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Chapter 1395

10 Skill Points and 100,000 system Exchange Points are so simple to get.

This suddenly made Qin Shaofeng feel that this so-called ‘mysterious award’ was really a big reward.

Most importantly, the ‘infinite killings’ inspired by this seem to unlock infinite stars.

Of course, this infinite unlock of stars is probably not realistic, because this mission is only given to Qin Shaofeng for 3 months.

“Is it only 3 months?”

Staring at the information on the property interface, Qin Shaofeng flashed a bright light in his eyes: “It’s okay, although there is a time limit, but if I am fast, then it can unlock a lot of stars in 3 months!”

Before thinking of this, Qin Shaofeng naturally wanted to start hunting wild animals immediately.

It’s not the first time Qin Shaofeng has met words like the brute.

Qin Shaofeng remembers that before entering the Antiquity Saint Domain, he had encountered brutal beasts in the Special Domain of Origin Continent.

However, compared with the wild beasts in the wild beast world, simply the wild beasts in that region are simply not wild beasts, at most they have the same name.

However, Qin Shaofeng still found out that the Special Domain space zone on the Origin Continent at first seemed to be somewhat similar to the brutal beast world. It was a space based on strength, and other strengths were suppressed.

“Perhaps, that region has also been affected by some of the brutal world!”

In the end, Qin Shaofeng could only guess like this.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng encountered a new problem, such as in the Antiquity Saint Domain, in general, people who have a cultivation base less than Nirvana Realm, or even those who have not cultivated a Power of Laws, are unable to make a spatial flight.

But even if Nirvana Realm expert who cultivated Power of Laws can spatial flight, it is only for short distance flight.

Power of Laws is too strong and stressful.

In Antiquity Saint Domain, you can really do it. Those who fly freely are probably the only powerhouse in the Ruler realm.

Even the more powerful Ruler, even if it is only the Ruler Realm First Step Realm, can break the instant movement.

But at this moment, feeling the pressure from all around, Qin Shaofeng was in distress.

Even if he owns Divine Demon’s Power, he cannot completely get rid of the oppression of this brutal beast.

Qin Shaofeng secretly guessed that in this brutal beast world, only by resisting the suppression of the brutal beast world can he barely fly.

But if you want to fly at a high altitude for a long time, this may be difficult. The strongest Qin Shaofeng is now absolutely impossible.

As for this kind of repression, if you want to make an instant movement, Qin Shaofeng estimates that Ruler Supreme is here, and maybe it can be done, even Supreme Ruler.

Because only the existence of Ruler Supreme with the Dao Foundation can completely resist the suppression of this brutal beast. Otherwise, the higher the cultivation base, the more difficult it will be in this brutal beast!

Feeling the strength of this brutal beast, Qin Shaofeng took a deep breath.

Despite the pressure, Qin Shaofeng is able to resume some actions with Divine Demon’s Power, which is much better than others.

And Qin Shaofeng also had a speculation in his mind. If he has been in this brute beast for a long time, I am afraid he can adapt to the environment here, and then a stronger strength will erupt.

“Well, although I can’t fly, there should be no problem when I run!”


The next moment, Qin Shaofeng turned into a shadow, and began to run wild on the ground.

Because of the relationship with Divine Demon’s Power, although Qin Shaofeng is still suppressed by this brutal beast, but only by virtue of physical strength, there is no burden on it.

With Qin Shaofeng current realm, even if it’s pure running, the speed is quite equivalent.

It was only for a short while that Qin Shaofeng made several dozen li, which was the result of deliberate suppression by Qin Shaofeng.

Because Divine Demon’s Power is needed to resist the suppression of the brutal beast, Qin Shaofeng now consumes Divine Demon’s Power within the body every moment.

However, these costs are enough to allow Qin Shaofeng’s Fiendgod body refinement Dafa’s healing ability to be completely restored.

Therefore, as long as Qin Shaofeng does not run at full speed, his Divine Demon’s Power within the body can always remain full.


Qin Shaofeng, who was running at a constant speed, suddenly felt what the whole man stopped suddenly.

“The feeling is …”

With his eyes flashing, Qin Shaofeng rejoiced, because he felt a familiar connection at the moment.

This connection is very unique, it is the connection between his Qin Shaofeng and his own peerage.

After being transformed by Super Evil Pieces, it becomes Qin Shaofeng’s peerage, which allows Qin Shaofeng to sense the position of the peerage at any time, and has a special connection with all peerages.

However, this connection is just a feeling and has scope.

If this is beyond a certain range, Qin Shaofeng will not feel the position of his peerage. The most feeling is only the life and death of his peerage that’s all.

But in this brief moment, Qin Shaofeng clearly felt that he was a peerage.

“It’s Old Tang!”

After a close induction, Qin Shaofeng finally confirmed that this is the aura of Tang Qijian.


Without hesitation, next moment, Qin Shaofeng ran to the place where the induction Tang Qijian was located.

The brutal animal kingdom is very big, Qin Shaofeng simply doesn’t know, the specific range of this brutal animal kingdom.

Even the organizer of the all-round competition only introduced a rough idea to the brutal beast world. The only thing that can be confirmed is that they will give Qin Shaofeng their contestant to teleport to the safe area of ​​the brutal beast world.

