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Chapter 1383 Slow?

Watching Qin Shaofeng refining the Six Revolutions brute force, and the furnace was 100 fucking, the crowd outside the stadium was stunned.

This is too fast!

Qin Shaofeng can get 15 copies of Six Revolutions’ Medicinal herb in almost 100 minutes, and refining these Medicinal Herbs into Elixir.

15 minutes 100?

Alas, what hour is this hour?

Oh, it’s 4 quarters!

Alas, when does this day come?

Oh, it looks like ten or two!

That way …


Because at this speed, Qin Shaofeng can refining Six Revolutions brute force 2 times at 48 hours at 48 o’clock a day.

A furnace of 100, 48 times will fucking 4800!

One day, 4000 8!

In 2 days, well, 9000 6!

In this way, the pass condition of the pill refining competition 2nd Stage, Qin Shaofeng can pass in a little more than 2 days?

And these 2 10000 medicinal herbs, that is, 5 days plus 2 hours?

Seeing such a situation, everyone was completely stupid and no longer knew what to say.

What makes them extremely speechless is that Qin Shaofeng refining Six Revolutions seems to be accelerating.

It seems that Qin Shaofeng does not need 5 days to refining 2 copies of Six Revolutions Medicinal herb.

Many people are not calm this time.

Because according to this situation, I am afraid that most contestants, even the 1 copies of Three Revolutions Manalidan ’s medicinal herb, have not been refining, and Qin Shaofeng has begun to refining 300,000 to Manalidan.

In fact, this is really the case.

Because on the fifth day that Qin Shaofeng started to refining Six Revolutions Manalitan, Qin Shaofeng gave 5 copies of Six Revolutions Manalidan medicinal herb to refining.

In the end, except for the one-time failure, all the Medicinal herbs of Six Revolutions were refining by Qin Shaofeng.

2 10000 copies failed 100 copies, this success rate is as high as 100% 99 points 5!

This can already be regarded as 100%!

At this time, the fastest Spirit Young Master began to refining Six Revolutions Brute Force.

And Ling Young Master is not like Qin Shaofeng, one furnace at a time is 100.

Ling Young Master refining one furnace of Six Revolutions at a time, the maximum is 20-30 pieces in one furnace!

And even then, the success rate of the Young Master refining Six Revolutions was only 90%.

90%, this is actually very high!

After all, this is a 6-star elixir!

Under normal circumstances, there are already a large number of people at this time, because of the high success rate of the Spirit Young Master and the situation of refining 23 Six Revolutions brute force at one time, it has begun to cheer.

But under Qin Shaofeng’s extremely ‘dazzling’ results, Ling Young Master’s very good results can be considered overshadowed.

In fact, at this moment, many contestants on the field are not isolated from the outside world. When they saw such a refining brute force, many people were stupid.

Because they suddenly felt that in fact the pill refining competition at this time had already had a very obvious result.

That is the 1st place of this time pill refining competition.

According to the current situation, it is difficult for everyone to imagine that there will be a contestant with more points than Qin Shaofeng.

Because Eindoer-like refining brute force like Qin Shaofeng, but it made countless contestants on the field feel the deep despair and the absolute maliciousness.

This Qin Shaofeng is definitely intentional, and that’s intentional to hit people.

There are more than two contestants with such ideas, but many.

Therefore, I am afraid that this 1st place has already been decided by Qin Shaofeng.

Many Alchemist with a good strength, seeing this situation, subconsciously excluded Qin Shaofeng, aiming for 2nd place.

Ling Young Master refining The speed of Brute Force, although it is also difficult, but not enough to make people feel hopeless, there is still a chance to catch up.

People outside the field, including those in the special space Ruler Supreme, actually think so.

This time pill refining competition, 1st place is probably Qin Shaofeng’s.

Well, Bai Lao, the white emperor Sir, started laughing heartily again at that moment, so proud of his face that many Ruler Supremes present wanted to punch fiercely.

Look at you proud, isn’t it a good disciple?


However, Ruler Supremes with this idea have a sour taste in their hearts.

Who doesn’t like disciples like Qin Shaofeng?

Who doesn’t want it?

But let this white emperor disrespectful, pick up a big cheap, this is really eyeless!


After Six Revolutions Manalidan’s medicinal herb refining was finished, Qin Shaofeng began to refining 9 to Manalidan.

Many people are excited at this time.

Because this time is refining 9 Star-level 9-turn brute force, will Qin Shaofeng still refining a bunch of medicinal herbs?

Or maybe this guy might throw ten or nine 5-to-barrel medicinal herbs into the pill refining furnace.

However, these people think more about this time.

Qin Shaofeng, no matter how confident he is, it is impossible to refining all the 9-turn Brutalan medicinal herbs at once.

Even Qin Shaofeng didn’t plan to put more medicinal herb directly. He just took out a 9-turn brute force medicinal herb and put it into the pill refining furnace. Not at all I planned to add more medicinal herb.

Seeing this scene, many people showed a touch of disappointment.

Alas, why not invest all in and refining all at once?

However, no one is completely stupid in the end, and after being disappointed, he also knows that this is natural.

