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Chapter 1378: Special Pill Refining Competition

6th place!

This is Qin Shaofeng’s final result in Royal Beast competition.

In fact, at this time, the final top 10 of the Royal Beast competition was Qin Shaofeng, but there were 5 contestants.

The reason why Qin Shaofeng can be ranked in the 6th place is that there are several contestants in the top rankings.

I do n’t know if there are some restrictions on the wild beasts appearing on the Royal Beast competition at this time, or it ’s because the breakthrough is too difficult. Many contestants leveled their wild beasts to the equivalent of Nirvana Realm Peak Realm, and they ca n’t continue to improve.

It’s just Nirvana Realm Peak Realm that can’t continue.

And the contestant who cultivated the wild beast to this Realm has 4 contestants.

The blood-bloomed Qilin Young Master is of course one of them, and Crown Prince, the demon god using the method of raising Monster Race, is also one of them.

Demon Sovereign, I do n’t need to say any more. He uses bloodthirsty great arrays to cultivate wild animals. His speed is the fastest. The first is to level the wild animals to Nirvana Realm Peak Realm.

As for the 4th place contestant, it was unexpected.

Because this 4th place contestant is actually Gubo.

It has to be said that this Gubo has very powerful means. The two time arrays are arranged, and it is also a powerful means to increase the absorption of Power of Laws.

Then, in addition to some promotion methods, Gubo also leveled to Nirvana Realm Peak Realm at the end of the competition.

At first, everyone was more optimistic about the Young Master. This time, he didn’t get a 1st place.

Even the Last Spirit Young Master didn’t even get 2nd place and 3rd place.

Because the Spirit Young Master just cultivated the savage beast he tamed, and cultivated the Nirvana Realm 10th-layer Late Stage Realm.

However, it was also at the end of the competition that he had just brought the tamed beast to Nirvana Realm 10th-layer Late Stage Realm.

This is slightly worse than one of Qilin Clan’s disciples.

Because the other party was constantly bleeding, he almost cultivated his wild animal to Nirvana Realm 10th Layer Peak Realm, so the other party ’s performance was better than Ling Young Master, and he won 3rd place.

As for the 2nd place, it was also speechless, because it was still Qilin Clan’s disciple, and even seemed to be a cousin of Qilin Young Master.

Therefore, because of the power of bloodline, although the cousin of Qilin Young Master is not as good as himself on the cultivation base, the other person almost got 1st place through bloodletting.

However, in the end, it was a little bit worse, just training the beast to Nirvana Realm 10th Layer Peak Realm.

You should know that Nirvana Realm Peak and Nirvana Realm 10th Layer Peak Realm look the same, but in fact Nirvana Realm Peak is the closest to the Ruler Realm.

As for the so-called ‘half-step Ruler’ Realm, in fact, there is little hope to reach the Ruler realm, and then Realm appears.

This is actually similar to the title of Emperor who did not reach the Ruler level after Supreme Ruler 10th-layer. Realm is somewhat similar at this stage.

In general, Ling Young Master was squeezed to 4th place, and there was also a Monster God Palace disciple with him.

As for Qin Shaofeng, it was reduced to 6th place.

After this time competition, all contestant scores have changed a lot.

The first is the Young Master who got 4 points for 7th place at this time, but now it is back to 1st place.

Ling Young Master Total 56 points!

2nd place is that Qin Shaofeng only got 5 points at this time, and the total score is only 55 points.

3rd place is Demon Sovereign.

I have to say that this Demon Sovereign child used the blood evil great array, but got a lot of points for him.

Then there are 54 points for Gubo, 51 points for Qilin Young Master, and 50 points for Monster God Palace Crown Prince.

In these circumstances, the score gap is actually not very large, but if it is really compared, it is still easy to be overtaken.

After all, this time Royal Beast competition is a good example!

And at this time, Qin Shaofeng was a little uneasy.

He is now only 2nd place, and then only artifact refining and pill refining are left, the competition of these two projects.

Although he is confident of winning the first of the two projects, the problem is that if this situation continues to develop, the Ling Young Master also wins the 2st place of the two competitions in succession, then in the end, I am afraid he will only Can be ranked at 2nd place.

However, soon Qin Shaofeng no longer had such concerns.

Because the next competition is pill refining competition, and finally artifact refining competition.

Finally, artifact refining Qin Shaofeng doesn’t know now, but now that I know the content of pill refining competition, Qin Shaofeng is relieved.

Because of pill refining competition, I am afraid it is difficult to have a tie.

Although pill refining competition is also divided into 3 stages, in fact, these stages can be regarded as a stage.

Because three stages are refining three elixir, in fact it can be said to be one elixir.

Because this time pill refining competition, as long as refining one kind of elixir, it is all right, it is brute force.

However, this brute force is a bit special, and there are different grades based on the materials needed for refining.

