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Chapter 1371 Who Can Break This Fucking!

Qin Shaofeng!

That’s right, this suddenly entered the sixth level, and also quickly surpassed the Demon Sovereign child. The person who broke the formation to clear the seventh level card is Qin Shaofeng!

In fact, when Qin Shaofeng entered the fourth level card, it didn’t take long for the young Master to enter the fourth level card.

When it comes to fourth level cards, in fact, if it is not for the Spirit Young Master to know how to arrange the fifth level array, Qin Shaofeng can reach the sixth level card first.

The reason why the Demon Sovereign child first entered the sixth level card is because the Demon Sovereign child stimulated the blood evil great array and speeded up the blood evil great array’s ability to devour, which made him the first to enter the sixth level card.

If the blood array is not fired, the first person to enter the sixth level is probably Qin Shaofeng.

However, it does not matter, because the Demon Sovereign child also encountered difficulties when he was on the sixth level card.

But Qin Shaofeng does not have it. Although the array of the sixth level card is somewhat copied, for Qin Shaofeng, who has the eyes of Fiendgod, even for complex arrays, he can also use the eyes of Fiendgod to find the weak points, and then Break it.

The array of sixth level cards has not increased much in difficulty, and Qin Shaofeng breaking the formation is naturally fast.

This way, naturally surpasses Demon Sovereign son.

After being overtaken by Qin Shaofeng, Demon Sovereign did not mention how depressed he was.

In his mind, no one can surpass himself, and first enter the seventh level card by himself.

But it’s better now, he just thought so, and someone did it.

This face, the sound of that bang is called directly!

At the same time, this also caused Demon Sovereign to have a fire in his heart, and he quickly inspired the blood evil great array again.

This time fires, but consumes the strength of the blood array great array itself, and it is very powerful after the fire.

However, it is precisely because of this, that his blood swallows the great array of swallowing speed, and once again gains a lot of improvement.

In such cases, Demon Sovereign is confident to catch up with each other.

Because he believes that no matter who this person surpasses him, the other party absolutely uses some means, and he is even more convinced that such means cannot be maintained for a long time.

The opponent will definitely stop, when the time comes with the formidable power of the great array of his blood, he can definitely catch up with the opponent.

But Demon Sovereign didn’t know, his hopes were lost.

Because Qin Shaofeng did not use any means, he now relies on 7 Star-level Formula Dao Grandmaster Realm, purely his own ability.

And even with the strength of the Eye of Fiendgod, Qin Shaofeng now only opens the Eye of Fiendgod, instead of using the Fiendgod state, but it can always be maintained like this.

And this is only the situation now, and soon Qin Shaofeng’s breaking the formation speed will increase once more.

The reason is simple. This is all because Qin Shaofeng’s Formation Dao Realm is about to break through again.

Qin Shaofeng is now a 7 Star Level Formation Dao Grandmaster. If it breaks through again, it is an 8 Star Level Formation Dao Grandmaster.

Qin Shaofeng was inspired by this array of tower Fifth Layer levels.

While breaking the formation, Qin Shaofeng was able to absorb a lot of Formation Dao knowledge.

In particular, the array of the Fifth Layer of this tower was originally a 9 Star-level array, but it was only a powerful means of 10000 arrays of emperors to give it a 5-Star-level combination array.

But in the final analysis, these arrays still belong to the range of 9 Star. In the process of breaking the formation, Qin Shaofeng has really gained a lot, even Qin Shaofeng feels that he has made a lot of money.

Because these arrays were originally 9 Star-level arrays, according to normal circumstances, it is not that he can now break the formation.

Even if it can break the formation, it will take a long time.

A few more than 20 years, as many as 100 years, and may not be successful.

But now, these 9 Star-level arrays are arranged by 10000 arrays of emperors into 5 Star-level arrays.

The difficulty has decreased, but the array’s essence is still there. Qin Shaofeng’s harvest is naturally very rich.

Therefore, after 5 such arrays, it is not surprising that Qin Shaofeng breakthrough became an 8 Star-level Formation Dao Grandmaster.

Of course, this is just Qin Shaofeng thinking that’s all.

The 8 Star-level Formation Dao Grandmaster, even 10000 Great Emperors, was fiercely startled.

Even though I had a hunch in my heart, I really felt that when Qin Shaofeng breakthrough became an 8 Star-level Formula Dao Grandmaster, the hearts of 10000 Great Emperors were still very uneasy.

It took him a long time to become an 8 Star-level Formula Dao Grandmaster!

At least it’s more than 1000 years. Even if it’s time under some Time Acceleration, I’m afraid it’s more than 10000 years.

But what about Qin Shaofeng now?

How long did he spend?

After 10000 battles, the emperor thought for a while, but eventually dispelled the idea of ​​understanding in his heart, because he was afraid that he would be hit.

However, in this way, the 10000 battles of the emperor were completely faded, and Qin Shaofeng had to take the last thought of being an apprentice.

Because of this Formation Dao innate talent, Qin Shaofeng simply can not reach him as a teacher, he can quickly reach the Formation Dao Emperor Realm.

In this case, why should he accept Qin Shaofeng as an apprentice?

Of course, the most important thing is that 10000 Great Emperors knew that they could not pass the level of Baidi.


