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Chapter 1368 Exaggerating Breaking The Formation Speed

In the 4th Layer space of the tower, Qin Shaofeng finally started breaking the formation again.

Facing the 4st level of the 91th Layer again, Qin Shaofeng felt that the array was a little more complicated before, and it became simpler.

With a wave of hands, Qin Shaofeng broke it down.

If it hadn’t been done before, Qin Shaofeng couldn’t have done it this way. It was so easy and fast to combine the array of the 91st level of this tower, and it was broken like this.

This situation can only explain one problem, that is, Qin Shaofeng’s Formation Dao realm promotion.

Before creating a 1000 star array, Qin Shaofeng tried countless times and failed countless times.

However, during this time of failure, Qin Shaofeng has also accumulated countless EXPs. Otherwise, he would not be able to create a 1000 star array.

Speaking from a certain perspective, the 1000 star array is an array comparable to the One Origin Array, because Qin Shaofeng’s concept of the 1000 star array is the same as the One Origin Array, which can be combined.

After combination, you can have a stronger strength.

Of course, these things can only be said after the 1000 star array is complete.

However, the experience of this time brought EXP, but Qin Shaofeng made a lot of promotion in the Formation Dao realm.

Formation Dao Grandmaster has a ten-star rating, and now Qin Shaofeng has reached the seventh level.

7 Star-level Formula Dao Grandmaster, this is the current Qin Shaofeng’s Formula Dao level.

Even now Qin Shaofeng is not far away from the 8 Star Formation Dao Grandmaster, and Qin Shaofeng is confident that he will promote his Formula Dao realm to 8 Star level on this contest.

7 Star-level Formation Dao Grandmaster, already know the Formation Dao very well, even the entire Antiquity Saint Domain can reach this Realm on the Formation Dao, not many people.

Don’t say anything, just take 2 cases in 3 halls where Qin Shaofeng is located!

As one of the Antiquity Saint Domain 7 great influences, there are 2 halls and 3 cases, but there are countless talents and powerhouses, and the Formation Dao Grandmaster also has a lot.

To say that 7 Star-level Formation Dao Grandmaster, there are 2 cases in 3 halls, but there are only 20-30 that’s all.

Some people say that there are quite a few 20-30, but how big are the 2 cases in the 3 halls?


It’s really big!

Qin Shaofeng learned from Yitai Yi mouth that 2 cases in 3 halls now have countless Small Spaces, which will not be said.

There are a lot of people in these places, such as 2 halls and 3 cases. There are many places that need the Form Dao Grandmaster.

Except for the main temple Long Life Temple, the other mad temples, Sword Sects, formations, and refining sects only have 2 3 7 Star-level Formation Dao Grandmasters.

As for the 8 Star Formula Dao Grandmaster, there are even fewer, only a few.

9 Star-level Formation Dao Grandmaster, if it is not Bai Lao himself, then Palace 2 and 3 factions are only Palace Lord of 9 Star-level Formation Dao Grandmaster, and even the Vice Palace Lord is only 8 Star-level Formation Dao Grandmaster.

So, Qin Shaofeng has now reached the 7 Star Formation Dao Grandmaster, which is already an amazing thing.

For this situation, everyone does not know. Most people saw Qin Shaofeng start breaking the formation quickly, but just thought that Qin Shaofeng had enough rest and started breaking the formation again.

Just this situation has also excited many people.

Because just after such a moment, after Qin Shaofeng broke the 91st level, he successively broke the arrays of the 92nd, 93th, 94th, and 95th levels and came to the 96th level.

Except for the 91st level, the speed of continuously breaking the 4 levels is very fast. In the eyes of everyone in the outside world, Qin Shaofeng completely broke the 4 level array in an instant.

“Haha, here we go, our dark horse killer takes action again!”

“It’s finally started. Qin Shaofeng didn’t let us down. I hope he catches up with the Demon Sovereign!”

“His, breaking the formation is so fast, it’s 97th level in a blink of an eye! This breaking the formation is not slower than the speed of the Demon Sovereign blood array great array devouring!”

“Hopefully, it seems Qin Shaofeng can catch up with that Demon Sovereign!”


Seeing Qin Shaofeng starting to break the formation again quickly, Human Race is the most exciting side, and other races are also very supportive. After all, the blood array great array method of Demon Sovereign is devoured by many people. Not used to it.

But this scene, in the eyes of the ancient Demon Race, is different.

“Damn, why did this Qin Shaofeng start breaking the formation like this again?”

“Hateful, why is this happening again, what exactly is happening with this Human Race, and how can it break the formation so quickly?”

“It must be what secret technique he used, but it doesn’t matter. His secret technique is time limited.”

“Yes, although he is now breaking the formation fast, but he can’t hold it for long. The array of the Fifth Layer of the tower is more difficult to break. Even if this Qin Shaofeng uses the secret technique, it will not break a few levels!”

“Hmph, in the end, our Demon Sovereign son Sir is terrific. It is impossible for Qin Shaofeng to catch up with Demon Sovereign son Sir!”

“Yes, that’s impossible!”



secret technique?

Qin Shaofeng is not using any secret technique now, but by his true standard, 7 Star-level Formula Dao Grandmaster Realm is not fake.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng came to the last level of the 4th Layer of the tower. In the face of this last array, Qin Shaofeng didn’t spend much effort to break it.

