enough, when the fire snake was approaching Qin Shaofeng, Qin Shaofeng immediately felt it. The fire snake condensed by the fan fire of Fan Haitong, simply had no formidable power at all.

and so……


In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng just waved his hand gently and arbitrarily struck a strong wind, and gave Fan Haitong a confident blow to disappeared.

“Oh, this is the bloodline flame of your fan tribe? Not so good!”

“How can it be?”

Seeing such a scene, Fan Haitong’s eyes widened and he looked like he had suffered a huge blow.

Fan Haitong is extremely proud of the fan Huo he owns, but he is proud of his strongest capital.

But now his strongest capital is so easily broken up by Qin Shaofeng.

Facing such a result, Fan Haitong simply couldn’t accept it!

At this time, the middle-aged man who had not taken action or acted suddenly spoke out.

“Little Young Master, do n’t be fooled by this Qin Shaofeng, this brutal beast also has a strong suppression on my family’s Bloodline flame!”

Qin Shaofeng has noticed this middle-aged man for a long time. Although Qin Shaofeng doesn’t know how high the middle-aged man’s actual cultivation base is, he is definitely stronger than Fan Haitong.

Because Qin Shaofeng can feel it, under the suppression of this brutal beast, the middle-aged man feels aura of threat to him.

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