8 Star-level Formula Dao Grandmaster, even if Qin Shaofeng is not Baidi’s discipline, with his current Formula Dao Realm, he can get a good status in 2 halls and 3 cases.

However, Qin Shaofeng was not complacent and continued breaking the formation.

Because Qin Shaofeng found that the array of seventh-level cards is also a 9-Star-level combined great array that evolved from 5 Star-level.

He can still get a lot of inspiration in breaking these arrays, which is very important for Qin Shaofeng.

Because after Qin Shaofeng became an 8-Star Formula Dao Grandmaster, he knew the 1000-star Array he had created before. Even if it is completely consolidated and immobilized, I am afraid that it will be difficult to achieve the Realm that replaces Grand Dao.

Even if it has a strength equivalent to the pattern of Grand Dao, or even a strength beyond the pattern of Grand Dao.

If you want to replace the Grand Dao pattern, it is still a bit impossible.

After all, the pattern of Grand Dao is a cultivator, and after cultivated to Realm, it must be a strong strength certificate after being recognized by Grand Dao Law.

Grand Dao Law’s strength proves that I’m afraid it can’t be done with a merely 1000 star array.

However, the arrays that have been eliminated now have given Qin Shaofeng a lot of inspiration, so Qin Shaofeng wants to eliminate more such arrays, and then obtains a way to perfect the 1000 star array.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng is still rapidly breaking the formation.

Then, it didn’t take long for Qin Shaofeng to destroy the array of seventh level cards.

The seventh level card passed and Qin Shaofeng entered the eighth level card.

It didn’t take long for the Demon Sovereign child, which once again fired on the blood evil great array, and finally came to the seventh level card.

Demon Sovereign does not know how fast his opponent is breaking the formation, but he is convinced that after he re-excites the blood evil great array, he can definitely leave the seventh level card before entering the eighth level card.

But after a while, Demon Sovereign’s face became very ugly again.

Because after he entered the eighth level card, the array tower did not give him feedback. In his opinion, as it should be by rights, he obtained the information of 1st place.

This shows that the opponent is faster than he can enter the eighth level card.

This makes Demon Sovereign very unwilling. He has given up the blood evil great array to devour the array, and the benefits obtained have been converted into the blood evil great array’s ability to devour.

This means that the blood evil great array devours the array, and it has no improvement at all.

But even so, he couldn’t catch up with the opponent.

“Damn, I don’t believe it, I can’t catch up with you!”

Demon Sovereign’s heart burst into flames, and he finally inspired the blood array great array again.


This time, stimulated by the Demon Sovereign, the bloodshake great array shook, and it actually reduced the area by 20% in an instant.

And this reduced area of ​​20% suddenly turned into a surging strength, injected into the blood evil great array, so that the speed of blood evil great array swallowed crazy again.

Then, it didn’t take long for Demon Sovereign to finally pass the eighth level card and enter the ninth level card.

What makes Demon Sovereign almost crazy is that even if he damages the 20% strength of the blood array great array and speeds up the swallowing speed into the ninth level card, he hasn’t got 1st place.

The contestant of the 1st place is already at the ninth level card, or maybe the tenth level card later.

Under such circumstances, Demon Sovereign was greatly hit. He couldn’t figure out what was going on.

How can the opponent have a faster clearance speed than him?

This is impossible!

Yes indeed! This is impossible!

At the same time, the crowd outside the stadium, the same thought in their hearts.

Because they are out of the field, they know the progress of each contestant at this moment.

ninth level card?

tenth level card?

This is Demon Sovereign’s guess on the current progress of the 1st place contestant. It can be contestant off the field. At this moment, they have collectively lost their voice.

Because of Qin Shaofeng at 1st place, simply is not a ninth level card or tenth level in the Fifth Layer of the tower, nor is it in the 11th level behind, not even the Twelfth level.

Because just now, Qin Shaofeng passed the Twelfth checkpoint of the Tower Fifth Layer, and I entered the Tower Sixth Layer!

Sixth Layer, 3rd Stage competition, the last layer of the tower who is opened.

In such a situation, even the 10000-strong Imperial Capital did not expect such a result. This Sixth Layer is only for insurance, which is only open.

But now I don’t want to, this is really used.

However, even if Qin Shaofeng is now an 8 Star-level Formation Dao Grandmaster, the 10000-thousand Emperor is also sure. Qin Shaofeng is in the ten 2 level of the Sixth Layer of the tower. At most, it can destroy the first 3-layers array. The array Qin Shaofeng is absolutely indestructible.

In fact, this is true!

Because the tower ’s Sixth Layer levels are abnormal, Qin Shaofeng does n’t know what to say.

As far as the first array is concerned, in fact Qin Shaofeng recognizes it and even broke it, because the array of Sixth Layer first level cards is the same as the array of Fifth Layer first level cards, which are both Nine by Nine Returns to One. great array.

However, the source array of this Nine by Nine Returns to One has been upgraded by one star, which is already a 6 Star level combination array.

If that’s the case, that’s fine, for Qin Shaofeng, it’s still easy to break.

But beside this Nine by Nine Returns to One source great array, you added 8 more Nine by Nine Returns to One source great array. What does it mean?

The nine Nine by Nine Returns to One original great array can still form a combined array?

And fucking is just a 6-star combo array?

Who can break this fucking!

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