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Chapter 1385: Decathlon Completion

When Qin Shaofeng saw ten 9-turn brute force dans and passed the request for pill refining competition 3rd Stage, many people were silent.

Because at this time, many people gave subconscious glances at others.

Well, most of them are still fucking at the 1st Stage to refine Three Revolutions!

So far the fastest, er, the fastest except Qin Shaofeng, this fastest is Ling Young Master.

Ling Young Master has passed the 1st stage, and is still in the 2nd stage at refining Six Revolutions.

But with 2 10000 copies of Six Revolutions’ Medicinal herb, the Ling Young Master has now refining less than 3000 copies.

This gap…

It’s quite disparate!

To be honest, when the Young Master entered the pill refining competition and arranged the sound insulation Formula, everyone outside could see it.

And many people have also guessed wrong. The reason for Ling Young Master to do so is to eliminate the distractions, wholeheartedly refining Brute Dan, and strive for 1st place!

But now many people can’t bear it when they see this situation.

Working so hard, it is logical that the Young Master can get the 1st place of this pill refining competition.

But this fucking came out with a Qin Shaofeng, Ling Young Master’s effort, always makes people feel a bit wrong.

Not a level at all!

Looking at Ling Young Master, I can’t bear to hear things outside the window, and I just pill refining.

And the most frustrating thing is, Qin Shaofeng’s next move.

Qin Shaofeng’s requirements for the three stages of pill refining competition have already been completed after one after another. Then Qin Shaofeng should mainly use points to refining Brulee.

Now no one has calculated Qin Shaofeng’s points, because in the eyes of everyone, it is a foregone conclusion that this calculation is not calculated.

Even some people have completely abandoned Qin Shaofeng, to calculate other people’s points, and see who can hope to compete for the 2nd place of this time pill refining competition.

However, everyone still has a bit of conjecture about what level of brute force Qin Shaofeng chooses to refining next.

Is Six Revolutions Brute Forced?

Or 7 or 8 turns?

According to the pill refining level currently exhibited by Qin Shaofeng, he even has a success rate of about 100% for Refining Six Revolutions, so choosing Six Revolutions is the most basic.

A Six Revolutions brute force Dan has 30 points, Qin Shaofeng can refining 100 in one furnace, that is 3000 points.

From this point of view, Qin Shaofeng’s choice of refining Six Revolutions is quite advantageous.

However, many people have speculated that Qin Shaofeng cannot choose Six Revolutions Brute force. He can refining 9 9 to Brulee at one time, I am afraid that he can refining 100 7 to Brulee at one time, or 8 Turn brute force Dan.

Therefore, many people speculate that Qin Shaofeng should choose refining 7 to barbarian, or 8 to barbarian.

7 Zhuan Li Li Dan one but 100 Points, if a furnace 100, that would be 10,000 points.

8 If you turn to Brulee, that’s even more, it’s 310,000 points directly!

But when I saw Qin Shaofeng choosing refining elixir, many people were sucking in a breath of cold air.

I drop a god!

9 Turn to Brute Force!

That’s right, Qin Shaofeng next chooses the refining elixir, which is 9 Zhuan Ruili Dan, and all of them are 9 Zhuan Ruili Dan, he does not plan to refining other starred Ruan Li Dan.

Others don’t know how many Qin Shaofeng received 9 Star-rated medicinal herbs, but if they knew, they would think Qin Shaofeng was crazy.

After passing the requirements of the three stages of pill refining competition, it is possible to refining other star medicinal herbs to earn points and get good results.

But this refining medicinal herb is not something you can get casually. It needs to be exchanged for the points you have earned.

Only by consuming points can you choose to continue refining Brute Force.

In this case, if the points are exchanged for the medicinal herb, if there are too many failures in the end, you may not earn points, but you will lose points!

But Qin Shaofeng didn’t have such a worry, he directly replaced all his points with that, and refining 9 to Manlidan’s medicinal herb.

Well, that’s all the points.

Even the referee who specifically exchanged for the medicinal herb learned Qin Shaofeng’s request, and looked at Qin Shaofeng with a look of ashamedness, unable to say a word.

But no one knows that this time Qin Shaofeng intends to be ‘full and private.’

Because after refining 9 turns of brute force, Qin Shaofeng found that this thing was a good thing.

Although it can only increase pure physical strength, if used properly, this is also an absolute good thing.

And for some reason, Qin Shaofeng always felt that it was a good thing to reserve some 9-turn brute force tanks now.

Besides, this is a good opportunity to get 9 Stars for free, how can Qin Shaofeng miss it!

If you let others know that Qin Shaofeng has such a thought in his heart, I’m afraid it will collapse.

Actually such a pill refining competition as an opportunity to earn elixir?

But Qin Shaofeng thought so, and also planned to do just that.

In Qin Shaofeng’s opinion, as long as he handed over the 1-turn brute force that would earn him pill refining competition 9st place points, that wouldn’t be a problem.

In this case, the extra 9 turns of brute force dan, he put away himself.

There is no regulation for pill refining competition, contestants cannot take these brute force dan.

This is true. There is no such requirement for pill refining competition, but I am afraid that no contestant would think of such a thing.

