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Chapter 1345 One Yuan 9 Palace

Well, five!

Looking at the five unary Eight Trigrams Arrays in front of him, Qin Shaofeng expression is free, without a trace of reluctance.

In fact, it is true, because after getting the Fiendgod status enforcement, Qin Shaofeng’s Divine Consciousness has been greatly improved.

Not to mention 5 Eight Trigrams Array, even if there are a dozen or 20 Eight Trigrams Array, that is not a problem.


Under the somewhat surprised eyes of Ruler Supreme, Qin Shaofeng quickly arranged 9 unary Eight Trigrams Array.

Nine unary Eight Trigrams Array, does this Qin Shaofeng want to arrange a unary Nine Palace Array?

Seeing this scene, not to mention the rest of the Ruler Supremes, even Bai Lao was startled.

The only Ruler Supreme who didn’t have any expression, only Celestial Emperor Jiang Hengtian.

However, even at this time, Bai Lao directly denied it in his heart. It is impossible for Qin Shaofeng to arrange the one yuan Nine Palace Array.

Because the one yuan Nine Palace Array requires the Divine Consciousness of Realm’s title, the strong great array method that can be successfully laid out.

Although the Ruler Realm has 3 steps Realm, in fact, after the Rule Step Real Second Ruler Realm reaches Peak, there is a special Realm from the Ruler Supreme of the Third Step Ruler Realm.

This is Emperor’s title Realm, which is another special Realm that Supreme Ruler entered into Ruler Supreme.

It is extremely difficult to achieve this Realm.

Not to mention, the improvement of Divine Consciousness is more difficult than the improvement of cultivation base.

The layout of a yuan Nine Palace Array requires at least this Realm-level Divine Consciousness. Otherwise, it would not be possible to simply arrange it.

Therefore, even if Bai Lao has a strong confidence in Qin Shaofeng, he does not think that Qin Shaofeng can arrange a yuan Nine Palace Array.

Because Bai Lao knew that his little disciple could not have the Divine Consciousness of Realm.

That’s right, Bai Lao didn’t guess wrong at this point.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng’s Divine Consciousness just reached the general Supreme Ruler Realm, which is equivalent to the 7th-8th Layer Supreme Ruler Realm level.

But after the full improvement of Fiendgod status, Qin Shaofeng’s Divine Consciousness has now moved closer to the title of Emperor Realm.

At the moment, with nine unary Eight Trigrams Arrays, Qin Shaofeng still looks like an easy one.

Even when the nine unary Eight Trigrams Arrays were combined to arrange the unary Nine Palace Array, Qin Shaofeng felt that there were still some possibilities in his current state.

However, this may be a bit reluctant.

“No, according to this situation, it is estimated that when I arrange this yuan Nine Palace Array, I’m afraid that simply can’t hold it for long, and the array will crash directly.”

That being the case…

The Yin-Yang Symbol case with two eyes flashed slightly, and the aura of next moment Qin Shaofeng was another change.

Aura weakened a little, but it wasn’t really weakened, it just returned to its previous state that’s all.

Then, Qin Shaofeng’s Divine Consciousness in this brief moment exploded.

Qin Shaofeng concentrated all Fiendgod state enforcement on Divine Consciousness.

Therefore, in this brief moment Qin Shaofeng’s Divine Consciousness has been reached directly. Countless people and even most Supreme Ruler cannot reach the title of Emperor Realm.

That is, at this time, for the 9 unary Eight Trigrams Array to form a unary Nine Palace Array, Qin Shaofeng, who was reluctant, suddenly relaxed.


In the eyes of Ruler Supreme, it is unbelievable. At the moment of the next moment, Qin Shaofeng is directly forming the 9 unary Eight Trigrams Array around him to form a unary Nine Palace Array!

Unary Nine Palace Array is done!


Seeing this scene, these Ruler Supremes didn’t know what to say.

Although at this time the layout competition, because the array needs Divine Consciousness, the great array in the arena has been opened to offset the Nirvana world’s suppression of Divine Consciousness.

But even if Divine Consciousness isn’t suppressed, it still has the cultivation base level limit of Nirvana Realm Peak.

Under such circumstances, Divine Consciousness that exceeds Nirvana Realm Peak Realm, although it is possible, is still affected by some suppression after all.

But now!

It’s incredible that these repressions don’t exist in front of Qin Shaofeng.

And this is not the point. The point is that this Diin Consciousness of Qin Shaofeng isn’t this too ridiculous!

It’s just the cultivation realm of Ruler First Step Realm, but Divine Consciousness has reached the Realm title of Emperor that most Supreme Ruler can’t involve.

What’s happening here?

Such a weird situation, even experienced and knowledgeable Ruler Supremes, have expressed surprise and never seen it.

At the same time, the first contestant that arranged the 2nd Stage through this, finally appeared.

Instead of continuously sacrifice the Demon Sovereign child of the blood array great array, but the spirit Young Master of the 100 spirit great array is originally arranged with the movement technique.

After continuously injecting Power of Laws, the Ling Young Master finally improved the 100 Ling great array by 7 Star.

At this moment, it is 2 hours before the start of the 2nd Stage competition. Less than 3 hours have passed, and the Spiritual Young Master has passed the competition for Rank 1.

Immediately through the competition, Ling Young Master smiled, because after he passed the competition, immediately learned that he was the first contestant to pass.

This means that Qin Shaofeng did not pass.