Not to mention Qin Shaofeng, even some Alchemy Techniques of 8 Star level 9 Star level, when refining 9 Star level elixir, they are refining one by one.

9 Star-level elixir, but they are all extremely powerful elixir, with very powerful effects.

It is precisely because of this, that 9-star elixir is very difficult to refining.

The conditions for becoming a 9 Star Alchemist are also the most concise among the stars.

After refining ten different types of 9 Star-grade elixir, you can become a 9 Star-grade Alchemist.

Although the conditions are simple, it is very difficult to achieve.

9 Star-grade elixir is difficult to get by Pill Recipe alone, and even if you have Pill Fire, it is a big problem to get 9 Star-rated medicinal herb.

However, these are secondary, and the most important thing is whether you can successfully refining the elixir.

It is difficult to successfully refining 9-star elixir, usually some 8-star Peak Alchemist, the success rate of refining 9-star grade rarely exceeds 30%.

This is the case for one piece, so if two or more pieces are refining together, the difficulty is definitely doubled.

If it weren’t for Qin Shaofeng refining Six Revolutions, a refining of 100 furnaces at a time, I am afraid that no one thinks that Qin Shaofeng will invest several or even all of the medicinal herb when refining 9 to refining.

This is purely misleading!

But in fact, Qin Shaofeng refining 9 to Brutalam one at a time, this is really the normal thing.

However, we don’t know. In fact, if it hasn’t been refining the 9-turn brute force, or even the 7 Star-level elixir hasn’t been refining, I’m afraid Qin Shaofeng is really very likely to use all the medicinal herb Throw into the pill refining furnace.

Qin Shaofeng was careful because he failed to refining 100 copies of Six Revolutions Manalidan for the first time.

No way, this is not careless!

Who calls this 9-star 9-turn brute force medicinal herb? Trifling 5 copies, not many.

If this is a one-time fried dan, then this time pill refining competition will be completely dead.

At this point, the ‘Almighty Champion’ mission 7th Stage ‘Decathlon’ is about to be reached. How could Qin Shaofeng be in this brief moment and go careless?

Be sure to be careful!


God’s Pill Fire emerges, wrapping the entire pill refining furnace, or the medicinal herb in refining.

After a star upgrade, Qin Shaofeng discovered that the 6-star Fiendgod Pill Scripture, the god of Pill Fire, can already enter it through the pill refining furnace and directly refine the medicinal herb itself.

In this way, the speed of refining will naturally be faster, and the speed of refining impurities during refining will also be accelerated.

But this 9-turn brute force is always a 9-star elixir, and the required medicinal herb is not simple.

Although it is Qin Shaofeng’s current Pill Fire, it has been refining for a full hour, so the medicinal herb in it is refined into a medicinal liquid!

And this is just the medicinal liquid. Qin Shaofeng feels very clear. The medicinal liquid after refining still has a lot of impurities.

This also needs to continue to temper the medical liquid with the Pill Fire of God. Otherwise, there will be too many impurities. When refining 9 turns to brute force, the failure rate is extremely great.

And this tempering took another hour of Qin Shaofeng.

After thoroughly tempering the medicinal liquid until there are no impurities, Qin Shaofeng began to condense this pure medicinal liquid into Dan.

Because the level of medical liquid is too high, it is also difficult to condense.

In the end, it took Qin Shaofeng an hour’s time to pill refining the medicinal liquid in the furnace immediately to condense it into a dan.

Even if it is not this time, because the Fiendgod Pill Scripture has been improved, Qin Shaofeng Inner World’s 1000 star array can be completely maintained, and Qin Shaofeng can fully enter the Supreme Ruler Realm. I am afraid this process will take longer.

Refining for one hour, tempering medicinal liquid for one hour, condensing into Dan is also an hour, and three hours have passed.

But at this time, Qin Shaofeng’s 9-turn brute force has not really succeeded in refining.

Because this is still the last step, that is, the last tempering of the elixir.

Only after the final tempering by Pill Fire can a true refining be successful.

However, with this pill refining medicine, Qin Shaofeng did not use it for another hour. With the strength of the Pill Fire of God, Qin Shaofeng only took 15 minutes to complete this step tempering.


There is no more. Because of the next moment, Qin Shaofeng patted the pill refining furnace, an elixir with strong medicinal properties and a hint of sparkling and translucent glimmer on the surface, flew directly from the pill refining furnace.

9 Turn to Brute Force!

Back and forth, when Qin Shaofeng spent 3 hours and 15 minutes, he refined this 9-turn brute force dan.

In this regard, Qin Shaofeng is very uncomfortable. She gently shook the head and sighed with a sound inaudible to others.

“Well, how long didn’t expect to refining this 9-turn brute force Dan, it seems I’m still worse!”

Fortunately, no one can hear Qin Shaofeng’s sigh at this moment. Otherwise, I am afraid that many people will be depressed and hit the wall.

Because at this moment, it was because Qin Shaofeng spent 3 hours plus 15 minutes to refining the 9-turn brute force, but it caused a lot of sensation!

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