Because the contestant participating in the competition is now trying to get more points!

It’s not that no one has paid attention to the brute force, but in the eyes of most contestants, the brute force is not a good thing. It might as well be used to exchange points for better items!


A 9-turn brute force Dan at this time pill refining competition, but can get 500 Points.

Qin Shaofeng also didn’t know how many 9-turn brute force he refining in the next time.

Just wait until the end of the contest, Qin Shaofeng’s final score is more than 3 million points.

The Spirit Young Master at 2nd place is also more than 300 10000, but the Spirit Young Master’s points have just passed a little over 3,000,000, which is a dozen or less 200,000 less than Qin Shaofeng.

This is still deliberately Qin Shaofeng, but just handed over part of the 9-turn brute force dan, and more 9-turn brute force danke has been collected by Qin Shaofeng himself.

And at this time pill refining competition, Qin Shaofeng and Ling Young Master are the two with 3,000,000 points.

As everyone guessed, if there is no Qin Shaofeng, Ling Young Master is the 1st place of pill refining competition.

It is worth mentioning that when it was requested through the three stages of pill refining competition, Ling Young Master dissipated his sound insulation Formula for the first time.

Because he needs to go to his own points in exchange for more medicinal herb refining.

Then, also at that time, the Ling Young Master discovered something that made him somewhat unacceptable, that is, he had just passed the requirements of the three stages of pill refining competition. The stage was not required by Qin Shaofeng, it was actually more than 3 days ahead of him.


However, it also seemed to be stimulated by Qin Shaofeng. In the next time, the Ling Young Master was more attentive and faster when he refining Brute Force.

Otherwise, he would not be able to score more than 3 million points in the end.

Do you know that the 3rd place contestant Gubo behind him and Qin Shaofeng also earned 2 100 70 more than 10,000 points!

I don’t know, it is also because of this, which made Qin Shaofeng hate the Spirit Young Master, but hated it.

“Dam, this Spirit Young Master, what are you doing to fucking so hard? Isn’t your whole 2 100 700,000-800,000 points just fine? In this case, it will be enough to get 2 100 9 100,000 Points!”

“But fucking now has 3 100,000 more points!”

“300,000! How many 9-turn brute force tanks are there for this!”

Qin Shaofeng is very unhappy, because he hurts the 3-turn brute force that is worth 100,000 9 Points.


However, this heartache didn’t last long, and Qin Shaofeng’s heart was cheered up again.

Because of the long-awaited system prompt, he finally appeared.

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng took the pill refining competition project in the ‘Capability Domain’ of the all-round competition, and won 1st place with a total score of 1st place, and won 1st place for ten projects in the pill refining competition. Smooth. Complete the ‘Almighty Champion’ 7th Stage mission ‘Decathlon’! “

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng completed the 7th Stage mission ‘Decathlon’ and won 50 Skill Points and 1 million system exchange points, and a special item Fiendgod copy card! ‘All-around Champion’ 8th Stage Mission Opened ! “

“Hahaha, it’s finally done!”

When system sounded, Qin Shaofeng felt ecstatic.

Then Qin Shaofeng couldn’t wait to open the system interface and started to look at his attributes.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Nirvana Realm Peak

Exp Points: 100%

Profession: Devil King

Law Core: 1000/1000 (converted to Divine Demon’s Power)

Innate Spirit Root: The Body of Fiendgod

Skills: King’s Blessing, Eye of Fiendgod, Fiendgod Pill Scripture, Fiendgod body refinement, Dafa, Fiendgod copy

special skill: Planting Technique

Familiar: Gong Qingzi, Leng Yaxuan

Equipment: Nine Profound Sacred Sword, Flying Feather Blade, Magic Cloud

Mission: Leveling Mission, All-around Champion (8th Stage)

Skill Point: 73

system Exchange Points: 1356600

Items: Infinite Resurrection (Card), Fiendgod Copy Card (Card)

Peerage: Meng Xin’er, Qin Yue’er, Zhao Yun’er, Bai Xue, Geng Qiutong, Lian Yufeng, Tang Qijian, Du Meng, Hu Ye, Xiang Chengfeng, world avatar, Yan Yang (indestructible avatar), cold Relentless (Indestructible Incarnation)


Skill Point 73 points!

system Exchange Points 1356600!

Seeing these two numbers, Qin Shaofeng felt a surprise in his mind.

Finally, there is Skill Point, to upgrade the eyes of Fiendgod.

And there are so many System Exchange Points, which is also a good thing!

Qin Shaofeng now plans to store a large number of system Exchange Points, because he still has a special system redemption opportunity!

Special system redemption opportunity once: After using this opportunity, you can refresh it ten times in a row at the System Store purchase interface for free. Players can then freely redeem any one of them from all the ten refreshes.

This special system redemption opportunity, but can refresh the System Store interface ten times, and select a super cool reward for free from 100 items.

And the most important thing is that before using free selection, this 100 kinds of products will not be refreshed. Qin Shaofeng can completely purchase some products with system Exchange Points, and then use the freely selected quota.

So, for Qin Shaofeng right now, the most important thing is to satiate system Exchange Points. When the time comes, it won’t be a good commodity, but he doesn’t have system Exchange Points.

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