This so-called savage beast security zone is actually an area where savage beasts rarely appear, and even if there are savage beasts, there are at most some 2-3 Star-level savage beasts.

But this so-called Safety Sector domain is already a huge area.

According to the organizer of the all-around competition, this Safety Sector area spans more than millions li, which is a very huge area.

The entire security zone is only a very small part of the brutal beast world. It can be seen how huge the real brutal beast world is.

Although Qin Shaofeng sensed Tang Qijian’s location, it was still a little far from him.

However, Qin Shaofeng went well all the way, without suffering any brutal beasts.

Qin Shaofeng was a bit disappointed, because if some wild beasts appeared, let him kill them!

Let’s make the ‘Infinite Kill’ 1 Star stage mission more or less complete it!

Unfortunately, until Qin Shaofeng found Tang Qijian, let alone a wild animal, Qin Shaofeng did not see it.

“Boss !?”

Immediately when Qin Shaofeng appeared, Tang Qijian noticed it and was surprised.

Qin Shaofeng, the Devil King and its peerage, can only be sensed by Qin Shaofeng. Peerages like Tang Qijian cannot sense the presence of Qin Shaofeng.

However, if it is close enough, Tang Qijian can sense the presence of Du Meng.

There is some sensory connection in peerage!

“Old Tang!”

Qin Shaofeng smiled in surprise, stepped over and came to Tang Qijian in an instant.

This scene fell into Tang Qijian’s eyes and made him shrink. He was shocked. Obviously, Qin Shaofeng had such a speed in this wild animal world.

However, soon Tang Qijian came back to his senses.

It ’s not Boss, it ’s really powerful. Even the brutal animal world can suppress the strength of Boss ’strength!

Qin Shaofeng didn’t know what Tang Qijian was thinking, but after coming to Tang Qijian, Qin Shaofeng immediately noticed that Tang Qijian had not completely got rid of the oppression of this brutal world at this moment.

Now Tang Qijian is still in a state of inadequacy. Although he has not lost his ability to move, he cannot play much strength.

“What? Is it a lot of pressure?” Qin Shaofeng eyebrows slightly frowned.

“En!” Tang Qijian nodded, but soon opened the mouth and said, “But it doesn’t matter, although Power of Laws was suppressed, my Sword Dao is still there!”

Speaking, Tang Qijian right hand stretched out and snorted, and the long sword on his back came out of the sheath instantly and fell into his hands.

At the next moment, Tang Qijian held up the long sword in his hand and waved it so lightly towards the direction in front of him.


A pale white Sword Qi was instantly chopped out by Tang Qijian, crushing a giant stone in front!

formidable power

Seeing Sword Qi cut out by Tang Qijian, Qin Shaofeng was also surprised.

Because Tang Qijian’s formidable power, although not as strong as his flourishing period, it is also close to the strength of Nirvana Realm Peak Realm.

If you are adapting Tang Qijian in this brutal world for a while, I am afraid that his Sword Qi slash can become more powerful.

The brutal world suppressed Tang Qijian’s strength and his Power of Laws, but did not suppress his Sword Dao.

This is great news for Tang Qijian!

“Yes, Not Bad!”

Qin Shaofeng nodded, and then said to Tang Qijian: “However, you still put on the Black Tortoise battle armor now, using the Black Tortoise battle armor in this wild animal world does not affect your tempering fleshy body!”

When Tang Qijian was discovered, Qin Shaofeng discovered that the other party was not at all and put on his refining Black Tortoise battle armor.

Qin Shaofeng knows Tang Qijian’s intention. If he puts on the Black Tortoise battle armor, he can indeed completely resist the suppression strength of this brutal beast.

However, if the physical body is brought into direct contact with the suppression strength of the brutal beast, in this way, the physical body will gradually improve.

Because of this improvement, it is a big benefit for the brutal beast world.

If the person with weak body strength is poor, stay here for a year and a half, I am afraid that after returning, the body can be regularized.

Although Tang Qijian’s fleshhy body is not really bad, compared with Du Meng, Tang Qijian’s fleshhy body is much worse.

I’m afraid Tang Qijian has also noticed immediately that this brutal beast can play an invisible tempering on his fleshhy body and will be greatly improved.

After all, there is a Black Tortoise battle armor, the effect of the tempering fleshy body is not so great, and the speed will definitely be greatly reduced.

Therefore, Tang Qijian was not at first, so he wore the Black Tortoise battle armor on his body.

If not, there is a Black Tortoise battle armor in it, Tang Qijian is probably free to act long ago, and a lot of battle strength can erupt.

However, this situation is not the best time to temper fleshy body, so Qin Shaofeng suggested Tang Qijian to wear Black Tortoise battle armor.

As for his own words, Qin Shaofeng does not plan to put on the Black Tortoise battle armor now, because he can now burst out a certain battle strength, at least even if he encounters some weak midrange beasts, Qin Shaofeng is not Scared.

But Tang Qijian is different. Without the assistance of the Black Tortoise battle armor to help him offset the suppression from the brutal beast, he can only use very little strength now.

Like the sword just now, although the formidable power is good, it can at most be able to kill some 2 3 Star-level lower beasts, and even higher lower-level beasts, Tang Qijian can’t help it.

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