In the unconsciously, Ling Young Master also did not find that he had treated Qin Shaofeng as a strong opponent.

So after his immediate passing, Ling Young Master wanted to know how Qin Shaofeng is now.

Then, Ling Young Master looked at Qin Shaofeng’s location.

However, when the Ling Young Master opened, he instantly saw the eyes of 2 eyes shrink sharply, and looked extremely horrified.

“Unary Nine Palace Array?”

Seeing the array laid out in front of Qin Shaofeng, Ling Young Master was completely shocked.

As Spirit’s Chosen who can awaken the perfect body of Holy Spirit, the Spirit Young Master naturally knows the existence of the Zhoutian mixed element array, and also knows the various unary arrays composed of the One Origin Array.

But it is also because of knowing and understanding, that is the shock of the stormy sea in his heart at this moment.

Unary Nine Palace Array!

This is a one yuan Nine Palace Array!

Can Qin Shaofeng actually arrange a Nine Palace Array?

Faced with this situation, even the proud Young Master is a little bit ashamed.

To be honest, for this powerful Nine Palace Array’s powerful 6 Star level array, if the Spirit Young Master really wants to arrange it, then he can rely on his perfect Holy Spirit body, plus some special means, but he can barely This meta Nine Palace Array is laid out.

But the premise is that in other places, but not in this all-round competition in Nirvana.

Although the array in the field at this moment has a slight offset against Nirvana’s suppression on Divine Consciousness, no matter what contestant present realm is still suppressed, it is still just Nirvana Realm Peak Realm.

In this case, even if Divine Consciousness is not suppressed, it cannot use its Divine Consciousness freely, like the outside world, to develop a perfect strength.

Outside the Nirvana Realm, the Spiritual Young Master has a way to arrange this meta Nine Palace Array, but in this Nirvana realm, the Spiritual Young Master cannot arrange the meta Nine Palace Array anyway.

Even if it is a unary Eight Trigrams Array, the Ling Young Master has no absolute certainty. After laying it out, he can always maintain the unary Eight Trigrams Array.

But now, he saw it. Qin Shaofeng, who is also a contestant, actually arranged the one yuan Nine Palace Array.

“Didn’t expect this Qin Shaofeng’s Divine Consciousness is so powerful, it is amazing to be able to arrange this yuan Nine Palace Array in the Nirvana World Supreme! And even this Qin Shaofeng still knows the cultivation base of Ruler First Step Realm , Even the Supreme Ruler hasn’t been reached, it’s incredible! “

Ling Young Master muttered to himself, surprised in his eyes.

However, Ling Young Master soon sneered again.

“Oh, this Qin Shaofeng is really asking for trouble. If his Divine Consciousness chooses another array, I am afraid that he has already passed the competition of this 2nd Stage at this moment, but he chose to arrange the One Origin Array!

“The 6 Star-level One Origin Array is also a yuan Nine Palace Array, not a ordinary person can arrange it, but a 7 Star-level one yuan ten-two array, even the powerhouse that generally has the title of emperor. The special 2 Star-level array that was laid out, is he Qin Shaofeng? “

Ling Young Master said he didn’t believe it. Not only him, but people who knew One Origin Array at the scene did not believe that Qin Shaofeng could arrange a 7 Star-level One Origin Array-one yuan ten 2 arrays!

“Hmph, this 2 yuan 2 array, even the white neon dress can not be arranged, unless it is the madman knife emperor of Qin Shaofeng’s 1 Senior Brother is almost the same, he Qin Shaofeng is impossible!”

The Young Master is extremely convinced that even if he sees Qin Shaofeng at this moment, he has already laid out the second unary Nine Palace Array and started to arrange the third unary Nine Palace Array. He also does not believe that Qin Shaofeng can arrange one ten yuan. Dozen.

Even Ling Young Master felt that Qin Shaofeng had no hope, and passed this 2nd Stage competition.

Because there is a very unfavorable factor in the layout of the One Origin Array, that is, if the array collapses, there is some harm to itself.

Divine Consciousness damage, and the higher the One Origin Array star, the more damage.

That’s Heaven’s Chosen like Young Master. When trying to lay out a one-dimensional Nine Palace Array, once it fails, the powerful backlash of that array is simply not something he can afford.

Even if it can be sustained, it is also seriously damaged by Divine Consciousness. Without a period of time, it is impossible to recover.

As long as Qin Shaofeng forcibly arranges a ten yuan 2 array, once the array fails, the backlash from the array may be in danger of death.

Although there is a Ruler Supreme watching here, it is impossible to put Qin Shaofeng in danger.

But Ling Young Master is sure, even if Qin Shaofeng is not at risk of his life, then he has no strength to continue this formation competition.

Even after this competition on the ability domain, whether Qin Shaofeng can participate or not, it is unknown.

Thinking of this, Ling Young Master instead hoped that Qin Shaofeng would continue and arrange this Yuan 2 1 array.

Because once Qin Shaofeng fails, then at this time the ability to compete in the Domain, he will reduce a strong opponent.

This is too good for him to gain the ability to compete in the Domain.

With this in mind, after seeing Qin Shaofeng successfully arrange the third unary Nine Palace Array, Ling Young Master sneered.


Continue to arrange more one yuan Nine Palace Array, and then try to arrange one yuan ten 2 arrays!

Finally, give me a gorgeous failure! Qin Shaofeng!

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