A 1-star turn of Brulee, to a 9-star level of 9-turn Brulee, each turn is equivalent to a star.

After taking one round of Brutan, you can get twice the strength in one hour. For 2 rounds of Brutan, it is 3x, and Three Revolutions Brutan is 5x stronger.

However, at 4 turns of brute force, the multiplier promoted in strength will be leveled to ten times directly, 5 turns of brute force is 30 times, and Six Revolutions brute force can increase its strength by 50x.

And not only the strength of the multiplier of the strength has been greatly improved. Once the 4 to Six Revolutions brute force take, the status of the strength can be maintained for 3 hours.

Even at the 7-star 7-turn brute force level of 1 Star, it can last for more than a day.

The 7-strength brute force Dan brings an increase in strength, but it is 100 times more!

The 8-star 8-turn brute force Dan is 300 times longer and lasts one day!

The 9-star 9-turn brute force Dan can maintain an increase of 500 times in one day.

However, this brute force can only improve the strength, and other effects, but it is gone.

This is just an elixir that purely enhances strength.

And at this time pill refining competition, what needs to be refining on the 1st Stage is the 3 Star Three Revolutions Brute Force, and the 2nd Stage is the 6 Star Six Revolutions Brute Force.

Finally, what needs to be refining at one stage is 9-turn brute force.

Rather than a pill refining competition, it is better to say that it is a refining competition.

This is not the same as Qin Shaofeng’s thinking, but it is completely different.

At first Qin Shaofeng thought that at this time’s pill refining competition, there would be a lot of refining!

But now it is just refining a panacea.

However, even if it is refining an elixir, it has some conditions.

For example, the 1st Stage needs Refining Three Revolutions, but it needs 100,000 refining to pass.

The 2nd Stage’s Six Revolutions-level Brute Force requires 10000 pieces.

It is the 3-turn brute force on the 9rd Stage, as long as ten pieces need to be refining.

But do n’t look at just the number of ten. After all, it is 9 Star-level elixir. Even if the 9-turn brute force is a 9 Star-level elixir that is relatively easy to refining, that is not to say that refining comes out, then refining can be successful Elixir.

And most importantly, these first to 3rd stage competitions are actually only the most basic requirements for this time pill refining competition.

The final result can not be evaluated by the elixir that needs refining in these three stages.

This time’s pill refining competition, a point-based evaluation appeared.

That is, based on the amount of refining elixir needed to complete the three stages, if you can refining the brute force, you can get Earned Points.

When the competition time is over, the ranking will be based on the number of points. The person with the most points is naturally ranked first.

As for the points obtained, it is determined by the refining brute force star. The points that can be obtained have a direct effect on the effect of brute force.

That is to say, you can get 1 Star with a doubled strength and a brute force, and a refining one is 1 point. Three Revolutions Brute force can increase 5x strength, which is 5 points.

As for the 9-star brute force of 9 Stars, you can also increase the strength by 500 times. Therefore, if you refining one of the 9-turn brute force, you can directly get 500 points.

When I learned that this pill refining competition was actually such a regular competition, Qin Shaofeng thought first.

How do you feel that this time pill refining competition is to catch them as contestants!

Imagine that this time pill refining competition has dozens of 1000000 million outstanding contestants participating.

Each of them is refining 100, that’s 100000000 million pills.

And to be honest, the 9-star 9-turn brute force Dan will not say, Qin Shaofeng is sure to be able to participate in the contestant of this time pill refining competition, 1 100,000 Star-level Three Revolutions brute force Dan on the 3st Stage, can be completely completed Understand.

This time, there is also a huge array of time on the field of pill refining competition.

Even this array was transferred from 10000 arrays of emperors from his array. Although Time Acceleration is not high, it is only 100 times.

However, the coverage of this array is extremely large, enough for the 1000000 contestants to be used at the same time.

The time for pill refining competition is one day. After 100 times Time Acceleration, that’s 100 days.

For 100 days, it was used to refining 100,000 Three Revolutions brute force. Although it seemed a bit reluctant, I was afraid that all the contestants who participated in the meeting could do it.

This time, pill refining competition, a special case occurred.

Because all the refining is brute force, and there is a point system, there is no so-called first, second, and 2rd stage in the competition process.

In other words, competition at first, contestant can start refining 9 Star-level 9-turn brute force, and then refining Three Revolutions and Six Revolutions. As long as you can follow the required time and complete the three stages of brute force refining.

And even if it can’t be completed, it doesn’t matter.

Because of this time pill refining competition, all contestant points can be obtained by an all-round contest organizer in exchange for some special medicinal herbs or other items.

In fact, with more than 1000000 Alchemist involved, the items purchased by this point are enough to attract a lot of Alchemist.

After all, the organizers of this time, but the high-level leaders of the Antiquity Saint Domain, who have great influences, can they make things simple?

So, the pill refining competition at this time is special!

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