Tower 4th Layer 100th Level!


The next moment, Qin Shaofeng entered the Fifth Layer.

“En? Time Acceleration is getting smaller?”

Qin Shaofeng felt immediately when the overall Fifth Layer was immediate. The Time Acceleration of the Fifth Layer of the tower has become smaller.

“It’s only ten times? What’s the matter?”

Soon, Qin Shaofeng felt that this layer of Time Acceleration was only ten times.

However, Qin Shaofeng immediately felt that there were other reasons for this. The most important thing is that it is still on the level array of the Fifth Layer.

All contestants who enter the formation Tower Fifth Layer will get a message from the Tower Fifth Layer.

Qin Shaofeng also got it, and then Qin Shaofeng went understood. This tower ’s Fifth Layer only had ten or two levels.

Although it is only 2 levels, in the face of this first level, Qin Shaofeng knows the 2 levels of the tower ’s Fifth Layer. I ’m afraid it ’s not that easy.

“Didn’t expect is just the first level, and Nine by Nine Returns to One is the great array!”

Looking at the array in front, Qin Shaofeng corner of the mouth slightly raised.

If it was before, Qin Shaofeng still had a headache with this array.

Nine by Nine Returns to One’s original great array is not a simple array, and now this Nine by Nine Returns to One’s original great array is again a 10000 Star level weakened by 5 array emperors.

Although it has weakened on formidable power, in fact, Qin Shaofeng feels that the 5-star Nine by Nine Returns to One source great array is more complicated.

If he had been before, it would take a long time before he could break the Nine by Nine Returns to One source great array.

But now…

“Oh, interesting!”

Qin Shaofeng just smiled a little, and stepped into this great array of Nine by Nine Returns to One.

And stepping into the immediate array of the great array of Nine by Nine Returns to One, Qin Shaofeng realized that this hidden array in the fifth layer space.

At first Qin Shaofeng not at all I sensed this time array, but now Qin Shaofeng knows it, because this time array is connected to the twelve levels of the Fifth Layer of the array. All the arrays are connected and then completely hidden.

This hiding ability is very strong, I am afraid that it is the situation of the 10000 array emperor deliberately. With Qin Shaofeng 7 Star-level Formula Dao Grandmaster Realm, it is only after entering the Nine by Nine Returns to One source great array that the array is discovered. .

After realizing it, Qin Shaofeng immediately opened this time array, and then fully inspired this time array to fully function, and directly obtained 300 times Time Acceleration.

The 300 times of the time array is superimposed on the ten-time Time Acceleration of the Fifth Layer of the array, which is also 3000 times.

And more than that, after exciting the array, Qin Shaofeng got a feedback from the time array.

The approximate meaning of this message is that the 300x acceleration of the time array at this moment is only the most basic doubling situation. This 300x acceleration can also be increased when breaking the formation.

For example, Nin by Nine Returns to One source great array where Qin Shaofeng is now. For every 10% of the breaking the formation of this Nine by Nine Returns to One array, you can get a 100x speedup.

If the entire Nine by Nine Returns to One source great array is destroyed, then the time array can be accelerated to 1300 times!

This 1300 times is superimposed on the Tower Fifth Layer ten times the Time Acceleration, that is 10000 3000 times.

Outside world for one hour, it would be 10000 3000 hours, but this is almost 3 years.

And the most important thing is that the acceleration of the array 1000 3x at this time is not the limit, because after Nine by Nine Returns to One’s original great array, each array can get 10 times every time it is broken by 100%. accelerate.

Breaking an array adds 1000x Time Acceleration, so that time will only increase.

“Well, looking at it like this, I seem to be coming to the Tower Fifth Layer earlier! So many Time Acceleration multipliers can add a lot of time to me.”

Qin Shaofeng snorted softly, and there was a regret in his eyes, but Qin Shaofeng suddenly came to his senses again.

Although he now faces this great array of Nine by Nine Returns to One, breaking the formation is not very troublesome.

But do n’t forget that he is now a 7 Star-level Formula Dao Grandmaster. If it was a 3 Star-level Formula Dao Grandmaster Realm, Qin Shaofeng will probably need a long time to face the Nine by Nine Returns to One source great array. In order to destroy this array.

It may even take longer than the time spent at the Tower 4th Layer 91 level.

So, there are gains and losses, and staying at level 91 for such a long time is not a bad thing for Qin Shaofeng.

After all, that time also made him a 7 Star-level Formula Dao Grandmaster.

How powerful is the 7-star Formula Dao Grandmaster, and how fast is breaking the formation, Qin Shaofeng quickly confirmed this.

After entering the source array of Nine by Nine Returns to One, even if it is 1000 times the time acceleration, Qin Shaofeng only spent one day to break the source array of Nine by Nine Returns to One. Already.

Then Qin Shaofeng entered the second level card.

Such a speed, but stunned everyone.

Although everyone cannot see what method Qin Shaofeng used to break the formation, they can clearly see the information passed by Qin Shaofeng and the information of all arrays of the Fifth Layer of the tower.

So, for Qin Shaofeng’s rapid array of Nine by Nine Returns to One’s original great array, which directly broke things, everyone was shocked.

You know, Qin Shaofeng is honestly breaking the formation, not like the Demon Sovereign child, swallowing with the blood evil great array!

Just simply breaking the formation has this speed, which isn’t this too ridiculous!

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